The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 2

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Aren't they gorgeous? We love them! Everyone at the party thought they were great too. But trying to explain who made them was a little interesting:rotfl: None of my friends/family get "us" though :confused3
Here is Lucy in her dress.
Cuuuute Robyn!

I know what you mean about people not getting it. I showed them to some of my friends, and they wanted to know how much I charged. I said NOTHING. You can't charge for pixie dust! They just don't get it!:confused3
Good morning :)

Tom I love the outfits, how sweet of you & Robyn your girls are such cuties in them!

Elin what a sweet sentiment behind your signature :goodvibes

Jennifer love the picture in your signature, perfect!

Deb good luck with the video!

Karen glad to hear your dad is home.

Chanon I have no advice, just wishing you luck with your invitations.

Theresa my mother bought me a hope chest for my 16th birthday, I still have it. I was so thrilled when I got it & filled it with items I bought to use when I would be out on my own.

Jen glad to see you popped in, have a wonderful time!

Heidi in case I miss you, have fun!

Jennifer sorry to hear your girls are still not feeling well. How did the 1st day back at work go?

Marci how was dinner last night? Hope you enjoyed yourself!

:wizard: & :hug: to anyone I might have missed.

What a wonderful recap, Janet, so I hope you don't mind if I ditto. :goodvibes :thumbsup2
Theresa and Kristine - I'm afraid I don't have much advice for your b-day dilemnas. I've had a hard time sitting here trying to even remember what I did for those birthdays. :rolleyes: So, ultimately it might not matter to them much.

I think my 13th b-day was just a regular party - maybe we played bunco? :confused3 When I turned 16, my parents (and a friend's parents - her b-day was one day ahead of mine) allowed a small group of our friends to DRIVE (which was a huge deal!) into Houston to have a nicer meal (step up from Chil's, places like that.) I do remember for my 15th b-day my parents took me and about 4 friends to the hotel connected to the Houston Galleria, so we got to go shopping (my parents certainly didn't pay for anything, though), and to dinner somewhere. My dad traveled a lot for business, so the night at the hotel was a freebie he had.

I like Deb's idea of a home-pampering party. That would likely definitely be less costly than a true spa, and you could save in other ways by doing the food at home.

I also like the ring idea - that will be something she'll have with her always.

Good luck, ladies! :wizard: :wizard:
Thank the lord...order has been restored here...we have decided and agreed on a birthday party..................

I have hired a fortune teller...and the girls will have there palm's read, cake and I am ordering custom fortune cookies. I will decorate in a whole mystical theme...and best part is...when it's done, they all go home!! :banana::banana:
DH took me to the George Strait concert on NYE a few weeks after we started dating. I am not a country fan, but it was a good show. Good luck with the tickets!:wizard:
I saw him a few years ago at the Verizon Center in DC. He is one of my favorite country singers.

I was able to get tickets, and I think they are pretty good seats. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the kids, all 3 of them, since the concert is on a Thursday night. I'm hoping that the other respective parent will keep them. I figure since John is off on Fridays he could keep the kids and take them to school. Mine, I think, would not be an issue, but Bob's ex is rather difficult, unless it is something that she wants.
Well, the coffee is made and my breakfast is calling, as is the laundry. Guess I had better get going.

Before I do, can I ask opinions...
If I were to watch my sister Erin's baby on a regular basis do you think it's fair to ask her to pay me a small amount at least. It wouldn't be often, but scheduled like every other Sat and/or one day during the week? Part of me feels like I shouldn't because it's family and they are tight on money sometimes. But the other part thinks that it is only fair since I would be "required" to be available to her at those times, it would require sacrifice of Terra and I would be doing it so that she could go make money for her family. I get the feeling that it will be a contensious issue if I bring it up so I'd love to know what others outside of the family think. Thanks!
ETA: one additional piece of info...I am just now considering the compensation bit because it's down to me being the only one available to help. When mom, Kristi and I would take turns watching Kaylin for a few hours here or there it was a little different. Now Kristi will be tied up with school and Mom usually works the days Erin will need.
Tia, if it is going to be a routine schedule, I definitely think she should pay you something. Otherwise you are just going to set yourself up for being taken advantage of. I would go so far as to write out some type of a contract. What to do if the baby is sick, you or Terra is sick. And structure the days/hours that you will be babysitting her. If it were occasionally, then I would say no. Like if you were doing a babysitting swap or something, like some of my mom friends do so we can go shopping in peace once in a while.
caught up, once again. break is over, so back to work I go. I am half done!! :yay:

I am having the same dilemma for Jackie...except it is for her 13th birthday. Evidently, 13 is the new 16 in these parts!

I started thinking about Jonathan, and I can't remember 13 or 16 for that matter being an issue...guess it's because he is a guy.

Last night she presented me with the following ideas:

spa package
shopping spree
limo excursion

none sounded too bad until she told me this includes 7 additional girls...a spa package for 8?! :scared1:

then she talked about having a sleep over (8 girls):scared::scared: it started making the other choices more palatable!! :confused3:confused3:confused3:confused3
My neighbors did this for their daughter for her 16th bday. They hired a limo to drive her and a few girlfriends to dinner (her parents and sister drove separately) then after dinner they just drove around in the limo, since there is usually a 3 or 4 hour minimum.
Aren't they gorgeous? We love them! Everyone at the party thought they were great too. But trying to explain who made them was a little interesting:rotfl: None of my friends/family get "us" though :confused3
Here is Lucy in her dress.
Robyn, she is simply adorable. :goodvibes :goodvibes
Thank the lord...order has been restored here...we have decided and agreed on a birthday party..................

I have hired a fortune teller...and the girls will have there palm's read, cake and I am ordering custom fortune cookies. I will decorate in a whole mystical theme...and best part is...when it's done, they all go home!! :banana::banana:
What?!? No sleepover?!?! :lmao:
Who says that I am ingoring them? :confused3

Aren't SSP's suppose to be "secret"?:goodvibes

Now if you agree to go twirling down Main St. U.S.A. in one of my creations, I will get right on it!:laughing:

Hey, if Deb can wear Minnie Mouse jeans to Pleasure Island, I can wear a Tom original and twirl down Main Street! Just remember I am a 40 something woman that doesn't like her hiney to show when she twirls. By the way Deb, if you ever see those jeans again, let me know. I want a pair!
I am sure there are mickey mouse thongs out there that would make that all work Vicki...

Hey, if Deb can wear Minnie Mouse jeans to Pleasure Island, I can wear a Tom original and twirl down Main Street! Just remember I am a 40 something woman that doesn't like her hiney to show when she twirls.
I am sure there are mickey mouse thongs out there that would make that all work Vicki...

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: I don't think that would be pleasant for anyone (well, maybe Chuck) but I don't want to be banned from Disney World. It is after all my happy place. :cloud9:
One quick question for you all even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer. If I get a Disney gift card at the Disney store I can use it for anything/everything in the parks, right? Like food, tips and such. I want to get Eric one and myself one so if we have to split up we each have our own $$.
Yes, you can use a Disney gift card from the Disney Store at WDW anything.
The same goes for Disney Dollars.

Thank the lord...order has been restored here...we have decided and agreed on a birthday party..................

I have hired a fortune teller...and the girls will have there palm's read, cake and I am ordering custom fortune cookies. I will decorate in a whole mystical theme...and best part is...when it's done, they all go home!! :banana::banana:
Wow, that's a cool idea.

I am sure there are mickey mouse thongs out there that would make that all work Vicki...

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: I don't think that would be pleasant for anyone (well, maybe Chuck) but I don't want to be banned from Disney World. It is after all my happy place. :cloud9:
:laughing: You guys crack me up!
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