The Tenth Honeymoon is the Best One of Them All! - May '14 TR - COMPLETED 4/19

After watching the performance, we stepped inside to watch Impressions de France, one of our favorite movies at WDW. Then, it was a quick stop in the gift shop by the Boardwalk/Beach Club/Yacht Club exit (isn't there a name for it?), and over to the UK for some quick hedge mazing.

Hold on - that's not the UK hedge maze! Those are the hedges in France. Oops!

To make up for it, here's another France/Emily photo:

And another lake photo:

And a banner photo:

And another lake photo:

Alright, alright. No more captions! We have a lot of photos from France, before we move on:

And now, we're finally at the UK!

I could really go for another beer, but I'm not the biggest fan of the UK beers. Oddly enough. So, it's photos and hedge mazes instead.

"No running! No cutting through the hedges!"

Hey, that boy is running! Alright, on to the shops:

Then, it's off to Canada!

If it seems like we're ripping through this park, we really aren't. We're just enjoying World Showcase, and I'm not taking a lot of photos!

Really! I'm not!

Ok, here are some more photos:

That's one of my favorite views in Epcot. We're near one of my favorite restaurants, too. Unfortunately, since it went to 2 Dining Plan credits, we haven't been back. MAYBE next year (hint, hint!).

And look, this guy got his beer!

I went for the Unibroue Cherry something, which I was actually surprised they had on draft out here. It used to just be Moosehead, I think. But this is a nice shock!

It was a bit heavy on the cherry, but very good nonetheless. I've liked every one of the Unibroue's I've had.

And look, this guy got his cronut!

And look...this joke has become tiresome! Oh, well. Anyway, Emily got a Frozen Violet Lemonade!

Alright, enough World Showcase (for now)! We have FastPasses!

(next update)
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Wow! I felt like I just spent some time in EPCOT, er, the 'cot, with your family. Nice pics!
So, now that we're back in Futureworld, what should we do first? Something we haven't done in a while. Or something new.

I know - how about Club Cool?

Club Cool? Yeah! Sounds great! We haven't been there in several hours, and I'm up for a new experience.

In we go, and once again I have no pictures. Looks like I'll have to tell this story with WORDS. I know - insane!

So here goes:

Club Cool was abnormally crowded at this time, though Epcot wasn't. I think we got in the intersection/union of two school groups or something. Or a lot of people who coincidentally dressed in the same t-shirt today. You NEVER know.

Anyway, these high-volume people also apparently had issues with the cup-to-mouth beverage transfer thing, since the floor of Club Cool was like flypaper. But...that's....o....k.........must.....go.....forward.........need........Beverly.....

And Beverly we get, as well as the others. As usual. And, as usual, I get a brainfreeze. As usual. Can't pace myself. No, sir.

We finally get our fill of free soda ("pop", for you midwesterners) and venture back out into the 'cot (copyright pending).

We split up now, with Kristin heading to MouseGear to get....something, while I take the kids to Innoventions: Whichever One Has Where's the Fire. So, what should we do first?
This looks like as good a choice as any:

This place is also known as Innoventions: The One That Will Be Completely Redone Next Month So No More Where's The Fire. Anyway, the kids play it, and I enter notes in Kristin's iPod for my then-upcoming, undoubtedly epic Trip Report.

Kristin returned with some sort of purchase (again, TEN MONTHS AGO), and the four of us got in line for the Disney Visa Elitist Photo Opportunity (tm). Yeah, non-cardholders...we're cooler than you. Or something.

Dylan whines in line, as usual, but nothing is stopping this train. Next stop, Mickey!

Er, I mean, "surprise characters"! Which, in our experience, always means Mickey.

And, in this case, also Goofy!

Full family shot this time!

Thanks, guys!

Ok, so what next?

Well, my notes say "Maelstrom with FPs", but that makes no sense, since we already have FPs for Test Track, and can't have FPs for TT and the Maelstrom (stupid tiering!). No photos, either, so let's skip to the next adventure: meeting Mickey!

That Mouse travels fast! The lines for the public character spot were really short, and who could say no to meeting the Big Cheese? Of course, Dylan whined again, since he seems to think meeting Mickey twenty minutes ago should preclude meeting him now. STRONGLY DISAGREE.

And hey, it's the Goof again!

Dylan sits out the photos this time. Oh well, his loss.

And look - it's Minnie!

As you can tell from that last pic, we are doing the autograph photo frame thing today.
Afterwards, we went on to get more photos with Mickey.

Just kidding. We did get another picture of a flower, though.

And a big ball.


We still have some time to blow before dinner, so into Art of Disney we go. As usual, there's a ton of stuff we love, but not enough to buy or want shipped. Such as this:

And this:

And this. Hi!

As our ADRs draw near, we head toward World Showcase, with a quick stop at Innoventions: The One That's Not Closing and play Habit Heroes:

The game's a big secret, so that's the only photo I get. It's a lot of fun, though. And you get rubber bracelets. For frrrrrrrrrreeeeeee!

Now, it's on to Italy. But wait - we still have Test Track FPs!
Can't let those go to waste, can we?

As is traditional for Test Track riders, we designed extremely fast, inefficient cars that handle horribly:

Board the ride, enjoy the ride, then exit. Quick photo:

Then, it's on to Italy! For real this time!


And here you thought I was lying. Illuminations Elitist Viewing Area (tm) shot:

Flaming Earth shot:

Tower shot:

Titleless shot:

And a beer menu shot:

If you haven't figured it out, we're inside Tutto Italia now! I vaguely remember eating here with my family years ago, but haven't been here in over a decade. Did this place exist ten years ago? Not sure, and not researching it.

Anyway, it was at this restaurant that our love for olives was born:

We asked the waitress what kind of olives they were, since they were DELICIOUS. I mean, really, really good. And I wasn't a non-black olive fan back then. Either was Kristin. Well, we are now.

I didn't understand what the waitress said, but I believe they were Cerignola olives (thanks, DISboards!). Since then, we've come to discover that Castlevetrano olives are even better. But once again, thanks to Disney, a new love is born!

BTW, as for the beer, I got the Extra Hop Pilsner. It did have Extra Hop, but not Excessive Hop. I like Excessive Hop. But Extra Hop is better than nothing. Decent beer, but nothing special.

We also got bread:

And slanted restaurant shots:

And family love:

And whatever this is:

Ok, we didn't really get that last one. It was on the divider by our table. But we did get meals:

I got the Gnochetti:

Very good, but I have a hard time getting excited over Italian food, unless it's calamari (tentacles only, please!). Kristin got the Ravioli:

Dylan got the Lasagna:

And Emily got a meal of Mozarella Sticks:

Emily had some issues with the cheese, however:

I think she got through it ok.

Meals were good, but not sensational. Fun time, good food, but not one I'd rave about. But again, it takes A LOT to get me to rave about Italian food. It just seems to be too easy to duplicate at home.

Dessert was a different story. I got the Chocolate Cherry Custard, which was wonderful:

My notes say that Kristin got the Tiramisu, Dylan got the Nutella Cheesecake, and Emily got...something. But I'll be darned if I can match those to the photos. See if you have better luck:

All were top-notch! Well, Tutto finished strong. Still, not a top-fiver, but definitely enjoyable.
Outside we go, with one look back...

And one more buck-toothed pose:

Then, we took the Hogwarts Express over to Germany:

Next stop, shopping! And KatMark-style hat photos!

And cuckoo clock-style photos!

One of my yearly purchases is cheap beer coasters from this store, but I can't seem to find them. I ask a CM, and she has no idea, either. Apparently, she's new.

Eventually, I find them. I take them to the register to pay for them, and the same CM has no idea how much they cost. Feeling bad for her, I go back to check - quietly, so her manager won't notice. She has to succeed at Disney World! She just needs a little customer price check help!

We finally get through it, and out into the open we go again.

Sorry, guys. Not this year.

More Germany:

...and that's it.
Oh, what's the rush? Let's go back to Germany.

Love the beer pocket! Dylan gets a hoodie, but not this beer pocketed one. And not with this logo. either:

Alright, one last Germany pic, and we're moving on!

The next stop is Norway, which we reach on foot, not by train. Only one picture outside, too:

Lovely! Ok, one more.

No time for any more! We have FPs for this (I think)!

We attempt to take some photos inside, on what would unknowingly be our last ride ever on the Maelstrom.

...and we dock.

We actually stay for the last part of the movie this time, and it's as dated as ever. Ok, even moreso, since we're further into the future now. Yet still in the present. In this wild dark ride known only as....the Twilight Zone.

Movie over. Maelstrom over. Day almost over.
At this point, Kristin gets the idea that we can beat the crowds and get back to CSR quickly if we leave right before Illuminations. While that would mean we'd miss that show entirely this year, I'm game. We have a long MK day tomorrow. So let's head out!

Some photos first as we leave World Showcase:

Then, it's past Spaceship Earth and the twinkling pavement:

You can't really tell, but our feet are all in that shot, facing inward. Oh, well. A few more, and we can go:

And one of this:

Ok, let's go now. But do we have to?

Just a few more.

Oh, wait - we have to pick up our Disney Visa photo (you get one free)! We get it, and THEN see this:

Thank YOU, Epcot. We love you. We'll be back for a little bit in two days, but most of you is now behind us. Sad we have to leave.
We get a bus without having to sprint, which is odd for us at Epcot. We usually have the worst (or the best?) timing with that. Back to CSR we go, and Mousekeeping really used their imagination with Duffy today:

Emily saves the day with a quick read of the "Story of Duffy":

Hey, that sounds like fireworks!

I believe those were the Star Wars Weekend fireworks, which we didn't know existed until two days prior.

Having capped off the day by actually seeing fireworks, we were ready to turn in. Tomorrow's our last full day at WDW, and we want to make the most of it!

(Up next - Magic Kingdom!)
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You seem determined to finish this report soon. Are you taking a trip this year in May as well?
You seem determined to finish this report soon. Are you taking a trip this year in May as well?

Well, you DID say I have to finish by Saturday, so...


I am trying to get it done, just to finally have it done. Almost there. Another week or two.

We're actually going in June this year (what??), and not staying at CSR (what???). We're trying out CBR for the first time. It'll be an adventure!

And, by the way, nice pics!:thumbsup2

Thanks! I love taking photos of Epcot. Really easy.
We're actually going in June this year (what??), and not staying at CSR (what???). We're trying out CBR for the first time. It'll be an adventure!

I have been a long time reader of your TR's and seldom poster, but I decided to chime in. My family is staying at CBR for the first time in June too. I'm actually pretty excited about trying out a new hotel. With the % off deal Disney released, I switched from a value over to CBR and only ending up spending $100 for the upgrade. I think the pool looks great there and the food court appears to have a nice vibe to it. We are really only coming down for Star Wars Weekend and I planned 2 days extra to just relax at the resort. I plan on spending some time relaxing in a hammock and keeping my fingers crossed I get the room requests I made.
I have been a long time reader of your TR's and seldom poster, but I decided to chime in. My family is staying at CBR for the first time in June too. I'm actually pretty excited about trying out a new hotel. With the % off deal Disney released, I switched from a value over to CBR and only ending up spending $100 for the upgrade. I think the pool looks great there and the food court appears to have a nice vibe to it. We are really only coming down for Star Wars Weekend and I planned 2 days extra to just relax at the resort. I plan on spending some time relaxing in a hammock and keeping my fingers crossed I get the room requests I made.

We'll be there from the 8th to the 19th. We've never been to HS for Star Wars weekends, but our plans inadvertently land us there on the 12th!

You may run into us at CBR, too. We'll be the family with the kid looking for his lost Magic Band in the pool.
We'll be there from the 8th to the 19th. We've never been to HS for Star Wars weekends, but our plans inadvertently land us there on the 12th!

You may run into us at CBR, too. We'll be the family with the kid looking for his lost Magic Band in the pool.

We are going to be there the 10th - 16th. We will be the family at the pool with two boys trying to either repeatedly dunk the other or see who can get the most trips down the slide. My kids are huge Star Wars fans, so we will are really looking forward to it. My youngest two have been planning their costumes for awhile now and I keep reminding them it is going to be incredibly hot and humid and brown fabric and long sleeves probably isn't the best outfit choices.
The 11th is our "swim all day and go to DTD late" day, so I'm sure we'll run into you! Dylan would skip the pool opening ceremony at CSR so he could be first in line for the slide :)

A big plus for going in June is I don't plan on even packing jeans or a jacket!
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