What would you have done?

According to the cdc you should probably be dead. How many times did you hear you were going to die from not being vaccinated? No one in my family is vaccinated either. Never wore a mask except on a plane or like that first trip to WDW.
Don't think I ever heard that from an "official" source. Just folks either trying to scare you (general) into getting the vaccine or folks (like you) saying "they said you'd would die if you didn't get a vaccine!".
No politics.
Well when you are talking about government response it is political. But point taken.
According to the cdc you should probably be dead. How many times did you hear you were going to die from not being vaccinated? No one in my family is vaccinated either. Never wore a mask except on a plane or like that first trip to WDW.
I know right? Meanwhile I had COVID in March of 2020 & have been around people that had COVID & have traveled all over the world and I haven't had it again. I would say my post-infection immunity is kicking the butt of the false vaccine immunity. 🤷‍♀️
I know dead unvaccinated people.
I know dead vaccinated people.
Well, we're not reading it the same. I don't read it as "if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to die". I read it as "if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to get sick OR die." Yes, I see a difference. And I think it stems from a lack of knowledge of what the new variant was going to do (if you look at the charts, there was a spike in deaths the month after that article.

I'd say more, but don't want to get political.
What fitness goals would you recommend to improve my almost non existent immune system? I’ll call my Neurologist tomorrow to let them know what Lumpy suggests.
Same as vaccinations for things like measles that are effective and are the norm. It benefits you because measles are not a thing. We cannot eradicate COVID, the vaccines have not worked that way. It benefits you if everyone else is in better shape because the outcomes for everyone else will improve and there will be more resources for you should you need them.

Besides, I was offering that as an example of what really would work, that you really would have some control over (unlike testing positivity), but that would absolutely be rejected as a function of COVID restrictions.
I’ve been trying to explain this to people like my elderly aunt but since it’s no longer front page news she thinks it’s over. She is in her 80’s and her boyfriend is 90. They go out to eat and to casino all the time. She says to me Diane you are a nurse I can’t believe you think this is still happening! It’s just like a bad cold. 🙄My husband and I have not caught it yet. There are certain things that make you more likely to not do well and to wind up on a ventilator and I have all of those. So I’m super cautious. People are definitely still getting it and many are still dying. Staying home was the responsible thing to do.
Sounds to me like they are living their best life - good for them.
I know right? Meanwhile I had COVID in March of 2020 & have been around people that had COVID & have traveled all over the world and I haven't had it again. I would say my post-infection immunity is kicking the butt of the false vaccine immunity. 🤷‍♀️
It's not an either/or here. Like you got it (and early early early on) and thus voila you were cured!

Earlier strains (especially the one you got) reacted differently than later strains. The protection if you will with earlier strains was much different than later strains. I'd probably put it as you got it, even with how bad of a strain it was, at the right time. Omicron most especially as someone's first infections behaved differently with our immune systems. So perhaps temper that with your opinion.
I know dead vaccinated people.
Which is clearly not the point of their comment. Their response was to a poster disparagingly discussing vaccination with death.
Well, we're not reading it the same. I don't read it as "if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to die". I read it as "if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to get sick OR die." Yes, I see a difference. And I think it stems from a lack of knowledge of what the new variant was going to do (if you look at the charts, there was a spike in deaths the month after that article.

I'd say more, but don't want to get political.
Let’s not rewrite history. The media hysteria everyday was insane. How many times did you the phrase it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated?
It's not an either/or here. Like you got it (and early early early on) and thus voila you were cured!

Earlier strains (especially the one you got) reacted differently than later strains. The protection if you will with earlier strains was much different than later strains. I'd probably put it as you got it, even with how bad of a strain it was, at the right time. Omicron most especially as someone's first infections behaved differently with our immune systems. So perhaps temper that with your opinion.

Which is clearly not the point of their comment. Their response was to a poster disparagingly discussing vaccination with death.

I can't assume to know what s/he was referencing. Nonetheless, both are true. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated have died. Are you denying the vaccines have caused some serious side effects that people are continuing to deal with?
Well when you are talking about government response it is political. But point taken.

I know right? Meanwhile I had COVID in March of 2020 & have been around people that had COVID & have traveled all over the world and I haven't had it again. I would say my post-infection immunity is kicking the butt of the false vaccine immunity. 🤷‍♀️

I know dead vaccinated people.
You know people who died from the vaccine?
Nonetheless, both are true. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated have died.
No one was saying that (meaning haven't died although dying from being vaccinated is different than being vaccinated but unfortunately dying), it's a way for people who haven't been vaccinated to bolster their opinions on not getting vaccinated.
Are you denying the vaccines have caused some serious side effects that people are continuing to deal with?
lol if only you knew my experience, I detailed it quite extensively in the past.

Again people have got to stop thinking of either/or here. Life isn't like that.
Same as vaccinations for things like measles that are effective and are the norm. It benefits you because measles are not a thing. We cannot eradicate COVID, the vaccines have not worked that way. It benefits you if everyone else is in better shape because the outcomes for everyone else will improve and there will be more resources for you should you need them.

Besides, I was offering that as an example of what really would work, that you really would have some control over (unlike testing positivity), but that would absolutely be rejected as a function of COVID restrictions.

Sounds to me like they are living their best life - good for them.
Measles are imaginary?
Get ready for mandates again…
We have been mask free at my hospital since the public heath emergency ended in May. On Wednesday we received an email “strongly recommending” all staff wear masks for patient encounters and yesterday a new email emerged with a MANDATE that staff wear masks during all patient encounters but not in common areas (that is still just a strong recommendation). But yet, patients and visitors don’t have to wear masks… this makes zero sense but my thinking is legally they cannot mandate the general public without having grounds to back it up.
Get ready for mandates again…
We have been mask free at my hospital since the public heath emergency ended in May. On Wednesday we received an email “strongly recommending” all staff wear masks for patient encounters and yesterday a new email emerged with a MANDATE that staff wear masks during all patient encounters but not in common areas (that is still just a strong recommendation). But yet, patients and visitors don’t have to wear masks… this makes zero sense but my thinking is legally they cannot mandate the general public without having grounds to back it up.
How is requiring masks for the public different than "no shirt, no shoes, no service"?
Did you miss a word? Were you trying to ask me how many times I "heard" the phrase "it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated"?

If so, never.

Guess you missed Biden saying "pandemic of the unvaccinated" too. This whole speech is riddled with misinformation. Maybe that's why us unvaccinated folks can get a little touchy about the subjects of covid shots and mandates. We were essentially bullied by our Government for not getting vaccinated under the guise that the covid shots stopped the spread (which we now know it doesn't). I know more people that have had adverse serious long-term reactions to the shots than covid itself. It is real and the shots should never have been forced on anyone. It will be interesting to see the percentage of people that actually get the updated booster. Bivalent booster uptake was only 20%.
To that end, the "fittest" person I know is the one in my circle who died of Covid in 2021. He figured he was healthy, ran miles and miles every day, never sat still, ate healthy, did everything "right" as far as "healthy living"...but - refused science, refused to mask, refused the vaccine, refused to take ANY precautions, and spent a month in the ICU and then died. His FB page was full of conspiracy stuff and "I will not comply".

Ok, then.

Having a healthy lifestyle HELPS but it is surely not a guarantee.

I SCREWED up my body with alcoholism and now have a lot of lovely immune issues that make me covid-wary. People can call me whatever they want, but my body likes to turn on me with even a little thing. I am not all about introducing a big virus to my system. So - if needed, I will go back to masking. Simple, easy, never restricted any of "my freedoms", and nobody had to see my RBF each day ;).
I am sorry about your acquaintance. It actually may have been the way he was treated that was fatal. If he was on remdesivir and a vent, the odds were stacked against him unfortunately.
2 weeks to slow the spread might have work if we had 100% compliance, including complete shutdown. Since "essential" services were still allowed to operate and the definition of "essential" was very very broad in my opinion, there was just no way it was going to work to slow the spread let alone STOP the spread.
It never would have worked. As soon as you open back up, the virus would spread. Virus gonna virus. Other countries with more strict lockdown measures experienced this very thing.


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