Pop, Pop, Poppity-Pop! A November 2014 trip report

We went during the holidays last year as well! Im enjoying reading and its making me miss our trip and want to go back!!
Silly sad Maddy! too cute. and she got ya! we also had one fantastic dinner at Chef Mickey's went back and wasn't so hot. Sorry it wasn't up to par with you guys. Hopefully you had good interactions?!?

the pictures turned out really cute too!!
ugh, sounds like the monorail situation was a nightmare! Thanks goodness you left such a big chunk of time to get there. The pics at the entrance of CM came out adorable, nice family photo! I'm sorry overall that dinner wasn't the best. At least you got some cute character pictures out of it, and the soft serve bar for the girls ;) Booo to the last day coming up!!

It was crazy. Luckily since we had enough time to get there we were okay and didn't get too stressed.
I really like the pictures too.
I know! No last days!!!!

I found your TR a few days ago and have loved reading it! My kids and I are planning on making our second trip in early 2016 :jumping1:and we have talked about doing so many of the things you did on your trip. I have loved getting a sneak peek, especially the character meals:) Love the outfits you made for your adorable girls!

Ooh fun!!
Thanks! Glad you found my report.

Ewwww....... and I'm reading this while fighting off the stomach bug little miss so "lovingly" shared. :crazy2:

Sorry to here one of your most looked forward to meals was such a bad experience. I always here how hit or miss Chef Mickey's is.

Bad timing. :) I was so glad it happened toward the end of our evening and not when we first got there!
I have heard it about Chef Mickey's too but since our experience last time was so much better I wasn't sure if I believed it until now.
- last time we had an earlier dinner. Maybe that makes a difference?

Oh My Gosh! That poor kid! Abi and Maddie are SO cute! Me and my family are going to Disney in a week. Do you have any suggestions?

I know. I felt really bad. There were a few sick kids around us that night. The table next to us had a few kids with their heads on the table and super red faces that just looked miserable. One of the moms was talking about how her daughter had thrown up a few times earlier in the day.
I was a little paranoid. After the incident with Doug I was not ready to have anyone get the real sickies.

OOh. I haven't been to Disney World in March or April so I don't know as much about what is offered at this time period. My biggest suggestion is to go in with a plan but be flexible! :)

Oh, I'm so bummed out that the monorail AND dinner were disappointing! I guess it's no surprise that the monorail broke down--good planning expecting that to happen--but that's surprising about chef mickeys. We don't ever expect awesome food, go more for the characters, but we'd expect it to be better then that. And the throw up....I know if you're sick you can't help it,but still....
At least it looks like the girls had fun meeting the characters, but I don't blame them for falling asleep on the bus. I'd do the same thing if I could--disney wears you out!

You know, the monorail didn't bother me too much even though it was frustrating because we have used Disney transportation SO much between our two trips and that was the first time we have experienced anything like that.
I have heard people talk about the monorail being down but I feel blessed that this was the only time it has happened to us. I think they do a really good job considering how many people they are moving around every day!

Yeah, I felt sorry for the kid too. Definitely couldn't help it. And you never know. He might have had food poisoning like Doug did or might have eaten too much. :)

We went during the holidays last year as well! Im enjoying reading and its making me miss our trip and want to go back!!

It's making me want to go back just writing it!!

Silly sad Maddy! too cute. and she got ya! we also had one fantastic dinner at Chef Mickey's went back and wasn't so hot. Sorry it wasn't up to par with you guys. Hopefully you had good interactions?!?

the pictures turned out really cute too!!

She is so funny. Our little performer that's for sure.
It's crazy. But at least we got to have some character meets, like you said. They weren't the best interactions but honestly the more I think about it I think the whole thing- not as good of interactions, absent waitress, food not that great, probably have a lot to do with the fact that it was a late dinner and our last trip was an early dinner.
Oh My Gosh! That poor kid! Abi and Maddie are SO cute! Me and my family are going to Disney in a week. Do you have any suggestions?

I checked to see if you had a report going or anything to find out more about what might be good for you.
But saw you just joined.
What ages are your kids? Their interests? How long are you going? Where are you staying?
I might be able to give some more suggestions based on those things.
Okay- back to the trip!
It was Friday morning. Our last day of our Disney trip.
It was SO hard to get up this morning.

But since it was our last day of the trip and we wanted to make the most of it so there would be no sleeping in!

Magic Kingdom was going to be having early morning hours so we needed to get there in time for that before 8am.

And Doug's sister Melinda was in Disney World with her family and today was our only day of overlap at the same park so we wanted to make sure we had time to see them.

Doug got up at 5am and got in the shower.

I got up at 5:30 and got ready and then started packing again to finish up what I had stopped at 1am.

We got the girls up around 7. They had a really hard time waking up too.

While I got them dressed and ready to go, Doug took the 2 bags that were going to be checked on the plane to the Magic Express service to check them in.

When he got back we did last checks of our room and then said goodbye to our home away from home and took the rest of our luggage to guest services to hold while we were at the park.


Someone is not happy that it is our last day!



Abi brought the balloon that she had been given along with us because she wanted to give it to her cousin Lizzie.


We took the bus to Magic Kingdom and got there about 8:05/8:10 so we were able to just go right in.



We tried to just soak everything in as we walked in.


We stopped to get some pictures on Main street but they didn't work out too well because of that balloon. It was so funny.



Blocked castle!




I have no head!


We walked down Main Street slowly.
Looking at everything.
And just feeling the joy you can get there.





Off to the right here you can see that little building. That is where we watched the Elsa show from the other day that worked out so well!


Our first stop was, of course, Winnie the Pooh!
I had a fast pass for it later in the day but we knew that Maddy would want to ride it more than once so we figured we should go on it first thing as well.
We had a very short wait.




We decided to go right for Peter Pan next.
Fantasyland felt empty.
It was awesome.


continued in next post

Last days are so bittersweet.

Off to the right here you can see that little building. That is where we watched the Elsa show from the other day that worked out so well!
I wouldn't count on grabbing this spot again, I think from what I have heard that its being removed in the hub expansion.
last day. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:sad: Hated to see your luggage, so sad!!!
on to better thoughts.
YOUR ALL WEARING COATS AGAIN!!! Unreal!!! even all the people around you are dressed for winter!

So sweet of Abi to give the balloon to her cousin! ooohh the pictures of main street.. Cannot stop laughing at your no head picture!!! too bad you lost the castle too! goofy balloon!!! why didn't the photographer just tell her to hold it behind her?!?! so funny.

your seriously scaring me with these jacket pictures! we are going your same week this november.. I hope it's a bit warmer?!?!

your trip is inspiring!!! I am taking a lot of what you did and incorporating it into mine!!! :hug:
A nearly empty Fantasyland! How fun.

I can't believe you only got 4 or so hours of sleep that last night :crazy2: What troopers!

So sorry to hear that Chef Mickey's wasn't as good as last time. I don't think I've ever been there, unless it was as a kid and I don't remember it, but I hate paying good money for a meal and feeling disappointed afterwards! Bummer.
I've been reading you tr. It sounds like you had a great time. We always wanted to go at Christmastime! It looks amazing! Boo for the last day!
Last day :( But what better way to spend it than in MK with EMH!

I know! Last day stinks although we had a really great last day.
It was the best send off spending our last Disney moments in Magic Kingdom.
Writing about it is sure making me want to go back now though!

Last days are so bittersweet.

I wouldn't count on grabbing this spot again, I think from what I have heard that its being removed in the hub expansion.

Ah. darn. It was such a great spot.

I actually don't have any kids. :rolleyes1 Ummm, by the way, do you have an upcoming trip?

Oh! I don't know why I thought you did! My bad.
I don't have any upcoming trips to Disney planned.
I am taking a trip to Europe with my mom next spring so there is no Disney money in the budget this year unless a miracle happens. :(
But hoping that maybe we will get back end of 2016 or sometime in 2017.

last day. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:sad: Hated to see your luggage, so sad!!!
on to better thoughts.
YOUR ALL WEARING COATS AGAIN!!! Unreal!!! even all the people around you are dressed for winter!

So sweet of Abi to give the balloon to her cousin! ooohh the pictures of main street.. Cannot stop laughing at your no head picture!!! too bad you lost the castle too! goofy balloon!!! why didn't the photographer just tell her to hold it behind her?!?! so funny.

your seriously scaring me with these jacket pictures! we are going your same week this november.. I hope it's a bit warmer?!?!

your trip is inspiring!!! I am taking a lot of what you did and incorporating it into mine!!! :hug:

I know! Sad, sad luggage.
Yep. You can bet that if we are cold- everyone is cold! We aren't very sensitive to cold after living in Wisconsin for so many years. :) We are much more sensitive to heat. I don't think it will be that cold for you guys though. It definitely wasn't predicted.
But be prepared! Just in case. And pay attention to the weather the few weeks before you go.
I kept noticing on trip reports from people in early november that there were nights and a few days that were colder than normal so I had a feeling that might be the case for us too. When it was warmer the first week I thought it wasn't going to happen and then boom. Cold.

I know! I want to put that one in a frame just for laughs.

Thank you! Coming from you that means a lot! I think you inspire a lot of people here on the DIS!

A nearly empty Fantasyland! How fun.

I can't believe you only got 4 or so hours of sleep that last night :crazy2: What troopers!

So sorry to hear that Chef Mickey's wasn't as good as last time. I don't think I've ever been there, unless it was as a kid and I don't remember it, but I hate paying good money for a meal and feeling disappointed afterwards! Bummer.

Yeah. It was great! Love those low crowds.
We were definitely tired but you know, I walk through those gates and get a sudden burst of energy!

I've been reading you tr. It sounds like you had a great time. We always wanted to go at Christmastime! It looks amazing! Boo for the last day!

We did. It was so much fun! Christmas time is the best. Our first trip was in December and was even more festive. It is such a fun time of year.
Doug had been texting his sister since we arrived and we knew her husband and sons had gone straight for 7 Dwarves Mine train and she and their daughter had run to Anna and Elsa so as we were walking toward the area where the Anna and Elsa meet and greet is I said, "Hey your sister is in line over there somewhere."

Then I thought I heard our names and I looked over by the carousel and she was running toward us with Lizzie.

They got through the line really fast.

It was so much fun to see them.

Abi gave Lizzie the balloon.



The girls adore their cousin. She is just so sweet and tiny and we have to remind them not to carry her around like a little doll.


Melinda was there with her husband Jake and their three kids (Ian, Alex, and Lizzie) and her in laws.
Doug is good friends with her father in law and that is him in the back with Doug. Doug was giving him advice on where to go next.


Doug, Steve, and Melinda.


Melinda said she and Lizzie would ride Peter Pan with us so we went and got in line.

It was about a 20 minute wait in line.
While in line, Abi and Maddy traded pins with this cast member.


And they had so much fun playing with Lizzie.
Their family moved to Michigan over the summer so it had been a long time since we had seen them.








They had a lot to talk about after the ride.​


A cast member was blowing bubbles when we got out of the ride so the girls ran around for a few minutes enjoying that. I took a LOT of pictures of this.​











We took the kids for a quick bathroom break. I wanted another shot of Rapunzel's tower.​


That's so fun that you got to meet up with family! The girls look like they had so much fun together. I love the pictures of Maddy and her cousin holding hands, too cute.
What a great start to a wonderful morning in MK! That is so nice you got to see your family where there! All the girls look so cute running through the bubbles, it looks like so much fun! :goodvibes
We went to ride It's a Small World and Melinda and Lizzie went off to meet the rest of their family with plans to meet up again later...

but Lizzie did not like that and wanted to be back with her cousins again.

So, Melinda ran to catch up with us and they made it to us just as we were getting on our boat.

Abi and Maddy were so happy to have Lizzie back again.







Doug and Melinda



Next we had fast passes for The Seven Dwarves Mine Train so Melinda and Lizzie went off to do some of the things they wanted to do and we went over to get on the ride.
Maddy definitely didn't want to ride it again. So we decided to take Abi twice.
I rode with her first.
She got picked to have the time lanyard again.





We had so much fun riding it together again.
Our ride photos:



After our ride we switched the magic bands and Doug rode with Abi.
I took Maddy to pick up a snack and go to Storybook Circus to get in line to meet Daisy Duck.
They would meet us there after the ride.


Their ride photos:



We only waited a few minutes before Doug and Abi showed up. And Melinda and Lizzie met back up with us in here too.
Meeting Daisy...










Up next: more characters!
That's so fun that you got to meet up with family! The girls look like they had so much fun together. I love the pictures of Maddy and her cousin holding hands, too cute.

It was great! We were so glad their trip overlapped with ours!

What a great start to a wonderful morning in MK! That is so nice you got to see your family where there! All the girls look so cute running through the bubbles, it looks like so much fun! :goodvibes

It was SO fun!
They love bubbles so much.
Aww, so cute that Lizzie didn't want to leave her cousins! Such cute pics on IASW.

I love both sets of ride photos, so much joy on everyone's faces!
Adorable picture of the mine ride! I love that they got to enjoy the day with their cousin. It's precious. Can't wait to see what you do next!:flower:


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