One became SEVEN?!? How did THAT happen? 4/24 UPDATE

I don't want to leave anyone out and hurt feelings, so to ALL of you who posted your kids in their Halloween costumes--they ALL look terrific. Great jobs. :thumbsup2

We only had 3 kids come to our door the whole day; I guess it shows I'm getting old and all the kids are my kids ages and have moved away. :(

Have a great weekend, Judy.
First I wanted to say:


:love: Adorable!

Hi Tracy and Judy!!!

I hope you both had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Tracy your new little pumpkin is a SUPER reason to be happy!!! I love the pictures you are sharing with us!!! Continuing to pray for him, you, and the whole family during this time!!!

Now I do have to tell you that I'm totally jealous that your kids will pose for all those pictures!!! Mine act like I'm asking them to jump off a cliff as soon as I grab the camera. :sad2: However, they did allow me to take nearly 1000 pictures of the wish trip so I will count blessings... and my pictures!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Oh and thanks for explaining the whole 2 of everything timeshare. It felt like a silly question to ask... but what can I say curiosity killed the cat!!! :confused3 I totally get it now and it sounds AWESOME!!! Speaking of timeshares we are going to San Diego for the week of Thanksgiving!!! My mom gave us a week at her time share!!! We are going to Lego Land, the Beach, Zoo, and Music Museum. We live about 90 minutes away so we are going to drive home to go to Thanksgiving at my mom's.

Thanks for asking about Mallory!! You are always so thoughtful!!! :thumbsup2 Mallory is LOVING homeschooling. And the PC said she could go to yearly visits. She will still go every 3 months for pacemaker checks but only yearly for echos!!! I must admit when I heard this first I was scared... then I reminded myself it's not like they are telling us we can't go in if there is a problem... but just that we won't need to be monitored as frequently.

Wow this turned into a LONG post!!! Sorry about that!! I guess I'll never been accused of being a woman of few words!!!

I hope that November brings blessing to both of you and your families!!!!

Happy Planning (or lack there of :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:)

Hi Madeline! Thank you, I had a great Halloween.
I know what you mean about kids not posing for photos. Getting my nieces and nephews to pose is like herding cats (except Emile, he is very good at posing so far :thumbsup2) I can hope they will get better and be excellent posers like Judy's kids but I have a felling that is wishful thinking! So glad you got LOTs of photos during your wish trip!

How exciting that you get a little trip Thanksgiving week! Sounds like lots of fun!
Glad Mallory is doing well! pixiedust:

Yeah, planning, well....we still have two months to plan, right? We know when we are going, we just need to figure out, where we are staying and what we are doing :rotfl:

Tracy: I hope all is well with you and your little nephew. :goodvibes
Thank you, things are going well he started some medication for his heart last night and it's helping stabilize his heart rate :goodvibes

I can't remember if I stopped by yesterday or not I think I did even if I didn't post. I hope you had a great Halloween.
:wave2: Hope you had a great Halloween too!

I am coming over from Betsy's PTR...I cant wait to catch up. I so loved the introduction!
There isn't much planning happening yet but we will get back to that soon!
I'm feeling a bit like Cinderella today. I'm at my sister's while she is at the hospital so I could do some cleaning as the house was getting a bit out of control. :laundy:

We had a good Halloween, I took Emile's big brother out to trick or treat for a bit.

Emile is doing good, he was doing some sun tanning yesterday

He also started on some medication to stabilize his heart rate. I will miss my little peanut when I go home. I have to get back to work next week.
I am enjoying the lifes little moments that derail trip planning...thanks for all the great sharing!
Love the Halloween pic...looks like a blast.

Just watched your reveal video with Belle- PERFECT!!
I love looking at all of the pictures from Halloween. Halloween was being a little rough again this year until I reminded myself that it marked 34 years of being cancer free. I got through the school party okay although I didn't put much effort into my costume. Usually I go as Mickey but couldn't do it this year. I just dressed in black and put on the pirate hat I got on the Disney cruise I took with my mom a few years ago. With the stress of losing my brother and the weather changes I have had a major flare up of my asthma and bronchitis. I started coughing and wheezing a little around last Thursday so I started nebulizer treatments. They weren't helping much, then Sunday I started a temp and the coughing/breathing got worse. When I got into see the doctor my O2 levels were down to 90 and my BP was up to 168/120:eek:. Ended up with 2 antibiotics and steroids again. I got a double dose of predizone 60mg for 3 days, 40 for 3days, then 20 for 3 days. Usually I get 30,20,10. I am feeling much better now. The nurse was worried about me passing out on the way back to the exam room. She asked if I had my inhaler in my purse. I didn't think I was that bad at the time! Since I wasn't contagious I was able to be at school which helps so much emotionally. My kiddos give me so many hugs and keep me busy I don't have time to think.
Your little Peter Pan band was adorable, LOVED it!!! Great pic. :thumbsup2

So happy you are feeling better and I hope that continues. Praying you get some good rest this weekend. :goodvibes Halloween sounds like fun! We were off in two separate directions, but everybody had fun. :thumbsup2

Yes, they grow up much too quick. I have always just tried to enjoy the age they are, they are only little once. I have a copy of a journal entry on e of Rachel's friends wrote in Kindergarten that still brings a smile to my face. "When I grow up I am going to marry Rachel if Ian doesn't find her first. Charlie" Rachel was about a head taller than these little guys, with light, long blonde hair. She would run around at recess and they would follow her to the ends of the earth, it was so sweet. She considered them brothers. :lmao:

Thank you! He was just excited for the day to start.

Tomorrow we're going to another local theme park with my brother in law and my niece and nephew. Haven't seen them in a while and the kids are excited to get to spend the day with them. Sunday we are staying home and doing nothing. Well maybe laundry but that's it!!

That is sooo cute about the little boys!! Are they still around and saying who's going to marry her first? That was my problem going up my grandparent's (who lived in the city next to us) had a boy who lived next door to them that was a year older than me (he ended up being one of my best friends until we both graduated and moved away and I still haven't been able to find him). We were like brother and sister but of course I developed that crush on him. It was never returned because I was like a little sister to him and I'm glad we had that because he helped me deal with what goes through a high school boys mind and kept from a lot of heartbreak. Who knows what would have happened had we dated.

Love the Halloween costumes!! Rachel's makeup looked great!! But I agree you have to pick your battles. :rotfl: Already doing that with my 3 year old!! Lisa is the cutest witch there is!!

:love: Adorable!

Thank you! They loved all the attention they got last night and then again today when I took them to finally get their Halloween Pictures taken. I know what everyone means about trying to get their kids to cooperate in taking pictures. I'm going through that right now with James (the other 2 have it figured out if I smile I'm done faster and we can move on. :rotfl2:)

Glad you got to spend some time with your nephew trick or treating. He's adorable!! Emilie is a cutie too of course! So happy they are still moving forward on treatment and continue to pray for him.
Joining in! I cannot wait to read more, and I loved the pumpkin carvings!:yay:
:welcome: So glad you are joining us!

I am enjoying the lifes little moments that derail trip planning...thanks for all the great sharing!
Glad you are enjoying it, we are easily derailed, :rolleyes1 but should be back to planning soon!

Loving the Halloween pictures, Judy and Tracy.
Thanks! Did you have a good Halloween??

I love all the Halloween photos!

Tracy, Emile is so beautiful! His older brother is a doll too.

Today is Friday so that means there are house pictures!!

Thoughts and prayers to all.
I love the house pictures - love seeing the progress and the paint choices :thumbsup2

I love looking at all of the pictures from Halloween. Halloween was being a little rough again this year until I reminded myself that it marked 34 years of being cancer free. I got through the school party okay although I didn't put much effort into my costume. Usually I go as Mickey but couldn't do it this year. I just dressed in black and put on the pirate hat I got on the Disney cruise I took with my mom a few years ago. With the stress of losing my brother and the weather changes I have had a major flare up of my asthma and bronchitis. I started coughing and wheezing a little around last Thursday so I started nebulizer treatments. They weren't helping much, then Sunday I started a temp and the coughing/breathing got worse. When I got into see the doctor my O2 levels were down to 90 and my BP was up to 168/120:eek:. Ended up with 2 antibiotics and steroids again. I got a double dose of predizone 60mg for 3 days, 40 for 3days, then 20 for 3 days. Usually I get 30,20,10. I am feeling much better now. The nurse was worried about me passing out on the way back to the exam room. She asked if I had my inhaler in my purse. I didn't think I was that bad at the time! Since I wasn't contagious I was able to be at school which helps so much emotionally. My kiddos give me so many hugs and keep me busy I don't have time to think.
It has been a tough time for you :hug: I am glad that you were able to go school but hope you get some relief from your asthma & bronchitis. Praying for you. Congrats on 34 Years Cancer free :yay:

Tomorrow we're going to another local theme park with my brother in law and my niece and nephew. Haven't seen them in a while and the kids are excited to get to spend the day with them. Sunday we are staying home and doing nothing. Well maybe laundry but that's it!!

Thank you! They loved all the attention they got last night and then again today when I took them to finally get their Halloween Pictures taken. I know what everyone means about trying to get their kids to cooperate in taking pictures. I'm going through that right now with James (the other 2 have it figured out if I smile I'm done faster and we can move on. :rotfl2:)

Glad you got to spend some time with your nephew trick or treating. He's adorable!! Emilie is a cutie too of course! So happy they are still moving forward on treatment and continue to pray for him.
Hope you had a great day at the amusement part.
Thank you for the prayers!

Everyone's costumes are too cute! Hope you and DisNorth are having a good weekend!

I didn't go to the hospital today. I let my sister and brother-in-law go, I stayed home with my nephew. I'm developing a sore throat and don't want to spread any germs at the hospital. I'm flying out tomorrow. Going to miss my little guys! I probably won't see them again until Christmas.

Thank you, I agree!! :flower3:

That is funny Tonya!! Have YOU started a PTR yet and I missed it??? (That would be so like me)!!

It IS great to see Laura here...and you...and well, everybody! I am TRYING to keep up, I always start out doing okay...Thank goodness I have Tracy to help me this go round! :yay:

Ok I had to step back a moment. Things have certainly been against us going on this trip and trying to knock us down but we keep getting back up and are trying to make it work:) I am hoping to start my pre-trip report tonight as long as my hubby can keep Ty busy for me long enough for me to start it! But then again all he has to do is mention Knight Rider as he is all about that show! (remember Kit?) lol .I do need to catch up on both of your threads and hopefully I will get a chance to do that tonight as well. I hope your family is doing well. Prayers for you all! I would love to give you a call again soon!
Hope you had a great day at the amusement part.
Thank you for the prayers!

I didn't go to the hospital today. I let my sister and brother-in-law go, I stayed home with my nephew. I'm developing a sore throat and don't want to spread any germs at the hospital. I'm flying out tomorrow. Going to miss my little guys! I probably won't see them again until Christmas. [/SIZE][/COLOR]

We did have a great time today!! My brother in law came also with our niece and nephew and the kids all had a great time riding rides together and just being together!!

Feel better soon!! Have a safe trip home. I'm sure you know Christmas will be here before you know it and you'll be hugging those boys again very soon!!
Hi guys! So excited you have a new trip planned. Trying to catch up. October was a crazy stressful month so I am so far behind. Is it too late to donate for your walk for wishes? I can't find the link. Sometimes the iPad doesn't show everything.

I'm probably way far behind, so just popping in to say hi and I'll try to catch up later.
Happy Sunday everyone, I loved all the adorable pics of Halloween costumes, no trick or treaters on our street so the pics were the only costumes I saw, no damage on the street either which is a good thing, I get really tired of buying mailboxes due to damage from mean people! I don't decorate outside any more because I got tired of things being stolen! I live in a safe neighborhood but the thugs come from other areas to ruin things here.

Judy - I am packing for "the trip" soon, I heeded your thoughts for various temps and will put in a sweatshirt :) :) :) Just kidding, but it sure would be awesome to travel with the 7 dwarves, we would never stop laughing!
Happy Sunday. :goodvibes Love the Halloween photos. Judy, your children are incredibly photogenic and Tracy your nephews are so cute. I am anxious to hear how Lisa's appointment went when you have time Judy.
Love seeing all of our faithful friends and new readers. Thank you all! :goodvibes

Responses will have to wait; however, I wanted you all to know as soon as I could Lisa does NOT show any signs of Avascular Necrosis on her MRI! I am so happy, Praise God!! I tried to call Gail, she was going to update for me; however, when we arrived at our destination I couldn't get a signal. We have begun therapy to rehab her quads and will hope for a complete healing, she has missed her regular activities. She will probably be prone to more problems, d/t to all of the leg issues (femoral occlusion, smaller girth, leg length discrepancy). Just so thankful for legs. :goodvibes

Where were we this weekend?? VICTORY JUNCTION!!! We had a fabulous, unexpected weekend away. I had a call on Wednesday saying a family had canceled, did we want their spot? YES, PLEASE!!!! We left Friday directly from Lisa's appt.

We had a MARVELOUS weekend!! Lots of fun, 750 plus pics and a special request...stay tuned.



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