The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 13

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bethbuchall said:
I didn't know that there were still half day kindergartens out there. Our district switched sometime in the 5 years between Laura and Miles. I fought tooth and nail against it, but it didn't do any good. It was so hard to send Miles to kindergarten for a full day, but I will admit that he loved school from the beginning. Matthew and Laura were both afternoon K.
Last year was the 1st year in our town so Lizzie was half days that switched from morning to afternoons 1/2 way through the year. Here it is optional and tuition based. Tuition went from $1,800 last year to $2,400 this year. I shutter to think of what it will be for Emma but at least then we won't have a preschool to pay at the same time like this year. Of 120 or so in Joe's grade all but about a dozen have opted for the full days. We really feel like Joe is ready for this. He's a January baby so he's a full 7 months older than Lizzie was when she started. I'm glad I didn't have to make the choice with her. Emma is also a January baby so I'm hoping she'll be ready too. It will be a long day for him to get used to but I think he'll adjust really well.
I won't be here for a thread milestone, but 2 more and I'll have the personal one I was working towards last night.

yellowfish78 said:
If you post it in snipets we'll be able to get to the milestone faster. :teeth:
Kate and I rode the Haunted Mansion late at night, just as the park was closing......
Shameless post... The kids are driving me crazy and I need to get off.

What's everyone's opinion on this?
Their headline story is that you can watch the events from 9/11/01 unfold via CNN Pipeline in realtime starting Monday at 8:30am...
This is my 4000th post

I'm going to saver it for awhile. See you all after work tonight.

yellowfish78 said:
What's everyone's opinion on this?
Their headline story is that you can watch the events from 9/11/01 unfold via CNN Pipeline in realtime starting Monday at 8:30am...
Hmm not sure I like the concept myself...
So they're releasing Grey's anatomy 2 on DVD this week... They've got it at a ridiculously cheap price on just over 30 bucks (should be $60) so do I order it today and pay the shipping and customs charges... or wait until November and try and get it cheap on my trip...
My only concern on waiting is that it's then getting close to the holidays. You might not be able to find it then...
Does anyone here need a new visa card? If you buy something from they offer you the chance to apply for their card... and give you $30 off!!! But of course I'm not eligible :sad:
Depends on how much the shipping and customs are, if it's too much I'd say wait until November.
yellowfish78 said:
My only concern on waiting is that it's then getting close to the holidays. You might not be able to find it then...

You're such an enabler! I'm going to see if I can find out what the charges are :goodvibes
Blueeyes101817 said:
Well, my brother just told me some funny news, so figured i would share.
He is entered into a "sexy fireman contest" Some of the people dared him to do it and now hes in!
Apparently they will put all the contestants on the website and then the top 5 or 10 (forget which one) will go to the firemen auction..all of the money raised goes to a burn center--
Now the funny part--my brother had to get pictures taken of him so he showed me the pictures today..They have him at the back of the firetruck, no shirt, holding an ax..hahahahaha
so when the picture gets up, ill show you guys...and if you can vote for him, that would be great--im going to try to get as many votes for him--they get free stuff for their firehouse if they win!
I'll vote for him.
So can anyone tell me how to post an animated gif in my signature, I found a Mickey that does the YMCA.
Almost $10 for delivery... not sure if that includes the customs charges though... just under $70 for seasons one and two... That's about how much they'll try and charge me for season 2 alone when it finally comes out here in about 6 months time!

Only worrying this is delivery can take between 7 and 36 days??? Are they sending it via camel??
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