Live From the May Repositioning Cruise

Thanks so much for posting these pictures. It makes our upcoming cruise so much more real. We hope you all have a very MAGICal cruise. May your seas be calm and your skies sunny. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :boat: :boat: :boat:
Verandah Man said:
To help everyone out a bit...Peter is e-mailing these photos to a fellow DIS'er from his cell phone who is downlaoding them and posting them for Peter, that's why they are showing up so fast here on the thread. Peter and Tracy, what a MAGICal idea, and thanks for sharing these pics!!! Can't wait until we can start reading "live reports!!!"

Who would do something like that? :confused3

Like this?

Thanks Tracy, you are a gem for taking on this project with Peter!!!

Kudos to the both of you!!!
GrumpyMom1 said:
We will actually be up in your neighborhood today.
Well wave at us when you drive by Oceanside... Are you going to be with us on the morning of the 28th to GREET the Magic when it arrives?
Shortly we will get into our cabin. Just watching them load all the luggage on the ship.

The navigator is showing highlights from the entire cruise. The new Cinderella show will premiere when we are in Cabo next Thursday.
:sunny: What a fantastic idea, i'm sooo jealous, have a great trip guys, i will be with you every step - in spirit anyway :wave:
this is unbelieveable!!! Thank you Tracy for posting these pictures. We are on the May 28th cruise out of LA (the first one). This is making everything even that more exciting!! Thank you to all onboard who are posting, we appreciate it more than you will ever know!!!

Keep em coming!! Oh, can somebody post what movies are showing onboard?

wow, this is so amazing!! like everyone said, thank you for posting...and "taking us along!!" :flower:
Hello everyone, live from the Magic! Thanks and hugs to Tracy for helping us with all the pictures, and Andy too! We are having a great time so far! Just waiting to head to our room. I think we are going to head to the pool! We promise to keep the pictures coming, Peter is taking one of the Cove Cafe right now! Much more will be coming later, I will update on all that will be going on. There were free drinks and confetti when we boarded, and we had to sign a waiver in case we are filmed on board! Sounds like it is going to be an exciting trip... talk to you all soon!
Yes, thank you for posting. It's such a wonderful opportunity to experience all this through the eyes of someone onboard. Have fun!!! :cool1:
Oooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuu... sounds like you may be in a Disney Cruise Film! How exciting. Thanks so much for taking the time out of your vacation to think of us Land Stuck people who are waiting to board the Magic when you bring her to us. Ya'll are the greatest. God Bless and have a great time!
Wow, that's all I can say. Oh yeah, before my mother cuffs me on the head. Thanks!!!!!!

My gosh...2 pages have been added since I checked in an hour ago! I can tell I am not going to get much done the next 14 days! Thanks for the great live updates and pictures.
This is exciting! LOL! LOVE the ice sculpture. The kids want to see it right now! :) Thanks for making us a part of your adventure. Since we can't be on the ship with you, this is the next best thing.
Peter, you don't realize the "buzz" you have created on these boards.....I've recieved more pm's and e-mails today from disers than I have in the last 6 months......I feel like I am driving over the bridge right now and have the ship in view!!!!!
Kudo's to you guys for this up to the minute reporting! What fun!

The pictures remind me so much of the 10 day we had in December with all the other DISers meeting outside and just enjoying the day. You are in for two weeks of great fun! Hope they don't go too fast.


Tracy - thanks for helping out on the land portion of this project!
Thanks so much for doing this. The pics of the Cove Cafe are great. That is my "happy place". Hello to Ken and Shari who are sailing with you. I am sure they will be at lots of the DIS meets.


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