WISHing Away the Pounds - 2015 Edition!! Everyone Welcome!

Bummed I didn't get to check in here yesterday. Had to take DD back to school and of course she decided to do most of her packing AFTER I got home from work and was ready to go. :headache: We had to get dinner and by the time we got to the restaurant I was just hungry, tired and frustrated. We went to Chilis and I got the Margarita Chicken which is on their healthy menu, but not on plan for me since I try to stay low carb. I have ordered it before with broccoli instead of the rice and beans but I was too tired to care. And then DH and DD decided to order tortilla chips and salsa. And a whole lot of that found its way into me.:sad2:

But back on plan today.

Ugh. My disboards app will not let me post :(
I log in but then it says I need to be logged in to do anything. I've deleted the whole app and reinstalled it. Didn't help. So, my checking in may be limited since I have to be on a computer.

I've had a good 2 days. The aide in my classroom walked in yesterday morning and said "My pants don't fit" and I said "mine either!" So, she started couch to 5k and I introduced her to My Fitness Pal. We are completely holding each other accountable.


The apps don't really work anymore (there is some info on the Tech Support board). I just go to my browser if I want to read on my phone. But I am a Luddite-- I still do the majority of my internet surfing on my laptop.

It is great to have people in real life to provide support and accountability and to celebrate with you!

I have been saying the same thing every day-- unfortunately my pants don't fit because they are too tight. :guilty:

I had an check up at the dr yesterday and found out that my thyroid is wonky again. 2 years ago I had routine blood work before some minor surgery and was very surprised to find out that I had a thyroid issue. Been on meds but it is time to increase the dose. I told DH that means that obviously the thyroid is the reason I am fat and tired-- it must have nothing to do with eating crap for the last few months and staying up past midnight all the time!!:rotfl:;) (anyone want to buy a bridge I am selling too? :rolleyes1 ) But I am glad we caught it again because it probably would have affected my efforts now that I am trying to stay on plan and that would have been very frustrating.

Gotta go Skype with the older kidlet to figure out her textbook options. DH and I are still getting used to the fact that there is no actual bookstore on campus and everything has to be ordered online.
The apps don't really work anymore (there is some info on the Tech Support board). I just go to my browser if I want to read on my phone. But I am a Luddite-- I still do the majority of my internet surfing on my laptop.

I'm 28 and I do the majority of my internet surfing on my laptop... (although I am starting to use my phone more, laptop is way easier for typing).

Past few days have been so-so for me. I've been getting in decent amounts of exercise and mostly getting my 5 servings of fruits/veggies, but I've also been overeating. We had shwarma for dinner tonight, and while I usually only eat about half of my shwarma in one meal (the place we go gives pretty big portions), I ate it all today. Good news is, half my plate was fruit and veggies (bad news is I ate all the meat that was the other half). I don't think the scale will be kind to me this week. Oh well.

Other than that ... I've been pretty tired lately, so it's been hard for me to come on here and chat. I'm having a hard time keeping up with my to-do list, so anything "extra" is getting cut out of my schedule. But I've been thinking of y'all and I hope everyone is having a good month so far!
Hello everyone again!!

I hope you all got over the Christmas eating without too much of a damage!! Here is our new and shiny thread for the start of 2015! I hope to see plenty of people joining in!

I will start you off with a Wellbeing Wednesday (even if it is still Tuesday...)

These challenges provide a wonderful support group for all of us wanting to lose weight. And in order to be able to support each other, it is good to know a little more about all of us participants.

So, please introduce yourself, tell us something about why you want to lose weight (and as an additional exercise, try to say it in a positive way ;)) and what your biggest challenges are!

I will be brief, as you all know me.....

I am Pamela, turned 50 last year :scared1:. Was a overweight off and on through my teen/college/adult years, but hit my highest weight after the birth of my second child. Decide to try WW (again) in early 2008 before heading to Disney and this time it STUCK! I lost nearly 90 pounds, hit my goal, and have stuck with it ever since!! I now work as a WW leader. I've been involved in these WISH board challenges for longer than I can actually remember.... probably 5-6 years now. And I love them! Great ideas, motivation, sharing, etc! DOUBLE HUGE THANKS to Magdalene for hosting us into a successful 2015!!!

Hi, I am Magdalene. I live in Germany (and am German), so I am posting at odd hours from a US perspective. I have struggled with weight for most of my life, I was a "fat" child in the 70s when nearly no child was fat. However, I never let it get really bad. I seem to hover a lot around a BMI of 26 and my goal is it that 2015 will be the year that I can fit into that lovely suede mini skirt I bought from a fashion store in London in 1998 when I was at my lowest weight ever! My biggest challenge is lunch. I live on my own as I have a long-distance relationship and I love going out for lunch with my colleagues as it provides my social interaction of the day. And with that comes a daily temptation to eat food that is high in calorie and not even that tasty... But the company is nice! :goodvibes

Perhaps you could find and suggest a lunch restaurant that might offer a lighter/healthier menu??

Is it really only Tuesday? Feels like Wednesday to me (my days kind of meld together), so I'll "answer" this today.

Hi all, I'm Sarah. Born and bred in NYC, and still living with my parents (technically in NYC, but also kind of the burbs - we're in what's called the "outer boroughs," which is a nice mix of city and suburb). I've struggled with my weight since I was in high school, never being more than 20-30 lbs overweight, but never being where I wanted either. In high school I had a lot of friends who were "naturally skinny," so it was hard being the girl who was a little overweight. I tried all sorts of diets, but didn't manage to lose any weight until college (I think it was the combination of having a treadmill in the building and the fact that I hated the cafeteria food). For about 3-4 years I was only about 7-10 lbs above my goal weight, but a few circumstances (including stress & some medication changes) led me to regain all of the weight I had lost in college and a little more. In the past 2-3 years I've managed to lose some of that weight, but I still have a little ways to go. There are a lot of things in my life that I can't control, but I'd love to get to a point where I can say that my weight is something I have under control.

One of the greatest triumphs I've had over the past year or so is a partial victory over stress-eating. Food used to be my default answer to stress (specifically, high-calorie flavored lattes and chocolate). I still eat a little when I'm stressed, but not quite as much as I used to - which is a great victory for me! I'm hoping that 2015 is a year of even greater victories for me (and for everyone else here too!)

7 AM isn't that weird of a time! But it's nice to have someone posting at "odd hours" - gives me something to read when I wake up. Lunch with your colleagues sounds like it's a lot of fun - but I definitely understand why it can be hard!

You aren't alone with the stress eating! I can remember, early in this particular weight loss journey (probably around mid-2008), hanging up the phone after a particularly frustrating phone call and immediately opening the cupboard door, digging out an Oreo, and stuffing it into my mouth before I even gave it a THOUGHT! Once it was swallowed I took a moment to think and reflect on the "OMG, why the heck did I do that?" feeling I was having. It was a truly EYE-OPENING moment.... I wonder how often in the past I had done things like that and not even realized what/how much I had eaten and why!! LEARNING you are a stress eater (as many of us are) is a HUGE step in the process of eliminating that from our lives.

Hi there, my name is Charity. I've been overweight my entire adult life, as a child and teen I was thin. Having kids and a wonky thyroid changed all of that. In 2014 I was able to get a lot of thing done as far as my weight, I lost 24ish pounds. Mostly thanks to my job, I am a guest service manager for the local zoo. Which requires a lot of walking from April-August that was all I did different and I was able to drop about 10lbs. The other 14 ish I dropped with Weight Watchers and in November I started going to the gym.

I say "ish" because my weight keeps hovering ffrom 250.2 -252lbs. 249 is tauntung me lol I think right now I just want below the 250 mark.

Obviously the main reason I want to lose weight is to be healthier and to feel good about myself.My husband and kids deserve a Mom who is happy with who she is, how she looks, and a Mom who feels good. Another reason (it is a bit silly) my husband and I are geeks/nerds whatever in 2013 we started going to C2E2 a comic/entertainment convention in Chicago. Well this year we are going to dress up (cosplay) and I really want to look my best.

As far as challenges, our food budget is a major challenge. My job ended in November (will start again in March) so we are back down tgo one income. Also Michigan Winters are a major challenge. But I think I can overcome them, especially since I have already gotten into a gym habit (go 3-4 times a week for 30min to 1 hour) and really enjoy and crave the gym.

Ok i typed alot lol I'll end it now.

Welcome!! So glad you are here! That zoo job sounds like so much fun!! Great job creating a gym habit!! Food budget is tight here now as well.... I'd be happy to share some of my healthy/budget recipes and meal ideas if you are interested!

Hi everyone. My name is Jordan and I'm in Wisconsin. Weight has been a struggle for me since high school. I lost 150 lb prior to getting pregnant with my daughter and now 8 years later, I am back up 100. I am frustrated with myself and ready to get this weight back off. I fell in love with running about 5 years ago (when I weighed much less!) but am dealing with Achilles' tendon issues, so I am unable to do run currently. My other main challenge is time!

Welcome to our group!! Good for you for getting a handle on the gain before you gained it all back!! Sorry you can't run, but I'm sure there is an exercise out there for you!!

Healthy Habit

Sorry, that I am a bit late, I intended to post this yesterday, but got a horrible headache to start the year. But here we are:

Your Healthy Habit for the first week of the year!

After the holiday season with all its indulgences it is time to refocus on what kind of foods we should eat. One recommendation is to eat FIVE portions of vegetable and fruit a day. So, this is your healthy habit challenge for the week! Since I am a day late to post it, you will get a full score if you manage to report back with 6 days hitting the goal of 5 a day!

A great resource as to what counts (dried fruit and canned vegetables count as well for example) and how to incorporate your portions can be found here: http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/5aday/Pages/5ADAYhome.aspx

So, good luck in finding a lot of veggies and fruits that you like in the next week - maybe this challenge will even encourage you to try something new!

I have NO problems with this. I virtually ALWAYS have a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetables with every meal.... and usually more than one! Breakfast.... eggs with onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers.... or a smoothie with avocado, kale, spinach, pumpkin. Lunch and dinner are often a soup, stew, or salad loaded with veggies. I tend to have my fruit as part of my meal AND as a between meal snack. I rarely snack on things like pretzels or cookies.... but I do love my evening popcorn!

Fitness Friday!

A fitness question to start us off into the challenge: Ever since I got a fitbit last summer, I am surprised how inactive I am for large stretches of the day. This has encouraged me to incorporate more activity in my daily life. Have you ever thought about this, are there things that you do consciously to incorporate more activity in your life? Have you ideas on how to do that?

I was never a faithful exerciser until I re-started this journey in 2008 (and I had the dusty treadmill to prove it!). I got into a WONDERFUL exercise habit and really built on it over time and actually became a runner for a short time and had built myself up to 6 miles/day several days a week. But I didn't LOVE the running and found myself finding excuses to skip the workouts so that I didn't have to run. So I gave myself "permission" to go back to walk and/or intervals. In some ways it was easy for a number of years to get in my workouts since I had to drive my DD to swim practice at the Y or at the local park that had a running trail. But since she has gone off to college, I have VERY MUCH fallen away from regular exercise. I plan to get back to some sort of REGULAR walking or intervals by the end of January. DD and I are doing a "race to the castle" challenge and we definitely hope to inspire each other to keep moving!

Happy New Year and Go Bucks!

I'm late to join, but I want too!

Hi, I'm Molli, i'm 42 y/o SAHM and part-time xray tech (couple shifts a month) I'm so very much looking forward to 2015 as I have some fantastic travel plans and my youngest daughter graduates HS. Last year was not a banner year on my weight loss journey, but i'm hopeful that with recent changes in my meds this year will be the year I hit my goal :thumbsup2 I'm hormonally challenged due to surgically losing most of my pituitary gland and both of my adrenal glands, making me steroid dependent for life. The onset of my illness packed over 55 lbs on me, and i'm down to about 20 - 25 left to lose. To be honest I have not weighed myself in a couple months :scared1: I will do so after this weekend....i'm giving myself this weekend to clean out the leftover holiday foods, and by that I mean throw away what's left come Sunday. Decemeber physically kicked my butt and with that I didn't have much appetite. I know that I overindulged still, but i'm hoping the damage won't be too bad. I wasn't able to make it to the gym for three weeks :sad1: but this past week I made it twice. My gym is closed today and tomorrow though.

:thanks: Magdalene for hosting!
can you explain more what tracking the weekly weigh-ins looks like for the coach? is there an excel spreadsheet that is around to just plug in the numbers and names? I'd like to volunteer but as you all know I can be unreliable :scared: if my Addison's flares up

Fitness Friday -- I also bought a fitbit a couple years ago and I have days where I'm shocked at how little I moved! it encourages me to get my steps and walk my dog, which makes her more pleasant as she's still young and needs to burn off the energy

Hi Molli! So glad to see you again! I'm receiving a FitBit in the mail this week (my employer is providing them for us so that we are able to help our members incorporate then into the WW program) and I'll be curious to see what it tells me. I admit that I also have a WW ActiveLink that I am not very good about using.... I'm just not a "computer" person.... but I need to spend some time faithfully using them BOTH so that I can help my members use them!!

Thanks for hosting Magdalene!!
I'm back in for 2015, time to get my butt back in gear.
I will PM you my weight tomorrow, I didn't get on the scale today, but I did so my measurements yeasts day, they were not pretty!!!

WOOHOO! SOOOOOO happy you are back with us!!

I'm back! I sort of dropped off the Dis for a few months while I started my new job. I'm Jill, 38, wife and mom to DS11 and DS8. I am a special education teacher that took a new job in a new school district working with a completely different age group. It was a stressful couple months and with a new schedule, my exercise completely suffered :( I'm ready for 2015 and I am up about 10 pounds since August :headache:

Oh, and did I mention that I am having some neck and shoulder issues so my doctor has me on no upper body exercises for at least another week! I guess it'll be cardio and some lower body stuff for now. And, lots of water, veggies, and fruits.

I'm not sure how often I will be able to post, but I am going to try a couple times a week or more. Thanks for the thread Magdalene and I'm so happy to be back to familiar and new "faces."


Jill.... sorry you have been having some neck and back issues.... what a PITA! Take care of it before it gets worse!! So happy you are joining us again!!

I'm back as well!

I'm Derek, 42 year old dad of an energetic toddler (who just turned 2 on 1/1) who works overnights and watches the little one during the day while mommy is at work, so yeah, I don't get sleep. :eek:

Starting weight 226.5, looking to lose a pound a week for the year (end goal 175 at year's end)

Hey there! Glad you decided to join us again!! Welcome back!! Happy belated birthday to your little one!

Mary•Poppins;52838577 said:
Hi Everyone!

I am Fran. I haven't been on for about a year. I think I signed up last January and just didn't have the time to keep up with the thread.

But .... it is a new year and new me! I am not sure how much I will be able to add to the thread, but I am going to work on sending in my weight weekly. I would really like to lose about 20-25 pounds. I tend to hover around my current weight and have not really put my full effort into losing these final pounds.

I have started using MyFitness Pal and have made lots of meals this weekend that are much healthier than what I ate over Christmas.

I also joined the 2,015 in 2015 challenge with my husband and son. It is a year long running/walking challenge. So I am ready for the new year!

I want to say HI t:wave2: to Pam, Buffy (I have been seeing you on MyFitness Pal.) and Jill. So nice to see people who have been on here before.

Jill, Wow ... you got a new job! Congrats!!!! Where at and what are you doing?

Here is to a great, new year!!!


Hey Fran! Welcome back!! I heard about the "2,015 in 2015 challenge" but MAN, that is a lot of miles!! Good luck!!


I think I am going to try dipping my toe back in the water again! :yay: If you all don't mind I don't really want to participate in the actual challenge right now-- I am too scatterbrained to remember to send in my weight:rotfl: And I am trying to limit my scale time (much easier said than done!) But I sure love having the friendship and support here and to be able to talk to others going through the same things I am.

I am lovetoscrap/LTS/Scrappy. Call me whatever you want, just don't call me late to dinner! :duck: This board helped me to lose about 50 pounds in 2011 and have kept that weight off. I have tried to come back a few times but life keeps getting in the way and I disappear. I actually lost another 30 or so pounds by the beginning of last year but after an extremely stressful summer I did gain that back. So I am here to see if I can get the other 50 pounds off of me that need to go. I have lost 50 pounds once, I should be able to do it again, right? I need to lose the weight to be healthy.

My biggest challenge? ME! :headache:
I sabotage myself. "One little bite won't matter."
"I ate 2 bites and still lost last week so surely 2 more won't hurt."
"I am tired and stressed so toheckwithitalljustgivemefood."

I hate journaling and I know that is something that is supposed to be helpful. And frankly when I do journal I lie! But I do really wish now I had a journal to go back to from when I lost the first 50 so I could just eat all the same things each day again! I am trying something new this time and have put my journal on Google Docs so that I can access it from anywhere, especially work. I try to do what I call "reverse journaling" where instead of writing down what I ate after the fact, I write down what I will eat in advance. Then I have to stick to only eating what I already wrote down. That does help me quite a bit.

I am also exercise challenged because of mobility issues. So my main focus has to be on eating right and there is no wiggle room to cheat and just "work it off later".

Going to try to read back on here and get caught up before bed. Tomorrow is going to STINK! :crazy2: Been on break for 2 weeks and most days haven't been out of bed before 10am (and been to sleep before 1am). Back to up at 6am tomorrow and I am dreading it. Going to try to get to sleep early. Going to bed early also keeps me from eating too much!

HEY FRIEND!! Welcome back !!! So delighted to see you again!! I"ve done some reverse journaling in the past and they have been some of my most SUCCESSFUL weeks (as far as weight loss is concerned). Good luck with it!

Motivational Monday!

This is my all time favourite quote, so I wanted to share it with you as the start of the new year:


Somehow, it really spoke to me when Lisa posted it earlier last summer and it has been in my head for the second half of 2014 when I did finally see some weight loss success!

In order to acchieve something I need to step out of my comfort zone as the comfort zone got me to the place I don't want to be at anymore! It inspired me to run faster, eat new things and break old habits. Of course there are limits as to far one can step out of the comfort zone due to health, budget or family. But often there are ways around those things!

So, did you ever step out of your comfort zone in your weight loss journey and were you successful with it?

Just going to the GYM the first few times (especially when we changed to another YMCA) is super intimidating and out my comfort zone. I am a loner, an introvert, and I despise new situations that make me uncomfortable. I hate asking for HELP (a four letter word to me, for sure!). While I would LOVE to join a gym again and try some kickboxing, I haven't gotten up the nerve.

Hi all - I'd love to join if it's not too late!

I was average in high school and college (although I always felt heavy...would be thrilled to be that weight now!). I started packing on the pounds after I had children 15 years ago, and it has been steadily creeping up since. My scale hit an all time high in the end of December, so I decided to make a serious change in 2015. I actually enjoy healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) but I love all of the not-so-good stuff as well! I have been very good since January 1, though, so I am off to a good start. My biggest challenge is exercise, since I really do not enjoy it.

I am looking forward to joining this group!

NEVER too late! Welcome to our happy group! I don't enjoy exercise either, so I can relate, but if I put on a good audiobook or podcast while walking outside, or find a really great documentary or movie to watch while on the TM, it definitely is less boring!


PHEW!! I promised I'd catch up and I finally did!!

Happy Thursday!! Well.... once again my heart is flying away.... my DD is en route to Panama as we speak. I know it will be an amazing experience and I will admit that it does get a bit easier every time she leaves (plus she is older so I don't worry quite as much), but I will still worry about her and miss her every minute she is gone!

Today is the day to undress the Christmas tree! I want it OUT! We haven't watered it lately and it is dropping needles and smelling a bit dried out.

Also need to hit the TM and make a stew for dinner. School had a two hour delay today, because of the extreme cold, so I feel like my day is off to a very late start! TTYL................P
today was a success b/c with the school cancellation, I got the girls roped in, and the un-decorating is complete! I feel your pain Pamela, I was so ready for it to be gone...I love the holiday decorations but after NY I feel like they are screaming at me to be put away. the snowmen are up on my mantle and the January blahs have commenced

day 4 of my mini-goal of 10 days in a row of getting my steps and food journaling is in the books. I've got to jump on the TM and get my last mile in...I usually don't focus on the steps on my non-workout days so I hope this addition will be effective

Pixie dust to us all for our WI tomorrow morning!!! :wizard::wizard::wizard:

Quick drive by :car: Exhausted and headed to bed. Drama today with college DD finding out that she wasn't taking a class required to maintain her scholarship that even her adviser apparently didn't know about. Hopefully all straightened out, but some very stressful hours.

Stayed on plan today. Hope I can tomorrow-- don't have any eggs made and won't have time to make them. And we usually order out on Friday. Going to be sure we pick somewhere with salads.

Gotta go. TTYL
Weigh In Day!!

Happy Friday everyone! Today is our first weigh in day! I hope all of you will be able to report wonderful losses over the first week of the month. I am not sure I did so well. I was feeling lousy on January 1 and was sick the night before (no, not too much to drink on New Years Eve, a migraine). On January 2 I was up with my weight and I am down from that, but up from the January 1 weight. I decided in order to not be demotivated, I am just using the January 2 weight as my start weight... I know, it is cheating a bit, but I know that the positive result will help me in the coming weeks...

I have struggled this week with eating far too much. Often it was at lest good choices, but there were quite a bit not so good ones thrown in as well. I was tracking for most of the week, but kind of lost momentum the last two days. Back to perfect tracking again today - hopefully! I did get a lot of activity points though, so I think all in all I did stay within my points, but used all of my weekly extra and all the activity.

So, send me a PM with your current weight (not the loss) - you will have until Monday to update your weight!

Also, if you took part in the Healthy Habit challenge, send me how you did with that. Remember, you only need 6/7 to get a perfect score!

I did well and got the 6/7. I missed one day when I only had 4 portions...
today was a success b/c with the school cancellation, I got the girls roped in, and the un-decorating is complete! I feel your pain Pamela, I was so ready for it to be gone...I love the holiday decorations but after NY I feel like they are screaming at me to be put away. the snowmen are up on my mantle and the January blahs have commenced

Our bare tree now resides outside on the deck! The tinsel is gone and the MAJORITY of the ornaments are wrapped and packed. The biggest problem was the fact that my vacuum cleaner flamed out last week and I had to sweep the rug with the kitchen broom to remove the majority of the pine needles and then vacuum it with the DustBuster on my hands and knees!:furious:. I actually have rug burns on my knees from it and I was having back spasms all evening. Gosh, it STINKS getting old!

I did leave my snowmen up on the entertainment center for now and my birch log decor is still on the dining room table..... but other than that we are "de-Christmas-fied"!! Lucky you that you got help from your girls!!

day 4 of my mini-goal of 10 days in a row of getting my steps and food journaling is in the books. I've got to jump on the TM and get my last mile in...I usually don't focus on the steps on my non-workout days so I hope this addition will be effective

Pixie dust to us all for our WI tomorrow morning!!! :wizard::wizard::wizard:

What a great idea to have 10 day mini challenges! I think I might steal that idea!


Quick drive by :car: Exhausted and headed to bed. Drama today with college DD finding out that she wasn't taking a class required to maintain her scholarship that even her adviser apparently didn't know about. Hopefully all straightened out, but some very stressful hours.

Stayed on plan today. Hope I can tomorrow-- don't have any eggs made and won't have time to make them. And we usually order out on Friday. Going to be sure we pick somewhere with salads.

Gotta go. TTYL

Hugs to you and your DD! It is SO HARD when they are away and "adults" but you still need to be there for them!! I am, of course, right in the middle of that right now with my DD heading into the second half of her sophomore year... our relationship has definitely experienced some growing pains these past few months. So hard to help them grow their "wings".... but so important!

Weigh In Day!!

Happy Friday everyone! Today is our first weigh in day! I hope all of you will be able to report wonderful losses over the first week of the month. I am not sure I did so well. I was feeling lousy on January 1 and was sick the night before (no, not too much to drink on New Years Eve, a migraine). On January 2 I was up with my weight and I am down from that, but up from the January 1 weight. I decided in order to not be demotivated, I am just using the January 2 weight as my start weight... I know, it is cheating a bit, but I know that the positive result will help me in the coming weeks...

That's perfectly acceptable!! I don't blame you one bit!! Sorry you started the year on a bad note with the migraine.

I have struggled this week with eating far too much. Often it was at lest good choices, but there were quite a bit not so good ones thrown in as well. I was tracking for most of the week, but kind of lost momentum the last two days. Back to perfect tracking again today - hopefully! I did get a lot of activity points though, so I think all in all I did stay within my points, but used all of my weekly extra and all the activity.

So, send me a PM with your current weight (not the loss) - you will have until Monday to update your weight!

Also, if you took part in the Healthy Habit challenge, send me how you did with that. Remember, you only need 6/7 to get a perfect score!

I did well and got the 6/7. I missed one day when I only had 4 portions...

I'll have to look back at my food journal to see how I did with the fruits and veggies, but I am pretty sure I did well (other than the day I was at school with DD). And I am happy to report I am down a significant amount from last Friday!! So delighted to see the holiday weight disappearing already! I'll send a PM with my starting weight and my loss when I get home.


HAPPY FRIDAY friends!!! I am working today, teaching 3rd grade. Challenging student or two in the group, but I admire the teaching/discipline style of this particular teacher, so I knew I would like her plans, etc.

Super slippery morning here today! Not sure why we didn't get a 2 hour delay.

I heard from DD via FB Messenger and Skype late last night and again at 4:15 this morning (they were leaving the hotel early to take a domestic flight across Panama). She said the temperatures are sweltering.... thankfully most of the stuff we packed for her is lightweight workout type gear that will breathe and dry quickly! And they will be in the water a LOT. They will be away from any internet or cell coverage for at least the next 4-5 days (and possibly without electricity and running water for part of that), so prayers for their safety, if you are so inclined, would be appreciated! I am mentally prepared to not hear from her, but I don't believe I have ever gone more than 48 hours without talking to my daughter for her entire life! Even when she went to Costa Rica in high school and last summer when she was in Europe, she managed to get in touch one way or another almost daily.

I'll try to pop on later tonight to see how everyone is doing!!..............P
well I picked a 10 day mini-goal b/c it felt like I could succeed and not be overwhelmed and toss in the towel for 10 days :teeth: today is day 5

and I'm motivated...the Woosh Fairy was kind and passed over my house as I slept last night. I'm sure eliminating my nightly glass of wine had a lot to do with it. my WI today was where I thought I was going to be for our first WI, so really it's like now I'm starting off. the holiday fluff is gone...yay! I've worked hard this week for that !

got a TM workout in this morning, missed yoga since school was cancelled then I slept in later. it's ok, lots of time to do classes ahead of me. I haven't been missing the gym much and working out at home so it's actually a nice change up. I thought I would be able to do 3 miles to get my steps in for the day, but I'm not up for that yet apparently. I had to slow it way down a few times and regroup...but I did get 2.5 done so I'm happy with that.

ok, now to head into the weekend...this is the tough days for me! DH just got home from a business trip so he won't be tempted to go out to eat I don't think. and tonight I think I'll make homemade pizza instead of our usual carry-out

What a great idea to have 10 day mini challenges! I think I might steal that idea!

Hugs to you and your DD! It is SO HARD when they are away and "adults" but you still need to be there for them!! I am, of course, right in the middle of that right now with my DD heading into the second half of her sophomore year... our relationship has definitely experienced some growing pains these past few months. So hard to help them grow their "wings".... but so important!

I heard from DD via FB Messenger and Skype late last night and again at 4:15 this morning (they were leaving the hotel early to take a domestic flight across Panama). She said the temperatures are sweltering.... thankfully most of the stuff we packed for her is lightweight workout type gear that will breathe and dry quickly! And they will be in the water a LOT. They will be away from any internet or cell coverage for at least the next 4-5 days (and possibly without electricity and running water for part of that), so prayers for their safety, if you are so inclined, would be appreciated! I am mentally prepared to not hear from her, but I don't believe I have ever gone more than 48 hours without talking to my daughter for her entire life! Even when she went to Costa Rica in high school and last summer when she was in Europe, she managed to get in touch one way or another almost daily.

I'll try to pop on later tonight to see how everyone is doing!!..............P

I think I had heart palpitations just thinking about that! I have gone a week without talking to DD but she was with people I knew, loved and trusted and in the same country!

I may have missed it-- what is she doing in Panama?

well I picked a 10 day mini-goal b/c it felt like I could succeed and not be overwhelmed and toss in the towel for 10 days :teeth: today is day 5

and I'm motivated...the Woosh Fairy was kind and passed over my house as I slept last night. I'm sure eliminating my nightly glass of wine had a lot to do with it. my WI today was where I thought I was going to be for our first WI, so really it's like now I'm starting off. the holiday fluff is gone...yay! I've worked hard this week for that !
:cheer2: The Woosh Fairy is my FAVORITE fairy! Even more than Tinkerbell or even the Tag Fairy! :-)ssst: don't tell the TF I said that!)

I like the idea of the 10 day mini challenge so I may have to try that too. I am trying to give up soda again so maybe I will work on that for my first 10 days.

I am beyond exhausted! Not sure if it is just the first week back after break thing or what but work has been crazy and today was double crazy! I stayed on plan, sort of. If on plan means I ate breakfast when I got home at 5:30! My days have been:
B1: eggs and turkey sausage or bacon
B2: oatmeal (I call it 2nd breakfast instead of snack!)
L : salad or packaged meal
S: salad or packaged meal
D: protein and veggies

Since I ran out of premade eggs I ran to the convenience store across the street to get a scrambled egg bowl and bacon before work. By the time I had time to eat they were cold. I reheated some of the eggs and then by the time I got back to them they were cold! I ate a few bites and the bacon. Never had time for my oatmeal. I think I finally ate my salad around 1:30. Never had time for a snack. Had my oatmeal when I got home. Then had a packaged meal with extra protein for dinner about an hour later.

I really try to eat on schedule because I know that my body is very unhappy if I don't eat every few hours. I keep some protein bars handy but didn't even have time to grab those today. I have to get better at watching the clock and eating on time. Once I get HUNGRY it is really too late. I also didn't drink much water today. Heck, I never even had time to finish my first or second cup of coffee!

May make some South Beach muffins this weekend to put in the freezer. They are another great quick and easy snack when there is no time for anything else.
Dear Friends!!

I am so sorry for being so behind with replies - and questions and new Healthy Habit challenges!! Somehow time seems to fly at the moment! But I will try to at least post the new Healthy Habit challenge and a question for the weekend!

I am very happy today: I lost another 0.8 pound compared to yesterday which puts me under the January 1 weight that I decided not to count!! :thumbsup2 I am surprised that I lost despite eating up to the maximum allowance on WW. Just before Christmas I had been wondering if I had not been eating too little to lose as I had better success when I was eating more. So, this weeks seems to go with that as well. I decided to try this for a few more weeks to religiously track everything, but not be scared of eating my extra points. We will see how I am getting along with that! I do think that I usually have a fairly active lifestyle (I usually walk about 5 miles a day) and maybe I did not fuel up enough for that.

I also can report that I sat down today and made a meal plan for the whole week! I decided that I will try to type it all up and then have it on my fridge for easy reference - but also as a motivation to not get stuff out of the fridge that is not on the plan. I did not check the points value for everything just yet. That is coming next... But this is the first time ever that I planned more than just a weekend or two or three days. I also wrote up a shopping list with everything I need and am just waiting for the weather to improve a little before I head out for one big shop. We have horrible storms here at the moment! I am afraid that I won't go for a run in that weather, to scary with all the trees around!
Healthy Habit Week 2:

This week we will have an exercise challenge! Since I am posting this on Saturday, we will count the week from today including next Friday. Your challenge is to have 5 days of 20 minutes of dedicated exercise! So 5/7 will get you a perfect score! It does not have to be all in one, you could do 5 minute lunges during lunch break and then go for a 15 minute walk in the evening. Good luck!!

Fitness Friday:

In order to get you all started on the exercise and maybe to get you new ideas on what to do, I think this weekend's question will be: What is your favourite type of exercise?
Hi Fran!!! How are the boys?

I took a job with Sharon City School District and am actually in my DSs elementary school :) It is so awesome. I am the emotional support teacher for k-3, which is so much better than high school alternative education students! Yes, they have behavior issues, but I took over this program from another elementary that was moved to the current school (previous teacher switched to an open learning support position) and my supervisor and principal are very pleased with the students' success.

Stay warm over the next few days! We are part of the wind chill advisory and am thinking we'll have delays tomorrow and Thursday since the district doesn't bus since there are neighborhood schools in walking distance.


Hey Jill!!!

I am so excited for you! That sounds like a great job and you are still capable of making great changes with young children. My room was moved this year and I am in the middle of my kindergarten wing. It is a very happy place with a LOT going on. We have a lot of behavior issues in our kindergarten this year ... it has been very interesting. Maybe I will PM you for some suggestions!

How does you DS feel about you being in his school with him?

My boys are great. One at PSU and the other at IUP. Both are doing well (knock on wood). My youngest is now a freshman. Time flies. I really want it to stop. :goodvibes

WELL .... my biggest loser friends. I did really well this week in spite of everything. My mom broke her arm and I am the only child close enough to help her out. I have spent a lot of time at her house this week.

My husband is going to have surgery this Wednesday. This has been scheduled for a while. So ... I will not be on her much. But I am determined to put my weight in weekly. After my life slows down (I don't know when that may happen ... sigh) I will catch up on her.

Stay warm, safe and happy!

Dear Friends!!

I am so sorry for being so behind with replies - and questions and new Healthy Habit challenges!! Somehow time seems to fly at the moment! But I will try to at least post the new Healthy Habit challenge and a question for the weekend!

I am very happy today: I lost another 0.8 pound compared to yesterday which puts me under the January 1 weight that I decided not to count!! :thumbsup2 I am surprised that I lost despite eating up to the maximum allowance on WW. Just before Christmas I had been wondering if I had not been eating too little to lose as I had better success when I was eating more. So, this weeks seems to go with that as well. I decided to try this for a few more weeks to religiously track everything, but not be scared of eating my extra points. We will see how I am getting along with that! I do think that I usually have a fairly active lifestyle (I usually walk about 5 miles a day) and maybe I did not fuel up enough for that.

I also can report that I sat down today and made a meal plan for the whole week! I decided that I will try to type it all up and then have it on my fridge for easy reference - but also as a motivation to not get stuff out of the fridge that is not on the plan. I did not check the points value for everything just yet. That is coming next... But this is the first time ever that I planned more than just a weekend or two or three days. I also wrote up a shopping list with everything I need and am just waiting for the weather to improve a little before I head out for one big shop. We have horrible storms here at the moment! I am afraid that I won't go for a run in that weather, to scary with all the trees around!
:cool1: Yay!

I have to have a plan made ahead of time. I have been making menus for dinners for years. I have tried all different "systems" but have found that what works best is just a grid with 4 rows and 7 columns so it looks like a calendar. I stopped putting in days though because when things threw it off it just caused me to panic! It is more of a guideline with a suggested order of things. I color code the different proteins so I can quickly see that we aren't eating 4 chicken dishes in a row (family is picky about that). Just last week I uploaded the lastest one to Google Docs so I can access it at work. Now even easier to see if I need to stop by the store on the way home.

When I was on WW I would add the points for my serving next to each item on the menu I made so I could see what my dinner was going to be and then work my other meals around that.

Healthy Habit Week 2:

This week we will have an exercise challenge! Since I am posting this on Saturday, we will count the week from today including next Friday. Your challenge is to have 5 days of 20 minutes of dedicated exercise! So 5/7 will get you a perfect score! It does not have to be all in one, you could do 5 minute lunges during lunch break and then go for a 15 minute walk in the evening. Good luck!!

Fitness Friday:

In order to get you all started on the exercise and maybe to get you new ideas on what to do, I think this weekend's question will be: What is your favourite type of exercise?

Favorite form of exercise is swimming.

Mary•Poppins;52871224 said:
Hey Jill!!!

I am so excited for you! That sounds like a great job and you are still capable of making great changes with young children. My room was moved this year and I am in the middle of my kindergarten wing. It is a very happy place with a LOT going on. We have a lot of behavior issues in our kindergarten this year ... it has been very interesting. Maybe I will PM you for some suggestions!

How does you DS feel about you being in his school with him?

My boys are great. One at PSU and the other at IUP. Both are doing well (knock on wood). My youngest is now a freshman. Time flies. I really want it to stop. :goodvibes

WELL .... my biggest loser friends. I did really well this week in spite of everything. My mom broke her arm and I am the only child close enough to help her out. I have spent a lot of time at her house this week.

My husband is going to have surgery this Wednesday. This has been scheduled for a while. So ... I will not be on her much. But I am determined to put my weight in weekly. After my life slows down (I don't know when that may happen ... sigh) I will catch up on her.

Stay warm, safe and happy!


What a month you are having! Sending pixie dust to your mom and husband for quick healing and to you for taking care of them! pixiedust:

Taking a sick day today. Haven't done anything all day and don't feel too great so told DH I am counting it as a personal sick day! More sinus congestion than usual (I have year round allergies so am always congested), nauseous, and feeling tired and rundown. I figure I will either wake up feeling fine tomorrow or this is the first day of the creeping crud/flu that everyone else at school has had. :sick:

So I have been surfing the net for healthy recipes a lot of the day.:surfweb: Pinned some crock pot recipes I want to try. Pretty much stayed on plan eating today because I don't have the energy to cheat!

So, exercise is the healthy habit this week. As some of you know, I don't exercise. I hate exercise. I don't like to sweat. At. All. I do like to swim but no option for that. And to compound things I have mobility challenges that limit my options. BUT as part of my New Year, New Me Resolutions I decided I need to do SOMETHING.

So here is my plan (explained in my usual long winded way!):

They (no idea who "they" is) say you need to find just 15 -20 minutes in your day to do something-- anything. I am NOT a morning person. NOT going to get up at zero dark thirty to do something I hate more than mornings (exercise). By the time I get home from work I am done. My body is in pain and I am exhausted. I power through my disabilities at work but I give everything I have and have no more in me when I get home.


I drop DD off at school by 7:10 at the latest. I start work at 7:30 in the same building. I have 20 minutes where I have nothing to do. Usually I just go to my office and make my coffee and socialize and generally just start work early :hyper2:(even though I am not supposed to)
It is the perfect amount of time to go across the street to the convenience store and get a muffin or donut or croissant breakfast sandwich. :rolleyes1

So obviously it is 15-20 mins where I could do something healthy. But I am constricted by these facts:
I am dressed for work.
I have my hair and make up done and it has to stay done.
I can not go anywhere (other than the convenience store!)
I do not have my own private office.
I am horribly self conscious about anyone seeing me doing anything that could be construed as "exercise" because they would :rotfl2:

I can't really walk inside the building because I will be stopped by everyone wanting to talk :chat:or ask questions or get me to fix the copier. :rolleyes: I could probably walk a lap around the outside of the building if the weather is okay but not sure how that would affect the rest of my day since I will start work having already stressed my feet and hips. But even just some stretching and small weight lifting would probably really help me so I found a 15 minute chair/desk workout for those with mobility issues online. Been trying to figure out where to do it though-- my desk and chair are NOT an option! :scared: Then I realized that we have 3 computer labs right down the hall from my office that no one would be in before 7:30 am. And the workout has a video so I can just pull that up on one of the computers and follow along! So I am going to give this a try this week (assuming I don't have the flu! :crazy2: ) and see how it works.

So I have a mini goal this week of exercise at least 3 days. And I am adopting the idea of the 10 day mini goal and going for 10 days soda free.
HAPPY FRIDAY friends!!! I am working today, teaching 3rd grade. Challenging student or two in the group, but I admire the teaching/discipline style of this particular teacher, so I knew I would like her plans, etc.

Super slippery morning here today! Not sure why we didn't get a 2 hour delay.

I heard from DD via FB Messenger and Skype late last night and again at 4:15 this morning (they were leaving the hotel early to take a domestic flight across Panama). She said the temperatures are sweltering.... thankfully most of the stuff we packed for her is lightweight workout type gear that will breathe and dry quickly! And they will be in the water a LOT. They will be away from any internet or cell coverage for at least the next 4-5 days (and possibly without electricity and running water for part of that), so prayers for their safety, if you are so inclined, would be appreciated! I am mentally prepared to not hear from her, but I don't believe I have ever gone more than 48 hours without talking to my daughter for her entire life! Even when she went to Costa Rica in high school and last summer when she was in Europe, she managed to get in touch one way or another almost daily.

I'll try to pop on later tonight to see how everyone is doing!!..............P

I hope you are getting through the no contact phase well! And to totally scare you: I was an exchange student when I was 17 and lived in Denmark for a whole year. This was 89/90. No internet. International phone calls were like 5$ per minute. I talked to my parents once a month for 15 minutes!!! For a year! But I got a lovely multi page letter every week from my mother (she was a teacher and had a late start on Tuesdays, so she would use the spare time before classes to write me that weekly letter), which was one of the weekly highlights. :goodvibes I still have these letters in a box.

well I picked a 10 day mini-goal b/c it felt like I could succeed and not be overwhelmed and toss in the towel for 10 days :teeth: today is day 5

and I'm motivated...the Woosh Fairy was kind and passed over my house as I slept last night. I'm sure eliminating my nightly glass of wine had a lot to do with it. my WI today was where I thought I was going to be for our first WI, so really it's like now I'm starting off. the holiday fluff is gone...yay! I've worked hard this week for that !

got a TM workout in this morning, missed yoga since school was cancelled then I slept in later. it's ok, lots of time to do classes ahead of me. I haven't been missing the gym much and working out at home so it's actually a nice change up. I thought I would be able to do 3 miles to get my steps in for the day, but I'm not up for that yet apparently. I had to slow it way down a few times and regroup...but I did get 2.5 done so I'm happy with that.

ok, now to head into the weekend...this is the tough days for me! DH just got home from a business trip so he won't be tempted to go out to eat I don't think. and tonight I think I'll make homemade pizza instead of our usual carry-out


:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: for the woosh fairy!! I find that I really need to stay away from the alcohol if I want to lose weight. Not so much for its calories, but because it makes me hungry and lose self discipline.

Molly, I also never got around to thank you for volunteering to take over April (or was it March?)! We will all cheer you on! I promise! :goodvibes

Sorry that you did not get your 3 miles, but well done for keeping the motivation up and do 2.5 miles. Sounds like they were hard enough!


I am beyond exhausted! Not sure if it is just the first week back after break thing or what but work has been crazy and today was double crazy! I stayed on plan, sort of. If on plan means I ate breakfast when I got home at 5:30! My days have been:
B1: eggs and turkey sausage or bacon
B2: oatmeal (I call it 2nd breakfast instead of snack!)
L : salad or packaged meal
S: salad or packaged meal
D: protein and veggies

Since I ran out of premade eggs I ran to the convenience store across the street to get a scrambled egg bowl and bacon before work. By the time I had time to eat they were cold. I reheated some of the eggs and then by the time I got back to them they were cold! I ate a few bites and the bacon. Never had time for my oatmeal. I think I finally ate my salad around 1:30. Never had time for a snack. Had my oatmeal when I got home. Then had a packaged meal with extra protein for dinner about an hour later.

I really try to eat on schedule because I know that my body is very unhappy if I don't eat every few hours. I keep some protein bars handy but didn't even have time to grab those today. I have to get better at watching the clock and eating on time. Once I get HUNGRY it is really too late. I also didn't drink much water today. Heck, I never even had time to finish my first or second cup of coffee!

May make some South Beach muffins this weekend to put in the freezer. They are another great quick and easy snack when there is no time for anything else.

Sounds like a stressful day! I have noticed that eating on a schedule is good for me as well. Just as you say, once I am getting hungry, it often is too late. I have gotten much better at getting snacks in during the day, mainly fruit or some carrots or cherry tomatoes. Need to find more low calorie things that are not so tiny that I feel that I have not eaten anything. 5 nuts is just not a snack in my opinion (yes, I a big portion person unfortunately)

Mary•Poppins;52871224 said:
Hey Jill!!!

I am so excited for you! That sounds like a great job and you are still capable of making great changes with young children. My room was moved this year and I am in the middle of my kindergarten wing. It is a very happy place with a LOT going on. We have a lot of behavior issues in our kindergarten this year ... it has been very interesting. Maybe I will PM you for some suggestions!

How does you DS feel about you being in his school with him?

My boys are great. One at PSU and the other at IUP. Both are doing well (knock on wood). My youngest is now a freshman. Time flies. I really want it to stop. :goodvibes

WELL .... my biggest loser friends. I did really well this week in spite of everything. My mom broke her arm and I am the only child close enough to help her out. I have spent a lot of time at her house this week.

My husband is going to have surgery this Wednesday. This has been scheduled for a while. So ... I will not be on her much. But I am determined to put my weight in weekly. After my life slows down (I don't know when that may happen ... sigh) I will catch up on her.

Stay warm, safe and happy!


Fran, all the best for your husband! I hope his surgery goes well! Don't worry about not being on here much, but we are looking forward to seeing you back here soon!

:cool1: Yay!

I have to have a plan made ahead of time. I have been making menus for dinners for years. I have tried all different "systems" but have found that what works best is just a grid with 4 rows and 7 columns so it looks like a calendar. I stopped putting in days though because when things threw it off it just caused me to panic! It is more of a guideline with a suggested order of things. I color code the different proteins so I can quickly see that we aren't eating 4 chicken dishes in a row (family is picky about that). Just last week I uploaded the lastest one to Google Docs so I can access it at work. Now even easier to see if I need to stop by the store on the way home.

When I was on WW I would add the points for my serving next to each item on the menu I made so I could see what my dinner was going to be and then work my other meals around that.

I did end up making that file! So now I have a template that I can reuse! I was thinking of making a separate file (or just another page of the same file) with the different meals I eat regularly with the corresponding points value (maybe even with where the recipe is to be found), then I can just cut and paste it into the weekly plan. I also like to have it saved on my computer as then I can maybe go back and look at what I ate in weeks that were good weeks... I love the idea of color coding different proteins!! Great Idea! Thanks!


Taking a sick day today. Haven't done anything all day and don't feel too great so told DH I am counting it as a personal sick day! More sinus congestion than usual (I have year round allergies so am always congested), nauseous, and feeling tired and rundown. I figure I will either wake up feeling fine tomorrow or this is the first day of the creeping crud/flu that everyone else at school has had. :sick:

So I have been surfing the net for healthy recipes a lot of the day.:surfweb: Pinned some crock pot recipes I want to try. Pretty much stayed on plan eating today because I don't have the energy to cheat!

So, exercise is the healthy habit this week. As some of you know, I don't exercise. I hate exercise. I don't like to sweat. At. All. I do like to swim but no option for that. And to compound things I have mobility challenges that limit my options. BUT as part of my New Year, New Me Resolutions I decided I need to do SOMETHING.

So here is my plan (explained in my usual long winded way!):

They (no idea who "they" is) say you need to find just 15 -20 minutes in your day to do something-- anything. I am NOT a morning person. NOT going to get up at zero dark thirty to do something I hate more than mornings (exercise). By the time I get home from work I am done. My body is in pain and I am exhausted. I power through my disabilities at work but I give everything I have and have no more in me when I get home.


I drop DD off at school by 7:10 at the latest. I start work at 7:30 in the same building. I have 20 minutes where I have nothing to do. Usually I just go to my office and make my coffee and socialize and generally just start work early :hyper2:(even though I am not supposed to)
It is the perfect amount of time to go across the street to the convenience store and get a muffin or donut or croissant breakfast sandwich. :rolleyes1

So obviously it is 15-20 mins where I could do something healthy. But I am constricted by these facts:
I am dressed for work.
I have my hair and make up done and it has to stay done.
I can not go anywhere (other than the convenience store!)
I do not have my own private office.
I am horribly self conscious about anyone seeing me doing anything that could be construed as "exercise" because they would :rotfl2:

I can't really walk inside the building because I will be stopped by everyone wanting to talk :chat:or ask questions or get me to fix the copier. :rolleyes: I could probably walk a lap around the outside of the building if the weather is okay but not sure how that would affect the rest of my day since I will start work having already stressed my feet and hips. But even just some stretching and small weight lifting would probably really help me so I found a 15 minute chair/desk workout for those with mobility issues online. Been trying to figure out where to do it though-- my desk and chair are NOT an option! :scared: Then I realized that we have 3 computer labs right down the hall from my office that no one would be in before 7:30 am. And the workout has a video so I can just pull that up on one of the computers and follow along! So I am going to give this a try this week (assuming I don't have the flu! :crazy2: ) and see how it works.

So I have a mini goal this week of exercise at least 3 days. And I am adopting the idea of the 10 day mini goal and going for 10 days soda free.

Sorry that you were feeling low yesterday, I hope today is a better day!

I think you found a great solution on how to add in exercise into your daily life! I am totally with you about not being able to get up even earlier to exercise. I tried it a few times and my body is just protesting so hard against it!

Good luck on your mini goal! I gave up all diet soda this past summer (after reading how the fake sugars change the bacteria in your guts and make you take up more of the calories of the food you eat) and have only had one accidental relapse. But I do drink a lot of club soda.
It is sunny out and not bitterly cold, I am going out for a run now!! :banana::banana:

Have a great Sunday everyone, I will try my best to update the weights later tonight!
What a great idea to have 10 day mini challenges! I think I might steal that idea!

Hugs to you and your DD! It is SO HARD when they are away and "adults" but you still need to be there for them!! I am, of course, right in the middle of that right now with my DD heading into the second half of her sophomore year... our relationship has definitely experienced some growing pains these past few months. So hard to help them grow their "wings".... but so important!

I'll have to look back at my food journal to see how I did with the fruits and veggies, but I am pretty sure I did well (other than the day I was at school with DD). And I am happy to report I am down a significant amount from last Friday!! So delighted to see the holiday weight disappearing already! I'll send a PM with my starting weight and my loss when I get home.


HAPPY FRIDAY friends!!! I am working today, teaching 3rd grade. Challenging student or two in the group, but I admire the teaching/discipline style of this particular teacher, so I knew I would like her plans, etc.

Super slippery morning here today! Not sure why we didn't get a 2 hour delay.

I heard from DD via FB Messenger and Skype late last night and again at 4:15 this morning (they were leaving the hotel early to take a domestic flight across Panama). She said the temperatures are sweltering.... thankfully most of the stuff we packed for her is lightweight workout type gear that will breathe and dry quickly! And they will be in the water a LOT. They will be away from any internet or cell coverage for at least the next 4-5 days (and possibly without electricity and running water for part of that), so prayers for their safety, if you are so inclined, would be appreciated! I am mentally prepared to not hear from her, but I don't believe I have ever gone more than 48 hours without talking to my daughter for her entire life! Even when she went to Costa Rica in high school and last summer when she was in Europe, she managed to get in touch one way or another almost daily.

I'll try to pop on later tonight to see how everyone is doing!!..............P

Hopefully your DD will be okay ... I'm sure it'll be hard to be out of touch for so long, but if she's with a group, I'm sure they'll be okay. I'm sure you're counting down the days until she gets back to a place where she has internet and can call you!

well I picked a 10 day mini-goal b/c it felt like I could succeed and not be overwhelmed and toss in the towel for 10 days :teeth: today is day 5

and I'm motivated...the Woosh Fairy was kind and passed over my house as I slept last night. I'm sure eliminating my nightly glass of wine had a lot to do with it. my WI today was where I thought I was going to be for our first WI, so really it's like now I'm starting off. the holiday fluff is gone...yay! I've worked hard this week for that !

got a TM workout in this morning, missed yoga since school was cancelled then I slept in later. it's ok, lots of time to do classes ahead of me. I haven't been missing the gym much and working out at home so it's actually a nice change up. I thought I would be able to do 3 miles to get my steps in for the day, but I'm not up for that yet apparently. I had to slow it way down a few times and regroup...but I did get 2.5 done so I'm happy with that.

ok, now to head into the weekend...this is the tough days for me! DH just got home from a business trip so he won't be tempted to go out to eat I don't think. and tonight I think I'll make homemade pizza instead of our usual carry-out


Yay for the holiday fluff being gone!
Sounds like you're working hard, but making some progress! When I first started out with the treadmill I could barely do a mile ... it takes a while to work up, but it's worth it!
Homemade pizza sounds yummy ... and you have way more control over it than the carry-out type!


I am beyond exhausted! Not sure if it is just the first week back after break thing or what but work has been crazy and today was double crazy! I stayed on plan, sort of. If on plan means I ate breakfast when I got home at 5:30! My days have been:
B1: eggs and turkey sausage or bacon
B2: oatmeal (I call it 2nd breakfast instead of snack!)
L : salad or packaged meal
S: salad or packaged meal
D: protein and veggies

Since I ran out of premade eggs I ran to the convenience store across the street to get a scrambled egg bowl and bacon before work. By the time I had time to eat they were cold. I reheated some of the eggs and then by the time I got back to them they were cold! I ate a few bites and the bacon. Never had time for my oatmeal. I think I finally ate my salad around 1:30. Never had time for a snack. Had my oatmeal when I got home. Then had a packaged meal with extra protein for dinner about an hour later.

I really try to eat on schedule because I know that my body is very unhappy if I don't eat every few hours. I keep some protein bars handy but didn't even have time to grab those today. I have to get better at watching the clock and eating on time. Once I get HUNGRY it is really too late. I also didn't drink much water today. Heck, I never even had time to finish my first or second cup of coffee!

May make some South Beach muffins this weekend to put in the freezer. They are another great quick and easy snack when there is no time for anything else.

Breakfast at 5:30 ... definitely sounds like a busy day.
I'm the same with eating on schedule ... I try to stick to my schedule, but if I eat too late, I end up eating way too much! It's hard to get on a schedule, but once you can get on the schedule and keep to it, it helps!

Dear Friends!!

I am so sorry for being so behind with replies - and questions and new Healthy Habit challenges!! Somehow time seems to fly at the moment! But I will try to at least post the new Healthy Habit challenge and a question for the weekend!

I am very happy today: I lost another 0.8 pound compared to yesterday which puts me under the January 1 weight that I decided not to count!! :thumbsup2 I am surprised that I lost despite eating up to the maximum allowance on WW. Just before Christmas I had been wondering if I had not been eating too little to lose as I had better success when I was eating more. So, this weeks seems to go with that as well. I decided to try this for a few more weeks to religiously track everything, but not be scared of eating my extra points. We will see how I am getting along with that! I do think that I usually have a fairly active lifestyle (I usually walk about 5 miles a day) and maybe I did not fuel up enough for that.

I also can report that I sat down today and made a meal plan for the whole week! I decided that I will try to type it all up and then have it on my fridge for easy reference - but also as a motivation to not get stuff out of the fridge that is not on the plan. I did not check the points value for everything just yet. That is coming next... But this is the first time ever that I planned more than just a weekend or two or three days. I also wrote up a shopping list with everything I need and am just waiting for the weather to improve a little before I head out for one big shop. We have horrible storms here at the moment! I am afraid that I won't go for a run in that weather, to scary with all the trees around!

Congrats on the meal planning! It's a hard thing to do, but it really helps.

Healthy Habit Week 2:

This week we will have an exercise challenge! Since I am posting this on Saturday, we will count the week from today including next Friday. Your challenge is to have 5 days of 20 minutes of dedicated exercise! So 5/7 will get you a perfect score! It does not have to be all in one, you could do 5 minute lunges during lunch break and then go for a 15 minute walk in the evening. Good luck!!

Fitness Friday:

In order to get you all started on the exercise and maybe to get you new ideas on what to do, I think this weekend's question will be: What is your favourite type of exercise?

I'm currently on a minimum-10-minute-a-day exercise streak, so this week's healthy habit shouldn't be too hard - just adding an extra 10 minutes, which I do sometimes anyway.
Favorite type of exercise ... probably running. It used to be walking, but since I started running more regularly, I've really grown to love it!

Mary•Poppins;52871224 said:
Hey Jill!!!

I am so excited for you! That sounds like a great job and you are still capable of making great changes with young children. My room was moved this year and I am in the middle of my kindergarten wing. It is a very happy place with a LOT going on. We have a lot of behavior issues in our kindergarten this year ... it has been very interesting. Maybe I will PM you for some suggestions!

How does you DS feel about you being in his school with him?

My boys are great. One at PSU and the other at IUP. Both are doing well (knock on wood). My youngest is now a freshman. Time flies. I really want it to stop. :goodvibes

WELL .... my biggest loser friends. I did really well this week in spite of everything. My mom broke her arm and I am the only child close enough to help her out. I have spent a lot of time at her house this week.

My husband is going to have surgery this Wednesday. This has been scheduled for a while. So ... I will not be on her much. But I am determined to put my weight in weekly. After my life slows down (I don't know when that may happen ... sigh) I will catch up on her.

Stay warm, safe and happy!

Congrats on losing despite the challenges. I hope your mom is doing okay!
I hope your husband's surgery goes well!


Taking a sick day today. Haven't done anything all day and don't feel too great so told DH I am counting it as a personal sick day! More sinus congestion than usual (I have year round allergies so am always congested), nauseous, and feeling tired and rundown. I figure I will either wake up feeling fine tomorrow or this is the first day of the creeping crud/flu that everyone else at school has had. :sick:

So I have been surfing the net for healthy recipes a lot of the day.:surfweb: Pinned some crock pot recipes I want to try. Pretty much stayed on plan eating today because I don't have the energy to cheat!

So, exercise is the healthy habit this week. As some of you know, I don't exercise. I hate exercise. I don't like to sweat. At. All. I do like to swim but no option for that. And to compound things I have mobility challenges that limit my options. BUT as part of my New Year, New Me Resolutions I decided I need to do SOMETHING.

So here is my plan (explained in my usual long winded way!):

They (no idea who "they" is) say you need to find just 15 -20 minutes in your day to do something-- anything. I am NOT a morning person. NOT going to get up at zero dark thirty to do something I hate more than mornings (exercise). By the time I get home from work I am done. My body is in pain and I am exhausted. I power through my disabilities at work but I give everything I have and have no more in me when I get home.


I drop DD off at school by 7:10 at the latest. I start work at 7:30 in the same building. I have 20 minutes where I have nothing to do. Usually I just go to my office and make my coffee and socialize and generally just start work early :hyper2:(even though I am not supposed to)
It is the perfect amount of time to go across the street to the convenience store and get a muffin or donut or croissant breakfast sandwich. :rolleyes1

So obviously it is 15-20 mins where I could do something healthy. But I am constricted by these facts:
I am dressed for work.
I have my hair and make up done and it has to stay done.
I can not go anywhere (other than the convenience store!)
I do not have my own private office.
I am horribly self conscious about anyone seeing me doing anything that could be construed as "exercise" because they would :rotfl2:

I can't really walk inside the building because I will be stopped by everyone wanting to talk :chat:or ask questions or get me to fix the copier. :rolleyes: I could probably walk a lap around the outside of the building if the weather is okay but not sure how that would affect the rest of my day since I will start work having already stressed my feet and hips. But even just some stretching and small weight lifting would probably really help me so I found a 15 minute chair/desk workout for those with mobility issues online. Been trying to figure out where to do it though-- my desk and chair are NOT an option! :scared: Then I realized that we have 3 computer labs right down the hall from my office that no one would be in before 7:30 am. And the workout has a video so I can just pull that up on one of the computers and follow along! So I am going to give this a try this week (assuming I don't have the flu! :crazy2: ) and see how it works.

So I have a mini goal this week of exercise at least 3 days. And I am adopting the idea of the 10 day mini goal and going for 10 days soda free.

I love your plan! It's hard to fit in exercise when waking up early is not an option and you're exhausted after work, so it's great that you're trying to find a way to fit it in at work.

It is sunny out and not bitterly cold, I am going out for a run now!! :banana::banana:

Have a great Sunday everyone, I will try my best to update the weights later tonight!

I'm jealous ... I was going to go out for a run this morning, but I woke up and decided that it was just too cold. We're supposed to get rain tomorrow, but I'm hoping that I can get a run in before the rain starts.
Healthy Habit Week 2:

This week we will have an exercise challenge! Since I am posting this on Saturday, we will count the week from today including next Friday. Your challenge is to have 5 days of 20 minutes of dedicated exercise! So 5/7 will get you a perfect score! It does not have to be all in one, you could do 5 minute lunges during lunch break and then go for a 15 minute walk in the evening. Good luck!!

On Friday, we had an awful snow storm here so I could not get out of the house to go to the gym (There was a nearly 200 car pileup on the local highway! Only 1 death, it could have been so much worse. add in one semi had fireworks, that were going off thanks to fire and another semi had hazardous materials..an exciting couple to be sure) But Friday was the first time I actually did exercise at home :D I did a Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds DVD and did 3 miles :D So I have 1/7 so far :D

Fitness Friday:

In order to get you all started on the exercise and maybe to get you new ideas on what to do, I think this weekend's question will be: What is your favourite type of exercise?

Currently the treadmill is my favorite. I have been trying to lose weight for 10 years and I always sabatoge myself by getting ahead of myself really. I'd push myself and fail then give up. SO I am working on mastering the treadmill :cool2:

Which really just means I am working on my pace since a Disney Run is a HUGE goal for me this seems to be working. It is giving me somethign specific to work towards.

In the past I have enjoyed Tae Bo and any dance cardio, I tend to enjoy hip hop the most. I am sure I look ridiculous though :cheer2:

So I sent my weight in and I am down 2 pounds :D

Apparently not the flu! Feeling much better today. My dr. increased one of my meds on Friday so I think maybe the "ick" I was feeling yesterday was due to that.

So I have the laundry almost done :laundy: and I have vacuum jarred a Costco bag of romaine lettuce, cleaned and prepped celery for the week and made my eggs and some Wholesome Oat Muffins for the week.

DD14 and I are really trying to eat more wholesome foods-- not sure if clean eating is the right way to describe it? Less processed stuff, more things with fiber and healthier ingredients. So she wanted some better dessert options for school and found a recipe for low fat oatmeal choc. chip cookies and made those and they are really good. Hopefully much better than the Twinkies, zebra cakes and oreos she usually takes. Last week she made a batch of chili on Sunday and took that in a thermos all week for her lunch. Need to see what her plan is for this week.

Need to find my hand weights and the information I printed for my "desk workout" and get it ready for tomorrow. My biggest challenge will be getting from the front door to the computer lab without anyone stopping me to chat!


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