WISH team 2006 Full-Half Marathon--January Info/Training


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hey everyone! Welcome!

We're all here planning and training for the 2006 Disney Half and Full marathons. Some of us are expert marathoners, some are newbies, but we're all here to help each other train and run/walk the marathons. :cheer2:

As excellently suggested by Lisa Loves Pooh, we can start out with monthly general training/info/planning threads, then Septemberish, we'll go to weekly training threads.

A little about me...

I'm 36, with a DH, two kids, two jobs, and I've never marathoned before. I'm planning to run/walk the half marathon.
Frankly...I detest exercising, but know I need to do it. For me, having a goal like this works better than just saying I need to workout every day. I like having a concrete achievement to work toward.
Currently, I'm walking 2 miles every other day at 3 mph. This is actually an increase for me...I started the month at 1.75 miles at 2.7mph. I've kicked it up a notch already since I got involved with this thread. :flower:
My goal is to increase to 4mph and increase distance by one mile each month.

Ok...who's next!!!
Hi Everyone.

My name is Kelly, SAHM to 2 kids. I just ran the half marathon with DH. He wants to train for the full so I am going along for the ride. I know if I don't I will be kicking myself this time next year. I know I can do it and I think I am at the point of actually wanting to do it too.

I do want to lose about 20 lbs before the summer to really be at my all time healthiest to train.
I just did the 2005 half with lots of other WISHers. It was a wonderful experience that I'll never forget. Chimera, I started out the same as you - needed a goal to help me keep exercising. After over a year, I made my goal a reality.

While I can't make the trip to WDW in 2006, know that I'll be happy to share my 2005 experiences and cheer all of you on!! I'm actually thinking of doing the Philadelphia half marathon in mid-September.

Remember, "a dream is a WISH your heart makes!".

My name is Lisa, SAHM, 2nd Marathon attempt and I will not let cooties get in the way of an excellent finish! Taking a 2 week recovery rest instead of one b/c of well, you know--and then will pick up with a reverse taper and getting back up to my comfortable weekly milage.

I run anywhere from a 10-12 minute mile on a 9min run/1min walk plan

Probable workout plan:
3-4 mile runs M-H and 6-8 mile runs on Saturdays

Once I hit the road again--it will take me 2-3 weeks to work back up to that plan.

Rocky's tip of the day:
If you just did the full or half--remember to rest up this week and do a reverse taper (opposite of what you did leading up to race day) to get back to the weekly mileage/activity you wish to do.
I'm in. My name is Christy, I just turned 27 and I have a little boy who just turned 3 (Braden) and a little boy who will be 1 on the 29th (Brennen). I am mostly a SAHM, but I do work 15 hours a week at a local gym (I am able to bring my kids and I get a free membership--it is a win win). I just completed the 1/2 and I estimate my time to be between 3:35-3:40. I am planning on a very large improvement next year. My DH (Steve) has decided he will do this with me IF I can pick up my pace a lot. It is our goal to do the first 6 miles in an hour, he have not set our goal for the second 7 miles yet.

We are fortunate to live just 25 mins from Disney, so we may do the 10K to prepare.

I am so excited to be a part of this years thread from the get go!

I'm Karen, 35 and a daycare provider in NYS. Last year (2004) I did the 1/2 marathon at Disney but had a terrible time (IMO) of 3:29 :26. :(
However, I did have a bloody nose for at least 4 miles of the run, so I guess that should make me happy!

Next year I will run the 1/2 again, this time with my DH running by my side. I was thinking of doing the full, but since we also "do Disney" at the same time as the marathon trip and won't be going back for a couple of years, I don't feel I should try to push things too far and end up with a disappointing run or an injury that would screw up my vacation. We also plan on doing the Family Fun Run (5K) with our DS afterwards.

I use the Hal Higdon site and belong to a yahoo group for runners called team penguin disney. Both are a big help if you like to get more info on running or training. I also visit the Runner's World forums as they have good technical running info there.

If you are new to walking or running, obviously get checked out by a doc first. After that just take it slow, the idea is to get out there and keep moving at this point. Most 1/2 marathon "training" plans don't really kick into gear until about 12 weeks out from the run date. My gym trainer told me back when I mentioned the 1/2 marathon a few years ago that I needed to be comfortable walking or running 3-4 miles, 3 or so times a week. So when the actual 12 weeks of marathon training began I was already used to the run/walk cycle.

We know we'll be renting points and staying at the BWV again, can't beat that location! Hope to meet lots of you and have fun getting to know each other throughout the year!
Hi :)

My name's Tracy. I'm the Mom to a wonderful 10 yr old daughter. I work full-time outside the home. Like Chimera, I'm hoping having a goal like this will keep me motivated to stick with working out. Right now I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get time off from work to go to WDW for the 1/2 - inventory at my work is going to be at the first of the year now and it may run into that weekend. So, if y'all don't mind, I'm gonna join y'all here and train just like I'm definately going and then pray for some pixy dust :wizard:
Just noticed the title of my OP...wonder if anyone's going to be running the Half-Empty marathon? :laughing:

I'll have to make sure I edit for next month :smooth:
chimera said:
Just noticed the title of my OP...wonder if anyone's going to be running the Half-Empty marathon? :laughing:

I'll have to make sure I edit for next month :smooth:

You can edit your original post and fix that title ;)
renee here! Mother of 4 kids..... ana 11, aj 8, bean 5, and nate 2.....(those are their nicknames).
I just finished the 1/2 and am gonna do it again. My husband will be along side me ths time as well. I slacked alot on training last year but this year my first order of business to to quit smoking! Once I have accomplished that, I will go right back to full training! I am taking this week off for my body is still in recovery.

till next time!

Renee...didn't want to ignore your post on the prior thread. How much organizing needs to be done?
I know there were special meals set up for the WISH team...but doesn't sound like everyone stayed in the same hotel.
Group registration isn't yet open on the marathon site.

My name is Kim mother of two Amani (6) Jordan (1). BTW can someone tell me if the've found my legs yet? I think I may have left them on Floridian Way :) Anywho... this year was my first 1/2 marathon EVER. I ran it with Karebear daughter Alissa. I could not have run this race with a more great young lady!!! I had a blast, met a lot of very nice Dis'ers and can't wait until 2006 to lose my legs again. This time my husband will be running along side of me. As for right now, I'm back to serving my country while I rest my body. Next week I hit the road again to start the never ending abuse :) BTW has anyone been eating like a pig since the race? Man oh man, I cannot stop eating, the race really boosted my metobolism (as if I needed it to be any worse) :rolleyes:
Count me in!

I'm Pam and am a 39 year old mama to 3 boys! I'll be 40 when the marathon rolls around, so this is a gift to me. I'm going to join Team in Training this fall, but am meeting with my trainer tonight to get started with a program.

Good luck to all!
I'm in - I've even pushed that little button and entered.

I'm 36, no kids (but a very spoilt cat) and live in New Zealand. I'm originally British and really miss just being able to 'nip' to Disney so this is a very good excuse to go. I run quite regularly, and have done 11 half marathons in the last few years - but that doesn't make the idea of my first full marathon any less scary. I'm the kid that was picked last at gym, who still can't catch a ball and as my friends say when they see me training run looking like I'm chewing a wasp - but there aint nothing I want more than that mouse medal. Look forward to swapping tips with you all.
chimera said:
Renee...didn't want to ignore your post on the prior thread. How much organizing needs to be done?
I know there were special meals set up for the WISH team...but doesn't sound like everyone stayed in the same hotel.
Group registration isn't yet open on the marathon site.

Perhaps not too much, I am just worried about the emailing and problems I may have making lists of whos going perhaps editting that list later........ things of that nature more or less computer stuff.

I mean so far this thread has been posted so we know there will be a group of us. I guess once everyone registers we can find out about group ressies and the rest is really our call, I mean as far as meeting up. The trails end dinner was a hit. and there was no calling ahead for that and many folks showed up!

I think perhaps one person (or two) to be kind of a spokesperson or someone who knows whats going on may be good. I remember having alot of questions and rather that post and let 12 people try to anwser, I just emailed kamy adn then eventually karebear. Whatever you guys want to do............ just a suggestion. I will certainly find out any details I can.

I'm going to give it a try, & if I do, DH will be doing it with me. We will do the 1/2 marathon. I'm sure that will be enough for me. I'm just hoping my right hip will hold up. I'm going to increase my walking some & see how I do. Right now I'm doing a lot of bicycle riding & swimming because they put a lot less stress on the hip. Hopefully with the 2 day format I'll have a little more time before I make my final decision to sign up or not. I really want to do it though, so I'll train with you guys for a while & see how I do.
Howdy! I am Heather (35), mother of 4 beautiful daughters (6,4, 4, and 1). I walked the 1/2 marathon this year and was part of the 2005 WISH Walkers. My goal is to run the 1/2 marathon in 2006. My DH will be running the full marathon again. Come on all you WISHers, join us! princess:
Hey All! I am Ashley, 22. I walked the half this year, despite the fact that I trained to run most of it, so next year I am going to go back and not worry about whether my silly brother trains or not! So, I am going to tackle the full 26.2 this year... Going for the Mickey! I look forward to being on this year's thread... lots of fun was had on last year's! Any questions, just ask! I have a great set of training plans from the book MARATHONING FOR MORTALS by John "The Penguin" Bingham. Let me know if you would like a copy!

Let's see some more faces on here! This is awesome!

Hello! My name is Lani. I an "adult onset athlete" -- got back into exercising three years ago and miraculously am still keeping it up. I ran the WDW full in 2003, and did the half last year and this year.

For next year, I hope to do the half, and go faster this time and actually train in earnest. :)


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