Would You Work If You Didn't Have To?

Yeah. Funny thing is we were poor as church mice when the kids were tiny. I stayed home and DH made almost nothing. By the time the youngest was in first grade, we were finally "comfy." I needed something to do. I remember telling the interviewer that for years I needed to work and didn't so I could raise the kids. Then I was at a place where I didn't need to work, but wanted to.
YES. Perhaps not doing what I am now and perhaps not even full time but I couldn't stay home. I chose to continue working when dd came along. I was able to cut my hours 40% and then went back full time when she was in middle school.
I would still work, but I would work very few hours and take lots of vacations. I find my line of work fulfilling and don't want to stop! I'd do it in some capacity, even if I didn't have to.
I would be working but I think I would be doing something I actually enjoyed. Right now, while I don't despise my job, it's definitely not a passion of mine. It pays the bills and allows us to live a comfortable life. I think it's important to have some purpose every day and without a job, I think I would feel a little lost even though there are MANY days I dream of living a life of luxury,lol I also think it allows me to enjoy my weekends, evenings and holidays so much more.
Negative... Although for like 8 months out of the year during my non busy times at work I basically get paid to sit at home.. do house work, read and binge watch TV shows. So it's like not working really.
Once I pay down my bills and hopefully have kids I would love to be a stay at home Mom
So to sum up.. Like a PP said hell no would I choose to work at all if I had the money
As much as I'd like to have the knee jerk reaction to say hell no, I'm not sure that would be my ultimate answer. I really think I would get bored. I certainly wouldn't keep my current work arrangement of 45+ hours per week with a 60 mile each way commute. I'd probably do something like own a franchise and have it set up that I can be involved when I want to be, not when I "have" to. Or I'd get a job that I would enjoy and don't have to "take home" with me. With my love of cars, maybe I'd go back to my college job of valet parking. It would keep me busy, but there's nothing to take home (i.e. no stress about work I didn't finish, what is due tomorrow, etc...).
I'm not sure. On days when it's summer and I was taking my kids to daycare when they were young or now days when it's -gazillion degrees outsi I wish i didn't have to leave the house - that I could hang with kids (in the summer) and hibernate (winter). However in reality my kids are still in school. And unlike other posters here where they have all sorts of classroom parents and PTA positions the role of parent volunteers are fairly limited in our schools. Elementary schools have some but there is no such thing as classroom president/parent or whatever.
So with kids in school what I could do would be limited and with all my friends working all day I'm not sure what I would do. I know if we ever have staycations I get really bored.
The idea of being a SAHP to school age kids isn't something I would want to do as I think there would be nothing to do but cook and clean. Maybe it would be different if kids were in competitive sports but they aren't


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