Sarahsmom (Jen's) Journal (feel free to comment)


I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! :cool1: That is such good news! :Pinkbounc Please be sure and take it easy though. You don't want to be sick for your special trip to see ::MickeyMo .

Have a great day! :sunny:
I'm so sorry the bug got you! But, at least it was better it happened now--that way you'll be all better by the time you go visit ::MickeyMo

Have a wonderful day! :flower:
Jen...sorry to hear you got sick...but glad to hear you are better and can joke about it! Just be well for your trip next week!

When do you get out of school for summer? We only get a week off for spring break.

Have a great one...and wear a mask and rubber gloves everywhere you go...keep those germs have a trip to go on!!!
Yuk! I hate getting sick. Take care of yourself so you have a great trip! Then once you get there, I'm sure that Florida sunshine will cure all that ails you! :)

Have a good week!
Hi Jen,

I'm glad you are feeling better today. Definately take it easy. You have 1 week to prepare for WDW.

Havea good one,
Thanks for stopping by everyone!!! :grouphug: I couldn't do this without you!

I ate nachos last night!!!! ( I know!!! Bad Jen! But that was what I was hungry for!!!

I am slowly starting to pack... I plan to take one bag for both of us so I am being selective! This is my attempt at being laid back instead of the control freak type A personality that I am!

We don't get out of school until the end of June. We get 2 weeks off in April because we don't get a February break.. I wish we did... It is such a long haul form January to April!

All is quiet on sickness home front... My Mom now has it though!!! It is a nasty bug! I'm calling it Montazuma's Revenge!

I had a Dr. appt yesterday and all is really well! We are going to continue on 50 mgs fo my med! It is amazing how good I feel!!! I haven't had a meltdown in weeks! But, feeling this good shows me how bad I was feeling!

1 week from now DD and I will be getting ready to go to the MK! :wizard: I can't wait!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Can you tell?!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that your meds are working. Have a great day! :sunny: ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
:cheer2: 6 days!!!! :cheer2:

I am so jealous of your Disney Trip! I wish I was going! Girl do you ever sleep - you post so early in the morning! :)

I am still getting up at my regular time 5 ish even though I am on vacation! I like to get up early and have a little bit of time to myself!!! :flower:
Hi Jen,

First, I can't believe that you are getting up at 5AM by choice.

Second, sometimes if you give in to a craving, it avoids a binge. I think you got the craving out of your system.

I am so excited for you and your daughter. The trip will be magical.
Take care,
Hey girl, you need to sleep in, at least until 7! You must be so excited about your trip. It will be a memorable one that is for sure. :flower:
I honestly can't!!! How sick is that?! I am jusy an early riser! So is my DAD! :confused3
Jen, I'm an early riser too. Normal alarm time is 5 - 5:30ish. On the weekend, I sometimes "sleep in" until 6! :teeth:

Glad to hear your meds are doing the trick! ::yes:: Isn't it amazing? You truly cannot appreciate how miserable you were until you start feeling better. :hug:

I'm so happy that you're all better and getting ready for your trip!! You and your DD will have such a wonderful time! There is nothing better than watching your child's face light up with delight and making memories that will last a lifetime. Wishes is truly magical. The first time I saw it was the first time I met our own Amanda (Septbride2002) at WDW. Thanks for bringing back some fond memories for me.

Hope today is a wonderful day! :sunny:
Hi Jen,

So how is your dy going? I give you all the credit in the world for getting up that early. The ony time I am up at 5AM is when I am up all night for work.

Take care,
It's Friday!!!

It will be a busy day! Taking dd to hang out with my mom and dad in a bit.. After lunch we are headed to the town where DH teaches... First stop, new sneakers and sandels for DD for our trip next week... Then off to DH's school....

I have to serously start thinking about packing.. I am determined to take 1 bag.. not overly huge.. Need to leave room for a few souvi's!!!...

It is a cold and yucky day here, but yesterday was glorious!!! Looking forward to the sun next week!!! :sunny:
Make sure your DD breaks in those new shoes! Don't want any blisters at WDW.

Have fun shopping! :)
Glad to hear that you are doing better. Now on to some serious packing! Hey, if the souvenirs don't fit, then send your clothes back home through the mail, at least then you can get the goodies back home. :rotfl2: ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


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