TWILIGHTAHOLICS! Part 2~*~ Should've been started by Caribbeanprincess!!!!

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Ok, I have had some free time at work, and am now FULLY sucked into this book...I may have it finished by the end of the day...which means I need to head to the library for the others!!
You're going to lov eyour new tv!! We've got a 42 inch. I wanted to go bigger but dh wouldn't let me.:sad2:
I had to fight my DH to get a bigger TV, too. What is it about some men?!? I won and he's glad that he can watch football in HD, on a 61" set now. :goofy:
When I told DBF that he was rumored to be the next director he said "lol ew. Twilight: with guest apperences by Stiffler and polar bears" :rotfl:
You can't leave out Stiffler's mother, either! :rotfl:
I had the same thought about Edward creating the meadow! Great minds think alike! :wizard:

On another note, I am sad about losing Taylor-the new guy looks cute but Taylor was so believable as Jacob-I felt like I could have believed that Bella would have been comfortable with him, etc. Oh well.
For some reason, I see Eric Yorkie with Stiffler's mom!!:rotfl2:

As for Taylor, I did really like him as Jacob. The young Jacob in Twilight. I think if they are gonna switch, now is the time since he ages so quickly that even Bella has a hard time with it. It would have been cool if they could have morphed Taylor into the wolf Jacob, but I can see why they chose not too. He is very baby-faced and short. I am sure he will be getting other offers for films since he now has a fan base.

I think the Sky High guy would have been great as well. I don't watch One Tree Hill so I know nothing about this new guy. He is tall and he is about the age that Jacob says he has accelerated to in the book.

Time will tell and according to Summit we should all have seen this movie multiple times by this time next year!
Meadow talk. I thought it was done by Edward too. Like it was his own little spot all for himself and then he was sharing it with Bella. I also took this as a point in the book that Edward was really giving himself to her. A very vunerable move on his part really.

Does anyone have a pic of the new Jacob? I don't think I know who the actor is.
Ok, I have had some free time at work, and am now FULLY sucked into this book...I may have it finished by the end of the day...which means I need to head to the library for the others!!

Welcome to the obsession! :welcome:

Uhhh, about the library... you might be waiting a loooooonnngg time. I just checked at our library. There are 80 copies, and if I put a hold on it, I would be #511 in the wait list. :scared:
edwards "google it" line from the field trip is the quote of the day on IMDB today...

lovin' it :lovestruc
I would have like Taylor to play Jacob in the new movie up until the point he starts to become a wolf and goes through the growth spurt. Then they could bring in a new guy..

Oh well, it is all out of our control. Unless one of you want to take on the job and report to the West coast on Dec. 15th. Any takers? :lmao:

So has anyone had any good Twilight related dreams?? I keep hoping for Edward to pop in my head, but it hasn't happened yet. :sad2: My dreams are so realistic that I hope it happens soon!
I stopped by Hot Topic on my way home this morning to see about a blanket for my DD. The guy said that he emails his supplier every week asking about it. Evidently, and I can't remember if someone reported this or not, they are having trouble getting the skin tones and colors to come out right on the blankets. While they'd like to have it out ASAP, their goal is to have everything fixed and ready by the DVD release. He also said that it will be priced at about $20 to keep it in line with the other blankets they offer.
News is coming in like crazy!

I looked up Michael Copon on imbd.....
He seems awfully busy to be the new Jacob, although by the looks of him, he's be a good fit. He's got three of four things in preproduction right now, plus some post-production things. How is he going to fit it in?
I stopped by Hot Topic on my way home this morning to see about a blanket for my DD. The guy said that he emails his supplier every week asking about it. Evidently, and I can't remember if someone reported this or not, they are having trouble getting the skin tones and colors to come out right on the blankets. While they'd like to have it out ASAP, their goal is to have everything fixed and ready by the DVD release. He also said that it will be priced at about $20 to keep it in line with the other blankets they offer.
Wow, this is the first "real" news we've had about the blanket in a long time. I ask at my local HT frequently and all they ever tell me is "we never know what's in the boxes they ship us". Thanks for posting this info, it's nice to have an idea of what's going on! :worship: (I am blanket obsessed, apparently. :lmao: )
The guy at HT said that they had the same problem with the PoTC blanket with Johnny Depp's picture on it, but they were able to make that work, so he's hopeful that they'll make this one work, too.

What he, and I, can't understand is if it's so hard to put pictures onto the blanket, why not just put the Twilight logo or the apple and hands or Team Edward, etc., on it? Evidently, the suits at HT know better than we do. :confused3 ;)
Man, didn't expect to hear about the change in casting of Jacob. But it makes sense, and I'm sure it will work out. Probably better than dealing with too many special effects, just to make Taylor Lautner look taller, buffer, and older. Sorry, but I think that the effects in The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, from what I've seen in the trailers, look weird. Like another poster said, maybe they'll use TL at the beginning of the film and have him morph later!
But, does Bella see Jacob in the beginning of NM? I didn't think that she sees him until her father makes her see him so she can get out of the house.
Welcome to the obsession! :welcome:

Uhhh, about the library... you might be waiting a loooooonnngg time. I just checked at our library. There are 80 copies, and if I put a hold on it, I would be #511 in the wait list. :scared:

Um yea...getting them from the library isn't even worth it to me. Sams had the best prices on the books. I"m glad I bought them!
What he, and I, can't understand is if it's so hard to put pictures onto the blanket, why not just put the Twilight logo or the apple and hands or Team Edward, etc., on it? Evidently, the suits at HT know better than we do. :confused3 ;)

I agree. To be honest, I don't care for the character pictures anyway. I'd rather the logo or Team Edward. That'd be awesome! My softest, most favorite blanket thus far is a Jack Sparrow blanket I got at Walmart that came with a pillow. It's red and black, no flesh tones or anything, just the two colors. The picture of Jack looks awesome without being "natural" colors. It wasn't expensive and it's much softer than the usual character throws they make. I think they complicate things for themselves sometimes. :confused3
I didn't see either movie, but the trailer for GC looked pretty cool ( At least the special effects. )

I'm grasping here guys, someboy help me out.

I'm probably one of the few who actually enjoyed The Golden Compass, and here's why. It was a really good adaptation of the book (at least, I thought it was). I had raced to read all three books in the series before the movie came out, so I had it fresh in my mind. So to put a positive spin, at least it seems possible that he can do adaptations pretty well.

Right now it's just a big fingers crossed and a hoping for the best, whoever signs on.
I know nothing about Michael Copon, but I looked him up on IMdB. Here is his picture:



It's definitely a switch, but if they do the hair and make up right it could work. I'm still so bummed that they nixed Taylor. It's just cruel to sign him up for one movie then tell him he doesn't fit the character after all. You would have thought they would have hired him with the other movies in mind. I'm hoping that it will work out.
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