Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 5

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Hi Ashley! I think you made the right decision with going in September. It will cost less money and the crowds will be much better. Just think... now you'll have another year to look forward to planning Xmas at the Poly, and if you save for it then you can enjoy it guilt-free! Yes, please ask your parents about the horseback riding. I haven't been able to find much info about it online that I can recall. Oh there were many scenes in POTC3 that I really liked! :love:

Lesa: I was thinking that same poster would look great in our playroom! I would definitely need to see it in person though, $30 is a LOT for a poster, even on canvas. I know the outlet on disneyshopping.com had a Tink tapestry - don't know if they still have it - that was really cute and the price sometimes was around $10 when they have sales. I just never got around to ordering it. I hate paying for shipping!

YM: I am so afraid that my kids are going to kick each other on the swingset. Lyzzie already kicked Emma in the chest, luckily I was behind Lyzzie and grabbed her so it wasn't more than a light touch. Glad your DS is ok today, but it must have hurt pretty bad to cancel a sleepover. I call our swingset the Death Trap!

pozey: Good idea about calling WDW Merch. I could offer to look for you in Sept but it will be too late for pool season this year - you could always have them early for next summer.

DznyFan: I see you found the Miss Information thread -- that lady is a riot! I'm so glad *I* don't have to work with her though, I'd strangle her. She reminds me so much of my arch-nemesis from my last job (remember her?). Eek!

Well it's almost time to go home and not a moment too soon, my late night is finally starting to catch up to me and I'm SO tired! I really should use this quiet time to clean the house, but I think I'll use it to catch up on my Blockbuster rentals instead. :cloud9:
Lyzziesmom, I keep hoping for an upgrade like you got for SSR, but I don't think its going to happen for my time frame!:sad2: I am so jealous!!!
Awww, you never know Ashley. I still won't believe the upgrade is "real" until we set foot in the room! Maybe you'll get upgraded to a preferred room, or a different resort, or something. Or a night in the castle, then we would ALL be jealous of you! ;) But of course no matter what, you'll be in WDW in just a couple months and having a great time.
that's good she doesn't drink the caffeine. I love Mt. Dew...but it doesn't love me:guilty: I've GOT to quit drinking it!!! I have cut down a lot...but evidentally not enough:rolleyes1 it effects my heart rate too! Is her knee all healed and better?

1am...sounds like a good time though. left side for the 1st in 3 years:woohoo: that is great!! Mike has to lay on his right side all the time...I tell him he just doesn't want to wake up and have the:scared1: no makeup scary looking right at him:rotfl: I'll have to check out that new site too..do they have adult sizes in the studio stuff...our TDS only had childrens:rolleyes1

well...here is where I've made adr's for Dec. so far...is there anywhere else we REALLY should go???

Crystal Palace, before opening of coarse:cloud9:

Kona Cafe for breakfast and lunch of coarse!!

Ohana for breakfast and dinner:woohoo:
yeah..gotta enjoy those Poly dining areas ;)

Le Cellier:love:

Coral Reef:yay:

WCC for Christmas dinner

I'm thinking maybe another Epcot dinner...or maybe Rainforest on Christmas day on way to AK from MK...for lunch...??? Thought I'd get some ideas from you guys. Maybe something new...
we've been to CRT, Chef Mickeys, Concourse, Narcoossees, V&A, Yachtsman, Rose & Crown, Donalds Breakfastosaurus....
Have any of you been to the ones in Italy, Germany, France??? maybe something over there to add in the mix?Thanks!!!!

Linda, I have eaten in Germany and it was fun, but the food wasn't that good. You sit at a big table with other families too so its a little crowded. I have always wanted to eat in Italy!

I have a question for anyone who has recently been to WDW.

While you were there, did you notice if there were any WDW beach towels for sale anywhere?

I'm not talking about the movie-based or related beach towels they have at the Disney Store. I want a beach towel that is more Walt Disney World related.

I have an old "100 Years of Magic" (or is it "Happiest Celebration on Earth"?) beach towel that Chase uses almost on a daily basis. And it is becoming very worn.

I have searched Ebay, and I can find a lot of beach towels, but most are movie related - Pirates, Cars, Incredibles, etc. - but nothing WDW related.

Can anyone help?

I saw some in June, I know they had a blue one with the Year of a Million Dreams logo on it with the fab 5 in the blue outfits.

For those of you that work or have shopped lately at TDS do you know if they carry this? http://disneyshopping.go.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/DSIProductDisplay?catalogId=10007&storeId=10601&productId=1209852&langId=-1&categoryId=21149I would love to get it for Maddie's room, but I want to see it first. Thanks!
Yep, those are in stores and they are really, really nice. Hurry though, I put the Tink one out on Saturday and I'm already down to 1.

Well, I put in my notice at work today. I cried.
Oh Lin, I'm sorry you were so sad to give notice at work. But just think, you're moving on to bigger and better things!
Everybody's been so busy posting today, and I apologize for lots of posts I didn't respond to when I read earlier.......

Linda - I have to say your dining choices are fabulous!! Oh, I just ate a fabulous dinner, but I'm excited for you just thinking about it!

Ashley - your trip is back on???? That's great news!

Lin - I'm sorry you had to give notice today, but think what you're going to get to do!

YM - glad to hear your son is OK - scary! And he's feeling better from his bug/asthma? If it would ever dry out here, we might all start feeling better!

Lyzziesmom - so you have another 'evening out' scheduled? Sounds like keeping it casual might be the best thing, especially considering how inconsistant he was before.... wish you the best. I did find that thread, OMG it was so funny! So that's what your arch-nemesis was like, huh? Sorry. The woman sounds signifcantly like my sister.

I'm HOPING our fall trip is back on, too!!! I've been researching all our other options - NYC, short cruise, and we were considering a different Florida trip - flying into Tampa, going to the Crystal River for 2 or 3 days, (I'm wanting to do the Manatee snorkel REALLY bad), then down to Clearwater Beach for 2 or 3 days. I can get great hotel rates, and for some reason flights to Tampa during that time period are REALLY cheap from here. :confused3
So, we're at dinner with some friends of ours who are DVCers, and they were talking about their next couple planned trips, and we got on the subject of the wine & food festival and the MNSSHP (never been to it!). Well, after that subtle reminder about W&FF and MNSSHP, DH is back to possibly wanting to go. We talked about one night at Crystal River so I can do my snorkel the next morning, then off to Disney for 3 nights afterwards. If he wouldn't keep changing his mind!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

OH! And interesting thing happened yesterday - Erin got a call OUT OF THE BLUE from a director of a local theatre group, and asked her to come audition tonight for a show she's directing - somehow, she knew about Erin, and got her phone number! Audition was at 7, and she's STILL there. What's even cooler, is the auditions were last week - they were OVER, so we think apparently the director didn't find what she was looking for.

Good things come in threes, right? I bought some lottery tix today, maybe tomorrow morning I'll be independently wealthy. Well, a girl can dream!
Dznyfan, that is great for Erin! Things are really going well for her. How has her knee been treating her lately? I'll keep my fingers crossed for your Disney trip!!!

Nicole and Lyzziesmom, thanks for the sentiments. It means a lot.

You guys have all been wonderful the past months. It has been so nice to be able to just let it out and tell you guys what was going on without any thought of repercussions.
Lin- isn't that cool? She got cast - she's in but we don't know exactly what part yet.
Knee is treating her fine - in fact she and I were at a gym today looking into a membership for us - I really need to spend some time on an eliptical and treadmill, and she's been wanting to join a gym for some time. It feels good, for the most part, she says.
OH! And interesting thing happened yesterday - Erin got a call OUT OF THE BLUE from a director of a local theatre group, and asked her to come audition tonight for a show she's directing - somehow, she knew about Erin, and got her phone number! Audition was at 7, and she's STILL there. What's even cooler, is the auditions were last week - they were OVER, so we think apparently the director didn't find what she was looking for.
What a fantastic opportunity for Erin!! Best wishes to her (and you)!!
Lin- isn't that cool? She got cast - she's in but we don't know exactly what part yet.
Knee is treating her fine - in fact she and I were at a gym today looking into a membership for us - I really need to spend some time on an eliptical and treadmill, and she's been wanting to join a gym for some time. It feels good, for the most part, she says.

Guess I should have just read a little bit more!!

Congrats to Erin!! :yay:
Good morning, Crew!!! It has gotten so cool here!! Not that I'm complaining. Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day and this morning it's only 59 degrees out!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

How about some French Toast this morning? Ooh la la!!!
(Going to have to pick off the raspberries again.):blush:


I hope you all have a Thoroughly Fantastic Thursday!!:banana: :banana:
Well, now for my catching up!!!

DznyFan:: That's awesome news that Erin was hand chosen for your local local theater play!! I can't wait to hear what her part will be!! I don't think you mentioned what the title of the play would be.
I'm crossing my fingers that your Monkey Doo will decide to go to WDW for a few days AND you'll be able to do the Manatee snorkel!!!:thumbsup2

Linda:: Yes, I would definitely wait for the DVD as far as Ratatouille is concerned. Take him to see UnderDog when it comes out.....the previews look really cute!!
Oh, Linda, at Fort Wilderness you are NOT allowed to drive your car to the other areas of the grounds. You either have to ride a bike, walk or use the golf carts. It is definitely a rip-off, IMO!!:mad:

Pozey:: Did you check on the beach towels? if you have an idea of what you want I would be more than happy to pick one up for you!! Does anyone know if I could just have Disney send it directly to Pozey? I would LOVE to have an excuse to shop.:yay:

Lyzziesmom:: I'm glad you finally got to see POT3!!! It was a good choice!!
I hope you have fun on your second friendly date. Is it tonight??

Ashley:: Sorry you had to give up the Christmas trip, but now you won't have to wait so long before you get to go to WDW!!!:dance3:
Good luck getting your ADR's!! I'm sure you'll find someplace to eat. OK, now I forgot where you were staying??:confused: You're going to have to refresh my memory on this one!!:laughing:

Lesa:: I had to take a look at the Tink poster. I didn't realize until I read further that it was mounted. I think you DEFINITELY have to get it!! It would be perfect for her room. Gotta order it today!!!:tinker:

YourMajesty:: Oh my. sorry to hear your DS had to come home early from his sleepover. Good thing he's doing better today. Our poor younguns do take a beating sometimes, don't they??

Lin:: I can totally relate to the crying when you put in your notice. I had worked in my previous job for over 25 years...they were all like family to me. Quitting was really hard; I even took off my last day at the last minute so I wouldn't have to deal with the "going away party".:sad1: (They did sneak one in, however!!)
You'll love your new job; it's what your educated to do!! it will be awesome!!

I did call for more ADR's yesterday morning. We arrive at the WL on Tues.July 31st. Haven't decided if we are doing a park that day or not. I'm purchasing an AP this trip, so perhaps I will be able to make another trip or two before my AP runs out nex year.
Anyway, this is the plan..

Tues. July 31st
Head to the Wilderness Lodge!!
Maybe hit Epcot (evening EMH!!)
We'll probably just wing it for lunch and dinner.

Wed. Aug. 1st
Kona breakfast
MK day and night!!
Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner

Thurs Aug. 2nd
Whispering Canyon breakfast
This is the day we'll probably head to AK in the morning and MGM in the afternoon, take a break and head back in the evening.
Chef Mickey's for dinner

Fri Aug. 3rd
Whispering Canyon for breakfast (may try to get Kona again)
perhaps Rain Forest Cafe for a late lunch??
Flight leaves about 7:30 pm ....we'll have a rental car, so we'll have time to kill that day.

I did manage to save about $100 on our rental car. I switched from Dollar to National....who would have thought that National would be cheaper!! I couldn't believe the rate when it popped up last night!! We originally had a Chrysler Pacifica for a total of about $329 for the week. Now we have a Chevy Equinox for $237!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

Well.....have a super day everyone!!! Talk to you later!!!
Dang post flood thingie!!
I know...that thing can be so annoying:snooty:

a night in the castle
Kenny was asking if there was a room in the castle we could stay in... boy do I wish!!! I'd be so excited if any of US got to stay in it!!!!:cloud9: :woohoo:

Linda, I have eaten in Germany and it was fun, but the food wasn't that good. You sit at a big table with other families too so its a little crowded. I have always wanted to eat in Italy!

Well, I put in my notice at work today. I cried.
Thanks..I was wondering how the food would be.. you cried....I BET! I would too!:hug: :grouphug:

Linda - I have to say your dining choices are fabulous!! Oh, I just ate a fabulous dinner, but I'm excited for you just thinking about it!

I'm HOPING our fall trip is back on, too!!! I've been researching all our other options - NYC, short cruise, and we were considering a different Florida trip - flying into Tampa, going to the Crystal River for 2 or 3 days, (I'm wanting to do the Manatee snorkel REALLY bad), then down to Clearwater Beach for 2 or 3 days. I can get great hotel rates, and for some reason flights to Tampa during that time period are REALLY cheap from here. :confused3
So, we're at dinner with some friends of ours who are DVCers, and they were talking about their next couple planned trips, and we got on the subject of the wine & food festival and the MNSSHP (never been to it!). Well, after that subtle reminder about W&FF and MNSSHP, DH is back to possibly wanting to go. We talked about one night at Crystal River so I can do my snorkel the next morning, then off to Disney for 3 nights afterwards. If he wouldn't keep changing his mind!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

OH! And interesting thing happened yesterday - Erin got a call OUT OF THE BLUE from a director of a local theatre group, and asked her to come audition tonight for a show she's directing - somehow, she knew about Erin, and got her phone number! Audition was at 7, and she's STILL there. What's even cooler, is the auditions were last week - they were OVER, so we think apparently the director didn't find what she was looking for.

Good things come in threes, right? I bought some lottery tix today, maybe tomorrow morning I'll be independently wealthy. Well, a girl can dream!
I am so excited!!! I can't wait:woohoo:
A trip for a night and doing the manatee snorkel sounds incredible:love: then a trip to wdw for a few nights...that would be so perfect! Something different, a snorkel is always awesome...and of coarse some wdw in there...sounds like a perfect plan. I'll be praying for you!!! And hope you win the lotto too ;) Yay for Erin:cheer2: that is awesome!!!

You guys have all been wonderful the past months. It has been so nice to be able to just let it out and tell you guys what was going on without any thought of repercussions.
:grouphug: :hug: that's what friends are for!!! This place is great for sure:cloud9: I've been wondering if everything has been ok w/Chris...I sure hope so.

Lin- isn't that cool? She got cast - she's in but we don't know exactly what part yet.
Knee is treating her fine - in fact she and I were at a gym today looking into a membership for us - I really need to spend some time on an eliptical and treadmill, and she's been wanting to join a gym for some time. It feels good, for the most part, she says.
Glad to hear Erins knee is healing well. I love our elliptical! I just need to spend more time on it:rolleyes1 we have a treadmill too...but Mike uses that...I think it's too hard on my knees...I like the elliptical so much better for that...no impact. I had to buy the stuff for home...I had a gym membership and never seemed to get there...I like rolling out of bed, throwing my clothes on and climb on it.. otherwise..it just aint happenin':laughing:

Linda:: Yes, I would definitely wait for the DVD as far as Ratatouille is concerned. Take him to see UnderDog when it comes out.....the previews look really cute!!
Oh, Linda, at Fort Wilderness you are NOT allowed to drive your car to the other areas of the grounds. You either have to ride a bike, walk or use the golf carts. It is definitely a rip-off, IMO!!:mad:

Lin:: I can totally relate to the crying when you put in your notice. I had worked in my previous job for over 25 years...they were all like family to me. Quitting was really hard; I even took off my last day at the last minute so I wouldn't have to deal with the "going away party".:sad1: (They did sneak one in, however!!)
You'll love your new job; it's what your educated to do!! it will be awesome!!

I did call for more ADR's yesterday morning. We arrive at the WL on Tues.July 31st. Haven't decided if we are doing a park that day or not. I'm purchasing an AP this trip, so perhaps I will be able to make another trip or two before my AP runs out nex year.
Anyway, this is the plan..

Tues. July 31st
Head to the Wilderness Lodge!!
Maybe hit Epcot (evening EMH!!)
We'll probably just wing it for lunch and dinner.

Wed. Aug. 1st
Kona breakfast
MK day and night!!
Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner

Thurs Aug. 2nd
Whispering Canyon breakfast
This is the day we'll probably head to AK in the morning and MGM in the afternoon, take a break and head back in the evening.
Chef Mickey's for dinner

Fri Aug. 3rd
Whispering Canyon for breakfast (may try to get Kona again)
perhaps Rain Forest Cafe for a late lunch??
Flight leaves about 7:30 pm ....we'll have a rental car, so we'll have time to kill that day.

I did manage to save about $100 on our rental car. I switched from Dollar to National....who would have thought that National would be cheaper!! I couldn't believe the rate when it popped up last night!! We originally had a Chrysler Pacifica for a total of about $329 for the week. Now we have a Chevy Equinox for $237!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

Well.....have a super day everyone!!! Talk to you later!!!
you can't even drive your own car... geesh!:sad2: that is crazy! I've been to Fort Wilderness for the Hoop de Doo...but that was 10 years ago:rolleyes1 I remember watching the EWP from there though..that was cool.
You were at your last job for 25 years...wow..that would be hard! Love your itinerary!!! Yay for saving $100 on your car! That is great!!!:woohoo:

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! Thanks for breakfast Donna...I don't know what I'd do w/out ya!!:hug:

Does anyone have Aprils new address? Even Mike has been asking me about them!! I want to send her a card or something to tell her we've missed her and we've been thinking about her:guilty:
Donna - the french toast looks wonderful! (lemme just roll those raspberries a little farther off to the side)

Nice savings on the rental car! I've been trying to do the same thing - get rates, and nail down pricing for our trip in the fall - this is the first time in YEARS we've gotten a car. I'll have to go back and double check National's prices.

Congrats to Erin!! :yay:
Thank you. I think she's excited.

DznyFan:: That's awesome news that Erin was hand chosen for your local local theater play!! I can't wait to hear what her part will be!! I don't think you mentioned what the title of the play would be.
It's called Quilters. I'd never heard of it.

I'm crossing my fingers that your Monkey Doo will decide to go to WDW for a few days AND you'll be able to do the Manatee snorkel!!!:thumbsup2

lindakmonty said:
I love our elliptical! I just need to spend more time on it we have a treadmill too...but Mike uses that...I think it's too hard on my knees...I like the elliptical so much better for that...no impact. I had to buy the stuff for home...I had a gym membership and never seemed to get there...I like rolling out of bed, throwing my clothes on and climb on it.. otherwise..it just aint happenin'
See, if I had an elliptical and a treadmill at the house, I'd just do it there - but I like the availability of the weight machines, too. The one we'll probably join is less than a mile from the house, and we've already decided just to go over there in the late afternoon/early evening.

I am so excited!!! I can't wait
A trip for a night and doing the manatee snorkel sounds incredible then a trip to wdw for a few nights...that would be so perfect! Something different, a snorkel is always awesome...and of coarse some wdw in there...sounds like a perfect plan. I'll be praying for you!!! And hope you win the lotto too Yay for Erin that is awesome!!!
doesn't that just sound cool? Neither one of my family members will snorkel - Erin isn't interested and DH doesn't swim. :( Oh, I've got to go check my lotto numbers!
Pozey:: Did you check on the beach towels?
No, I didn't. I went online and got the phone number, then I left the number on my desk last night. I have it now and I will probably call them later.

if you have an idea of what you want I would be more than happy to pick one up for you!! Does anyone know if I could just have Disney send it directly to Pozey? I would LOVE to have an excuse to shop.:yay:
You guys are so great to offer!! I love you guys!!

I did call for more ADR's yesterday morning. We arrive at the WL on Tues.July 31st. Haven't decided if we are doing a park that day or not. I'm purchasing an AP this trip, so perhaps I will be able to make another trip or two before my AP runs out nex year.
Anyway, this is the plan..

Tues. July 31st
Head to the Wilderness Lodge!!
Maybe hit Epcot (evening EMH!!)
We'll probably just wing it for lunch and dinner.

Wed. Aug. 1st
Kona breakfast
MK day and night!!
Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner

Thurs Aug. 2nd
Whispering Canyon breakfast
This is the day we'll probably head to AK in the morning and MGM in the afternoon, take a break and head back in the evening.
Chef Mickey's for dinner

Fri Aug. 3rd
Whispering Canyon for breakfast (may try to get Kona again)
perhaps Rain Forest Cafe for a late lunch??
Flight leaves about 7:30 pm ....we'll have a rental car, so we'll have time to kill that day.
Wow, that looks like a FANTASTIC itinerary!!! Do you have room for one more in your suitcase????
See, if I had an elliptical and a treadmill at the house, I'd just do it there - but I like the availability of the weight machines, too. The one we'll probably join is less than a mile from the house, and we've already decided just to go over there in the late afternoon/early evening.

doesn't that just sound cool? Neither one of my family members will snorkel - Erin isn't interested and DH doesn't swim. :( Oh, I've got to go check my lotto numbers!

we have the weights too, but they just collect dust:rotfl: a gym a mile from the house would work out great!! Our is like 15 minutes away:sad2: You have a pool and your dh doesn't swim!! My mom doesn't either..she wouldn't go near our pool. She doesn't know how and is deathly afraid of water:scared: I love it. I love to snorkel too!!!:love: even though a jellyfish got me in Cozumel, but you'll have that. Kenny would love snorkeling w/manatees too. He loves them. We have them at our zoo and they are one of his favorites to see. Snorkeling w/them would be too cool!!! He was going to do the shark snorkel w/me at TL but at the last minute IN the water...he chickened out:rotfl: I can't blame him a bit ;) Good luck w/the lotto #'s!!:banana: Erin might not want to snorkel....but surfing would be cool too...I'd be too chicken myself:rolleyes1
we have the weights too, but they just collect dust:rotfl: a gym a mile from the house would work out great!! Our is like 15 minutes away:sad2: You have a pool and your dh doesn't swim!! My mom doesn't either..she wouldn't go near our pool. She doesn't know how and is deathly afraid of water:scared: I love it. I love to snorkel too!!!:love: even though a jellyfish got me in Cozumel, but you'll have that. Kenny would love snorkeling w/manatees too. He loves them. We have them at our zoo and they are one of his favorites to see. Snorkeling w/them would be too cool!!! He was going to do the shark snorkel w/me at TL but at the last minute IN the water...he chickened out:rotfl: I can't blame him a bit ;) Good luck w/the lotto #'s!!:banana: Erin might not want to snorkel....but surfing would be cool too...I'd be too chicken myself:rolleyes1
Your mom is the same as DH. He will get in the pool, but he can't tread water, and he can't really *swim*. He's afraid of any water that he can't stand up in. So - for him, snorkeling is out. He didn't snorkel at Castaway Cay (but says he might this next time) because the water is deep. He was hesitant to even get in. He is however, going to learn to snorkel w/ my help, but he still says no, he won't get in the river w/ the Manatees.
Your mom is the same as DH. He will get in the pool, but he can't tread water, and he can't really *swim*. He's afraid of any water that he can't stand up in. So - for him, snorkeling is out. He didn't snorkel at Castaway Cay (but says he might this next time) because the water is deep. He was hesitant to even get in. He is however, going to learn to snorkel w/ my help, but he still says no, he won't get in the river w/ the Manatees.

Well...at least it sounds like he'd like to try. I can't imagine life w/o being able to swim:eek: I'm still surprised I got her on the cruise!! She will go about...knee deep in water TOPS! My goal is to have Kenny swimming good for our 08' cliqueless trip so he can snorkel at CC:cloud9: he will love it. He is such an animal lover as it is...he'll be in heaven. He was loving me telling him about snorkeling and seeing sea turtles and sting rays at CC:woohoo: I think I'll do the CC stingray swim too so he can feed them!! that will be awesome!
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