Vaccine- Autism link proven to be a FRAUD!

Honestly, the author of the study should be charged with a crime for purposely lying about his research. How many deaths has he caused with his lies?

I agree. He has done so much damage by scaring people into the "vaccines are bad" mindset. Now, even without actual science to base their beliefs on, some people will still think vaccines are more dangerous than the illnesses they are designed to prevent. Many people are going to refuse to accept that he was wrong because they've been convinced that vaccinations are a huge money making conspiracy. They won't be willing to change their minds until until someone else can conclusively prove that vaccinations don't contribute to Autism, and of course you can't prove a negative.
And I say this having lost a child. Had my daughter of survived she probably would have had severe brain damage. Yes selfishly I wanted her here with me no matter what but if I was looking at it from her perspective I would have to say she is in a better place today.
I am sorry for your loss {{hugs}}. Was your daughter's death related to vaccinations?
I really don't care what parents do as far as vaccinating their kids. What I do care about is that they keep their kids away from mine! That goes for school, camp, extra curriculur activities, etc.
I really don't care what parents do as far as vaccinating their kids. What I do care about is that they keep their kids away from mine! That goes for school, camp, extra curriculur activities, etc.
Me too, but there is no way to know that your child is safe in that respect. When my DD was small we did not interact with unvaccinated children, if we knew they did not vacciante. Ever. It is just too risky. The problem is that no one is required to disclose to you that they do not vaccinate, and anyone can file a religious objection without any proof to get into daycare. The daycares will only disclose that there are unvaccinated children present, but not how many, who they are, or even what class they are in. Parents who don't vaccinate are not required to tell you that they don't so it is really hard to know what a child is being exposed to. Frankly, it is pretty scary.
Actually the choices that parents make affect ALL truly parents should be making the choice that IS right for everyone.

And yes i think that parents should be educated, but ultimately - unless you choose to live in a bubble, your choice here might affect my child and has often negatively affected other children.

It's just too bad someone like the doctor in this article would use his position to influence so many people with bad information. And I do believe that people will continue to believe this lie even now that it has been proven wrong. Not that they're radical - I just think they won't hear this new development as clearly as they heard the original warning.
this. exactly. My philosophy is: Your unvaccinated child has the potential to kill my infant. There is no way around that fact, and while you are free to do what you want with your child, ther right thing to do would be make me aware of the potentially deadly consequences to my child, and please don't be offended when we refuse your birthday party or play date.
this. exactly. My philosophy is: Your unvaccinated child has the potential to kill my infant. There is no way around that fact, and while you are free to do what you want with your child, the right thing to do would be make me aware of the potentially deadly consequences to my child, and please don't be offended when we refuse your birthday party or play date.
This is the reason why I like that my DD's pediatrician does not accept patients who choose not to vaccinate, especially when she was an infant. At least I knew that any sick older children in the waiting room with us just had garden variety viruses and not a potentially deadly disease that my baby hadn't been vaccinated against yet.
Honestly, the author of the study should be charged with a crime for purposely lying about his research. How many deaths has he caused with his lies?

Ehh, I don't think there are many at all. A lot of the outbreaks occurred from unvaccinated children from other countries or children that are not vaccinated for other reasons that had nothing to do with a parent's conscious decision not to give vaccines in response to this study.

Personally, I think our kids are given too many vaccines too soon and there are clearly environmental factors that are negatively affecting our kids with respect to increases in autism, early puberty, and allergies. Is it all of the vaccines? I don't know, but it is probably just as likely as BPA or the other things that we are now banning.

Anybody with half a brain always knew that vaccines do not "cause" autism in the strictest sense. But, there are documented proven cases of individuals with certain pre-existing genetic conditions that did end up getting autism-related symptoms after receiving vaccines.

My family is Canadian and all of my cousins's kids get fewer vaccines on a slower schedule then my kids because Canada doesn't have the same schedule that the U.S. has. The Canadian schedule seems more reasonable to me, so that is what we have done with our kids (for the most part, I also refuse to give my kids vaccines if they are sick at their doctor's appointment, so some have been delayed for that reason).
I really don't care what parents do as far as vaccinating their kids. What I do care about is that they keep their kids away from mine! That goes for school, camp, extra curriculur activities, etc.

Me too, but there is no way to know that your child is safe in that respect. When my DD was small we did not interact with unvaccinated children, if we knew they did not vacciante. Ever. It is just too risky. The problem is that no one is required to disclose to you that they do not vaccinate, and anyone can file a religious objection without any proof to get into daycare. The daycares will only disclose that there are unvaccinated children present, but not how many, who they are, or even what class they are in. Parents who don't vaccinate are not required to tell you that they don't so it is really hard to know what a child is being exposed to. Frankly, it is pretty scary.

Actually the choices that parents make affect ALL truly parents should be making the choice that IS right for everyone.

And yes i think that parents should be educated, but ultimately - unless you choose to live in a bubble, your choice here might affect my child and has often negatively affected other children.

It's just too bad someone like the doctor in this article would use his position to influence so many people with bad information. And I do believe that people will continue to believe this lie even now that it has been proven wrong. Not that they're radical - I just think they won't hear this new development as clearly as they heard the original warning.

this. exactly. My philosophy is: Your unvaccinated child has the potential to kill my infant. There is no way around that fact, and while you are free to do what you want with your child, ther right thing to do would be make me aware of the potentially deadly consequences to my child, and please don't be offended when we refuse your birthday party or play date.

These comments show the utter lack of education on the subject. First, A *huge* percentage of outbreaks come from vaccinated children...and no, this isn't straight from my some cdc research on your own and it is very easy to figure out. Second, if your children are all vaccinated, why worry? As I said before, vaccines are a loaded controversy. There is so much lying, cheating and self-serving biased surrounding them, that it's a never ending circle of confusion and controversy. It's foolish to hang all your reasoning on one thing, such as autism and I assure you that educated parents that choose to delay or not vaccinate are not basing it on one study. Show some respect for others. Fear-mongering has no place...on either side of this argument.
Anybody with half a brain always knew that vaccines do not "cause" autism in the strictest sense. But, there are documented proven cases of individuals with certain pre-existing genetic conditions that did end up getting autism-related symptoms after receiving vaccines.

It still wouldn't mean that the vaccine had anything at all to do with them getting autism. Even in the "loosest" sense. Correlation does not imply causation.

And yes, many people did/do believe that vaccines directly caused autism. I guess they had less than half a brain.
It still wouldn't mean that the vaccine had anything at all to do with them getting autism. Even in the "loosest" sense. Correlation does not imply causation.

And yes, many people did/do believe that vaccines directly caused autism. I guess they had less than half a brain.

Well, correlation can sometimes "imply" causation, but I agree that we still don't have absolute proof that in those instances the vaccine CAUSED the autism. But, I think it is pretty universally accepted that some children have adverse reactions caused by vaccines and that in at least some instances those adverse reactions can cause autism-like symptoms. I know at least one family recently recovered in the vaccine court on this theory but the court was very careful to state that she had an underlying mitrochondrial disorder that was also a contributing cause of the adverse reaction.

To be clear, I think you would be nuts to forgo vaccines if you didn't have some other family history, but I do think it is wise for families with a history of autism to be very careful about the environmental factors to which you expose your child -- including considering delaying/forgoing some of the non-essential vaccines, like chicken pox.
These comments show the utter lack of education on the subject. First, A *huge* percentage of outbreaks come from vaccinated children...and no, this isn't straight from my some cdc research on your own and it is very easy to figure out. Second, if your children are all vaccinated, why worry? As I said before, vaccines are a loaded controversy. There is so much lying, cheating and self-serving biased surrounding them, that it's a never ending circle of confusion and controversy. It's foolish to hang all your reasoning on one thing, such as autism and I assure you that educated parents that choose to delay or not vaccinate are not basing it on one study. Show some respect for others. Fear-mongering has no place...on either side of this argument.
1. I HAVE done my research. Infants die every year as aresult of contact with an unvaccinated child. A unvaccinated child desn't even have to be sick to kill an infant by passing a disease they are carrying. Even one is too many if it can be prevented.
2. MMR cannot be given until one year of age, and nither can chicken pox. It is not simpel a just vaccinate and don't worry about when yopur unvaccinated school age child is around my infant that is too young to recieve the vaccine.
3. It is not fear-mongering when the risk is REAL. It is very real. The month that my aunt spent in the hospital not knowing if her baby would live or die is not something I would wish on ANY parent, and it is sad when one parent's actions cause another parent to have to go through something like that with their child. Another parent's choice not to vaccine created a situation where a baby was in ICU for a month with a totally preventable disease, and this happens every year in theis country. When it happened to my cousin it was almost unheard of because so many people vaccianted. Now that more parents are choosing not to, it is becomming more common. I have friend that is an ER doc. She has treated more infants for meseals, mumps and whooping cough in the last 2 years than in the previous 20 combined. Most of the exposures can be traced to unvaccinated children in daycares.
4. Not everyone does all their research. Many, many parents who choose not to vaccinate base that decision on the fact they they are SURE vaccines cause autism.
I knew by 8 months of age that my son had autism. I was worried that vaccines would make him worse. I did vaccinate him anyway, on schedule. It was scary for me but I felt it was the right decision. I don't believe it made him worse.

Now I would like to see the money that was being wasted on this subject being spent on trying to find a cause/cure/help/prevention for autism.
I knew by 8 months of age that my son had autism. I was worried that vaccines would make him worse. I did vaccinate him anyway, on schedule. It was scary for me but I felt it was the right decision. I don't believe it made him worse.

Now I would like to see the money that was being wasted on this subject being spent on trying to find a cause/cure/help/prevention for autism.


Well said!
1. I HAVE done my research. Infants die every year as aresult of contact with an unvaccinated child. A unvaccinated child desn't even have to be sick to kill an infant by passing a disease they are carrying. Even one is too many if it can be prevented.

You rational is interesting seeing as infants die every year as a result of vaccinated children. A vaccinated child doesn't even have to be sick to kill an infant by passing a disease they are carrying. Vaccines kill as well...even one is too many if it can be prevented. ;)

2. MMR cannot be given until one year of age, and nither can chicken pox. It is not simpel a just vaccinate and don't worry about when yopur unvaccinated school age child is around my infant that is too young to recieve the vaccine.
Thank God for small favors! At least someone had some sense to realize that you shouldn't be pumping all those chemicals and crap into a baby. Are you seriously worried about chicken-pox?

3. It is not fear-mongering when the risk is REAL. It is very real. The month that my aunt spent in the hospital not knowing if her baby would live or die is not something I would wish on ANY parent, and it is sad when one parent's actions cause another parent to have to go through something like that with their child. Another parent's choice not to vaccine created a situation where a baby was in ICU for a month with a totally preventable disease, and this happens every year in theis country. When it happened to my cousin it was almost unheard of because so many people vaccianted. Now that more parents are choosing not to, it is becomming more common. I have friend that is an ER doc. She has treated more infants for meseals, mumps and whooping cough in the last 2 years than in the previous 20 combined. Most of the exposures can be traced to unvaccinated children in daycares.

Prove it. Babies die. That is a fact of nature. Why is it that the US gives their children so many vaccinations in comparison to European countries and continues to add more? Why are the stats on health regarding infants and children better in European countries? America is what it is. Over the top with everything. Bigger is better. More is better. Overkill :thumbsup2.
Your child health is not more important than mine. Choosing to fill little bodies with chemicals not safe for human consumption is beyond me...but hey, I guess some children have to be sacrificed for the good of others. :sad2:

4. Not everyone does all their research. Many, many parents who choose not to vaccinate base that decision on the fact they they are SURE vaccines cause autism.

I guess that makes them as bad as the parents who vaccinate their children based on the decision that that's just what you do and "that's what my doctor said to do", never doing a stitch of research.
Babies likely fair better in Europe because they have universal health care there. Duh!
Yeah, cause health care doesn't contribute at all to health! Right:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:...

HA HA HA! HA HA HA! So funny! Neither does a higher population of mothers who breastfeed and extended bf'ing. Less over-pumping their most precious possessions with garbage. Less feeding them super processed crap...the list goes on.
A Dr. does not get the final decision to say that they will not allow you to skip or delay a treatment. Ultimately it is up to the parent or patient. The Dr. should only be advising what they think is best for their patient. That would be a practice that I would want absolutely nothing to do with. Last I checked we did not live in Nazi Germany.
They most certainly can "fire" patients for noncompliance and they should have the right to do so. Last I checked, we don't live in a country with socialized medicine.:rolleyes:

I say kudos to that doctor and their practice. Far too many people these days google things on the internet or listen to some idiot celebrity and then think they have medical degrees all of a sudden.

The fraud doctor that was behind the study had his license to practice medicine stripped in the UK.:thumbsup2


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