Something About Nothing ... #12

upload_2019-4-19_6-40-59.jpeg and yeah, and
Thank goodness. A balmy 65 degree ride, with little traffic. Nice. No jacket to take.

Little one had a pinky ring sized so she could wear it. I think they made it too small, so it goes back. You know it was small when it barely fit my ring finger. And her ring finger is almost double mine. Very pretty though, and she's chuffed to be wearing it. I found it when I was getting my necklace fixed. Yeah, the one she broke. Well, could not pass up the ring, so an early graduation present? Not sure, but I know she will enjoy wearing it.

And yay, little one and I did more purging. Little one even volunteered to drop bags off at the resale places. Then, some of little one's clothes, will pass on to my Dsis's GD. She loves getting stuff from little one.

And tea is needed, as almost too warm inside already.

Schumi, nice your old car sold, and using a loaner until the new car comes. Hope the date is early in May. And yay! Kyle gets a 3 day weekend with his parents. So nice, Schumi, to not be up early. I am hoping that for the next 3 days.

With that, for those who have this as Good Friday, blessings to you all.

From me:
. and yeah,
, do it, do itl It's Friday. :D
Good Friday morning........

Oh Lynne the car was easy to get rid of.......a 3 year old low mileage powerful Mercedes.......didn’t need to put any effort into it.......the showroom we always dealt with from asked if they could buy it from us.......they knew it would sell in a heartbeat......we have a good relationship with them and we still go in as Kyle will still be having his Mercedes serviced there.......and it has sold.....gone already! Will miss it a little......

Yep, 4 day weekend here......Kyle is off till Tuesday......nice relaxing weekend for him.

The ring as a graduation gift sounds lovely Lynne......I’m sure she’ll love it.....and nice to have a real good clear out of clothes, nice to have them put to good use........

Just back in from friends home where we had Good Friday breakfast/brunch.....won’t eat till late tonight!!!

They are so last minute a txt early this morning........”Breakfast anyone.....anytime after 9.30”.....there were 10 of us there, so it was lovely........although when it’s us hosting a group breakfast, I always make sure everyone knows two weeks ahead at least........but that’s her bacon fest morning!!!

So, no need for lunch today, having charcuterie with selection of olives and stuffed things for late dinner cooking is nice.......will be doing enough food prep tomorrow....:crazy:

Nice sunny day here today......still chilly a little though......but looks beautiful.......

Have a great Friday.....whatever you’re doing.........
If y'all happen to like R&B/hip hop, or just really good music, I highly recommend Lizzo's new album that dropped today. It's so good!!!! I listened to it on my way into work and its put me in such a good mood. And I actually have work to do this morning!!
Not necessarily me, that kind of music Robbie, but I'll let my kids know. They like some more hip hop than R&B though. Have to look up that artist's name. Glad it put you in a good mood, and working.
Oh, even late notice for lush food, breakfast sounded enjoyable, Schumi. And yep, around here, low mileage cars, in great condition, sell fast. Nice to have Kyle the whole extended week-end. And yeah, when I have big breakfasts or lunches, I rarely eat later in the day. Nice to not cook tonight. Glad you have sun.

Right now, the sky is a very ugly dark gray. Yep, storms a coming to let us have a rock and rolling late afternoon, evening wet. Poor flowers seem to need water, well, they surely will be watered soon. But, hey another round of close to 80 before the sky opens.

More tea please. And darn, the break room is quiet. Hmm, what is sweet around here?
Good morning all. Having my coffee, only 8am here! Contemplating my day! My packing dilemma or woes continue, lol. I think after breakfast I’ll go downstairs to make my decision on what clothes to take. Have to be at church for 11:30. I’ve been avoiding packing decisions! I’m really making an effort not to overpack. We’ll see if I succeed, or give in lol!
This afternoon is pre trip nails time. I don’t know if any of you have heard of it, a relatively new technique called Dip. I like it better than Shellac.
Tomorrow is Easter brunch at friends. Then we’re having Sunday dinner.
I think it’s stopped raining for awhile anyway. Although everything is soggy outside. Our community always has an Easter Egg Hunt on the preschool field. Many fond memories of attending when mine were little! Hope the rain holds off for them this morning.

Schumi hope your new vehicle arrives before you leave for Florida! Enjoy your weekend with Kyle!

Lynne ring sounds like a lovely grad present. I gave my oldest a ring for her high school grad. Hope the storms aren’t too bad this afternoon for you. For us morning fog, grey, low 50s. Sun supposed to make an appearance late afternoon! Our typical rainy spring. April rain brings May flowers!

Hi to all :wave:
Just a quick drive by to say hello to all the homies


Hope you`re doing better………

We managed to have quite a productive day all round here.....

My guys got the power washer out and the back patio is now`s like a red brick of sorts.....looked a little its back to brand new. Took them ages as it is a large area, but they were brilliant.

They also did the two decking areas, one has a gazebo covering it, so it gets a lot of moss on it over the winter.....but they have done a fabulous job!!! And they did move all the furniture off before starting.....didn't have to remind it`ll all look wonderful for Sunday and the rest of the summer.

Quiet night tonight...….watching Ant Man and the Wasp...….I like these movies!

Bacon for breakfast tomorrow guys.....all welcome....pancakes too with (fake) Maple Syrup...….:D
While we don't really celebrate Easter I do have a roast planned for Sunday. Supposed to be a nice weekend, hoping it is not as windy!!
Chilly but sunny out. Kids put the babies out in their sheltered area-guess they kept escaping all day so now they are wandering around with the big girls.
Big glass of wine while dinner cooks-cheated and popped a Stauffers lasagne in as I didn't feel like cooking. Fresh green beans to go with it though.
Hoping I will actually be able to sleep in tomorrow-soccer game not until 10
Well, could not pass up the ring, so an early graduation present? Not sure, but I know she will enjoy wearing it.
Sounds lovely. My DD wants a ring she can wear past high school instead of class ring...hmm...graduation next year and will be in Caribbean this summer-may have to check out some jewelry stores while in Cayman Islands...

I don’t know if any of you have heard of it, a relatively new technique called Dip.
Yes!! Thinking fo this for my trip too!

Just a quick drive by to say hello to all the homies
:wave2: Hope you are doing better!
My guys got the power washer out and the back patio is now`s like a red brick of sorts.....looked a little its back to brand new. Took them ages as it is a large area, but they were brilliant.
Oh don't you love how stuff just comes back to life?? We need to power wash our deck again too.

MMM house smelling good!
Monykalyn I love the Dip nails technique. My lady I go to is very good at it. Lasts me longer than shellac. And it’s easier to take off. So less hard on nails. Since I’m away for 17 days I decided on a light pink with sparkles in it, so growth doesn’t show.
I first discovered it while in Florida. I had to find someone local because my shellac started chipping. So asked hotel receptionist who was good nearby. In the salon the woman next to me was having the Dip so I asked about it! When I Came home I asked my lady, and they had just started doing it.

Hope you`re doing better………

We managed to have quite a productive day all round here.....

My guys got the power washer out and the back patio is now`s like a red brick of sorts.....looked a little its back to brand new. Took them ages as it is a large area, but they were brilliant.

They also did the two decking areas, one has a gazebo covering it, so it gets a lot of moss on it over the winter.....but they have done a fabulous job!!! And they did move all the furniture off before starting.....didn't have to remind it`ll all look wonderful for Sunday and the rest of the summer.

Quiet night tonight...….watching Ant Man and the Wasp...….I like these movies!

Bacon for breakfast tomorrow guys.....all welcome....pancakes too with (fake) Maple Syrup...….:D
Oh you need some Canadian Maple Syrup!
The husband did the power wash here a few weeks ago. Amazing how it brings everything up. Our courtyard gets so green during the winter, the sun doesn’t get high enough. Plus all the rain. Still haven’t put furniture back out, Mr making noises about a sealer or something. Oh well, not warm enough to sit out yet anyway.
While we don't really celebrate Easter I do have a roast planned for Sunday. Supposed to be a nice weekend, hoping it is not as windy!!
Chilly but sunny out. Kids put the babies out in their sheltered area-guess they kept escaping all day so now they are wandering around with the big girls.
Big glass of wine while dinner cooks-cheated and popped a Stauffers lasagne in as I didn't feel like cooking. Fresh green beans to go with it though.
Hoping I will actually be able to sleep in tomorrow-soccer game not until 10
Sounds lovely. My DD wants a ring she can wear past high school instead of class ring...hmm...graduation next year and will be in Caribbean this summer-may have to check out some jewelry stores while in Cayman Islands...

Yes!! Thinking fo this for my trip too!

:wave2: Hope you are doing better!
Oh don't you love how stuff just comes back to life?? We need to power wash our deck again too.

MMM house smelling good!

Power washing is a fabulous thing!!! Especially when I don't have to do…

Lazy dinner sounds good actually......especially the wine part!!!! Lady after my own heart...…:D

Yes, we don't celebrate Easter in the religious sense, but it`s a heck of a good excuse for a get together...…
everyone is here and someone usually organises something...….hope you got a late sleep this morning.....

So, Good Saturday Morning...….

We have a very strange event......sun has been shining for three full days.....and it`s getting won`t last of course....but will make hay when the sun shines...….:sunny:

Although today has been mostly in the kitchen...….made up 5 quiches this morning of different varieties....I did cheat and use pre made pastry cases....somethings just aren't worth doing....cooked and cooling down many eggs used....thank goodness for the farm next door, I ran out, thought I had enough already......could have done with MonyK`s chickens.....:thumbsup2

Ham is cooking too and will be in the Aga all day...….most other things are pre packed, last minute cooked or being brought by everyone else......this afternoon will make a huge bowl of potato salad, two pasta salads, coronation chicken and coleslaw.....and lots of pre packed goodies too...…

So, rest of today will be fairly relaxing.....who said entertaining has to be difficult. Sometimes short cuts are for the best...….no desserts from me....all being brought.....

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday...…..:)
I enjoy a get together for any reason, too, Schumi. Homemade does not mean shortcuts can’t be done. I use pre-made pie shells every time I make pie or quiches. All you are making sounds lush. I hope all enjoy your hospitality.

Rainy Saturday. Loud windy downpours. Radar shows we are not done yet. But it does seem to be moving fast to the North and East, so hoping for a drying out afternoon. Then we stay at 62, with flood warnings to end hopefully later today.

Some errands and wash are the events for today.

Mac, I hope this finds you better and better feeling.

I need tea. Not quiet. DH is up and not out the door yet. Tea and will start some eggs and steak for breakfast

Later homies!

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Great morning here:) two turkeys in the oven, sun is shining and i’m Watching the discovery cove videos family sending me in real time. Life is indeed good.

You`re a good mum!!! And it`s always nice to be able to make soup or anything really for them...even when they`re all grown up.....I got mixed up....I thought it was the oldest son!!! Glad Junior had a lovely trip too!!!

Fabulous on the weather!!! I wish we had 80`s......but it`s 64 and feels a lot warmer!!! Took my jacket off earlier while out!!!

Yes, morons with no horsepower and no brains are the worst idiots on the road......although some of the worst drivers are the school mums!!!! Barely slow down to drop the kids off then hare all the way to work....heaven forbid you stick to the speed limit on a winding country road when they have to get to work!!!! (off soap box)

Wait till I get our new car…….vvvvrrrroooooooommmmmm!!!!!!!! lol.....not really!!!

Yes, I do the same if I ever get car sick.....stare straight ahead.....if I`m the passenger hits me driving....but if I`m in a car with someone who isn`t a smooth driver......won`t mention any names...but a female relative is the worst culprit!!!! :sick: Haven`t been a passenger in her car for years!!!!

Sue, this is our third gas grill in a few years!! We always buy Outback or Weber, so not diddy ones.....but we are harsh on them I guess...….this one is huge!!!! Far bigger than we need...but boys and their toys!!

Lynne....enjoy that walk, hope the weather stays nice...…..

Beautiful two loads of washing out and it`s dry!!!!

Been trying to finish trip report, so been focussing on that instead of some other stuff......but once it`s done it`s done...…:thumbsup2

Still need to think about a fourth again for dinner and she loves steak, so may get some steaks and Kyle will be happy.......

Time to go bring in laundry......that sun is beating down on it....lovely......

I was always of the mind if you shift into low gear & toss out the kiddies it’s ok.

JK hahaha

Pull that speedy stuff here in a school zone and you could easily rack up enough points to lose your license & have hefty fine. Ridiculous they have to even have the laws in place but several kids in area killed every year by people passing buses letting kids off in the rural areas.

Yep, hopefully get the new car in May....not got the date yet, but our car is sold now so we have one coming temporary tomorrow......will keep that till we do get new one Lynne......looking forward to this one!!!

80 sounds lovely...…

Sue, never heard of those, but of course they may be on that side of the pond only.....I liked the idea of a year round one built in, but we decided to build a gazebo area, well we have two much larger than the other, and have a chimenea and one of those patio heaters on the smaller one...….BBQ is kept in the shed during the winter, but we keep it beside the larger gazebo area where most of the larger seating area is during better weather....nice and handy......and yes, we do like the areas covered......nice in winter and especially on the odd day we need some shelter from the very often......but we do get some lovely weather now and again.....glad you`re happy with the one you have now......

I do like this new grill!!! Walked down to have a look....yep, I`ll never use it as I`m a little wary of it....but Tom will love it...…

Sorted out all food for Sunday.....will do most things on Saturday, some tomorrow.....and last minute stuff Sunday morning.....did manage to get everything we needed thankfully....

Don`t need to be up so early tomorrow as Kyle is on a long weekend for Easter.....yay!!!!

And definitely don't plan to leave the house till Monday!

Where’s the fun in a covered grill? Tromping out in a foot of snow to toast a steak is bracing...not!!!

That set up sounds amazing, i’m Sure it gets puts to good use.

Good morning all. Having my coffee, only 8am here! Contemplating my day! My packing dilemma or woes continue, lol. I think after breakfast I’ll go downstairs to make my decision on what clothes to take. Have to be at church for 11:30. I’ve been avoiding packing decisions! I’m really making an effort not to overpack. We’ll see if I succeed, or give in lol!
This afternoon is pre trip nails time. I don’t know if any of you have heard of it, a relatively new technique called Dip. I like it better than Shellac.
Tomorrow is Easter brunch at friends. Then we’re having Sunday dinner.
I think it’s stopped raining for awhile anyway. Although everything is soggy outside. Our community always has an Easter Egg Hunt on the preschool field. Many fond memories of attending when mine were little! Hope the rain holds off for them this morning.

Schumi hope your new vehicle arrives before you leave for Florida! Enjoy your weekend with Kyle!

Lynne ring sounds like a lovely grad present. I gave my oldest a ring for her high school grad. Hope the storms aren’t too bad this afternoon for you. For us morning fog, grey, low 50s. Sun supposed to make an appearance late afternoon! Our typical rainy spring. April rain brings May flowers!

Hi to all :wave:

I do a cull system, first, then second, then weigh the luggage & usually a third before it passes muster.

Rougher for me this trip since on AA and no relationship, pay by the bag. Am hoping we can possibly upgrade to the roomier seats upon checkin/or at the airport. Not sure how that works with them.

Since we will be on NCL, no need to pack my typical cruise wear. Two lightweight tropical type sleeveless dresses & some mix & match separates & i’ll Probably be overdressed compared to fellow passengers

That dip method is very popular here, can do a lot with it that is so inventive. I’ve never had a pro mani or pedi, just not comfy with idea of someone fussing over me thusly. Older i get though it’s tempting to not mess painting my own toenails

While we don't really celebrate Easter I do have a roast planned for Sunday. Supposed to be a nice weekend, hoping it is not as windy!!
Chilly but sunny out. Kids put the babies out in their sheltered area-guess they kept escaping all day so now they are wandering around with the big girls.
Big glass of wine while dinner cooks-cheated and popped a Stauffers lasagne in as I didn't feel like cooking. Fresh green beans to go with it though.
Hoping I will actually be able to sleep in tomorrow-soccer game not until 10
Sounds lovely. My DD wants a ring she can wear past high school instead of class ring...hmm...graduation next year and will be in Caribbean this summer-may have to check out some jewelry stores while in Cayman Islands...

Yes!! Thinking fo this for my trip too!

:wave2: Hope you are doing better!
Oh don't you love how stuff just comes back to life?? We need to power wash our deck again too.

MMM house smelling good!

If I haven’t wished you the happy paid in full cruise dance, go for it! Always a red letter day IMO

Never had that lasagne, many swear by it. I normally make extra and freeze individually for those crazy days.

Oh you need some Canadian Maple Syrup!
The husband did the power wash here a few weeks ago. Amazing how it brings everything up. Our courtyard gets so green during the winter, the sun doesn’t get high enough. Plus all the rain. Still haven’t put furniture back out, Mr making noises about a sealer or something. Oh well, not warm enough to sit out yet anyway.

It’s about the same price as molten gold here lol. They tap trees east of here out in mountains, will say it’s delicious. Used some yesterday on top of my oven baked salmon, nom

Power washing is a fabulous thing!!! Especially when I don't have to do…

Lazy dinner sounds good actually......especially the wine part!!!! Lady after my own heart...…:D

Yes, we don't celebrate Easter in the religious sense, but it`s a heck of a good excuse for a get together...…
everyone is here and someone usually organises something...….hope you got a late sleep this morning.....

So, Good Saturday Morning...….

We have a very strange event......sun has been shining for three full days.....and it`s getting won`t last of course....but will make hay when the sun shines...….:sunny:

Although today has been mostly in the kitchen...….made up 5 quiches this morning of different varieties....I did cheat and use pre made pastry cases....somethings just aren't worth doing....cooked and cooling down many eggs used....thank goodness for the farm next door, I ran out, thought I had enough already......could have done with MonyK`s chickens.....:thumbsup2

Ham is cooking too and will be in the Aga all day...….most other things are pre packed, last minute cooked or being brought by everyone else......this afternoon will make a huge bowl of potato salad, two pasta salads, coronation chicken and coleslaw.....and lots of pre packed goodies too...…

So, rest of today will be fairly relaxing.....who said entertaining has to be difficult. Sometimes short cuts are for the best...….no desserts from me....all being brought.....

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday...…..:)

Can’t stand the noise from power washers, something about the pitch. The mister has his own, I take off before he brings it out. Need it though after winter to get all the guck off the sidewalks & deck


It’s the weekend

Enjoy your weekend homies!

Nice to see you post. Enjoy the weekend and start to pack your bags. Forget which battlefield is on tap this year. You’ve hit so many over the years, probably could write a book.
Hello everyone. I think I have finally recovered from the trip. Overall it was a really good trip. One of our bands took home a second place trophy and the other took first. (Different divisions) We only had 3 casualties - the boy who got sick (who was much better by the last day). Another boy who had injured his ankle before we left and did not get it looked at or even tell his mother (who was on the trip). He just kept walking on it and by day 3 he could no longer walk without pain. Spent the last day being pushed in a wheelchair. The third boy has some sort of medical condition that makes walking or standing for long periods difficult. Apparently he is fine with marching band, but several days of walking on concrete was too much for him. He was also using a wheelchair by the last day.The kids were very well behaved. I don’t think any of the chaperones had any problems. The 3 girls I was responsible for couldn’t have been any better.
Universal/IOA during spring break was not too bad. The most I had to wait for a ride was an hour for the minion ride. Forbidden journey was 45 minutes, but I was able to use single rider and got through much faster. I don’t think I waited more then 30 minutes for anything else. Disney, of course, was much more crowded. I wasn’t able to get a fast pass for Slinky Dog Dash, so I foolishly stood in line for 2 hours. The ride was cute, and fun, but not really worth a 2 hour wait in the hot sun. The alien swirling saucers was a disappointment. It was like a tilt-a-whirl but less exciting. Thankfully I had a fast pass for that one.

I am so far behind. Forgive me for not trying to catch up on all the postings. I hope everyone is feeling well right now. Happy Easter to those who celebrate.
:wave2: everyone

The week has gotten away from me. Liv has been sick and back and forth for tests. She is anemic right now and having awful symptoms, the worse is having a hard time breathing. I have to give her as much iron as possible. She is eating it in foods and taking the pills. The pills make her stomach sick. She has to go back in about a month or two for a blood recheck to see if her levels improved. I am not sure what the next option will be. We didn't get to do much on vacation this week, was home most of the time. It is a good thing she isn't working too much but it stinks not to have money.

I am sorry I can't catch up so I will try and go from here. I know there are a bunch of trips coming and going soon. I hope everyone has and/or had a great time.

The weather here has been up and down and now we are getting a lot of rain. The weather is warmer so I am happy.

Staying home tomorrow and cooking some steak, roasted potatoes and asparagus. Brian will make a sweet potato pie in the morning.

I have been working on some plans for the trip in June. Planning out restaurants that I want to go too. I have planned on Sweet Tomatoes, Ale House on Kirkham, Hash House a Go Go. I do need to choose a restaurant by Bush Gardens Tampa for the day we are there. I don't want to eat in the park twice. Any suggestions?

I hope everyone has a nice Easter with family and friends. :goodvibes
Bobbie, so sorry to hear that Liv has been sick. I was anemic as a child and had to take nasty, sticky liquid medicine. I hope she is feeling better for your June trip.
I miss having a Sweet Tomatoes nearby. I can’t remember when I last ate at one.
Bobbie, I hope Liv has improvement with the pills for her anemia

It’s tough when our kids have a medical issue

Sending hugs!


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