Sarahsmom (Jen's) Journal (feel free to comment)

Hi Jen,

Oh your trip is sooo close. How exciting!!!! I hope you have terrific weather (pack some to bring home to us, okay?)

Nope! no packing! I am going to really tackle that today!

It looks to be a complete wash out for the weekend! They are forcasting 3 inches if rain (not good when the snow is still melting!) I am making my to do list of things that have to get done before monday night... Lesson plans, packing, grocery shopping (just a small trip) bank for cash etc...

Boy am I looking forward to sun and warmth, even if it is for a few days! :sunny:
Jen, have a great time on your trip if I don't get a chance to stop by before you go. Travel safely and make some terrific memories!

Jen - enjoy your trip with your DD. Today's weather should make you want to leave tomorrow. At least it's not snowing (yet).

Have a safe trip.
Getting there!!! Boy is it RAINING!!! :umbrella: :umbrella: :umbrella: I am soooooooooooo ready for sun! :sunny: :cool1:

Thanks for the good wishes everyone!
2 days!!! I can't stand it!!! I am really looking forward to this trip on so many levels... Never done anything alone like this! I usually travel with DH... I CAN DO THIS!!!!

I am going to allow myself some leeway while at the world... If I see something I really want to have, I will Have it!

Be back later! :wave2:
I travel without DH all the time. You'll do fine and will enjoy the time you have with your daughter! Enjoy the splurge at the World, after all, how often does it happen? ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Oh my goodness - you're almost there! Wish DD and I were going with you!!! Have such a marvelous time! Be sure to take notes for a trip report!
Jen - I can't believe you leave in just 2 days. How times flies :goodvibes It's still a surprise, right? You guys are going to have such a great time, I'm jealous :teeth:
I CAN'T STAND IT!!! :banana: :banana: 24 hours from now we will be getting up and around and ready for the drive to the airport!!! I am so excited I jsut can't stand it!

Did my lesson plans last night for next week... I woudl hate to have to come home and do those!

I'm almost all packed.. I keep jotting notes in my passporter so I can travel light with 1 book instead of the UG, Birnbaums, Kids guide etc...

Today well will run some errands... Mail bills, get a battery for the camera, gas up the car, etc..

I am sure I'll be around here though! :sunny:
Taking less books is very good since it will leave more room for those souvenirs! :flower:

Give us a trip report when you get back and have fun. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Jen, :wave2:

I am so excited for you! :Pinkbounc As crazy as this may sound, I love the last minute busyness that comes before a trip to WDW! :Pinkbounc Last year, DH and I planned on leaving at 3:00 p.m.for our trip to WDW in December. Well, we ended up getting on the road around 8:00 p.m. because of all the last minute stuff we had to do. It was crazy hectic, but I didn't care: we were going to WDW! :cool1:

I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful,safe, relaxing vacation that creates some special memories for both of you. :hug: Looking forward to your trip report when you come back. :teeth: :wave2:
I hope you have the best time!!! :cool1: :banana:

Say hi to ::MickeyMo for all of us!
Hi Jen,

I'm so excited for you :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc You are in that last 24 hour mad dash before the trip energy surge. Oooooh you are going to have so much fun!!!!!!!

Jen - I hope you and your daughter have a fantastic time and you have wonderful weather. I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get home.


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