Simple Thing a Cast Member Did...

I know it's nothing super special, but when I would have a CM that was checking my bag or working the turnstiles call me Princess, it made me feel like the most important girl in the world. Being 16 and thinking that was more for little girls, it was always a special treat. Plus I've never really seen myself as a princess so to have someone else call me that was so special.
Sorry to go off topic but it made me laugh:

With everyone talking about being called Princess, I have to share this. At work, we have a rather spoiled employee who between a couple friends we started refering to him as "Princess" when he wasn't around. The last time I went to the world, I was in AK and were in the thing in the back of the park, Planet Watch I think its called..anyway it was pretty slow and Pocahontas was out, I wasn't paying a lot of attention when I walked by her and she said "Hello Princess" as I walked by. My immediate thought was "How rude of her..I'm not a spoiled brat who......" then it clicked what she really meant. This literally happened in a matter of a second, only in my head, it's not like I turned around and laid into her about calling me a name when I was imagining it anyway, but all these stories just reminded me of it.

This right here is Disney to me. My grandmother was nearing 90 in this pic and spent most of this trip in her wheelchair. The rides were a bit much for her so we would often park her in a shady spot to people watch while we went on ride. We came out of one ride to find her chatting Pluto's ear off. Pluto must have enjoyed their conversation since he stuck with us for quite a while pushing her wheel chair and keeping her company while we went on some more rides. This was mid September 1998 so the parks were deserted and it was before characters had lines and handlers and they just roamed the parks at will. That was her last trip to Disney and Pluto made it a special one for all of us.

OK that one did it. I just lost it. I should know better than to read these at work.
I had been planning our trip for 14 months, and the night before we were due to leave we had an unexpected emergency arise. The worst part was DH and I were getting married on DCL that same trip - DH was delayed a few days and I went along with our othr family members (DH was coming down a few days later). Our first morning there, we had Reservations for breakfast at Ohana's. It was about 7:00am and we got the bus to MK to catch the monorail to the Poly- the monorail was not working- a friendly CM offered to drive us to the Poly so we wouldn't miss our reservations before he started his bus run for the day. A nice was to start a trip the carried a very heavy heart! DH did make it down a few days later and we had our dream Disney wedding on the Wonder!!!
A special pixie magic for my family this summer. My DS and I took his DD to WDW for her 5th birthday. Having read the DISsigns threads, I had made little thank you cards for the CM. After checking into our room, we headed over to DTD to do some shopping. While in the Disney Store, the BBB fairey god mothers in training was sprinkling pixie dust on people. After my GDD had pixie dust sprinkled on her she gave her one of the thank you cards. The FGMIT, was so appreciatative, she took her into the BBB and gave her a face sparkle jewel! And, the disney photopass photographer captured this special moment for us! This was just the beginning of our pixie magic!
On the last night of our trip I left my camera on the table at 1900 Park fare and only realized it when we got to Mk. So after riding the monorail all the way around, sprinting to the hostess stand and describing the camera, the CM working the counter looked me dead in the eye and said, " I just sold it on ebay." Which for some reason made me laugh out loud. She went in the draw, gave me a camera and told me to have a magical day.
I've been on the receiving end of lots of magic from CMs... But I'd like to share the time I got to be a part of the magic when working as a CM at The Disney Store... It's kinda reverse pixie dust! lol..

I was talking with a mom who had brought in her 2 children to the store.. They were looking around and playing with toys, and mom and I were talking. She was looking for some small things for the kids b/c they were leaving the next morning for their trip to WDW. The thing was, it was a surprise for the kids, they didn't even know they were going. While we were talking, she decided that was a great place to tell them they were going, and that *I* would get to be the one surprise them!!

So, I got to kneel down, get the kids right in front of me, and tell them that Mickey sent me a note, saying he wanted to meet them, and that tomorrow, they were going to go down and see him, and the princesses, and Buzz & Woody, and everyone. They looked at me like I was crazy, looked at their mom, back at me, and mom goes.. "yep.. tomorrow we're going to Disney World!!"

Needless to say, they were kinda excited!! Mom then wondered out loud if maybe it would have been better to wait, since now no one is gonna sleep!!

I was really happy to be able to do that and she gave me as much joy getting to do that and see the kids faces as I was able to give back to them!
We had a spectacular waiter at Citricos this past January during our Grand Gathering. When he brought out our drinks, I noticed that my younger cousins' drinks had those cool Mickey straws in them. I joked with them about how cool they were and how I wanted a Mickey straw. The waiter must have heard me because he came back a few minutes later with a bag full of Mickey straws! There must have been 30 straws in there. The next time he came by we all had a Mickey straw in our glasses (even my grandparents)! He chuckled and said he was glad we were all enjoying them!
We had a couple of simple things happen that made our days on our trip in February. It was my DW and DD4's first trip to Disney. So many CM's mentioned their First Visit pins. The best one was "What took you so long?" to my DW. "We've been waiting for you" was cute too...but vaguely creepy. :eek:

The best thing was we were on our way to the bus stop at CSR from our room and were walking across an empty parking lot still quite a way from the stop. A bus pulled up but we weren't sure which park it was for. We were going to AK and I figured if that was the bus, we'd just be waiting for the next big deal. The bus waited for was empty and no one else was at the stop. It happened to be the AK bus! The driver could have had no idea his was the bus we needed but waited anyway.
On arriving at the All star sports on our trip in 2008 we were checking in and an english cast member walked past and noticed i was wearing a Manchester United shirt. Before i knew it he had printed out a match report of the game that was being played while we were on our flight from england.


Oh and there was the time on our first ever trip when an english bus driver noticed my manchester united shirt and started talking about football(soccer) on the way to what was MGM at the time. He even stopped as close to the entrance as he could for us rather than drop us off where he was supposed to.

...CM at Pooh's ride. It was our first night at WDW. We were in line to ride and DD had to "go to the potty". The line was still pretty long, so we got out of line & went under the rope. The FP CM wanted to know if everything was okay. We told her DD had to go to the bathroom. She told us to come to her when we were finished and she'd let us back in line. We came back, told her she had told us to come back and she sent us through the FP line! She told us to tell the CM at the front of the FP line that she had sent us. I was skeptical that this would work out, but we got on with no problem! Saved us probably 30 minutes of standing in line and we were able to move on to other rides.

Now according to some on those "line cutting threads" this is grounds for removal from the park, and that cm was just asking for immediate termination. What about all those people waiting in line who had planned out their potty breaks, huh, huh? :lmao:

We bought into DVC at AKL and our membership runs out when I will be in my mid 90s. ;) I kid the family that I will be going to WDW even when I am that old. I don't care if I am on a ECV, in a wheel chair or poking along Main Street with a walker. :cool1: I am GOING. :thumbsup2:lmao:

Hopefully Pluto will come out and talk to me at some point. But I am still getting on Space Mountain! :banana:

That is a most excellent photo!

Love reading these too.

A few years ago my family and I were staying @ POP. We were not sure how to get to our early breakfast ressie @ Cape May Cafe. We went to the bus stop early and asked the bus driver (who was headed to HS). He told us to hop on and drove us straight to the Beach Club. Since it was early no one was waiting to go to HS and he said it was no problem. He saved us a lot of time and made things really easy for was definitely a Magical Moment.

Also, on the same trip we were eating @ the Biergarten...the waiter came out with a special light up Tink for DD (the ones that come when you order the specialty drink). She was so was such sweet gesture.

One more...this past June we were eating @ the Biergarten again. DD (now 4) befriended a hostess. She talked her ear off for about 10 min (we were sitting @ a table that was close to the hostess stand). The hostess disappeared and came back with a huge German gingerbread cookie and Mickey stickers for DD. DD was thrilled and told me that said has a new best friend. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip! :)
I have so many that I've been remembering while reading this thread!

The first one was on our trip when DD was 3. We went to Akershus for breakfast and she wanted to wear her Jasmine costume. Well, Jasmine was there and just made a fuss over her costume. Then, about 5 hours later, we were wandering through World Showcase and we hear "Jasmine! Jasmine!" We turned to see where Jasmine was and it WAS Jasmine calling for DD!

She called her over and introduced her to Aladdin. She said "This is the girl I was telling you about! We had breakfast together this morning!"

On another trip, Mulan remembered her from breakfast and was telling Mushu about how they had eaten breakfast together.

Finally, we went to WDW one year and we were celebrating my birthday. I was wearing my birthday button to Epcot. We walked through the turnstiles and this CM comes over to me with a cordless phone, very seriously, and said "There's a phone call for you." I was thinking that something was wrong at home and that somehow someone had tracked us down at Epcot to tell us. (Yeah, right) It ended up being a birthday message from Goofy!!

There's just so much that Disney does RIGHT, period.
Two more, both from breakfast at Cinderella's Castle:

---Ariel & DD carried on a lengthy conversation about Flounder and the Flounder hat that DD had at home

---Belle noticed DD's birthday cupcake and told DD that Beast was really messy with frosting

As far as our "line cutting" mention in my first post; we'll just pretend that the CM gave us Fast Passes. Will that help?;)
Our first family trip was in February :cloud9:

My 4 year old is a princess fan and my 2 year old (at the time) is a fairy fan. The big 'must meet' character for my 2 year old was Terrence. She's obsessed. Everything needs to be Terrence all the time.

Our first day at MK we made our way to the fairies and met Tink, Silvermist and Rosetta after waiting for about 1.5 hours. Danica was thrilled, but was still hoping for Terrence with Fawn coming in a close second.

Our next day we waited in line again for 1.5 hours. When we were at the front of the line we asked the CM if she knew who was back there and she had said Silvermist, Tink and Terrence. Hooray! Danica heard and was super pumped about it. As we walked into Pixie Hollow they must have just done a change because it was Silvermist, Tink and Rosetta... again. Danica wasn't sad because she loves them all, but kept saying, 'where's Terrence?' It was heartbreaking.

Later that we went back and had asked the CM at the beginning of the line if there way any way that once we had gone through the line to let people cut in front of us until Terrence was there. She called for the manager (only word I can think of to describe her) to talk to us. After we told the manager our story she disappeared for about 15 minutes. She came back and said, 'I don't have Fawn, but I have Terrence if that's okay.' Of course it's okay! We went to hop in line and she said, 'well, then let's go!' We were shocked.

She brought us through the exit and into the back of the group that was currently in Pixie Hollow. Low and behold Iridessa popped out who we hadn't met yet. My 2 year old was in shock when she saw Terrence. Her pictures with Iridessa and Tink this round are all profiles because she kept staring at Terrence! I cried. It was unbelievable. I never in my wildest dreams expected or thought anyone would help us to that degree. I just kept thinking, 'only at Disney.' And it's true.


We also happened to total my car on our drive home from Disney and because of that we lost our certificates for 'summoning Tink.' I had emailed Disney to see if they could mail me new certificates. About 1 month later after I had forgotten all about it a huge package showed up at our door. There were 2 beautifully decorated and personalized boxes for each child with a crisp certificate in them! They also gave each one of the girls a Tinkerbell plush doll.

I cried... and yet again I couldn't stop thinking, 'only Disney.'

THAT'S why we'll always be huge Disney fans and come back every chance we get!
Awwww! I love reading all these awesome stories!! Now I remember why I love disney so much! No other place like it!!!! We are going in 3 weeks maybe I will have some stories of my own to share...:littleangel:
A special pixie magic for my family this summer. My DS and I took his DD to WDW for her 5th birthday. Having read the DISsigns threads, I had made little thank you cards for the CM. After checking into our room, we headed over to DTD to do some shopping. While in the Disney Store, the BBB fairey god mothers in training was sprinkling pixie dust on people. After my GDD had pixie dust sprinkled on her she gave her one of the thank you cards. The FGMIT, was so appreciatative, she took her into the BBB and gave her a face sparkle jewel! And, the disney photopass photographer captured this special moment for us! This was just the beginning of our pixie magic!

I like the idea of the thank you cards. Is there a thread with more info on this?
Our first family trip was in February :cloud9:

My 4 year old is a princess fan and my 2 year old (at the time) is a fairy fan. The big 'must meet' character for my 2 year old was Terrence. She's obsessed. Everything needs to be Terrence all the time.

Our first day at MK we made our way to the fairies and met Tink, Silvermist and Rosetta after waiting for about 1.5 hours. Danica was thrilled, but was still hoping for Terrence with Fawn coming in a close second.

Our next day we waited in line again for 1.5 hours. When we were at the front of the line we asked the CM if she knew who was back there and she had said Silvermist, Tink and Terrence. Hooray! Danica heard and was super pumped about it. As we walked into Pixie Hollow they must have just done a change because it was Silvermist, Tink and Rosetta... again. Danica wasn't sad because she loves them all, but kept saying, 'where's Terrence?' It was heartbreaking.

Later that we went back and had asked the CM at the beginning of the line if there way any way that once we had gone through the line to let people cut in front of us until Terrence was there. She called for the manager (only word I can think of to describe her) to talk to us. After we told the manager our story she disappeared for about 15 minutes. She came back and said, 'I don't have Fawn, but I have Terrence if that's okay.' Of course it's okay! We went to hop in line and she said, 'well, then let's go!' We were shocked.

She brought us through the exit and into the back of the group that was currently in Pixie Hollow. Low and behold Iridessa popped out who we hadn't met yet. My 2 year old was in shock when she saw Terrence. Her pictures with Iridessa and Tink this round are all profiles because she kept staring at Terrence! I cried. It was unbelievable. I never in my wildest dreams expected or thought anyone would help us to that degree. I just kept thinking, 'only at Disney.' And it's true.


We also happened to total my car on our drive home from Disney and because of that we lost our certificates for 'summoning Tink.' I had emailed Disney to see if they could mail me new certificates. About 1 month later after I had forgotten all about it a huge package showed up at our door. There were 2 beautifully decorated and personalized boxes for each child with a crisp certificate in them! They also gave each one of the girls a Tinkerbell plush doll.

I cried... and yet again I couldn't stop thinking, 'only Disney.'

THAT'S why we'll always be huge Disney fans and come back every chance we get!

My DD was dissappointed on our 2 trips because we have not seen Terrence. I wish I had thought to ask someone for her. Oh, well, next time.
I know this has happened to others (and probably happens out of the world, too), but I just love the fact that the CM's at Teppan Edo will fix my son's chopsticks with a rubber band so that he can use them, too! Our last trip, she came over and fixed his, and the children of the family seated with us had to have theirs done, too...and those young ladies were all in their middle to late 20s! It's just one of those things that makes me smile.


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