The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 13

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rosiejo said:
Ok - I'm confused... I couldn't answer half the questions - the ones about the actresses... yet I got the I'm a true Disney Fan too :confused3

i definitely guessed for the majority of them and still got that one.. :confused3
Well, i only had 3 classes yesterday--2 of which i got homework in..and i did homework for almost 3 hours today and im still not done...I have one class tonight and another one tomorrow--so its going to be back to the fun weekends of homework this weekend!
bethbuchall said:
Yay for next year!!! I'm working on dh for two years. We'll see how it goes...

All I thought about when we got home was going back next August since we had such a blast this time. I hadn't mentioned it to him though because I figured it would be too much since we just got home. I was going to wait til January before bringing it up & then he says "do you want to go anywhere else?" I said "No" & that's when he started talking about going back.
We can't afford the Disney cruise since we are 5. I don't want to take the kids to Europe right now with what is going on in the world and we have seen alot of the U.S. so I cannot see any other better choice than to go back to Disney. Hey, I know I am preaching to the choir here since we all love Disney here on the DIS,but I was just thinking it over & it just makes sense. (well to me it does! :teeth: )

I just added my new ticker...I would love to return to the Beach Club but we will have to see if we have enough $ for that.

Beth, I'll send you tons of pixie dust to convince your DH that you must return to Disney asap!!!! :wizard:
Well, my brother just told me some funny news, so figured i would share.
He is entered into a "sexy fireman contest" Some of the people dared him to do it and now hes in!
Apparently they will put all the contestants on the website and then the top 5 or 10 (forget which one) will go to the firemen auction..all of the money raised goes to a burn center--
Now the funny part--my brother had to get pictures taken of him so he showed me the pictures today..They have him at the back of the firetruck, no shirt, holding an ax..hahahahaha
so when the picture gets up, ill show you guys...and if you can vote for him, that would be great--im going to try to get as many votes for him--they get free stuff for their firehouse if they win!
Blueeyes101817 said:
Now the funny part--my brother had to get pictures taken of him so he showed me the pictures today..They have him at the back of the firetruck, no shirt, holding an ax..hahahahaha
so when the picture gets up, ill show you guys...and if you can vote for him, that would be great--im going to try to get as many votes for him--they get free stuff for their firehouse if they win!

Count me in, I be glad to vote for him!
rosiejo said:
threads would pop up all over the DIS with people trying to find out why they the wedding rings outside of Hanuted Mansion... I think June would get a kick out of that :)
This brings up a funny memory of our May trip.....Dan, Dan, the Haunted Mansion Man.
rosiejo said:
If each of us placed a purple silk rose on June's bench every time we took a trip I reckon it would become a Disney legend... threads would pop up all over the DIS with people trying to find out why they the wedding rings outside of Hanuted Mansion... I think June would get a kick out of that :)

Sounds like a plan!!!
rosiejo said: the wedding rings outside of Hanuted Mansion...

O.K...........I will be the one to rings @ Haunted Mansion??
lmartin2711 said:
O.K...........I will be the one to rings @ Haunted Mansion??
Quoted from the internet:

This is the story of the Haunted Mansion as relayed to me by my trainer when I began to work in the Magic Kingdom. Master Gracey had been married 6 times previously, but all of his wives had died. He met and proposed to his 7th wife. She was a bit of a prankster who dabbled in the occult, and she wanted to play a trick on Master Gracey on their wedding night. While in her wedding gown, she snuck up to the attic and hid in a large trunk that was up there. Unfortunately, the trunk locked, and nobody heard her cries for help. She suffocated, and then died. Master Gracey was beside himself with grief. He had his wife's body placed in a horse drawn carriage to be brought to the cemetary. As Master Gracey held his wife's hand for what was going to be the last time, something spooked the horse, and it bolted. Her wedding ring fell and was stomped into the pavement by one of the horses hooves. The next day, the carriage was found outside the cemetary, but the horse, driver, and corpse were nowhere to be found. This was the last straw for Master Gracey. He was so grief stricken, he went back to the mansion, and hung himself.
A quick stop to let you all know that we are OK. I have talked to the insurance agent, had the adjuster and the fire marshall and the Servicemaster Rep out to the house already. They will come in and clean it next week and we will buy a new stove and countertop and we ought to be back to normal. In the midst of all this mayhem the Cox tech showed up for a service call that was supposed to h ave been tomorrow! AAAAAAAAAACK!!!

Thanks for your kind words. I am VERY tired and still have to go in and teach 4 classes today. But I did cancel all my private lessons so I can go in late and come home earlier than normal. Lesson plans are done and I am off to take shower #3. If I don't post tonight don't worry. I will be asleep. Catch you all later. Have great days, friends. :)
Elin - It may not be much of a bright side of things but now you get to go shopping! What kind of stove are you gonna get? :teeth:
Blueeyes101817 said:
Well, my brother just told me some funny news, so figured i would share.
He is entered into a "sexy fireman contest" Some of the people dared him to do it and now hes in!
Apparently they will put all the contestants on the website and then the top 5 or 10 (forget which one) will go to the firemen auction..all of the money raised goes to a burn center--
Now the funny part--my brother had to get pictures taken of him so he showed me the pictures today..They have him at the back of the firetruck, no shirt, holding an ax..hahahahaha
so when the picture gets up, ill show you guys...and if you can vote for him, that would be great--im going to try to get as many votes for him--they get free stuff for their firehouse if they win!

That sounds pretty cool....Men in uniform or out of uniform....Can't wait :blush:

Shopping question:

Does Walmart sell dvds at the same price in store as on
rosiejo said:
Shopping question:

Does Walmart sell dvds at the same price in store as on
I think so. Sometimes the store's might be cheaper if they are in a price war with another local store (like Target or KMart for example).
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