You Better Start Believing in Success Stories, You're in One! Nov. W.I.S.H Challenge

Other then this I would say trying to be a good mom and wife while working full time. I don't always feel like I am doing a good job at either. It is the times that I feel other parents have it all together and I feel like I am sinking. I guess I have been feeling like this lately. I more in less need to get out of my head.
I think it is normal to feel like that. I can totally relate to feeling like I am not being a good mom. Believe me no one has it all together and I have found that the ones who look like they have it all together most usually have the biggest problems. I know it is easier to say than feel but don't let it get you down!

I really have nothing big that I am working towards, neither health related nor in any other area of my life. And I really do not have a true bucket list. Of course there are a few things that I would like to do and places that I would like to see, but nothing is really so special that it has to be that one thing and nothing else. I guess I am pretty happy with what I have!
This brings a smile to my face, there's nothing better than being happy with what you have!
Do you have any great accomplishments that you are working towards? A while back the big thing was bucket lists, do you have one? and if so would you mind sharing somethings on it? Is where you are at in your lifestyle change affecting those things for better or worse?

No bucket lists but I do have a few things that I'm wanting to accomplished. 1) I want to get published! I love writing and it took a backseat for a while because I wrote one book and kinda freaked myself out that I'd never be able to write one again. Then I started again, slowly. Then I saw Bryan Cranston speak on his new book and it was SO inspiring. It made me feel so much more secure in what I was doing and that I could actually do it. 2) Health-wise, I not only have a weight that I'd like to get to but I'd like to get to a point where I'm happy with my body and my exercise/food balance. And I'd love to some day run a marathon. 3) Become more independent. Which I'm forcing myself to do now that I'm living alone. 4) a goofy accomplishment would be to someday have a tattoo sleeve :) I have my forearm covered and another little tattoo on the backside. So my first step will be to complete it as a half sleeve. Thinking of being one of those crazy cat owners that gets a portrait of her kitty pal tattooed. Before then of course I have to make more money!

Lifestyle change definitely helps. Once you start to control one area of your life, you can control them all. As much as you can control anything, that is!


Woohoo Wednesday for me is that I had put on a pencil skirt of mine a couple weeks ago and it was tiiight but I'm wearing it today and it's much more comfortable. Funny what a couple weeks of decent eating and consistent exercise will do to a butt! haha
I'm sorry guys Halloween and doctor appointments have totally thrown off my week! Thank you @dsnyfn1022 for reminding me it is Woohoo Wednesday.

Woohoo Wednesday!!!


Captain Jack is celebrating his jar of dirt, what are you celebrating today? It can be anything big or small.

Batten down the hatches me hearties as we set sail this evening. As most of ye be aware Pirates of the Caribbean was a ride long before it be a movie so while the fearless captain finds our heading let's take a look at the beginning of its voyage.

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Pirates of the Caribbean was actually the last ride that Walt Disney himself worked on. In the beginning it was planned to be a wax museum underneath New Orleans Square but with the success of It's a small world and Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at the 1964 World's Fair the team decided to scrap the wax idea and use audio-animatronics. As they approached opening day Walt had imagineers put a chair on a dolly and push him through the ride at the same speed as the boats so he could get a feel for the ride. Three months before the attraction was to open Walt passed away, unfortunately he was never able to see it complete. These 2 videos from that time show the making of Pirates of the Caribbean the ride and it's opening day. It was definitely a different day and age! I find it interesting they called Disneyland Walt's Magic Kingdom.​

Pirates was Walt's last project in a long line of great accomplishments in his life. Do you have any great accomplishments that you are working towards? A while back the big thing was bucket lists, do you have one? and if so would you mind sharing somethings on it? Is where you are at in your lifestyle change affecting those things for better or worse?

Re: Great accomplishments, as I've mentioned before I am in the process of re-imagining my life. I've been with my current company 34 years years, so thinking about leaving is a huge deal as it alters who I am as a person. This past year has been tumultuous at work with constant change, and I've been very fortunate to have maneuvered thru and found a place that seems like it will be satisfying, but what I'm really looking for is something that makes my heart sing. And I believe that will be somewhere in the farm-to-needle movement within the wool industry. Right now I'm exploring and learning: there's a local knitting "convention" mid-month, where I've signed up for a couple classes, and the local yarn store that is a major player in the movement has a couple classes I'll be taking in December. Then I think my first craft-travel trip for next year will be to go to New York for a weekend of "Knitting in the City" in March, which is being put on by a yarn/crafting store that I love and want to visit so it will be a win/win... and win, because I love New York and haven't been for 5+ years.

I had two lovely vacations. At WDW it was nice to spend time with my Disney pals: it was all pretty laid back because there weren't many things on my must-do list. I did the new Soaring a couple times and really liked it. Also did Frozen Ever After and it was cute, but not something I would make a point to do again unless I was with someone who wanted to see it. I think my favorite thing was watching Gaston do his meet-and-greet, as the guy we saw was quite good. He told one young girl he was the best hugger in the world, then asked her how old she was, "9", to which he responded "too bad you peeked so so soon, because you'll never get another hug as good as this"... pretty cheeky.

Texas was really good. The tour company attracts an older clientele... I knew this going in but was thinking "older" would be my age group but there were at least 6 people in their mid-80's and most of the rest were in their 70's. The tour was educationally focused and we had lectures and presentations thru out and had a naturalist traveling with us, so I got to see and do some things I wouldn't have gotten to otherwise. I don't have a written down "bucket list", just a random and ever changing list of things I really want to do, and one of them was to visit McDonald Observatory. We were there during the day and got to go into one of the towers and the guide played around with the telescope... he couldn't open the roof because a storm was blowing thru but it was cool to see everything else move around. They we came back in the evening and did the Star Show with clear skies, so it was spectacular.

One re-occurring theme in both trips was a smack in the face over the impact putting weight back on has had on my overall health, not just my appearance and how my clothes fit. Running around WDW in the heat was very tiring, and in Texas I was feeling like I might also be in my 80's, instead of feeling like I was the spring chicken in the group. I'm using this as inspiration to get back on track. And getting to optimal health is a key part of the life re-imagining process.
Holy cow, it's Wednesday already?!?

Woohoo's... well, my body is still on central time, so I'm having no problem getting up in the morning and have actually been getting to work early. Sunday morning I was at the grocery store shopping at 7:30am. On the flip side I was in bed at 8:30pm last night.

I've decided to host Thanksgiving, so people can go back and forth to my Sister's house to visit my SIL, without my Sister having to do any hosting: plus this way SIL isn't overwhelmed with too many people/too much activity. This also gives me the ability to control some of the food offerings. I'm doing the turkey and the stuffing - and I think I'm going to go out on a limb and do Quinoa stuffing instead of bread.

It's been wet, cold and stormy since I got back... still kind of awesome and I'm not tired of it yet. My eyes were so happy when I got home and saw all the fall colors.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
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No bucket lists but I do have a few things that I'm wanting to accomplished. 1) I want to get published! I love writing and it took a backseat for a while because I wrote one book and kinda freaked myself out that I'd never be able to write one again. Then I started again, slowly. Then I saw Bryan Cranston speak on his new book and it was SO inspiring. It made me feel so much more secure in what I was doing and that I could actually do it. 2) Health-wise, I not only have a weight that I'd like to get to but I'd like to get to a point where I'm happy with my body and my exercise/food balance. And I'd love to some day run a marathon. 3) Become more independent. Which I'm forcing myself to do now that I'm living alone. 4) a goofy accomplishment would be to someday have a tattoo sleeve :) I have my forearm covered and another little tattoo on the backside. So my first step will be to complete it as a half sleeve. Thinking of being one of those crazy cat owners that gets a portrait of her kitty pal tattooed. Before then of course I have to make more money!

Lifestyle change definitely helps. Once you start to control one area of your life, you can control them all. As much as you can control anything, that is!


Woohoo Wednesday for me is that I had put on a pencil skirt of mine a couple weeks ago and it was tiiight but I'm wearing it today and it's much more comfortable. Funny what a couple weeks of decent eating and consistent exercise will do to a butt! haha

I have further tattooing on hold until after the holidays... I won't have a full sleeve, but will be adding two more birds to my upper right arm. Then more decoration to other parts thru out next year.
Pirates was Walt's last project in a long line of great accomplishments in his life. Do you have any great accomplishments that you are working towards? A while back the big thing was bucket lists, do you have one? and if so would you mind sharing somethings on it? Is where you are at in your lifestyle change affecting those things for better or worse?

This is a pretty timely question for me. My personality is such where I get fixated on certain goals or tasks and I'm "all in" until I complete them. The week when football ends is always one of the toughest for me, because I spend so much time working on it and all of the sudden it stops - and I don't know what to fixate on after. Last year we played until Thanksgiving and my family had our Disney trip in December, then it was all about weight loss for the months after... then the running started and I hit the 5k goal, the 10k goal, then it was the 1/2 marathon goal. I've been wrapped up with something over the last 16 months and right now I got nothing. I need something - a new bucket list task or some sort of goal to work for now... I just don't know what that is yet.

I ended up running last night for the first time in 16 days. I thought I was doing ok, but my run tracker thought otherwise. I felt like I was going much faster than I was. Not a big deal, it will take a little bit of time to get back into it. The scale seemed to think running was a good thing - dropped a few lb's on this morning's weigh-in.
Captain Jack is celebrating his jar of dirt, what are you celebrating today? It can be anything big or small.

I've been putting a lot of old clothes on eBay recently. Many of them were things I got months ago when I first went down a size, so it stinks because it's all in great condition and things I didn't wear much... but like I told my wife last weekend, I didn't bust my *** for 10 months getting down to this size to wear clothes that are too big and don't fit right. Anyway, I made a little over $500 on my first round of eBay sales and bought a lot of new stuff - size large stuff! I haven't worn a large since early high school. I have another round going right now and I hope to make a few hundred more to buy more new clothes. It's nice having some options on things to wear... for a few weeks I didn't have much at all. So, today I celebrate my new clothes in my new and last size change!
I have never made a bucket list. I am pretty boring. I love zoos and would love to make to more. Unfortunately my husband hates them. I will make it to the San Diego zoo. I have wanted to go since I was little. I also want to go to Disneyland. Another place my husband does not want to go. I will make him at some point. He never wanted to go to WDW either. It took my dad taking us for him to go. The minute we stepped on Main Street he said we would be back. We have now gone 4 times in about 4 years. I have always wanted to go to Italy too but my fears hold me back from this one.

The San Diego Zoo is amazing IMO. I went twice as a kid and just last year I went with my kids and family. I loved it as much as I remembered. The kids loved it too. I recommend it! And of course being a California girl I totally hope you get to Disneyland too!

Goals: I've never had a bucket list or anything really. I've done some things and seen some places I wanted to see. Theres always more though!

Woo Hoo Wednesday: I got a raise! Thats a pretty big woo hoo!
Pirates was Walt's last project in a long line of great accomplishments in his life. Do you have any great accomplishments that you are working towards? A while back the big thing was bucket lists, do you have one? and if so would you mind sharing somethings on it? Is where you are at in your lifestyle change affecting those things for better or worse?

I loved the clips you showed. So neat to watch it all come together!

I really don't have a bucket list per say. We love to cruise and I used to say I wanted to cruise on every ship on a certain cruise line, but have decided that I really have no desire to spend my vacation time on older ships that don't have the things I'm looking for. At some point in my life, I would like to go to all 50 of the states. We've been to quite a few, but have a lot to go as well. Some of them will probably have to wait until retirement when we can take longer trips. I'd love to do the New England states as a big road trip during the fall months.

At work right now, we are in a transition phase as many of the members of upper management are reaching retirement age. My boss is the controller of the company and has been since I was hired in as the assistant controller around 20 years ago. He will be retiring in the next few years and we are working toward that change now. I'm going through some leadership classes that are offered through our company to hopefully help with the next steps.

I'm also working toward my new lifestyle with healthier eating and hopefully weight loss to follow! I started that in February and did well until we left for vacation in June. I just haven't been able to get myself going again for some reason. I still think about it all the time, but just haven't given myself the kick in the behind that I need lol! I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either. I'm hoping this will be the month that I change that!

Captain Jack is celebrating his jar of dirt, what are you celebrating today? It can be anything big or small.

My WooHoo for today is that after work I'm heading to a town about 3 hours away to spend the night for a meeting tomorrow. After the meeting, DS has a late (9:30 pm) indoor soccer game that I'll be home in time for and then Friday I'm taking 1/2 a day off to head to Mississippi for DD18's family weekend! I'm very excited to see her. She hasn't been home since we dropped her off for her freshman year on August 13th, so it's been nearly 3 months since I've seen her. She's very connected to social media, so I feel like I see a lot of what she's up to through that, but it's definitely not the same. We're going to their football game and probably seeing the sorority house of the chapter that she just joined. The weather is supposed to be nice and I'm hoping for a great weekend!
Pirates was Walt's last project in a long line of great accomplishments in his life. Do you have any great accomplishments that you are working towards? A while back the big thing was bucket lists, do you have one? and if so would you mind sharing somethings on it? Is where you are at in your lifestyle change affecting those things for better or worse?

Hmmmm... I don't have a written list, but I do have a running mental list of places I want to go. Travel is my number one priority right now-- in the event DH and I have kids, we want to have done what's important to us before then. And also, in the event we don't make it to retirement to travel or loose our health before then, we want to do it now while we are young and have our health, even if we do struggle to find the money sometimes! So my main 4 are as follows:

- Visit every Disney park in the world (only China is left! We may do this 2018 and go back to Tokyo on the way home :lovestruc)
- Australia (DH is dying to dive the reef)
- Egypt (a long time dream, that is scary right now-- I don't know if this will happen)
- African Safari

I also want to have visited every continent before I die. That would be cool.

I need my health to do all of this though. Working out and increasing my stamina helps IMMENSELY! I am a go-go-go traveler -- we walked almost 10 miles a day in Japan in April! Not looking to be that crazy on every trip, but I need to be able to walk well and consistently all day to make the most of my trips!

and I think I'm going to go out on a limb and do Quinoa stuffing instead of bread.

That sounds amazing actually!

WooHoo Wednesday!!! Only 3 sleeps before we are on our way to Italy! I have been looking at wineries today and trying to plan some of our free days. Work??? What work?!?!
I've been with my current company 34 years years, so thinking about leaving is a huge deal as it alters who I am as a person.
I am sure it would have to be a bit scary to think about stepping away from something you have been doing for so long. But it sounds like it could be amazing, I hope you get to do what makes your heart sing!

I ended up running last night for the first time in 16 days. I thought I was doing ok, but my run tracker thought otherwise. I felt like I was going much faster than I was. Not a big deal, it will take a little bit of time to get back into it. The scale seemed to think running was a good thing - dropped a few lb's on this morning's weigh-in.

Have you ever looked into training by heart rate or effort? I started training by effort a couple months ago and it has made a big difference. You run slower to build up your aerobic base and then throw in some speed work every now and then ( it is a little more complicated). It goes against what most people think about running but it works. There is a guy on the boards who does personalized training plans for free. He himself went from being overweight to running a 3 hour marathon. If you want I can give you his name or point you to his training journal.

And that is an awesome Woohoo! You definitely deserve clothes that make you feel good after such a huge accomplishment!

I already have 6679 of my 11,000 steps in for the day already
Woohoo! I love when I know early in the day that I am going to hit my goal, it makes me feel unstoppable :)

Woo Hoo Wednesday: I got a raise! Thats a pretty big woo hoo!
:woohoo: That's a fantastic woohoo!! Congrats!

She hasn't been home since we dropped her off for her freshman year on August 13th, so it's been nearly 3 months since I've seen her.
I'm sure this weekend can't get here fast enough for you! I hope you have a wonderful time!

Travel is my number one priority right now-- in the event DH and I have kids, we want to have done what's important to us before then. And also, in the event we don't make it to retirement to travel or loose our health before then, we want to do it now while we are young and have our health, even if we do struggle to find the money sometimes!
DH and I traveled before having kids but I wish we would have done more so I agree see as much as you can now.
I have been working on what will be my greatest accomplishment in life for about 6 months now. It will be running the Walt Disney World Marathon in January. It is quickly approaching and I am doing all that I can to prepare for it. Including losing weight so I have less to run with for 6ish hours. That is on the top of my mental bucket list for now. The other things on my list are all races right now. If I enjoy this marathon than my next goal will be to run the Honolulu Marathon in December 2017. Maybe I will even get to stay at Aulani!

My woohoo today is we are going camping at WDW for the first time this weekend! And I am volunteering at the Wine & Dine half handing out medals. I'm so excited to congrat the runners and give them their medal!
I'm sorry guys Halloween and doctor appointments have totally thrown off my week! Thank you @dsnyfn1022 for reminding me it is Woohoo Wednesday.

Woohoo Wednesday!!!

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Captain Jack is celebrating his jar of dirt, what are you celebrating today? It can be anything big or small.

My woohoo is not yet a woohoo. If the Indians win tonight it will be a big woohoo with a parade to come in the next few days. I will vaid this one though. The Cavs one was almost too much for me to handle. I will watch it on TV. If they lose then it is still a woohoo that they made it that far. Although I know we will win. Our town is buzzing right now and it is great.
My woohoo is not yet a woohoo. If the Indians win tonight it will be a big woohoo with a parade to come in the next few days. I will vaid this one though. The Cavs one was almost too much for me to handle. I will watch it on TV. If they lose then it is still a woohoo that they made it that far. Although I know we will win. Our town is buzzing right now and it is great.

My house will be rooting for the Indians tonight - good luck! I have too many friends that are Cub fans and it will be intolerable if they win.

We really enjoyed Cleveland last summer. Thinking about making the trip out again for another Coldplay concert in August.
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My house will be rooting for the Indians tonight - good luck! I have too many friends that are Cub fans and it will be intolerable if they win.

We really enjoyed Cleveland last summer. Thinking about making the trip out again for another Coldplay concert in August.

Cleveland has a lot to offer but we tend to be put in the background. I swear we will never live down the river catching on fire. I have watched it change so much over just the short 8 years I have worked downtown. Food has become a big thing here now. They are adding new places to the flats and Michael Symon (he is on the Food Network Channel) is from here and has built several nice restaurants around the area. Let me know if you want any suggestions of places to go if you come back.

We need all the support and good vibes as possible. However Kluber is on the mound tonight with Mille,r Shaw and Allen after him.
Cleveland has a lot to offer but we tend to be put in the background. I swear we will never live down the river catching on fire. I have watched it change so much over just the short 8 years I have worked downtown. Food has become a big thing here now. They are adding new places to the flats and Michael Symon (he is on the Food Network Channel) is from here and has built several nice restaurants around the area. Let me know if you want any suggestions of places to go if you come back.

We need all the support and good vibes as possible. However Kluber is on the mound tonight with Mille,r Shaw and Allen after him.

We loved E. 4th St. There were some great spots to eat there.


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