Vaccine- Autism link proven to be a FRAUD!

Milk is a chemical, even breast milk. Water, agian a chemical. Try breathing without oxygen, a chemical. Chemicals are not inhrently bad, nor are man made substances. Foxglove is deadly, and oragnic. Just because vaccines are man made, that doesn't inherently make them bad.
Very, very few vaccinated children contract the disease they are vaccinated for, less than 3% the last time I looked at the stats, and the vast majority of those are within a few days of vaccination. You can control for exposure to a child that JUST had a vaccine.
What do you honsetly think would happen if everyone chose not to vaccinate? You seem to have done the research so you have to realize that the mortality rate of some of the diseases we are talking about here are in excess of 50% in children under 1 year, even taking into acccount modern health care. Do you really think we should expose our children to a disease that gives them a 50/50 shot of living when there is a vaccine availible with a less than 5% incidence of ANY complications, and a less than 1% chance of severe complications? If no one vaccinates, these diseases have the potential to spread very quickly in a short time and kill thousands of children. Talk to a few people who were around before the advent of vaccination and modern antibiotics, and see if that is the world you want for your children. I personally think 25% infant mortality is NOT a place I want to go.
I really don't care what parents do as far as vaccinating their kids. What I do care about is that they keep their kids away from mine! That goes for school, camp, extra curriculur activities, etc.
That would be an idea..they could have a separate classroom for all the Typhoid Marys/Martys. They already do it for kids with supposed peanut allergies.;)

I have a cousin who won't let her kids play with unvaccinated kids-seems harsh but I can't blame her. Just trying to keep her kids safe.
I say kudos to that doctor and their practice. Far too many people these days google things on the internet or listen to some idiot celebrity and then think they have medical degrees all of a sudden.

So disrespectful. Again, it goes both ways. Most of my information comes directly from the CDC, the data pharma companies are required to make available and I have no idea what idiot celebrity you are talking about. I think more highly of a parent who "googles" things to try and figure things out than those who blindly follow their doctors without ever blinking an eye.
I'm out.
Milk is a chemical, even breast milk. Water, agian a chemical. Try breathing without oxygen, a chemical. Chemicals are not inhrently bad, nor are man made substances. Foxglove is deadly, and oragnic. Just because vaccines are man made, that doesn't inherently make them bad.
Very, very few vaccinated children contract the disease they are vaccinated for, less than 3% the last time I looked at the stats, and the vast majority of those are within a few days of vaccination. You can control for exposure to a child that JUST had a vaccine.
What do you honsetly think would happen if everyone chose not to vaccinate? You seem to have done the research so you have to realize that the mortality rate of some of the diseases we are talking about here are in excess of 50% in children under 1 year, even taking into acccount modern health care. Do you really think we should expose our children to a disease that gives them a 50/50 shot of living when there is a vaccine availible with a less than 5% incidence of ANY complications, and a less than 1% chance of severe complications? If no one vaccinates, these diseases have the potential to spread very quickly in a short time and kill thousands of children. Talk to a few people who were around before the advent of vaccination and modern antibiotics, and see if that is the world you want for your children. I personally think 25% infant mortality is NOT a place I want to go.
Excellent, intelligent post. But, you may as well be slamming your head into a brick wall. As they say, you can't cure stupid.:laughing:
HA HA HA! HA HA HA! So funny! Neither does a higher population of mothers who breastfeed and extended bf'ing. Less over-pumping their most precious possessions with garbage. Less feeding them super processed crap...the list goes on.

Wait, I thought it was ALL about the vaccine schedule??

What you are saying doesn't add up at all. Your "research" is not scientifically valid.
Milk is a chemical, even breast milk. Water, agian a chemical. Try breathing without oxygen, a chemical. Chemicals are not inhrently bad, nor are man made substances. Foxglove is deadly, and oragnic. Just because vaccines are man made, that doesn't inherently make them bad.
Very, very few vaccinated children contract the disease they are vaccinated for, less than 3% the last time I looked at the stats, and the vast majority of those are within a few days of vaccination. You can control for exposure to a child that JUST had a vaccine.
What do you honsetly think would happen if everyone chose not to vaccinate? You seem to have done the research so you have to realize that the mortality rate of some of the diseases we are talking about here are in excess of 50% in children under 1 year, even taking into acccount modern health care. Do you really think we should expose our children to a disease that gives them a 50/50 shot of living when there is a vaccine availible with a less than 5% incidence of ANY complications, and a less than 1% chance of severe complications? If no one vaccinates, these diseases have the potential to spread very quickly in a short time and kill thousands of children. Talk to a few people who were around before the advent of vaccination and modern antibiotics, and see if that is the world you want for your children. I personally think 25% infant mortality is NOT a place I want to go.

Well, we disagree on a lot of things, but I wanted to say, great post. Thanks for putting so well.
Excellent, intelligent post. But, you may as well be slamming your head into a brick wall. As they say, you can't cure stupid.:laughing:
thanks, at least smoeone else gets it. You are right, some people just do not listen to reason. I really do think the Jenny McCarthys of the world who decide that bieng a celebrity makes them a doctor as well does contribte to the problem as well. Many people assume that becuase some celebrity is saying it, then it must be true.
Do your cousins kids go to school? By law your cousin can't ask if their are unvaxed kids in her kids classes!! Do they play at playgrounds?? Do they go to the mall? Heck, do they go to disney.

That is the most absurd thing i have ever heard! She doesn't "allow" her children to play with unvaxed kids. HA HA HA! I promise you she comes in contact with them ON A DAILY basis. Not only that, guess whos the MOST LIKELY to carry an illness...
AN ADULT, who is not up to date on their shots!! So, what sort of bubble does she have those kids in?

Its MY choice to parent how I want. Its MY choice to vax, breastfeed, extended rear face, cosleeping, the list goes on and on. NO ONE can tell me, what I HAVE to inject into MY childrens bodies.

That would be an idea..they could have a separate classroom for all the Typhoid Marys/Martys. They already do it for kids with supposed peanut allergies.;)

I have a cousin who won't let her kids play with unvaccinated kids-seems harsh but I can't blame her. Just trying to keep her kids safe.
Milk is a chemical, even breast milk. Water, agian a chemical. Try breathing without oxygen, a chemical. Chemicals are not inhrently bad, nor are man made substances. Foxglove is deadly, and oragnic. Just because vaccines are man made, that doesn't inherently make them bad.
Very, very few vaccinated children contract the disease they are vaccinated for, less than 3% the last time I looked at the stats, and the vast majority of those are within a few days of vaccination. You can control for exposure to a child that JUST had a vaccine.
What do you honsetly think would happen if everyone chose not to vaccinate? You seem to have done the research so you have to realize that the mortality rate of some of the diseases we are talking about here are in excess of 50% in children under 1 year, even taking into acccount modern health care. Do you really think we should expose our children to a disease that gives them a 50/50 shot of living when there is a vaccine availible with a less than 5% incidence of ANY complications, and a less than 1% chance of severe complications? If no one vaccinates, these diseases have the potential to spread very quickly in a short time and kill thousands of children. Talk to a few people who were around before the advent of vaccination and modern antibiotics, and see if that is the world you want for your children. I personally think 25% infant mortality is NOT a place I want to go.

Very well said! I agree with you. It infuriates me how so many people hear the word "chemical" and immediately assume that whatever it is must be bad for you. Of course many of those are the same people who seem to think that if something is "natural", it must be good for you. Belladonna is natural - that doesn't mean it's good for you! :rotfl:
Do your cousins kids go to school? By law your cousin can't ask if their are unvaxed kids in her kids classes!! Do they play at playgrounds?? Do they go to the mall? Heck, do they go to disney.

That is the most absurd thing i have ever heard! She doesn't "allow" her children to play with unvaxed kids. HA HA HA! I promise you she comes in contact with them ON A DAILY basis. Not only that, guess whos the MOST LIKELY to carry an illness...
AN ADULT, who is not up to date on their shots!! So, what sort of bubble does she have those kids in?

Its MY choice to parent how I want. Its MY choice to vax, breastfeed, extended rear face, cosleeping, the list goes on and on. NO ONE can tell me, what I HAVE to inject into MY childrens bodies.

But if there's an outbreak of any disease, kids without vaccinations have to stay home. For as long as the outbreak lasts....two weeks, three weeks, six weeks....a semester.

People find out who has vaccinated their kids...largely because the non-vaccinators don't keep quiet about it.
Do your cousins kids go to school? By law your cousin can't ask if their are unvaxed kids in her kids classes!! Do they play at playgrounds?? Do they go to the mall? Heck, do they go to disney.

That is the most absurd thing i have ever heard! She doesn't "allow" her children to play with unvaxed kids. HA HA HA! I promise you she comes in contact with them ON A DAILY basis. Not only that, guess whos the MOST LIKELY to carry an illness...
AN ADULT, who is not up to date on their shots!! So, what sort of bubble does she have those kids in?

Its MY choice to parent how I want. Its MY choice to vax, breastfeed, extended rear face, cosleeping, the list goes on and on. NO ONE can tell me, what I HAVE to inject into MY childrens bodies.
We don't play with unvaccinated children, so I can speak to this. If I don't know, I ask. If my DD is gonigto have close contact with a child, I ask about vaccination status. IF the parent doesn't want to share, that is fine, but we won't be doing play dates with that family. I cannot police it all the time (school, playgrounds ect) and i know that, but I am goingto do waht I can to keep her safe.
Ehh, I don't think there are many at all. A lot of the outbreaks occurred from unvaccinated children from other countries or children that are not vaccinated for other reasons that had nothing to do with a parent's conscious decision not to give vaccines in response to this study.

Personally, I think our kids are given too many vaccines too soon and there are clearly environmental factors that are negatively affecting our kids with respect to increases in autism, early puberty, and allergies. Is it all of the vaccines? I don't know, but it is probably just as likely as BPA or the other things that we are now banning.

Anybody with half a brain always knew that vaccines do not "cause" autism in the strictest sense. But, there are documented proven cases of individuals with certain pre-existing genetic conditions that did end up getting autism-related symptoms after receiving vaccines.My family is Canadian and all of my cousins's kids get fewer vaccines on a slower schedule then my kids because Canada doesn't have the same schedule that the U.S. has. The Canadian schedule seems more reasonable to me, so that is what we have done with our kids (for the most part, I also refuse to give my kids vaccines if they are sick at their doctor's appointment, so some have been delayed for that reason).

As a mother of a child with autism, I am very sensitive to this subject and have read so many studies, articles, and have listened to arguments on both sides. I know families that follow the current AAP vaccination schedule, families that space out vaccinations, families that "selectively" vaccinate, and families that refuse to vaccinate at all. Everyone is so passionate about their choices because everyone wants a sense of confirmation that they have made the "best" decision for their child. I agree that the AAP recommended vaccination schedule should not be treated as a "one size fits all" model for all children. I think infants are given too many vaccines too soon, and some of them I think are unnecessary (Hepatitis A and B for infants?? chicken pox, etc.). Another issue that there is little unbiased research on is the effects of the preservatives that are still used in vaccines (e.g., aluminum). Also, many immunizations are combined so you have little choice on what your child is vaccinated against and when; and it is a production when you request "separated" immunizations or even thimersol free flu shots. When I see studies related to autism and vaccines I just don't read them anymore because there are so many motives behind the outcomes of "research" studies. I am not anti-vaccines. vaccines have and continue to save millions of lives...but we need to compare how other developed nations are treating this issue, as mentioned by the previous poster; and I think the medical community should re-evaluate the current AAP vaccination schedule.
As a mother of a child with autism, I am very sensitive to this subject and have read so many studies, articles, and have listened to arguments on both sides. I know families that follow the current AAP vaccination schedule, families that space out vaccinations, families that "selectively" vaccinate, and families that refuse to vaccinate at all. Everyone is so passionate about their choices because everyone wants a sense of confirmation that they have made the "best" decision for their child. I agree that the AAP recommended vaccination schedule should not be treated as a "one size fits all" model for all children. I think infants are given too many vaccines too soon, and some of them I think are unnecessary (Hepatitis A and B for infants?? chicken pox, etc.). Another issue that there is little unbiased research on is the effects of the preservatives that are still used in vaccines (e.g., aluminum). Also, many immunizations are combined so you have little choice on what your child is vaccinated against and when; and it is a production when you request "separated" immunizations or even thimersol free flu shots. When I see studies related to autism and vaccines I just don't read them anymore because there are so many motives behind the outcomes of "research" studies. I am not anti-vaccines. vaccines have and continue to save millions of lives...but we need to compare how other developed nations are treating this issue, as mentioned by the previous poster; and I think the medical community should re-evaluate the current AAP vaccination schedule.

But one of the reasons I routinely see given for vaccines at young ages is that it's the best time to get kids, because too often, too many of populations of kids don't get to the doctor as they get older. Again, in poorer communities, that is likely the result of the lack of universal health care in this country.

I have friends dealing with hepatitis (a needle stick) and frankly, it's not something you'd want a child -- or anybody -- to have to deal with.
I think infants are given too many vaccines too soon, and some of them I think are unnecessary (Hepatitis A and B for infants?? chicken pox, etc.)..
Well I had Hep A at 18 months. You can bet mom wished there had been a vaccine for it. It would have saved me from 6 weeks of fever,chills, and vomiting, and having blood drawn daily for liver enzyme testing, plus some risidual liver damage as a result. I have to watch carefully what medications I take as a result. Hep A is very easy to contract and spread. It is NOT an STD as many believe, but is spread in fecal matter similarly to cholera ect. I got it from a well that had been contaminated by runoff, but many childrne can and do catch it at daycare, at the park, or the grocery store, ect from touching something an infected person touched.
There is also the question of quality of life though. And I say this having lost a child. Had my daughter of survived she probably would have had severe brain damage. Yes selfishly I wanted her here with me no matter what but if I was looking at it from her perspective I would have to say she is in a better place today.

So if you were to look at it from your child's perspective can you honestly say they would be better off if they were to have damage from a vaccine than to take the slim risk that they would get one of these diseases and possibly die? That is the question that every parent has to decide for their child. There is no easy answer. Nor is there a right answer because there are no guarantees either way. Just because a child is vaccinated does not mean that they can not still get one of these diseases nor does it mean that if they do get one of them that they will survive. Yes chances are if they are vaccinated and get one of these diseases they will be fine just as chances are if they do not get vaccinated they will be fine as well.

The reason these diseases are uncommon is BECAUSE people vaccinate (in the past and now). Small pox has been eradicated due to vaccines. People were as scared of that as they were of AIDS in the early 80s. Small pox could wipe out entire towns in a matter of days. We don't have to worry about that any more due to vaccines.

Even 50 years ago - polio was feared.

As for chickenpox, a very good friend growing up ended up with complications for chicken pox and was in the hospital for 2 months, most of it in the ICU. He was then on bed rest for several more weeks. The whole time they were not sure if he would live or die never mind lasting complications.
Actually the choices that parents make affect ALL truly parents should be making the choice that IS right for everyone.

And yes i think that parents should be educated, but ultimately - unless you choose to live in a bubble, your choice here might affect my child and has often negatively affected other children.

It's just too bad someone like the doctor in this article would use his position to influence so many people with bad information. And I do believe that people will continue to believe this lie even now that it has been proven wrong. Not that they're radical - I just think they won't hear this new development as clearly as they heard the original warning.

Actually I would not say that it has been proven wrong altogether. The only thing that has been proven here is that this particular study was not correct. The jury is still out as far as if there is a link or not. And yes I am aware there have been other studies saying there is no link but how many times has that happened and than later on down the road they say oh we were wrong this or that is bad for you or this or that does do this to you etc. Sorry but when big money is involved and the govt. as well I do not trust the studies. The drug companies are going to deny deny deny even if they know something is not right and the govt. is going to allow it because they are receiving kick backs. Same as the tobacco industry for many years. It has been reported that there are cures out there for certain cancers but the drug companies will not release them because if they did they would lose out on millions of dollars in money they are currently receiving for treatment as well as for research. I believe this is true of many other diseases as well.
I am sorry for your loss {{hugs}}. Was your daughter's death related to vaccinations?

Thank you,

No unfortunately she had a metabolic disorder called galactosemia that we did not find out about until a few hours after her death. She actually died from E-Coli poisoning from galactose building up in her system. A person with galactosemia can not break down a sugar called galactose that is found in all dairy products and breast milk.

I just wanted to let the poster know that I was not unsympathetic to her fears as I have been through the loss of a child. However having gone through that loss and having time to reflect on all that she went through I can honestly say I think that she is in a better place today than had she of lived. Drs. believe that the night before she was admitted into the hospital that she had seizures and had she of lived would have resulted in long term brain damage. Selfishly as her mom I would rather have her here with me no matter what. But what would her quality of life be like had she of lived and did have severe brain damage? Ultimately as parents we have to try to do what is best for our children even if it hurts us to do so. This was the only reason I brought up the loss of my child was to try to point out that what we want is not always what is best for our children. Selfishly as parents we would rather have our child with us any way that we can have them no matter what but that is not always what is best for the child.
Me too, but there is no way to know that your child is safe in that respect. When my DD was small we did not interact with unvaccinated children, if we knew they did not vacciante. Ever. It is just too risky. The problem is that no one is required to disclose to you that they do not vaccinate, and anyone can file a religious objection without any proof to get into daycare. The daycares will only disclose that there are unvaccinated children present, but not how many, who they are, or even what class they are in. Parents who don't vaccinate are not required to tell you that they don't so it is really hard to know what a child is being exposed to. Frankly, it is pretty scary.

Just as parents are not required to tell you that they do vaccinate either. It works both ways. If you want the privacy of those that do not vaccinate to be disclosed than you need to be willing to give up your right to privacy as well. And be prepared because if you give up your right to privacy on this matter you will be asked to do so on others as well.

Actually here in PA you do have to answer in writing why you are asking for a religious exception. I know because I had to do so in order for my son to enter cyber school.

Also you can take a medical exception as well and for this you need to get a form filled out by your Dr.
this. exactly. My philosophy is: Your unvaccinated child has the potential to kill my infant. There is no way around that fact, and while you are free to do what you want with your child, ther right thing to do would be make me aware of the potentially deadly consequences to my child, and please don't be offended when we refuse your birthday party or play date.

Than you had better keep your child home and in a bubble at all times because you never know what type of disease you are going to run into outside of that bubble. Esp. at Disney World and other tourist attractions as well as on airplanes where people are coming from all over the world. There are many many diseases out there that we do not even have vaccinations for that are just as deadly. The chances that your child is going to get one of them? Small just as small as them getting a disease that we do vaccinate for from a child that is not vaccinated. Also even us adults do not have all of the vaccinations that children can get today. There are more vaccinations available today than ever before. You yourself could be just as infectious to an infant as that unvaccinated child.

And just because someone is vaccinated does not mean that they can not still get that disease and spread it. When I was in first grade I got the chicken pox and I was vaccinated for it. I could have passed that disease on to an infant that was not vaccinated just as easily as a child who was never vaccinated could have.

Point being an infant can be just as vulnerable from a vaccinated child as from an unvaccinated child or adult for that matter.


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