No threads on the airline decision??? Color me shocked?! (or unaware)

I think it’s a tricky point. If we go back to masks, it will be like putting the genie back in the bottle. As the video posted up-thread stated, none of the mandates were put in place after studies were done. So to ask people to go back, will be an uphill battle for business, transportation, and everyone!
Agree with above. I sympathize with flight crew if another judge rules it has to go into effect. Once you rule, businesses change policy, and it goes into effect, those consumers are not going to easily go "backward." The crew will have WAY more conflict than before. It will not be easy for them.

I do think poster above was correct stating the judge in FL ruled that the mandate was put into place unconstitutionally, as in it should have been done by the legislature, for example. I think this puts the burden on CDC to come forward to Congress (or whoever it is determined) and give them updated info. I believe the first time around was because it was such an emergency that exceptions were made, but now that 2 years have gone by, I think the judge was ruling it needs to go through proper channels.
CDC recommending masks is not a mandate. DOJ is using CDC's recommendation to appeal the ruling of the federal judge in Florida. A return of the mandate won't happen unless they win the appeal or unless the Federal government tries to enact a mandate through a different method.

This has all seemed different once Dr. Wen said on national TV that cloth masks were basically ineffective, and there was no move by the govt. to require KN95 masks or above on transportation.
The current mandate was to expire on May 3, why can't they just let it go? They can encourage people to wear masks, but enough with forcing us to. I hope they don't dig in their heals to keep the sense of power over us.
As I understand it, they're appealing not necessarily to bring to mask mandate back, but to clarify/confirm that the CDC does have the power to issue such a mandate.
As I understand it, they're appealing not necessarily to bring to mask mandate back, but to clarify/confirm that the CDC does have the power to issue such a mandate.
This is how I understand it as well. From what little I’ve read, the CDC did not ask the DOJ to request a stay of the court’s decision as part of the appeal. This indicates there is no real safety concern, and it’s just about power. In my opinion, the CDC should be a respected and unbiased advisor only, and others who clearly do have such power as elected officials should make the necessary mandates. I guess we’ll see how it turns out.
As I understand it, they're appealing not necessarily to bring to mask mandate back, but to clarify/confirm that the CDC does have the power to issue such a mandate.
Going to be very interesting to see what the determination is on if they do hold the authority. No question they have the necessary knowledge to make recommendations. I personally simply do not see how CDC has the authority, but that's me. I'm surprised it took 2 years for someone to legally and formally question it. All this should settle just who would have the authority
As I understand it, they're appealing not necessarily to bring to mask mandate back, but to clarify/confirm that the CDC does have the power to issue such a mandate.
Exactly! Good example: Ebola. Should someone who has Ebola travel to the US, we need a department like the CDC to be able to act quickly and issue mandates so a deadly virus like that won't spread throughout the US. I believe it was 2012 when two travelers from Africa came to this country and had Ebola. Because of the mandates available, the CDC was able to stop that infection from spreading.

This has become less about masks and more about the powers of mandating. Should those powers be removed, the US may open itself to other deadly viruses spreading like wildfire through our country.
As I understand it, they're appealing not necessarily to bring to mask mandate back, but to clarify/confirm that the CDC does have the power to issue such a mandate.

CDC has the power to a certain extent. CDC did that for 2 years. Nobody tried to end that in the beginning, because everything was unknown. However, during those 2 years, CDC should have done studies to see if the mandates work or not and why it should be kept in place (newsflash, ZERO studies were done, ZERO evidence that mask mandates during a flight works).

So after 2 years, the judge only followed the law. If the white house wants to keep the mandate, they should vote it in the congress, and do the right away. They control the house, senate and white house. Just do it if you believe it helps (despite zero studies).

Again, obviously CDC should be able to enact anything for the greater good, specially in the very beginning of any pandemic. However, you need to do science and see if whatever you are proposing is still necessary.
My husband flew from KC to Orlando (and largely was at the Orlando airport as part of his work duties) Wednesday.

The Parking Spot in KC had signage that masks were optional (so that was a quick update with signage).

He said just about no one was wearing a mask well he said "less than 5% if that" to which I believe he was speaking both about KCI and about MCO however passengers in KCI interviewed here some said they would still likely be wearing them while others were not. No worries either way at this point if someone choose to continue wearing one or chooses to not to. Some said it was situational to them the decision to.

At KCI at least on Wednesday he didn't notice signage about optional (doesn't mean it wasn't there just that he didn't notice) but an airport spokesperson in an article a few days prior had said they would be optional in line with TSA who said they wouldn't be enforcing it. This means the buses on airport property the masks would be optional as well.

I do think from what I've been hearing individual airports are able to make their decision so before someone flies if they want to know check the airport(s). Airlines themselves have also made their decision so check with the airline. I do believe all the major ones domestically have but just throwing that out there to check.
He said just about no one was wearing a mask well he said "less than 5% if that" to which I believe he was speaking both about KCI and about MCO however passengers in KCI interviewed here some said they would still likely be wearing them while others were not. No worries either way at this point if someone choose to continue wearing one or chooses to not to. Some said it was situational to them the decision to.

I watch these news stories and look at the public opinion polls with curiosity. Polling by these news organizations claim 56% are in favor of continued masking on planes with the article title "Most Americans Want Masks...." 56 out of 100 equals most? Not really. You can call it a majority, but not "Most." By the way multiple big news outlets used "Most." I think it was Axios who had masking support at 75%. But when you step into an airport now you can't believe your lying eyes. Maybe 10% are still wearing them and that's a big maybe. Probably closer to 5%. After I looked into it further they were all using the same Associated Press poll in their news articles. Some were using the exact same headline to describe the poll.
I watch these news stories and look at the public opinion polls with curiosity. Polling by these news organizations claim 56% are in favor of continued masking on planes with the article title "Most Americans Want Masks...." 56 out of 100 equals most? Not really. You can call it a majority, but not "Most." By the way multiple big news outlets used "Most." I think it was Axios who had masking support at 75%. But when you step into an airport now you can't believe your lying eyes. Maybe 10% are still wearing them and that's a big maybe. Probably closer to 5%. After I looked into it further they were all using the same Associated Press poll in their news articles. Some were using the exact same headline to describe the poll.
Well, the public opinion polling model is broken, IMHO. you've got the barely employed calling the unemployed and/or retired. who else is answering a cold call from an unknown number?
Regardless of the subject, opinion polls are only as valid as the methodology they use. If they have to call 10+ people to get one reply, they never tell you that. Slanted questions can also influence the outcome. How they choose who to call also matters and doubt any of them are truly random. Usually the 'results' of those polls are consistent with what a particular media organization was trying to prove when they set out to do the poll. To me all of those polls are basically useless.
Was at the Magic Kingdom on Tuesday, masks required on the bus on our way to MK and back to our resort early afternoon. On our way back to the park later we were told by the bus driver that masks were optional as of an hour ago. Most people chose not to wear one. Each bus ride after that, I saw maybe 1 or 2 families wearing a mask.

Flew out of MCO on Thursday. At least 90% of people in the airport were not wearing masks and I only saw a handful of people wearing them on the completely full flight.


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