Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge

Hi Lisa I just popped over from team donald to say congratulations on being in onedeland:cool1:Thats absolutely fab:thumbsup2 You must feel soooooo good right now:woohoo:
Hi mickeys!

Lisa--super congratulations!! Way to go. I am so happy and proud for you!

We made it to Seattle a okay. The train was stuck on the tracks for an hour because a train in front of us someplace was having troubles. But the delay was fine for us. Catching a bus from the train station to the hotel was a bit of a rainy adventure but our room was ready when we arrived. We got registered and had some time for site seeing before the introductory meeting and ds2s first rehearsal. We had seen pike place market before but the other family from our church hadn't so it was fun to see things through their eyes.

Right now I am chaperoning a rehearsal. I signed up for 1.5 hours this morning and tomorrow morning. The kids's voices are incredible! I can't wait for the performance Sunday ! My plan is to go to the fitness room after this. Hopefully it will have cleared out by then! Eating will just be willy billy this wekend. Our room has no fridge so that is limiting. We did find a supermarket within walking distance so last night bought some bananas and other stuff. Plus I brought food so we have munchies. Gotta love almonds! Internet in the room costs $11, but this rehearsal room has it free! Hope to find other places within the hotel that are free, too!

Last night dh went to basketball awards And both ds earned most inspirational player awards for their teams. :thumbsup2. Ds1s team won their first baseball game earlier in the week. Ds2s games have all been rained out. He is a bit disappointed that he will probably miss the team's first game. But if the crummy weather continues that won't be a problem!

Only 20 more minutes left of my shift and I can go workout! Hope everybody has a super op weekend. Send in those weights!
Sorry, I haven't been on the in last few days. I've had some emotional ups and downs. I'm trying to get a photobook put together for my step daughter's birthday next month. Its been rough because I'm seeing pictures of my late husband that I haven't seen in quite some time. I had misplaced my photo albums and had been looking for them for over a year. Alan found them about a month ago when he was going through Rubbermaid bins in the garage. I'm hoping to get the rest of the pictures scanned into my computer tomorrow and have it completed and ordered through Shutterfly by the end of the weekend. I'm planning on making one for my in-laws of pictures of Maddie, they don't have many considering they'd only seen her twice in her short life. :(

However to end the post on a happy note my latest blog from Sparkpeople:

Since October 23, 2011

3,105 fitness minutes

17 pounds lost

Dropped 2 pant sizes (Size 24 - Size 20)

In 21 weeks I've averaged a pound a week. Sparkpeople has taught me many things such as portion control, tracking food, different exercies, etc. In previous years I'd be highly upset that I'm losing weight so slowly. However, I'm noticing that even though its coming off slowly its staying off.

I sat down last night and started reading my blogs from last October until now. In these short 21 weeks I've made awesome progress. I started off working out 15 minutes and over time increased to an hour. I can get on the treadmill and walk consistantly for an hour.

I'm so glad Alan found your photos. I know you were worried that you couldn't find them before your move.
What are you using to scan the photos? My mom cleaned out her room and a bunch of other nooks and crannies and culled a stack of photos, negatives and slides about 4 feet tall into one corner of her room. I need to scan all of these this summer, my big project for the year.
Any tips on a good scanner?
Well it's been one hell of a night here in the Blink house, hence the 3:30 am postings.
DS11 fractured his elbow while I was comatosed Thursday, and they all neglected to tell me DS was hurt until Friday afternoon his elbow was the size of a baseball and he couldn't bend it. So off to the ER we went after DH got home (drove from DC with a 101.1 fever).
Then as things finally settle down and I get DH cool enough to sleep, there was the now infamous cough from the other room. DS10 almost made it to the bathroom before getting sick but unfortunately he got the entire hallway carpet. I got that cleaned up and DS back in bed but I'm going to have to rip the carpet up tomorrow. I have no choice. Hopefully DH will be well enough in the morning to get to Home Depot and see if they have any remnant available.

So what next world?? Bring it on!!

Oh and the treadmill has been beckoning me every time I walk past to do the 8000 loads of laundry yesterday, but I'm just not feeling up to running.
Any ideas on how long I should wait? I still don't feel all that great but it could just be from cleaning up DS's mess. The biggest thing right now is my head and back are still hurting from being sick. I can't get to the chiro until at least Monday, if everyone is healthy.
Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in

I'm calling myself caught up from this point but wanted to be sure and share my exciting news! :goodvibes

Have a great day Mickeys! :smickey:

Popping in from Team Donald to say WOOOOHOOO :woohoo: and a huge CONGRATULATIONS ! That is an amazing accomplishment! I'll bet you can't stop smiling!

Now.....spend a minute mentally "bottling" that feeling. Then you will have it handy to pull out when you are struggling to make the smart choices....when you are in a self-sabotage mood. Remember that amazing feeling of accomplishment and how very worth it you are!

I'm proud of you!:cheer2::hug: ............P
Good morning TEAM MICKEY!

Lisa congrats on making it to One-derland!!

Thanks, Buffy! :thanks:

Hope that everyone in your family starts to feel better soon. :hug: What a tough week! :flower3: I would wait until you see you chiropractor on Monday and then ease back into activity. You keep your conditioning for two to three weeks so a little hiatus won't hurt your level.

Good Morning Mickeys!!! Happy Friday to you all!

You know, the weekend is the hardest time for me to stay OP. I do get my workouts in on Saturday morning, but then it is downhill from there.
Tomorrow I have my cousin's 1 year old baby birthday party to go to and it cuts into my gym time. So, instead, I am going to get up a tad earlier and do some time with Wii Fit, Just Dance and maybe some treadmill time if I have the time...

Good luck this weekend!!

Good job on working around the scheudule to get that gym time in. Can you bring along your own snacks to the party or eat your own healthy food ahead of time so the treats are not tempting? :goodvibes

CC, glad that the meds thing is working out! :thumbsup2 I think it is sadly way too easy to get overmedicated in our society today and then it ends up with the cure being worse than the disease. I will be interested to hear about the stress reduction class.

Hi Lisa I just popped over from team donald to say congratulations on being in onedeland:cool1:Thats absolutely fab:thumbsup2 You must feel soooooo good right now:woohoo:

Thanks so much for your kind words! :flower3: It is very exciting!

Thanks to you, too, Linda! Have fun in the big city and good luck to your choir folks! :yay: Did people enjoy the fish tossing? :swimming:

:cool1::cool1:CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so awesome!!:cool1:


Thanks, Jill! :thanks:

Kristina, I'm glad that you are feeling better! :flower3:

Popping in from Team Donald to say WOOOOHOOO :woohoo: and a huge CONGRATULATIONS ! That is an amazing accomplishment! I'll bet you can't stop smiling!

Now.....spend a minute mentally "bottling" that feeling. Then you will have it handy to pull out when you are struggling to make the smart choices....when you are in a self-sabotage mood. Remember that amazing feeling of accomplishment and how very worth it you are!

I'm proud of you!:cheer2::hug: ............P

Thanks, Pamela! :thanks: It is a great feeling and one with a tad of :scared: because I don't like being so close to that other number so I will be very, very good, I promise! :goodvibes

Thanks for all the well wishes! I really do appreciate them all! :cool2:

Off to do a 7 mile run and as many miles as I can get in on the bike. :cool2: I still have 90 miles in the next 14 days to get done on the bike. :scared1: I'll be glad when it is April and all I have to do is run like the wind! :cool1:
:wave2: Quick drive by! T-2.5 hours to Cakeageddon -- 7 tweens with gallons of frosting decorating cakes in my dining room. They should have a great time. One has nut allergies and the decorating icing is not safe for her so I will have to be very careful that she has her own separate bags and tips to use. I think I have it all set up safely for her.

I am so :headache: and :confused3 with the scale. This week I have been swinging up and down 2 pounds DAILY. That is not normal for me-- usually I am pretty consistent. Not sure if it is the not being able to drink water or what. I am going to see what the scale says tomorrow.

Off to decorate and get the frosting ready. Have a great St. Patrick's day!!! Corned Beef is in the crock pot so dinner will be easy after a long day.
Afternoon ::MickeyMo

Okay, well I was up thinking last night (after I posted that blog) and since May 2010 I've dropped a total of 26 pounds as of yesterday. I'm 8 pounds from being under 200 and I can't wait!

Congrats Lisa0711 on hitting ONE-DERLAND! :) :banana:
HELP!!!!! I just can't lose any weight! I have been doing the elliptical religiously and adding in some other workouts. I've been drinking lots of water but the scale won't budge! I may be gaining muscle as I'm just getting back into things. Trying not to get frustrated! I have not done very well today, not horrible but I had some chips and dip with lunch.

While I was out doing an Usborne event in which I sold ONE book, Brian and the girls made me two Irish cream cheesecakes! They used light sour cream and light cream cheese but it also had sugar and of course the Irish cream. We each had a piece with light whipped cream on top. I am probably going to only eat a little epplant rollup for supper tonight. I am not having any adult drinks until next weekend! I instead had a maragarita flavored glass of Crystal light. It's pretty good even with out the tequila! I need to get back on the elliptical in a little while.

Ash just put in the Disneyland Kinect Adventures game and Izzie is at our local 100th Girl Scout birthday party until 6. I did a run to the dump when I dropped her off and then we put some stuff in the attic!

I need to do well this week as I will be putting on a bathing suit and spending some time in a hot tub next weekend! I need to save up calories for the weekend.

I got up at 8 and with in 20 minutes I had a cold cut calzone and Brian's corned beef, potatoes, carrots and onions made and cooking. We had the calzone for lunch and he will have the corned beef for supper!

TTFN :tigger:
Hi mickeys!

Lisa--super congratulations!! Way to go. I am so happy and proud for you!

We made it to Seattle a okay. The train was stuck on the tracks for an hour because a train in front of us someplace was having troubles. But the delay was fine for us. Catching a bus from the train station to the hotel was a bit of a rainy adventure but our room was ready when we arrived. We got registered and had some time for site seeing before the introductory meeting and ds2s first rehearsal. We had seen pike place market before but the other family from our church hadn't so it was fun to see things through their eyes.

Right now I am chaperoning a rehearsal. I signed up for 1.5 hours this morning and tomorrow morning. The kids's voices are incredible! I can't wait for the performance Sunday ! My plan is to go to the fitness room after this. Hopefully it will have cleared out by then! Eating will just be willy billy this wekend. Our room has no fridge so that is limiting. We did find a supermarket within walking distance so last night bought some bananas and other stuff. Plus I brought food so we have munchies. Gotta love almonds! Internet in the room costs $11, but this rehearsal room has it free! Hope to find other places within the hotel that are free, too!

Last night dh went to basketball awards And both ds earned most inspirational player awards for their teams. :thumbsup2. Ds1s team won their first baseball game earlier in the week. Ds2s games have all been rained out. He is a bit disappointed that he will probably miss the team's first game. But if the crummy weather continues that won't be a problem!

Only 20 more minutes left of my shift and I can go workout! Hope everybody has a super op weekend. Send in those weights!

Sounds like you're having a great trip! I love Seattle, it's my favorite place in the world.

Sorry, I haven't been on the in last few days. I've had some emotional ups and downs. I'm trying to get a photobook put together for my step daughter's birthday next month. Its been rough because I'm seeing pictures of my late husband that I haven't seen in quite some time. I had misplaced my photo albums and had been looking for them for over a year. Alan found them about a month ago when he was going through Rubbermaid bins in the garage. I'm hoping to get the rest of the pictures scanned into my computer tomorrow and have it completed and ordered through Shutterfly by the end of the weekend. I'm planning on making one for my in-laws of pictures of Maddie, they don't have many considering they'd only seen her twice in her short life. :(

However to end the post on a happy note my latest blog from Sparkpeople:

Sorry-- I lost part of your quote. That must be hard and congrats on your journey so far.

Well it's been one hell of a night here in the Blink house, hence the 3:30 am postings.
DS11 fractured his elbow while I was comatosed Thursday, and they all neglected to tell me DS was hurt until Friday afternoon his elbow was the size of a baseball and he couldn't bend it. So off to the ER we went after DH got home (drove from DC with a 101.1 fever).
Then as things finally settle down and I get DH cool enough to sleep, there was the now infamous cough from the other room. DS10 almost made it to the bathroom before getting sick but unfortunately he got the entire hallway carpet. I got that cleaned up and DS back in bed but I'm going to have to rip the carpet up tomorrow. I have no choice. Hopefully DH will be well enough in the morning to get to Home Depot and see if they have any remnant available.

So what next world?? Bring it on!!

Oh and the treadmill has been beckoning me every time I walk past to do the 8000 loads of laundry yesterday, but I'm just not feeling up to running.
Any ideas on how long I should wait? I still don't feel all that great but it could just be from cleaning up DS's mess. The biggest thing right now is my head and back are still hurting from being sick. I can't get to the chiro until at least Monday, if everyone is healthy.

Good lord--just concentrate on yourself for awhile--you can't take care of them until you are well.... I know how it is to hold off on exercise-- I feel guilty too--plus it's fun, but you have to take it easy.

HELP!!!!! I just can't lose any weight! I have been doing the elliptical religiously and adding in some other workouts. I've been drinking lots of water but the scale won't budge! I may be gaining muscle as I'm just getting back into things. Trying not to get frustrated! I have not done very well today, not horrible but I had some chips and dip with lunch.

While I was out doing an Usborne event in which I sold ONE book, Brian and the girls made me two Irish cream cheesecakes! They used light sour cream and light cream cheese but it also had sugar and of course the Irish cream. We each had a piece with light whipped cream on top. I am probably going to only eat a little epplant rollup for supper tonight. I am not having any adult drinks until next weekend! I instead had a maragarita flavored glass of Crystal light. It's pretty good even with out the tequila! I need to get back on the elliptical in a little while.

Ash just put in the Disneyland Kinect Adventures game and Izzie is at our local 100th Girl Scout birthday party until 6. I did a run to the dump when I dropped her off and then we put some stuff in the attic!

I need to do well this week as I will be putting on a bathing suit and spending some time in a hot tub next weekend! I need to save up calories for the weekend.

I got up at 8 and with in 20 minutes I had a cold cut calzone and Brian's corned beef, potatoes, carrots and onions made and cooking. We had the calzone for lunch and he will have the corned beef for supper!

TTFN :tigger:

Sounds to me like you're doing really good-- I dunno, maybe really up the water intake? I weighed in yesterday and was up a pound but my bmi was lower. I really love my new scale.

Happy St. Patricks Day! I have my corned beef in the crockpot too--well husband was kind enough to do that. I'm sick. Had a sore throat for days, then day before yesterday started getting aches, then yesterday was lightheaded and really achy-- a little sniffly. Last night I went from burning to ice cold all night and I slept till one today. I feel pretty good now, except for the sore throat--the aches are gone anyway. I should have probably handed off my shift to someone else but there's no way while I'm still walking that I'll give up a whole night with my friend....
Been downing vitamin c, echinacea, garlic, immune defense montages, zicam and gargling saltwater. I'm fighting! Today I rented a movie because I never cashed in my last weeks rental (for losing weight) and I'll watch it in bed lol--young adult-- my husband wouldn't be interested. He wants to go to Costco later and I think I can manage that but that's it. I mainly want to go so I can dress up in my Irish gear lol. No beer for me today...:sad2:

quotd March 17 Saturday:-- what is your favorite song right now to exercise to-- or song that motivates you.

Mine right now is Slade--Run run away from the 80's. Second would be Queen's Bicycle Race.

Disney quotd: What is the most intriguing, unusual or off the wall thing you have encountered in the parks?
We met a president of Disneyland once. He sat down and talked to us about the pirates of the Caribbean-- my husband loves it--goes on it repeatedly (exasperatingly) They were about to remodel the ride I think and a castmember at a restaurant brought him over after we had talked to him for awhile.

It was Paul Pressler-- he was very down to earth-- very nice and took his picture with us. He had a meeting at the golden horseshoe next door with anaheim officials.
i'm alive! i'm alive!

this will be short, i tried to scroll through but really couldn't focus....but i know you are all doing FABULOUS :teeth:

in short, pituitary gland surgery #2 was somewhat smoother than the first, the first week was difficult but not the same intensity. today is a good day :teeth:

the surgeon reported he did some more housecleaning and i have 40% of my gland left, so far my function is intact. though any thyroid disruption won't be known for couple months. i'm on replacement steroids, sigh...a necessary evil

i took my own pillow in my character signed pillowcase from DCL, in yellow my favorite color...b/c it makes me happy several comments from staff on person asked me if i signed it myself...oh the disney naivete ;)
i'm alive! i'm alive!

this will be short, i tried to scroll through but really couldn't focus....but i know you are all doing FABULOUS :teeth:

in short, pituitary gland surgery #2 was somewhat smoother than the first, the first week was difficult but not the same intensity. today is a good day :teeth:

the surgeon reported he did some more housecleaning and i have 40% of my gland left, so far my function is intact. though any thyroid disruption won't be known for couple months. i'm on replacement steroids, sigh...a necessary evil

i took my own pillow in my character signed pillowcase from DCL, in yellow my favorite color...b/c it makes me happy several comments from staff on person asked me if i signed it myself...oh the disney naivete ;)
Molli, glad to see your post, and the upbeat tone! Sending lots of hugs and pixie dust for a speedy recovery. Take care! (and hugs to your mom, too)

Lisa, congrats on the ONEderland. Someday, I shall return. ;)
i'm alive! i'm alive!

this will be short, i tried to scroll through but really couldn't focus....but i know you are all doing FABULOUS :teeth:

in short, pituitary gland surgery #2 was somewhat smoother than the first, the first week was difficult but not the same intensity. today is a good day :teeth:

the surgeon reported he did some more housecleaning and i have 40% of my gland left, so far my function is intact. though any thyroid disruption won't be known for couple months. i'm on replacement steroids, sigh...a necessary evil

i took my own pillow in my character signed pillowcase from DCL, in yellow my favorite color...b/c it makes me happy several comments from staff on person asked me if i signed it myself...oh the disney naivete ;)

Glad to hear you are on the mend! :thumbsup2
i'm alive! i'm alive!

this will be short, i tried to scroll through but really couldn't focus....but i know you are all doing FABULOUS :teeth:

in short, pituitary gland surgery #2 was somewhat smoother than the first, the first week was difficult but not the same intensity. today is a good day :teeth:

the surgeon reported he did some more housecleaning and i have 40% of my gland left, so far my function is intact. though any thyroid disruption won't be known for couple months. i'm on replacement steroids, sigh...a necessary evil

i took my own pillow in my character signed pillowcase from DCL, in yellow my favorite color...b/c it makes me happy several comments from staff on person asked me if i signed it myself...oh the disney naivete ;)

Good to hear that-- and yay on the pillow.:thumbsup2

Well made it through a trip to grocery outlet then decided that was enough of a rendezvous for the day--kicked my rear end. I'm making the corned beef hash and then the rest of the night will be in bed.
posting tomorrow's quotd--

Sunday march 18th:


What is your favorite kitchen utensil for helping cooking healthy?

Mine is a hand held lemon/lime squeezer.I saw Guy Fieri cooking with it and is soo great. Also my olive oil spritzer is way cool.

Disney quotd:
What's your favorite disney song?
Mine right now is how will I know from Enchanted. :goodvibes
Hi! I am just joining Team Mickey. My name is Lisa. I am a fulltime telecommuter working in the field of IT. My family consists of DH, DS24, DD20 and DS7. I am 47 and this is my first biggest loser challenge. I need to lose 15 - 20 pounds. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds between April 2008 - Nov 2010. I became a lifetime WW member in Nov. 2010 after achieving my goal weight. I kept the weight off until Oct 2011 when I started gaining again. I have gained 15 pounds since then.

For me, dieting is more about getting healthy than losing weight. However, I know that when I eat healthy the weight will come off. My biggest motivator is my DS7. I need to be able to keep up is him:) I have recently started going to WW again. I have also joined the walk to Disney challenge. I am not exactly sure how this challenge works(except that I need to PM my weight every week) so would appreciate any info you guys can provide. GO Team Mickey:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Hello All! I hope everyone is doing well... I haven't caught up but I see some of us have had some health problems... I hope everyone is one the mend and will be feeling better soon! :hug:

I don't remember when was the last time I posted on here, although I have been sending my numbers in every week.

My internet at home was having issues so getting on here has been a nightmare for the last couple of weeks. Finally we realized it was a router problem so thats been taken care of.

This school semester has been the most challenging yet, I just finished my mid-terms and am getting read to register for next semester. The good thing is that there is a great possibility of me graduating next Spring. :cool1:

As far as my weight goes.... I have hit a plateau :headache: and while I know that it is very common, it is very frustrating. I've been at the same number for the last 3 weeks! I also know that I haven't been giving it my 100% so I know what I have to do.

Also my WDW is around the corner 49 days away! In order to reach my goal for this trip I have to lose about 2 lbs a week. So I need to get back on track. I feel like I have so much to do to get ready and not a lot of time to do it.

Have a great week everyone!!


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