OT: LOST fans?

We havent actually seen dharmaville in the current time. They went straight to the temple, so it could be one group that are all in the temple.

BTW and ideas on the underwater scene of the island?

the last time we saw Dharmaville in the present was when Sun went there after the plane crash & met Christian - last season.

Underwater scene - ??? - oops - we set off a hydrogen bomb and sunk it???
Speculative spoiler alert! Scroll past this post quick if you still haven't seen the episode and don't want any chat of what's in the episode!

So if the "evil guy" is now Locke does that mean that perhaps Jacob has been reincarnated in Sayid?

Can't wait for next episode! I'm tempted to go rent every season and start looking for more connections! Got to love the minds of those writers!
Applemomma - that was my thought exactly. :thumbsup2 Only time will tell.

I think I'll get my name on the library list and re-watch the other seasons to look for connections.
Speculative spoiler alert! Scroll past this post quick if you still haven't seen the episode and don't want any chat of what's in the episode!

So if the "evil guy" is now Locke does that mean that perhaps Jacob has been reincarnated in Sayid?

Can't wait for next episode! I'm tempted to go rent every season and start looking for more connections! Got to love the minds of those writers!

I have a feeling Jacob is now in Sayid..in addition I think it would be a great plot twist if MIB is really the good guy and Jacob is the bad guy
I resisted temptation for a few days - but have watched the first 4 minutes online and have watched a few preview clips for the season - looks amazing!

I already have my "LOST Blogs" bookmarked and ready to go!

- D

Hey, could you message me some of your Lost blog websites? I would love to read them!
EXACTLY....that's the irony!

I'm a Jack girl all the way. I think they've done a great job of taking what could easily be the "hero" of the show and turned him into something flawed, unsure, and fallible. But he still has the "hero" heart that makes him intent on trying to always make things right for the people around him. That and his stubble and the little bit of gray in his sideburns gives me the vapors! Hubba hubba!

I totally agree. I love Jack (although I do like Sawyer too) because of the way that he is flawed but still has a kind heart. And I'm definitely in the hate-kate club. I have been in that club for a while now, lol!

I think I have to go back and re-watch from Season I - the new/old flight 815 has some really interesting differences :upsidedow - at least the ones I caught. I'm sure there are more, buy I didn't catch them all I'm sure.
Maybe what I need is a parallel universe of televisions in my house - that way I would know what the %&#! is going on :lmao:

Yes! Me and DH were watching season 1 today and we noticed this difference: (highlight to see): In Season 1 Jack tells Rose not to worry, that turbulence is normal. But in the newest episode it is the other way around ... Rose tells Jack not to worry.

BTW and ideas on the underwater scene of the island?

That has totally stumped me. I would love to hear theories!

So if the "evil guy" is now Locke does that mean that perhaps Jacob has been reincarnated in Sayid?

Can't wait for next episode! I'm tempted to go rent every season and start looking for more connections! Got to love the minds of those writers!

Yes, DH said the same thing to me. It seems entirely likely.

And here is something else that we noticed when watching Season 1 today. In episode 4 at the end they are playing really upbeat, fun, hawaiin type music and showing everyone happy and talking, etc. Well, then they pan to Locke, and evil music starts playing and Locke has a really mean look on his face. DH said "Well, that's some foreshadowing!"

I love the fact that you can watch Lost over & over again to find these little hints. The attention is in the details (just like Disney!)
I am so happy to have Lost back!! Only 15 more weeks, though; I'm already having withdrawls!!

My observation was that Jacob is God, evil-fake-Locke is Satan, and Sayid is Jesus. Of course, I am probably wrong! The only thing I know for sure is that the parallel universe is showing that the survivors are better off (and better people) for having crashed onto the island.
Just watched it and no theories here. No flippin' idea. At this point, I'm just along for the ride. And the Jack. :-)

I think that Cuse and Lindelof must've been Deadwood fans. That's THREE Deadwood alum now that have popped up on Lost!! Did anyone else watch that series? LOVED Swearingen! Best character on television! But I digress....

Did anyone also get a little misty when they landed in LA? They played that piano music and everyone got off the plane and went (what we thought) their separate ways? Or was it just my pregnant, hormonal self??????
Just watched it and no theories here. No flippin' idea. At this point, I'm just along for the ride. And the Jack. :-)

I think that Cuse and Lindelof must've been Deadwood fans. That's THREE Deadwood alum now that have popped up on Lost!! Did anyone else watch that series? LOVED Swearingen! Best character on television! But I digress....

Did anyone also get a little misty when they landed in LA? They played that piano music and everyone got off the plane and went (what we thought) their separate ways? Or was it just my pregnant, hormonal self??????

Actually I see at least 6 former Deadwood cast members.

Sol just joined.
Trixie was an other.
The Mayor was the crazy Dharma guy last year who gave the truth serum to Sayid.
Calamity Jane was Juliet's sister
Sawyer's Baby mama is the blonde lady who use to work at the Bella but tried to open her own brothel
Titus is the Man in Black.
I'm with Kate I would have a hard time choosing between Jack and Sawyer though like Kate I tend to sway more toward Sawyer. When they re-aired season 3 finale before season's 4 premiere I DVR'd it and never erased because of the Sawyer Promo. Well I got rid of cable and my promo to boot. Now I have cable again and DD16 found the promo on YouTube. She was able to put it on my iPhone. So now I can get a little Sawyer whenever I need it.

So for all you Sawyer fans.



all I can say is damn that man is fine!!!
Actually I see at least 6 former Deadwood cast members.

Sol just joined.
Trixie was an other.
The Mayor was the crazy Dharma guy last year who gave the truth serum to Sayid.
Calamity Jane was Juliet's sister
Sawyer's Baby mama is the blonde lady who use to work at the Bella but tried to open her own brothel
Titus is the Man in Black.

That's right! I'd completely forgotten about EB Farnum being the crazy man in the tent who tortured Sayid!

And I'd forgotten about Juliet's sister! So much to remember in this show!

Have to say I completely missed the Titus/Men in Black appearance. He looked TOTALLY different!!!! That was a good character too!
Sometimes weird ideas cross my brain - but most people I know are used to it :lmao:

I was thinking . . . we ( the collective "we" as in most people ) all look at Good = white
Bad = black

Knowing how "LOST" can be - are we all just falling into some preconceived notion of who is good and who is bad???

Could the reference to Richard "being out of chains" - be just the fact that he know longer is "chained" to Jacob?

When new-Locke tells the Others - " I am so disappointed in you" - could he be upset because they turned on him and started following Jacob?

Could Jacob be "bringing" people to the Island just to "play" with them and interfering just enough to "cause" the fighting & dissent?

Just wondering
I read LOSTArgs, TheLostCommunity.blogspot.com, DarkUfo, and also Jay & Jack.

I love listening to the Jay & Jack podcast. This time of year it joins the Disunplugged in the iphone. I have to admit that I don't have any crackpot theories right now. I like to watch the show and see how it unfolds.
i'm surprised that in all that i've read so far, no one has mentioned the possibility that Jacob is Zeus, FLocke is Hades and Richard is Prometheus.

The fact that there is someone named Lapetus just further pushes me to feel that it's that.

As does the mention of Richard (prometheus) in chains.

But it might all be red herrings.
i'm surprised that in all that i've read so far, no one has mentioned the possibility that Jacob is Zeus, FLocke is Hades and Richard is Prometheus.

The fact that there is someone named Lapetus just further pushes me to feel that it's that.

As does the mention of Richard (prometheus) in chains.

But it might all be red herrings.

thought the same thing when the chains reference was made. I'm still banking on the reverse though with Jacob as evil & FLocke as good

Boy am I going to miss this show when it's over :sad1: it really has kept the creative juices flowing
i'm surprised that in all that i've read so far, no one has mentioned the possibility that Jacob is Zeus, FLocke is Hades and Richard is Prometheus.

The fact that there is someone named Lapetus just further pushes me to feel that it's that.

As does the mention of Richard (prometheus) in chains.

But it might all be red herrings.

This is an interesting thought!

I may have to check out the suggested podcast, too. ;)
I'm with Kate I would have a hard time choosing between Jack and Sawyer though like Kate I tend to sway more toward Sawyer. When they re-aired season 3 finale before season's 4 premiere I DVR'd it and never erased because of the Sawyer Promo. Well I got rid of cable and my promo to boot. Now I have cable again and DD16 found the promo on YouTube. She was able to put it on my iPhone. So now I can get a little Sawyer whenever I need it.

So for all you Sawyer fans.



all I can say is damn that man is fine!!!

agreed, nice videos, thanks for starting my day out right!


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