One little boy had a sad end of day at Disney...

why do folks feel the need to make comments about other people's parenting? Of course, 100% if a childs safety is at sake, but why comment on this?

Do you find that this parenting is acceptable? Nope, let's just look the other way and pretend it never happened. The person who posted this was obviously upset by the actions and wanted to share as a way of venting.

BTW: If the mom acts like this in public, I'm afraid to think what she might be doing in private.
Spanish being WHAT?

Did that have anything to do with the incident?
My guess is the parents were speaking English (originally), when the Mom got mad after the Poster spoke up, she probably said some smart alec remark to whoever she was with in Spanish thinking the Poster wouldn't be able to understand her then.
I could be wrong though, it sure wouldn't be the first time. :)

We have a large Hispanic population in my area and I hear that quite a bit when I'm out shopping. I'll hear groups of people speaking english, suddenly (sometimes it seems like in mid-sentence) they start speaking spanish. Makes me want to take a spanish class just so I don't miss out on anything. :lmao:
Uh, I can guarantee at the worst of my parental moments I would not have done what this mother did. Actually, when the children cried and carried on because we were leaving someplace or going someplace, we told them to stop, if they carried on, we ignored it, they soon learned we couldn't be played.... This mother has questionable parental discipline skills
Spanish, English, what's the difference. I don't think that the ethnicity was the issue with the OP but part of the description. The story is, the mother popped the child's balloon with a cigarette. It was cruel. I think it highlights something I see a lot of the time and that is parents who expect too much from small children. They are not supposed to get tired, cranky, exhausted and be an inconvenience to the adults around them. I heard a tiny voice in Kohl's on Saturdy; "Mommy can I please sit down, I am tired". I expected a 4 or 5 year old considering a child was being dragged through the woman's dept. while the mother shopped and tried on clothes. I was shocked to see a child that was probably about two years old being told she was "too big to sit in the stroller". She wouldn't have been able to. Her mother had it loaded down with clothes! :rolleyes:
OMG I am LMAO here

so little posts so little credibility :rotfl:
why do folks feel the need to make comments about other people's parenting? Of course, 100% if a childs safety is at sake, but why comment on this?
Because this is the community board and that's what people do here. You must not spend much time here if you think this is off limits. This is mild.
I can't read that word without picturing Daffy Duck spitting it out.
If the child speaks spanish, why would the parents be talking to him in english?

I think this story sounds like a Disney movie. I wonder if it was the step-mother who popped the balloon.
My guess here is that this situation is cultural. While 99% of us here (myself included) consider this mother's behavior to be reprehensible at best, perhaps in the hispanic culture of this family's origin this would be acceptable.

We don't know the language(s) used during this exchange, and even if it were all in English, without knowing the cultural background, these judgements are irrelevent.

When my niece's baby was born, the baby's grandmother flew up from PR to visit. My sister, the other grandma, said "I'm glad she lives in PR" since some of the suggestions this PR grandmother gave made her hair curl (give a 2-week old some rice in her formula so she sleeps through the night), and other non-specified tidbits of wisdom.,

Again, I'm not saying that this situation was acceptable to us - is verbally abusive IMO, but from the perspective of another culture...well, who are we to judge?

Like I tell my students, what is "wierd" in other cultures often seems "wrong" to us.
why do folks feel the need to make comments about other people's parenting? Of course, 100% if a childs safety is at sake, but why comment on this?

I agree 100%, in this case bystanders should have minded their own business.

And gimme a break, this won't scar the boy one iota.


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