Sebastian's STRONG and SVELTE Under the Sea September W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge - All Welcome!


Woohoo! Happy Friday!!! I'm SO excited that it is a three day weekend that I can't contain myself!!!

QOTD - September 4

What are your plans for the weekend? Any eating challenges facing you over the next 3 days? If so, what is your plan of attack?

Also, it is ALREADY time for our first check-in and progress report. This month I'd just flying by!! Post your progress towards your September goals here or by PM to me and I'll update our results Sunday night. I suspect we are going to see some BIG week one numbers because a lot of you are rocking September!

Got my number and I'm ready to run for tomorrow - in the C corral, but that's okay! .

Also, I apparently disney-bounded as the Castle without realizing it. ;)


Question! I need opinions, if you all wouldn't mind! I've been looking for something to wear for my bachelorette dinner for a few weeks now, and I'm having the hardest time. I'm having to order costumes off Amazon and try them on - I think I've tried 6 or 7 at this point and had to return them all for various reasons. I really wanted a white or ivory or gold dress but no luck, so I'm down to one of these two, but I can't decide which. I'm not even sure if I should wear a flappery outfit. The other option would be to just find a normal white dress and wear a flapper headband with it. The intention/request was for everyone to dress like flappers, but I'm not convinced they will (my maid of honor won't... She's just going to wear black, with white Mardi Gras beads. Sigh. ) so I don't want to be the only one who does... Even though I love to! Sigh. So, of these two, which would you pick? Or would you pick neither and look for just a white dress?

The black one is a little snug in the stomach (but it's marked as a 14/16!) and has a seam on the side that needs to be fixed. The red one is looser in the stomach but big in the shoulders so the straps would have to be taken in, and the fringe is fairly sparse around the neckline so a lot of what you see is just red satin.

Help, friends! Haha thank you for humoring my ridiculousness! I just inserted the thumbnails so they wouldn't take up a ton of room in the thread (hopefully) but you should be able to click on them.

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You look great in both dresses I love the red one! It definitely screams flapper. Plus you look happier in it.

Good morning, losers! Happy, happy Friday! I think Friday's before three day weekends are the most beautiful Friday's of all!! I'm weighing in for week 1 before my number changes LOL. I weighed at 203 this morning!! I even moved the scale around and weighed more than once just to make sure it wasn't error, lol. That puts me down 2.5lbs/5.6lbs this month, or 44.6% of my goal if my math is correct! Wooooooooo!

Woohoo! Way to slam September to the ground!

Happy Friday, everyone! Hubs and I are off to the race and I'll make sure to get a picture of me in my best running gear and Ariel-inspired Sparkle Headband. :)

It's really really early. I think I'm running off adrenaline and Mountain Dew this morning. Hoping for a time that is about a 15 minute mile. I'm a slow runner, so Hubs will be waiting at the finish line for me with a bottle of water and a congratulatory hug. (He'll probably finish a good 15-20 mins before me LOL)

Can't wait to see the pictures! I'm sure you had a great run!

@DisPup75 This is my current LoseIt! graph! I tried MFP and don't remember why I didn't like it, but I didn't, because I ended up going with LoseIt! instead, lol. It's only showing 5lbs lost because I changed my plan on August 30 when I started the HIIT program because my food intake was supposed to change so drastically, but the graph shows my progress for the entire year (you can view it in various increments), which is noticeably more than 5lbs. Unfortunately it also shows the period from February - June where I stopped using the app entirely LOL.

Love the days to goal! It would mess with my head but I still want it. Also, writing here is making me realize what a potty mouth I have developed. I keep having to edit out my first choice words. I don't know why I am admitting that.


I weigh daily and have all my life. So I am used to the fact that it fluctuates and at times those fluctuations seem totally oblivious to all the good choices and hard work I am putting into my healthy lifestyle. I have an Aria FitBit scale at home and the WW scale weekly. The WW scale is the hardest one to get to move sometimes. :laughing: It's just a number at the moment and the trend is what is important. We all want weight loss to be linear but unfortunately it isn't. That being said, I had an awesome weigh in yesterday at WW and I've been happy ever since! :goodvibes

Thanks! I missed you all, too. :flower3:
@courtneybeth have a fabulous time at the 5k this morning -- I know you are standing in your corral enjoying all the excitement now! :cheer2:

@JacknSally both dresses are cute but I pick the red because the color really pops on you plus the fix is probably easier. :cool2: And a big woo hoo for an awesome loss!

Someone upthread mentioned having their doctor make a medication change and that making a difference. That is exactly what happened to me. I saw my doctor in mid-August, he adjusted my meds and boom down 7.1 so far. So my PSA is if you can honestly tell your doctor that you are doing everything you should (i.e. meticulous tracking and logging lots of activity per the FitBit) then do yourself a favor and save yourself a lot of frustration and head banging. For the first time in forever I have a new decade just around the riverbend!
I was down 2.4 at WW yesterday so that brings me to 46% :yay:

Woohoo! Another September slayer!

That was me! My doctor tested me for PCOS and the results were inconclusive, so he put me on an insulin regulator and a birth control, just to see if they would have any effect, and if they did, then he'd assume I have PCOS. I asked him if there were any side effects to either and specifically if I needed to worry about gaining weight on the birth control, and was told NOOOOO, noooo, there's no side effects at all! You'll be fine. :rolleyes: The insulin regulator made me sick all the time, and the birth control made me gain, and I couldn't get it to come back off! It also made me have really bad cravings, so I was eating really poorly while I was on it. I put on 6lbs. :( I was supposed to be on the insulin regulator for 6 weeks and the birth control for 4. I kicked the insulin regulator after 3 or 4 weeks because I couldn't take it anymore (I was missing too much work and ended up having to take a scheduled PTO day from my honeymoon to make up for one of the days I had to miss :sad:) and I dropped the birth control during week 4. I ended up not going to the doctor for follow up tests since I hadn't been on both medicines like I was supposed to. Since I've gotten off both of them, though, and gotten them out of my system completely (at least it feels like I have) I'm down 9lbs, from 212 to 203 today. I've only been off the insulin regulator since August 12 or so, and off the birth control since August 17, so 3ish weeks now.

Big congrats to you on your 46% check in! Way to go!!

So sorry you have to go through this. I have diagnosed PCOS and it has not been fun. I've been on and off meds for years and am a lot happier without but sometimes they are just necessary. It's hard to manage because your hormone levels are always changing. Weight loss does help but is also really difficult. Fun little Catch-22 there.
[QUOTE="DisPup75, post: 54363286, member: 554595

QOTD - September 4
What are your plans for the weekend? Any eating challenges facing you over the next 3 days? If so, what is your plan of attack?

I've got a jam packed weekend planned! Long overdue hair cut and color tomorrow followed by dinner out with friends. Stock up trip to Costco on Sunday plus a baseball game (sadly the first of the year). Last pool day of summer barbecue on Monday.

I picked the Saturday dinner restaurant specifically so I could make healthy choices. For Sunday, I have light breakfasts and lunches planned because I am absolutely eating a jumbo hot dog (and maybe two depending on speed of play) at the game. There will also be a soft pretzel but my husband can be made to eat most of that. Pool barbecue should be easy - I will concentrate on fruit and chicken.
If you are going for a 1920's vibe I would definitely say the red one..... totally reads "flapper" to me. That being said, I thought that the black and gold one was beautiful! I don't think you can go wrong with either. And :confused3 to your Maid of Honor.... this is YOUR event and she should be cooperating.

Thank you! I think she just doesn't want to spend the money, which I can kind of understand (though, at the same time, she still lives at home so she doesn't have bills and she works full time, sooo.... lol, sorry, being bitter for a second), but at the same time when I first suggested the idea, she was ALL for it. Why encourage it if you have no intention of taking part in it? It's definitely frustrating... It doesn't help that she lives in STL and I'm in Memphis, so we're 4-5 hours apart and don't see each other often, so it's not like she's really been able to be a part of anything. She's also recently gotten a relationship that has become very serious very quickly, and that is not helping, either. When we do try to discuss things like the bachelorette party, the rehearsal dinner, or the wedding, she'd rather talk about him. She came down to throw me a wedding shower in July with my sorority sisters, which I ended up hosting, decorating, and funding myself. Sigh.

Hey all! The powers-that-be having blessed me with a FOUR DAY weekend by not calling me to work today!! The possibilities are ENDLESS!! Yard work, housework, grocery shopping, cooking.... sounds like fun, doesn't it???:rotfl:

I am SO jealous of your 4-day weekend! I'm thrilled to get a 3-day, but today is going by SOOOO SLOWWWLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
QOTD - September 4

What are your plans for the weekend? Any eating challenges facing you over the next 3 days? If so, what is your plan of attack?

We have a crazy busy weekend planned, actually. It's our last "free" weekend until November, so we are using every second we can. Housework, wedding stuff, gotta find DH2B a suit, gotta look for a wedding band for me (we ordered DH2B's last week! Yay!!), finishing envelopes, and primarily trying to find stuff around the house to put in the yard sale on the 19th. It's going to be a VERY long weekend. I'm excited, though! I'd rather be not at work, doing a BILLION things, than at work, thinking about the billion things I need to do!
You look great in both dresses I love the red one! It definitely screams flapper. Plus you look happier in it.

Haha, sorry for the crazy faces! I can't ever smile normally when I take pictures like that, because I feel absolutely ridiculous taking mirror pictures in the first place. So a lot of that is just me, not a reflection of the clothes, haha.

So sorry you have to go through this. I have diagnosed PCOS and it has not been fun. I've been on and off meds for years and am a lot happier without but sometimes they are just necessary. It's hard to manage because your hormone levels are always changing. Weight loss does help but is also really difficult. Fun little Catch-22 there.


I initially went to have my thyroid tested because I was having a hard time losing weight, but those tests came back fine, and he sent me to my OBGYN to be tested for PCOS. Those tests were inconclusive (they did show slightly elevated testosterone, though), but now I'm losing weight, sooo.... LOL. Maybe I'm fine? Hopefully I can lose enough weight that my system is fine on its own. I HATE taking medicines, but I especially hate taking medicines that mess with you as badly as hormones. UGH.

Here we are at the finish line. Corral C was a bit of a bottleneck, so we didn't actually start the race until 5:47am. I finished in about 48 mins... so a 15.5 minute mile! Great baseline for beginning Couch to 10K, especially since I ran this race 6 years ago and tied my time (and that was with training). Avengers in 2 months will be a great comparison as I bridge myself towards Tink's 10K in May. I may bypass the sweepers after all :D

No other pictures of the race. Hubs had my cellphone in his bag. He actually only finished about 1 minute before me. I kept catching up to him. It was really fun to run down Main Street in Disneyland. Whew. SO TIRED, but SO WORTH IT!
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OK, heard back from a couple of people who will be at the party, and they are totally good with dressing 1920's, so I will probably stick with the red one, as that looks like the unanimous winner! Hopefully once I shorten the straps, the fringe will look a little fuller. That's the only thing I don't like about that one. Thanks for everyone who weighed in! Now I can add a trip to Hobby Lobby to my list for the weekend so I can get headband-making supplies. :cool1: I am ALWAYS down for a trip to Hobby Lobby!

ETA: Now that others have said they're going to wear costumes, my MOH is rethinking her plain dress and headband idea. Told me she's going to start looking at Halloween stores and online and see what she can find. LOL. :rolleyes1
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Here we are at the finish line. Corral C was a bit of a bottleneck, so we didn't actually start the race until 5:47am. I finished in about 48 mins... so a 15.5 minute mile! Great baseline for beginning Couch to 10K, especially since I ran this race 6 years ago and tied my time (and that was with training). Avengers in 2 months will be a great comparison as I bridge myself towards Tink's 10K in May. I may bypass the sweepers after all :D

No other pictures of the race. Hubs had my cellphone in his bag. He actually only finished about 1 minute before me. I kept catching up to him. It was really fun to run down Main Street in Disneyland. Whew. SO TIRED, but SO WORTH IT!

I'm assuming you posted a picture, but I can't see it! :-( it just occurred to me that you probably posted one with your other post about picking up the race packet, which I didn't see, either! Lol. Congrats to you on finishing, and for being near your goal time!! And most importantly, for keeping up with your hubby! :-) lol
Congratulations on getting your invitations out. They look amazing! We sent ours out about the first week of August and have already received about 1/3 of the RSVPs that we are expecting.

I am a daily weigher as I like to see what the work I'm putting in at the gym is doing. I usually weigh myself after my morning workout either prior to or just after I shower. I much prefer my scale at home to the scale at my gym since the one at my gym is consistently three pounds heavy. I have begun using a spreadsheet that also tracks the weight I'm lifting as well.

My current workout is helping me shed pounds, but it is also helping to build muscle and I have to remember sometimes that just because my number on the scale that day didn't go down, doesn't mean I didn't improve my health and my physicality. So, in order to see the differences I'm making I've also begun taking once a month photos to track the progress and eventually a before and after.
I like the photo idea. I have a picture of me when I was 60 pounds heavier and boy....I knew I was fat....but I was really fat!

Here we are at the finish line. Corral C was a bit of a bottleneck, so we didn't actually start the race until 5:47am. I finished in about 48 mins... so a 15.5 minute mile! Great baseline for beginning Couch to 10K, especially since I ran this race 6 years ago and tied my time (and that was with training). Avengers in 2 months will be a great comparison as I bridge myself towards Tink's 10K in May. I may bypass the sweepers after all :D

No other pictures of the race. Hubs had my cellphone in his bag. He actually only finished about 1 minute before me. I kept catching up to him. It was really fun to run down Main Street in Disneyland. Whew. SO TIRED, but SO WORTH IT!
You are awesome!
@JacknSally I like both and think both look great. But my vote would be red because you look happier in it:)

@courtneybeth Its to late to wish you luck, but I hope you had a great time at the 5k! The DL weekend races are on my someday list. I'm hoping in 2018 (crazy but true) to combine with WDW weekend for a coast to coast.

@lisah0711 Congrats on being down 2.4! Happy weigh in:).

I am leaving today for a weekend away with my extended family. The weekend will revolve around food, wine and fun. I will make sure to get one run in on Sunday and take a walk tomorrow at some point. The food will be the hardest part, but I feel like I've tapped into so new motivation here, so I'm going to really try to be mindful.

Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend if you're lucky enough to have one!
Weekend Plans: Going to a Bread and Puppet play on Saturday night. For those who have never heard of it (and I'm sure almost none of you have) it's a very obscure group of folks who are anti-everything commercial. They only accept donations. They feel art should be free! They make these massive colorful puppets....beautiful work....and they have theater in an old barn on Saturday nights and on Sunday's they do a big parade with their giant puppets outside in a field. They have a museum in an old barn to display their stuff. You can look it up online. It's in Glover Vermont. It's really interesting and very different! Otherwise....staying on my plan....already made my chicken to last till Tuesday. Maybe going river tubing if the weather holds. It's been beautiful all week long! I don't weigh in till Friday report.
What are your plans for the weekend? Any eating challenges facing you over the next 3 days? If so, what is your plan of attack?


I've got movers coming tomorrow and today is the IKEA furniture delivery for the couch, dining room and barstools. I'm laughing because it's all going to be a challenge. But we will persevere and take it a step at a time with the WW app. :)

I love all of you and I'd be going insane if you weren't here with me on this crazy journey.
Question! I need opinions, if you all wouldn't mind! I've been looking for something to wear for my bachelorette dinner for a few weeks now, and I'm having the hardest time. I'm having to order costumes off Amazon and try them on - I think I've tried 6 or 7 at this point and had to return them all for various reasons. I really wanted a white or ivory or gold dress but no luck, so I'm down to one of these two, but I can't decide which. I'm not even sure if I should wear a flappery outfit. The other option would be to just find a normal white dress and wear a flapper headband with it. The intention/request was for everyone to dress like flappers, but I'm not convinced they will (my maid of honor won't... She's just going to wear black, with white Mardi Gras beads. Sigh. ) so I don't want to be the only one who does... Even though I love to! Sigh. So, of these two, which would you pick? Or would you pick neither and look for just a white dress?

The black one is a little snug in the stomach (but it's marked as a 14/16!) and has a seam on the side that needs to be fixed. The red one is looser in the stomach but big in the shoulders so the straps would have to be taken in, and the fringe is fairly sparse around the neckline so a lot of what you see is just red satin.

Help, friends! Haha thank you for humoring my ridiculousness! I just inserted the thumbnails so they wouldn't take up a ton of room in the thread (hopefully) but you should be able to click on them.

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I love the black one but both would be nice, I think you are lucky to have found two that look nice !!!
This is a long weekend and I have no plans. WooHoo !!! That means I can do as I want without having to struggle with food choices. Every family gathering in my family looks like a full blown buffet !! Food,food and more food. And just having a little of everything it "just fine" according to them . The problem is one bite of the wrong thing could be like an avalanche for me !!! Sugar is like an addiction for me. I have my head focused on my WDW trip September 30th and I swear the thing keeping me motivated is the fear that I will not get my thighs into the lockbar on The Mine Train ( I have heard horror stories...but that's a different thread) . So this weekend long walks planned , healthy choices and hopefully some swimming!!! Happy Labor Day to all.

princess: ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo


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