Your Best Magical Moments...

This is a copy of a post I put up after our trip last June and is still one of my favorite memories:

This will be long and I apologize in advance but I want to tell the whole story.

My sister and I just got home a few hours ago from our trip to WDW. We took 5 kids with us and we had a great time. We made lots of memories but one experience stands above the rest.

On Wednesday, we split into 2 groups. At rope drop I took her 7yo and 5yo daughters and headed straight to the Merida meet and greet and she took our cousin and her two little boys to get Space Mt fast passes and got in line for Tomorrowland Speedway.

As we are walking down the path towards Merida I glance behind me and Alice is skipping down the path behind us. I point her out to the girls and they skip with her the rest of the way down the path. I asked them if they wanted to skip Merida and go ride the teacups with Alice instead. I knew that she usually does it first thing in the morning and that maybe they could be the lucky ones chosen. She told me that she would be riding at 9:30 and that we could come find her then. I told the girls we would stay and meet Merida since we weren't too far back in line and then would go ride with Alice.

Once Alice went on her way and we were waiting in line I started frantically trying to call my sister to get her to meet us at the teacups at 9:30. When she finally called back we were almost to Merida and I told her the girls may get to ride with Alice and to get to the teacups ASAP. As we were meeting Merida she called me back to say that Alice was getting off the ride and starting her meet and greet. I told her we would meet her there anyway since she was already there and we weren't far away. We got to the teacups about 9:25 just as Alice was getting in place. When she saw the girls coming towards her she knew they were expecting their ride. I walked up to her and she apologized that she had ridden earlier than what she told me and that she couldn't ride again so soon. She spoke with the cast member with her and explained that she had sort of promised the girls they could ride with her. I told the girls we would have to go do something else because she had already ridden but the CM with her came up and told me that she couldn't ride again right then but that if we would come back at 10:20 then the girls could ride with her. I made sure we were back by 10:10 and when Alice and the White Rabbit appeared they took my nieces and cousin on the teacups. When they got off the ride we had pictures made together and I told her how much I appreciated her following through on what she had promised the girls and how much it meant to me.

She was so sweet to the girls and I won't forget the sight of them together on the ride. I don't know how many kids a day get to ride with characters but seeing the faces of the girls on the teacups made me realize how lucky they are to get that experience and I hope they know how special it truly was. I am thankful that we were the recipients of pixie dust on this trip but even if it was someone else, it is these type of experiences that make me want to choose Disney World over anywhere else. It truly is a place where dreams come true.
On my son's first trip which was also his birthday he got really sick and had to go by ambulance to the hospital. The hotel (POP) was amazing in helping get us back and paid the taxi fee. My son was fine the next day so we went to the park and when we got back to the room there was a bucket filled with snacks and toys and balloons for him along with a birthday card signed by mickey and minnie. He was so excited and I was so touched. I will always remember that and I love POP and we always stay there
A few that stand out:

Our first trip in 2010, my younger daughter (then 6) was chosen to get the red red rose from Belle and the prince at the end of the Beauty and the Beast Show. It also included front row seats and a Blu-ray/DVD of Beauty and the Beast. We didn't even know such a thing existed, but it was a magical event for us.

On our trip last year, our kids were chosen to be the guest directors at the Indiana Jones Stunt show and announce "Lights, Camera, Action" on stage to get the show started. That also included some pretty sweet seats.

My personal "wow" moment was seeing the MK big opening show for the first time before the park opened. I didn't know there was a show at all, but it was such a great surprise. Standing there with my wife and kids, feeling so blessed, it got me teary eyed.

A few that stand out:

Our first trip in 2010, my younger daughter (then 6) was chosen to get the red red rose from Belle and the prince at the end of the Beauty and the Beast Show. It also included front row seats and a Blu-ray/DVD of Beauty and the Beast. We didn't even know such a thing existed, but it was a magical event for us.

On our trip last year, our kids were chosen to be the guest directors at the Indiana Jones Stunt show and announce "Lights, Camera, Action" on stage to get the show started. That also included some pretty sweet seats.

My personal "wow" moment was seeing the MK big opening show for the first time before the park opened. I didn't know there was a show at all, but it was such a great surprise. Standing there with my wife and kids, feeling so blessed, it got me teary eyed.


Such magical moments!! I also notice you're doing POR in Sept!! What're your dates?! We're staying at French Quarter the 11-19th! You doing a PTR??:cutie:
I've had many magical moments over the course of all my trips, from small little pixie dusted moments to a big thing I never thought would happen, but the ones that stand out the most to me are:

-When I took my Mom, her first trip to WDW at 63, we were watching the Move It Shake It and she wanted to go dance with Baloo (she got SUPER excited when she saw him apparently he's a favorite character?!haha) Well, when she went out into the street Baloo of course got swamped by a giant group of kids, and Mom turned away kind of defeated. Well, someone else noticed this. Timon grabbed her on her way back to the sidewalk and pulled her in to dance with him. He continued to dance with her for the whole dance party, and even took off her back pack so she could really get her groove on. Timon had his full attention on her and when they went back to the floats at the end he blew her kisses and the "call me" sign. It's a moment that I'll never forget and I tear up talking about!

The second one that's the biggest for me happened a week later when the best friend and I were having the last day of our trip. We're both dancers, and have been forever, and an ultimate dream of ours is to dance for Disney, especially in Dream Along with Mickey (FOTLK is the ultimate for me!) Well, half jokingly I asked bff if she wanted to ask the CM near the castle ramp if we could meet the dancers. Well, imagine our surprise when the stage manager came down to talk to us and told us to come back at the end of the next show. We got to go up to the castle and talk with nearly all the dancers about various things and get a picture with them. I know I was just too stunned to say too much, it was definitely magical!! :cloud9:

Our first family trip was this past November. As we are entering our first park, on our first day, of our first trip, a family comes up to us and asks if we would like their 5 fp for TSM! I was so excited and thanked them very much - there were 5 us too. I turned to DH and said...that's what they call pixie dust.

Another moment was when we were signing up our 8 and 5 year old for JTA, we told our 3 year old this was something he couldn't do. The look on his face that his brothers could do it but not him was heartbreaking. I told DH tell them he's 4.

When he's on the stage and the Master is teaching, he had to specifically instruct my youngest on how to open the light saber. Near the end of the lesson, he crouched down and asks him how old he is. My son held up 3 fingers. We were busted! 'So your parents lied to get you in the show'! Everyone started laughing.

Don't flame me, he was only 2 months away from turning 4 and we wouldn't have signed him up if he didn't already have his brothers in the show.

Can't wait to make more memories in December!
Last September we went to Disney for my good friends birthday. She of course had her button on and had a ton of birthday wishes.

When we were leaving Sir Mickeys (I think) one of the CMs (an adorable older woman) stopped us and asked if she could sing happy birthday to my friend. Of course we said yes, so she called over the 3 other CMs in the store and they all sang Happy Birthday. Then she said "You wanna hear it backwards".. "YES".. they all hop and face the other directions (backwards :rotfl: ) and sing again.. they turn around and she asks "Want to hear a the 7 dwarfs version?".. "YES".. So then they all crouch down and sing it again. :rotfl2:

It was absolutely hysterical and a wonderful bit of Pixie Dust! :goodvibes
For me, the biggie is in my sign: Family of the Day at the Magic Kingdom last year. I guess you can read that for the recap there.

Other things:

Got selected for the Indiana Jones Stunt show as an extra and the Backlot tour as a boat crewman, both within the same hour. I tried for IJ but the Backlot was kind of a random pick.

Getting to ride Expedition Everest repeatedly in a rain storm at park opening in Animal Kingdom on our first trip. Nobody else was crazy enough to ride and we kept getting to go over and over. Rode it ten times that day.

A special semi-private Meet and Greet with Baloo, King Louie, and Terk on that same day in Animal Kingdom. It had JUST stopped raining and they came out on the little backtrail between Asia and Africa while we were walking through. There was literally nobody else there for a full five minutes and we got multiple pictures and interactions with all three at once. It was SUPER cool.
Turning 50 and being able to celebrate it in the Magic Kingdom; AND being picked as the grand marshal of the 3:00 parade.
BEST memory in the world!

I have so many I don't think i could list them all. Here are some of my most memorable.

Our First Trip DH got picked to be in the Backlot Tour video. DD got to do the hand jive and dance with the other kids in FOTLK. DD was given a pin by a really nice CM, just because.

Second trip was DD's 9th birthday and we had so many. It was YOMD and she got a pair of dream ears. Many birthday cards. Picture of Minnie and Ariel. Several YOMD pins, which she in turn gave some to others. Several phone calls from goofy. And best of all was we did the Family Magic Tour on DD's B-day. Then going over to Epcot we got to ride in the front of the monorail.

Last trip, DD returned the magic to a little girl who was looking at her pins, but didn't want to give up any of hers. DD gave her the pin she wanted and wished her a great vacation. An awesome Photopass photographer who just happened by when DS was toddleing around Tomorowland while DH and DD rode Space Mountain. So a bunch of photos of my little man. While at DTD my son lost one of his shoes. Probably threw it out of the stroller. Anyway once I realized this I asked about the lost and found and was directed to the right place. The magic was someone had found the shoe and turned it in and we got it back. I really thought it was gone and it was DS's favorite shoes.
One of my most magical moments was a very surprising private meet & greet with my all-time favorite character, Baloo.

On November 7, 2012, I happened to be at the Magic Kingdom park, where I attended the 11:00am performance of the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party. With the idea of dancing along with Baloo, I positioned myself at the hub, where the float with Baloo and King Louie was supposed to stop for the dance routine.

Well, the float stopped and my beary friend looked right at me, jumped down from his float and even pushed King Louie aside. Neverminding the choreography he was supposed to do, he ran right into my arms. I think, Baloo remembered me from the last time I met him in his "jungle" back in November 2009 and November 2010. Now how cool is that?! But things went on: Baloo took me by his paw and neverminding all the other dancing guests around, he spent the whole dancing routine just with me. That was awesome - dancing with Papa Bear right in front of my beloved Cinderella Castle!

While busy dancing, I hardly noticed that one of the cast members starring in the parade approached friends traveling with me. The CM surely has noticed my special bond for Baloo. When the dancing was over and the parade floats were due to leave, one of my friends told me what the CM told her, although in a clever, not straight-forward way. But somehow, I smelled a surprise was around the corner. So I did what I was basically told: Follow the parade behind the last float, all the way down Main Street to the Trolley barn, holding the end rope while walking. This was a fun experience and Barbara, one of the CMs on my side at the end rope sure was fun, too. How cool walking down Main Street with guests looking at you and taking pictures. When we got to the point where the parade left to the backstage area, I and my friends were given "I'm Celebrating" buttons and we posed for a photo. "What a special moment!" was my final thought.

I almost wanted to leave when a couple minutes later, a Cast Member approached me again and told me to follow into the barn where the horse-drawn trolley is stored. Coming in from the sunlight, it was quite dark at first. I recognized two eyes, something furry and blue. Of course - it was my biggest friend, Baloo! He stood there, with open arms and paws and at the moment I realized this, I ran up to him, yelling "Papa Bear, Papa Bear!" and we shared the biggest bear hug ever! There it was - a private meet & greet with my favorite buddy! I was so surprised, that I had tears in my eyes! The whole thing lasted for 5 minutes (but it seemed much longer to me) and the friends who were with me took photos and videos of that moment. This was very emotional - and Baloo did such a great job. He was like I knew him from the Jungle Book movie. That big, cuddly friend! I always loved the strong relationship Baloo had to Mowgli in the movie. Now I really did feel like Mowgli with my friend at my side!


Dancing with Baloo in the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr

Dancing with Baloo in the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr

Private Meet & Greet with Baloo after the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr

Private Meet & Greet with Baloo after the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Paryt - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr

Private Meet & Greet with Baloo after the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Paryt - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr

Private Meet & Greet with Baloo after the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Paryt - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World by Reto Kurmann, on Flickr
On our last trip when our airline called and said that our plane had been overbooked. There was no seat for us so if we wanted, we could stay at WDW an extra day and they would cover our resort accommodation and give us back any expenses for food ect. :rotfl: We made the sacrifice and stayed :thumbsup2 That was pretty magical.
On our last trip when our airline called and said that our plane had been overbooked. There was no seat for us so if we wanted, we could stay at WDW an extra day and they would cover our resort accommodation and give us back any expenses for food ect. :rotfl: We made the sacrifice and stayed :thumbsup2 That was pretty magical.

That's one I would so suffer to have to do :goodvibes
I'll share a little Pixie Dust :)

My first trip was for my birthday, when I was around three I believe. I can't remember much from this trip, however I do remember that Chip and Dale kept trying to steal my cupcake. At three, this was the best thing I could have possibly taken home from the trip was this memory!

When I went to Disneyland, I was there visiting extended family members for an early birthday. We were at Ariel's Grotto, and I know my family did not order me a cake or anything, however a CM stopped over and asked me how I enjoying my birthday. I said that it was going great, and that it couldn't be better. He said: "You wanna bet?" I was only eight at the time, so I said, "Sure." Sure enough, moments later he came out with a cake and a card signed by the characters there! Surely one of the best birthdays ever!

Again at Disneyland, I was quite terrified to ride California Screamin' and was determined not to. We were in the front of the line and I was almost in tears, not wanting to go on the ride. Well, the nice CM there convinced me to go on, and sure enough, I loved it. At the end, he bought me a Mickey Bar, saying I had been a brave little girl to go on the ride!

On my more recent trip to Disneyworld, I have lots of special memories! My three favourites are:

Just spending time in my hotel room with my roommates. Not necessarily Disney related, but they were all older than me, and we all got along great. We watched movies and had so much fun! I truly got to know them on the trip and couldn't have asked for better roommates!

When we went to Downtown Disney, we were pressed for time. another girl (one of my roommates) and I were absolutely determined to go to the big Disney store. We, we booked it over, stood in line for ages, and bought small things, then booked it back. Just spending time and laughing and running around DTD was amazing.

On our last day in Florida, my best friend and I were bored in Hollywood Studios with nothing to do. She had been my best friend for years, and we ordered frozen Coke's and found a quiet park bench to sit and talk. Just spending time with her, in Disney, was one of the best experiences.

Of course, I have so many more magical memories from that trip, but those were just a few :)
Love this thread.

My best moment was my last trip in May of 2009. (Going again at the end of this June for my honeymoon!) I had just graduated college with a teaching degree and teaching positions in my home state were looking horrible. No teaching job on the horizon whatsoever. I was in Epcot at a gift shop just browsing. No one else was in there except me and a CM. This was during the What Are You Celebrating? theme. The CM chatted me up about what I was celebrating in Disney, and I told her I just graduated and was here on vacation with my mom. She asked me about my degree and what kind of job prospects were lined up for me. I told her how bad it was in my state and how no new teachers are getting hired for the next school year. She told me to wait in the store for a minute while she went in the back. When she came out, she gave me a Tinkerbell pin that she said you couldn't buy in the parks. She told me it was some pixie dust to help me find a job as soon as possible.

It sounds so silly to say this as I was 22 at the time and a grown adult, but that CM gave me hope at an exact moment I needed it. This is proof that you don't have to have a magical moment in Disney as a child! You can totally have a special experience in Disney as an adult and have it move you in ways that reminds you of why Disney is such a special place :)
On our last trip we had a most magical day on the last day of our trip. It was Nov. 2011 and we were visiting the week before my DD's ninth birthday. We left her get a birthday pin to wear all week. On our last full day, we went to DHS. DD had ridden RnRC for the first time on this trip and was absolutely in love with it. We (DH, DD, and myself) had just ridden it for the umpteenth time and as we were exiting the coaster train DD starts with "I wanna go again!" over and over. We were the last riders on the exit platform and a CM walks over to DD and says "you wanna go again? Follow me." He took us through a hallway and deposited up back at the front of the line That was great. But the day kapt getting better.

Fast forward about an hour. DH and I were grabbing some lunch. DD only wanted a frozen strawberry bar from the ice cream cart. We ARE on vacation, right? So I give DD $5 to go get her Ice cream. She gets her treat and is walking back to me...still holding the $5. She said the man at the cart wouldn't take her money and to enjoy her birthday treat. OK, now this is cool.

At some point in the afternoon DD realized she lost one of her pins that she had started collecting on this trip, so everywhere we saw CMs with lanyards we were checking for this pin (a piglet silhouette pin that was a CM pin from I think 2008)

Dinner time arrives and we enjoy a great meal at the Brown Derby. Our server got the whole room to sing Happy Birthday to DD.

After dinner we make our over to see the Osbourne Lights. We are all enjoying the spectacle when DD spots a CM with a lanyard and runs over to check her pins. SHE HAS IT! the one just like we lost. DD runs back to us to get her lanyard and me to trade for the lost pin. I explain to the CM why DD is so excited over a pin and the CM takes it off her lanyard and says Happy Birthday Princess and hands over the pin. No trade just a gift.

As we are leaving the park I say out loud "This was the best Disney Day Ever!!!!
The first time we took our DD's to WDW they were 5 and 6. This was back in 2002, so a while ago, but I remember it like yesterday. At MK we went directly to the Winnie the Pooh ride and were one of the first guests to line up. A CM came up to us and said that Tigger asked if he could ride with us. So there was Tigger and my two girls in the front seat of the Honey Pot, with my DH and me in the back seat. It was amazing with Tigger acting out each part of the ride. It was so cool that the very first ride my kids did at Disney was with one of their favorite characters. I teared up then, as I still do when I think of them giggling and bouncing along with Tigger.
For me I have a few...
  1. I was selected to from the audience participate in the Indy Stunt Show at Hollywood Studios back in January 2015!
  2. This was something I was NOT expecting to happen AT ALL. I decided to do a fun little "experiment" during the 12:30 PM Move It Shake It Parade on May 11, 2017. This fun "experiment" really was to find out how Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps would react to seeing merch of themselves (in this case, a stuffed doll of Nick & a stuffed doll of Judy, along with this pin
    ). Here's what happened... I had the suspicion that someone (either Nick, Judy, Chip or Dale) was going to recognize the plushies. Turns out it was Judy who recognized them first! I shout “JUDY OH MY GOD!” she points the plushies out, waves to me, salutes, then blows a kiss.
    When her and Nick were let down from the float, and the guests had come out into the Street to dance and (kinda) interact with the characters, she opened up her arms, I come up to her, and she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek (I felt her nose go right up against my right ear and then her a long kiss sound, which was different from the one I heard on 12/16 during MVMCP). That resulted in me having butterflies in my stomach, a stuffy right ear, and ended up laughing and smiling for a few hours, and also marked the second time that Judy Hopps has kissed me. During the conga line, I also shouted out to Nick Wilde, "You look great Nick!" I did take a selfie with Judy (during the “Play It” part of MISIDPI), took me two attempts just to get it down right! She also blew me TWO kisses, and pointed out my plushes during the finale. But that's not all that happened! As the floats were getting ready to leave, Nick Wilde walked past me on his way to his/Judy's side of the float. He pointed the plushies out, came up to me, I said "Aww, that looks like you!", and he gave me a hug, which I never even expected to happen! Sounds like this experiment lead me on the right track to a series of rather unexpected results. After the Street Party, before going to EPCOT, I went to guest relations to compliment both Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps! The woman at guest relations asked me if I could show her the plushies I had brought along, which I did.
  3. I attempted the same experiment with the same Move It Shake It performance on August 15, 2017. However, I had a pin with Judy Hopps on it too, and wore a pair of fox ears during the show. However, since this time they were two floats short for some reason, only Nick Wilde came down. Guess what happened? He gave me a big hug! PhotoPass was on hand as well, taking photos of him hugging me! Nick must've been happy to see me! After the hug, I was approached by a PhotoPass photographer who said to me, "Hi sir, scan your MagicBand for me please." which I did. This is the result.


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