Sebastian's STRONG and SVELTE Under the Sea September W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge - All Welcome!

What goal or goals do you plan to work towards in September? Which ones are you going to track? And most important of all, what is your plan for achieving those goals?

I'm Lisa and a veteran of these challenges on the WISH boards coming back after a hiatus. :goodvibes I am a card carrying member of the sandwich generation. :crowded: I use this for an excuse why I don't reach my weight loss goals. :sad2:

My goal for September is to lose 5 pounds. I have been stuck in this decade FOREVER and want to find myself solidly in the middle of the next one by the end of the month. I'll use my Aria FitBit scale to measure and that will be the goal I am reporting here. I also have an exercise goal on the exercise thread. I will continue to follow my WW plan to lose this month. I attend meetings and also have two personal coaches on WW. They have helped me to come up with action plans to meet my WW goals.

I joined the challenge this month to give myself a little more accountability and to publicly set that goal of 5 pounds this month. I may not be posting too often but I will be like Roz . . . watching, always watching. :cool2:
Yes I know. That's something I'm aware of. And that is true in the long term picture. But since I'm mainly focused on next month right now, this is what I need to do for my body. I am not one who can just "cut back" on carbs. So if I want to lose any weight whatsoever, this is how I need to do it.
Oh....I didn't mean my comment as any kind of criticism. Sorry. I was just passing along some info I found informative.
I really like this goal! Someday I need to figure out exactly how it is that my "fitty" calculates active minutes. Right now it is a huge mystery to me.
The way I understand it is that active minutes are now calculated (as of April 2015) by 10 minutes or more of sustained activity that is of moderate to intense activity, its based on MET's (metabolic equilalents) - a body at rest is 1 MET, anything over 3 MET's for 10 continuous minutes or more count as active minutes. Before April 2015 I would see active minutes with just 1 minute of fast walking, now its 10 minutes! I don't bother to try to remember it all, I just look at my fitbit dashboard and am happy when I meet my goal for the day which I have set at 40 minutes per day, I started at 10 minutes a day!

But today, this first day of this new month I am happy to say that I have 114 minutes out of my 1200 for the month done, that translate to 285% of my goal of 40 minutes :) Tomorrow it won't be that high since I have to work 12 hours :(
Now a little more of my boring story of obesity! I was a normal size kid until about 5th grade, I starting getting larger and larger thru my teen years and by the time I graduated from nursing school I had to have an insert put in my graduation white uniform! I even had one instructor tell me she would FAIL me in her course due to my size thinking that would make me be scared and lose weight - and she was not thin, normal sized or even just a little pudgy mind you! Not only didn't it make me lose weight it only made things worse.

Over the years I have lost 100 pounds THREE times..............but it keeps finding me :) My highest weight ever was 330 and I will not allow myself to EVER get back to that weight again! I know all the right things to eat, the right ways to exercise but I simply don't do a good job of getting weight off now (mid 50's) like I did when I was younger. I don't believe in fad diets, I don't believe bariatric surgery is the answer for me although for others it might be what works to make that person healthier. I don't believe in diet pills of any sort - I have seen too many bad things happen due to use of the diet pills and I won't do that to myself. I have done food logs, worked out either by walking, swimming, or going to the gym 7 days a week and my body became rather upset with me because I over did things! Now as I get older my body isn't happy with me on any given day due to the damage I have inflicted upon myself from being so large for so long, my back is shot from my weight and 35 years of nursing! I have so many health issues that I just shake my head but I don't let things stop me, I might adapt the way I do things but I get things done. I walk when I can walk, something that I have just been able to return to for exercise in the past 2 months. I ride my exercise bike on the days I work or can't walk due to pain.

About 3 years ago my best friend bought herself a Fitbit Flex, she and I are about the same size, and she offered to buy me one so we could work on our health together, we have logged thousands and thousands of steps and almost 2000 miles (she actually has more than I do, near 3000) since then. We challenge each other to stay in the lead daily, we encourage each other to eat better, to walk/ride, to drink enough water etc. We might not be a lot smaller but we sure are healthier. Our recent lab results were very good, our activity level is better than its been in many, many years - just today we increased our Fitty goal to 10,000 steps per day - we both have had health issues that made us lower it over the years and slowly but surely we are back to where we want to be :)

Our friends don't believe us when we say we walk as much as we can when we are on vacation - until we show them our Fitbit dashboard for our vacation time. October 2012 on our 10 day Disney trip we had over 50 miles logged - this was 6 months after my back surgery and 12 months after her Achilles Tendon surgery which required a long rehab. Last October we went to Las Vegas - and walked the strip daily , sometimes twice a day! The only time we used a cab was to get back to our hotel at night because it wasn't possible to get there by walking (no sidewalks on dark roads) and we had to take the hotel shuttle to the strip every day since it wasn't really safe then either (no sidewalks on a frontage road by the highway). 75 miles walking miles later we were home, not much you say in 11 days but - 2 days were spent in a van going to the Grand Canyon, 2 days were travel days to and from Vegas so with that in mind it meant 75 miles walking in 7 days - not too shabby for 2 middle aged Pooh size women!

Next up for us is 14 days in Orlando :) Our condo is <1 mile from the convention center and we plan to walk to / from a convention daily. We will walk to any dining location the is 2 miles or less from the Condo. We will walk as much as we possibly can in WDW, Sea World and Discovery Cove - but most of our time there will be active by swimming/snorkeling!

Sometimes I think we should just be a little pink bunny beating a drum! We keep on going and going, we might slow down a little now and then but we recharge our "batteries" with rest, nice meals, time in the pool and we are ready to go again!
I'm Lisa and a veteran of these challenges on the WISH boards coming back after a hiatus. :goodvibes I am a card carrying member of the sandwich generation. :crowded: I use this for an excuse why I don't reach my weight loss goals. :sad2:

Welcome back! In spite of only having half of the sandwich to stress me out (my only children are of the furry variety), I too often blame sandwiches for failure to reach my weight loss goals (haha). In all seriousness, it is hard to be pulled in all different directions and I wish you the best in your journey!

I joined the challenge this month to give myself a little more accountability and to publicly set that goal of 5 pounds this month. I may not be posting too often but I will be like Roz . . . watching, always watching. :cool2:

We will make sure to be on our best behavior!

The way I understand it is that active minutes are now calculated (as of April 2015) by 10 minutes or more of sustained activity that is of moderate to intense activity, its based on MET's (metabolic equilalents) - a body at rest is 1 MET, anything over 3 MET's for 10 continuous minutes or more count as active minutes. Before April 2015 I would see active minutes with just 1 minute of fast walking, now its 10 minutes! I don't bother to try to remember it all, I just look at my fitbit dashboard and am happy when I meet my goal for the day which I have set at 40 minutes per day, I started at 10 minutes a day!

But today, this first day of this new month I am happy to say that I have 114 minutes out of my 1200 for the month done, that translate to 285% of my goal of 40 minutes :) Tomorrow it won't be that high since I have to work 12 hours :(

Thank you! That absolutely explains the vast discrepancies in my active minutes from day to day!

Now a little more of my boring story of obesity! I was a normal size kid until about 5th grade, I starting getting larger and larger thru my teen years and by the time I graduated from nursing school I had to have an insert put in my graduation white uniform! I even had one instructor tell me she would FAIL me in her course due to my size thinking that would make me be scared and lose weight - and she was not thin, normal sized or even just a little pudgy mind you! Not only didn't it make me lose weight it only made things worse.

Over the years I have lost 100 pounds THREE times..............but it keeps finding me :) My highest weight ever was 330 and I will not allow myself to EVER get back to that weight again! I know all the right things to eat, the right ways to exercise but I simply don't do a good job of getting weight off now (mid 50's) like I did when I was younger. I don't believe in fad diets, I don't believe bariatric surgery is the answer for me although for others it might be what works to make that person healthier. I don't believe in diet pills of any sort - I have seen too many bad things happen due to use of the diet pills and I won't do that to myself. I have done food logs, worked out either by walking, swimming, or going to the gym 7 days a week and my body became rather upset with me because I over did things! Now as I get older my body isn't happy with me on any given day due to the damage I have inflicted upon myself from being so large for so long, my back is shot from my weight and 35 years of nursing! I have so many health issues that I just shake my head but I don't let things stop me, I might adapt the way I do things but I get things done. I walk when I can walk, something that I have just been able to return to for exercise in the past 2 months. I ride my exercise bike on the days I work or can't walk due to pain.

About 3 years ago my best friend bought herself a Fitbit Flex, she and I are about the same size, and she offered to buy me one so we could work on our health together, we have logged thousands and thousands of steps and almost 2000 miles (she actually has more than I do, near 3000) since then. We challenge each other to stay in the lead daily, we encourage each other to eat better, to walk/ride, to drink enough water etc. We might not be a lot smaller but we sure are healthier. Our recent lab results were very good, our activity level is better than its been in many, many years - just today we increased our Fitty goal to 10,000 steps per day - we both have had health issues that made us lower it over the years and slowly but surely we are back to where we want to be :)

Our friends don't believe us when we say we walk as much as we can when we are on vacation - until we show them our Fitbit dashboard for our vacation time. October 2012 on our 10 day Disney trip we had over 50 miles logged - this was 6 months after my back surgery and 12 months after her Achilles Tendon surgery which required a long rehab. Last October we went to Las Vegas - and walked the strip daily , sometimes twice a day! The only time we used a cab was to get back to our hotel at night because it wasn't possible to get there by walking (no sidewalks on dark roads) and we had to take the hotel shuttle to the strip every day since it wasn't really safe then either (no sidewalks on a frontage road by the highway). 75 miles walking miles later we were home, not much you say in 11 days but - 2 days were spent in a van going to the Grand Canyon, 2 days were travel days to and from Vegas so with that in mind it meant 75 miles walking in 7 days - not too shabby for 2 middle aged Pooh size women!

Next up for us is 14 days in Orlando :) Our condo is <1 mile from the convention center and we plan to walk to / from a convention daily. We will walk to any dining location the is 2 miles or less from the Condo. We will walk as much as we possibly can in WDW, Sea World and Discovery Cove - but most of our time there will be active by swimming/snorkeling!

Sometimes I think we should just be a little pink bunny beating a drum! We keep on going and going, we might slow down a little now and then but we recharge our "batteries" with rest, nice meals, time in the pool and we are ready to go again!

You do indeed sound like the Energizer bunnies! I love the friendly competition!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:
We challenge each other to stay in the lead daily, we encourage each other to eat better, to walk/ride, to drink enough water etc.

I love this and your entire story! Your friendship is so wonderful and it's great that you have someone like your friend in your life. Isn't it so much easier to do this with a partner/friend? That's what I also love about this group - I feel like I am not alone and have a support cheerleading squad as I continue on the path to a better self.

It's Woo Hoo Wednesday!!! Today's QOTD? What's your WOOHOO for the day?

Bonus QOTD: Do you say please or thank you when using Siri, Cortana, or your digital assistant of choice?

It's Woo Hoo Wednesday!!! Today's QOTD? What's your WOOHOO for the day?

Bonus QOTD: Do you say please or thank you when using Siri, Cortana, or your digital assistant of choice?

My woohoo for the day is that as of last night, I had SEVEN days in a row under my MFP net calorie goal!!


Bonus QOTD: Yes, always. My nightly conversations with Siri generally go something like this

Me: Siri, please wake me up at 6:30.
Siri: I've set an alarm for 6:30 a.m.
Me: Thank you, Siri.
Siri: Anytime, Maggie.
DH: Oh my god. Siri doesn't care whether you thank her.
Me: She's my friend. Of course I'm going to thank her! Siri, are you my friend?
Siri: I'm your friend as well as your digital personal assistant, Maggie.
It's Woo Hoo Wednesday!!! Today's QOTD? What's your WOOHOO for the day?

My WooHoo has a few parts so far, and will hopefully have more soon.
Part 1 - I woke up
Part 2 - I got out of bed
Part 3 - I made my bed
Part 4 - I got dressed
I'm hoping to add my morning prayers and breakfast to that list within the next hour or so (it took my an hour to get that much done!). I'm hoping that after the coffee it'll all seem like a good idea.
Today is really one of those days when I could have stayed in bed in my pajamas all day (I'm just tired and a little cranky), but I knew I would regret it, so I got up and started going through my day, even though I'd rather be in bed.

Bonus QOTD: Do you say please or thank you when using Siri, Cortana, or your digital assistant of choice?

I use Google Now, which isn't so person-like, so I don't always (although occasionally I do). When I use Siri on my sister's phone I sometimes say please and thank you, but Siri is mean to me sometimes and sometimes I want to be mean back.
Now a little more of my boring story of obesity! I was a normal size kid until about 5th grade, I starting getting larger and larger thru my teen years and by the time I graduated from nursing school I had to have an insert put in my graduation white uniform! I even had one instructor tell me she would FAIL me in her course due to my size thinking that would make me be scared and lose weight - and she was not thin, normal sized or even just a little pudgy mind you! Not only didn't it make me lose weight it only made things worse.

Over the years I have lost 100 pounds THREE times..............but it keeps finding me :) My highest weight ever was 330 and I will not allow myself to EVER get back to that weight again! I know all the right things to eat, the right ways to exercise but I simply don't do a good job of getting weight off now (mid 50's) like I did when I was younger. I don't believe in fad diets, I don't believe bariatric surgery is the answer for me although for others it might be what works to make that person healthier. I don't believe in diet pills of any sort - I have seen too many bad things happen due to use of the diet pills and I won't do that to myself. I have done food logs, worked out either by walking, swimming, or going to the gym 7 days a week and my body became rather upset with me because I over did things! Now as I get older my body isn't happy with me on any given day due to the damage I have inflicted upon myself from being so large for so long, my back is shot from my weight and 35 years of nursing! I have so many health issues that I just shake my head but I don't let things stop me, I might adapt the way I do things but I get things done. I walk when I can walk, something that I have just been able to return to for exercise in the past 2 months. I ride my exercise bike on the days I work or can't walk due to pain.

About 3 years ago my best friend bought herself a Fitbit Flex, she and I are about the same size, and she offered to buy me one so we could work on our health together, we have logged thousands and thousands of steps and almost 2000 miles (she actually has more than I do, near 3000) since then. We challenge each other to stay in the lead daily, we encourage each other to eat better, to walk/ride, to drink enough water etc. We might not be a lot smaller but we sure are healthier. Our recent lab results were very good, our activity level is better than its been in many, many years - just today we increased our Fitty goal to 10,000 steps per day - we both have had health issues that made us lower it over the years and slowly but surely we are back to where we want to be :)

Our friends don't believe us when we say we walk as much as we can when we are on vacation - until we show them our Fitbit dashboard for our vacation time. October 2012 on our 10 day Disney trip we had over 50 miles logged - this was 6 months after my back surgery and 12 months after her Achilles Tendon surgery which required a long rehab. Last October we went to Las Vegas - and walked the strip daily , sometimes twice a day! The only time we used a cab was to get back to our hotel at night because it wasn't possible to get there by walking (no sidewalks on dark roads) and we had to take the hotel shuttle to the strip every day since it wasn't really safe then either (no sidewalks on a frontage road by the highway). 75 miles walking miles later we were home, not much you say in 11 days but - 2 days were spent in a van going to the Grand Canyon, 2 days were travel days to and from Vegas so with that in mind it meant 75 miles walking in 7 days - not too shabby for 2 middle aged Pooh size women!

Next up for us is 14 days in Orlando :) Our condo is <1 mile from the convention center and we plan to walk to / from a convention daily. We will walk to any dining location the is 2 miles or less from the Condo. We will walk as much as we possibly can in WDW, Sea World and Discovery Cove - but most of our time there will be active by swimming/snorkeling!

Sometimes I think we should just be a little pink bunny beating a drum! We keep on going and going, we might slow down a little now and then but we recharge our "batteries" with rest, nice meals, time in the pool and we are ready to go again!
Thanks for sharing your story. I too have had multiple health issues that have affected my ability to exercise. I had plantar fasciitis for seven months, excruciating to walk. At the same time, I had knee issues and couldn't walk for a year. I did have orthoscopic surgery on one and it helped a little but not a lot. Once I could walk a bit more, I started taking off weight. I can now walk quite a bit more than I used to but not without pain....I just do what I can. I agree with your feeling about the surgery for weight loss. I've watched and read numerous things on the bariatric surgery procedures and found that unless people change their eating habits, most put the weight back on. So...good for you that you and your friend can incorporate all this walking into your lifestyle. Keep on going! Hopefully this site will give you some additional ideas to get the weight down. My knees are a whole lot better since losing the extra weight. Welcome to our site!
Goal: Lose 5 pounds. I recently rejoined WW; the point system and tracking have worked well for me in the past. The first week, I lost 2.6 and the second week 1.2 following the program faithfully, not using any weekly or activity points. I guess this is my "new normal"- now that I'm in my 50's, the weight will come off slowly.

Plan: track intake, taking in 26 points daily. Exercise 20-40 minutes 5 days/week.

Obstacles: vacation next week
Working the night shift - so hungry when I leave work at 7am
Plan for obstacles - check out menus online and choose healthy options while on vacation/ take half portion home.
- have banana after work, get some sleep.
Let's get this party started with our September 1 Question of the Day (QOTD)!

September is still a few hours away but I know that we are all busy formulating our goals for the month and our plans for how to get there.

To Achieve a Goal, a Dream, a Wish, You Must Plan It out for Success!
-Voltaire (Candide)
What goal or goals do you plan to work towards in September? Which ones are you going to track? And most important of all, what is your plan for achieving those goals?

One piece of advice.... Consulting a sea witch is probably not the best plan for realizing your dreams but anything else is fair game!

My GOAL for September is to lose 6 pounds. That will put me just a HAIR below my WW maintenance range and put my waistline back in its "happy place". It may sound like very little to some folks, but since I am so close to my maintenance range, it will take some hard work to lose those pounds.

My PLAN for achieving that goal is DEDICATION to my WW lifestyle..... back to "week one" mentality of weighing and measuring EVERYTHING, tracking EVERYTHING, and NO CHEATS! No little bites, licks, nibbles!! That will also mean being more diligent with the recipes I use when I make dinner for the family. Some of my recipes I've never taken the time to figure out exactly the PointsPlus values or the serving size.... I've just guesstimated over the years (I'm actually pretty good at it)...... but time to BUCKLE DOWN and figure them out. Also need to reduce my coffee/caffeine and increase my water and green tea. And the evening eating needs to end before 7pm (I've been much better about that in the past few months, but have slacked off a bit recently).

Exercise..... my "achilles heel" if you will..... hate it, loathe it, find every excuse to avoid it. I'm made multitudes of promises to you all and to myself this year and have kept up with exactly ZERO of them. Not sure what to do regarding that.

THANKS TO ALL for the warm welcome back! I have missed this group! I had a bunch of replies ready to go, but we have been having computer troubles here and they poofed away. It is weird problem with the mouse actually..... both of our cordless mice stopped working properly so we plugged in a corded mouse and the "click" doesn't work right..... sometimes it is a double click (even when you just quickly click once) and sometimes it doesn't click at all and sometimes it clicks, highlights, and deletes all at once!! ARRRGGHHH.... not sure how to fix it since it seem to be a mouse-related issue. Gotta call tech support if my men don't figure it out soon!

Anyhooo..... off to be productive on my FIRST DAY OFF of the season!! (BTW, that is my WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!) TTY all soon....................P
Goal: Lose 5 pounds. I recently rejoined WW; the point system and tracking have worked well for me in the past. The first week, I lost 2.6 and the second week 1.2 following the program faithfully, not using any weekly or activity points. I guess this is my "new normal"- now that I'm in my 50's, the weight will come off slowly.

Plan: track intake, taking in 26 points daily. Exercise 20-40 minutes 5 days/week.

Obstacles: vacation next week
Working the night shift - so hungry when I leave work at 7am
Plan for obstacles - check out menus online and choose healthy options while on vacation/ take half portion home.
- have banana after work, get some sleep.
Great Plan....looking at menu's ahead is a really good idea. Out to eat is very challenging. I also like to take half portions home. My sweetheart and I did that yesterday. Took half of the fish home and had it with a small salad and watermelon drizzled with chocolate balsamic for lunch the next day. Not always possible while on vacation but eating smaller portions, like at Disney, is my upcoming plan.
My GOAL for September is to lose 6 pounds. That will put me just a HAIR below my WW maintenance range and put my waistline back in its "happy place". It may sound like very little to some folks, but since I am so close to my maintenance range, it will take some hard work to lose those pounds.

My PLAN for achieving that goal is DEDICATION to my WW lifestyle..... back to "week one" mentality of weighing and measuring EVERYTHING, tracking EVERYTHING, and NO CHEATS! No little bites, licks, nibbles!! That will also mean being more diligent with the recipes I use when I make dinner for the family. Some of my recipes I've never taken the time to figure out exactly the PointsPlus values or the serving size.... I've just guesstimated over the years (I'm actually pretty good at it)...... but time to BUCKLE DOWN and figure them out. Also need to reduce my coffee/caffeine and increase my water and green tea. And the evening eating needs to end before 7pm (I've been much better about that in the past few months, but have slacked off a bit recently).

Exercise..... my "achilles heel" if you will..... hate it, loathe it, find every excuse to avoid it. I'm made multitudes of promises to you all and to myself this year and have kept up with exactly ZERO of them. Not sure what to do regarding that.

THANKS TO ALL for the warm welcome back! I have missed this group! I had a bunch of replies ready to go, but we have been having computer troubles here and they poofed away. It is weird problem with the mouse actually..... both of our cordless mice stopped working properly so we plugged in a corded mouse and the "click" doesn't work right..... sometimes it is a double click (even when you just quickly click once) and sometimes it doesn't click at all and sometimes it clicks, highlights, and deletes all at once!! ARRRGGHHH.... not sure how to fix it since it seem to be a mouse-related issue. Gotta call tech support if my men don't figure it out soon!

Anyhooo..... off to be productive on my FIRST DAY OFF of the season!! (BTW, that is my WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!) TTY all soon....................P
Boy, can I relate to the exercise feelings you are having. Have had them all my life...ugh! I did join the gym and am figuring out how to increase my joy....LOL. So far, it's good, but it's only month two and thinking of this as a life time commitment is monumental. I'll try to share how I make my work-out's more pleasurable as I go along. Perhaps this will help others and it will help me to be mindful about how to keep increasing my joy (I hope!)
It's Woo Hoo Wednesday!!! Today's QOTD? What's your WOOHOO for the day?

Bonus QOTD: Do you say please or thank you when using Siri, Cortana, or your digital assistant of choice?

My WOOHOO of the day: Making it through the check out line at Wegmans with out getting any treats! I forgot a post-workout snack for after the gym. Usually when this happens I would talk myself into how I "needed" a candy bar or the like, but today, I left without buying anything. In full disclosure, I did not starve myself. I had stopped on the way in at Sturbucks, but I only got a latte with nonfat milk. I figured the milk would provide some carbs and protein. Usually I would have gotten the coffee and the candy bar, so this was an improvement! I guess the fact that I did finally get my butt to the gym is another WOOHOO, but skipping the candy bar feels bigger to me.

Bonus QOTD: I always say thank you to Siri, but not usually please ;)
I wrote yesterday of my best friend and our friendly challenges.......what I didn't write was that we live 700 miles apart! But I visit her monthly and at least twice a year she and I leave her old, grumpy husband home and take a 2 week vacation together..........which is Orlando in just 20 days........NOT that I am counting.

Something that we did after we started using our Fitbit on a cruise in August 2013 was we pay $5.00 per day for every day we meet our step goal, one month she pays, one month I pay! We have a joint savings account we call our Vacation Fund that we contribute $100 every paycheck (biweekly) plus the "step money".........needless to say we have done 10 days in Nashville, 11 days in Vegas, and have 14 days in Orlando (coming up) .......all of which is 100% paid for before we arrive at our location :) It also allows us to take weekend trips to Lancaster, PA every 3 months or so. So we walk/ride/workout/pool walk etc to make ourselves healthier then we play really hard and have a great time! I would have never thought I would find my best friend 15 years ago on a cruise (again, nursing education) out on the West Coast - and find out we live just 700 miles apart! Our lives have been so similar with family, jobs etc we just laugh about it. We have been there thru thick and thin, some surgeries , the death of both of her parents and we have our own physical issues but every day we both wake up, put our feet on the floor no matter how much we hurt and say a prayer to God to thank him for waking us up that day, in our jobs that is not always the case!
My WooHoo has a few parts so far, and will hopefully have more soon.
Part 1 - I woke up
Part 2 - I got out of bed
Part 3 - I made my bed
Part 4 - I got dressed
I'm hoping to add my morning prayers and breakfast to that list within the next hour or so (it took my an hour to get that much done!). I'm hoping that after the coffee it'll all seem like a good idea.
Today is really one of those days when I could have stayed in bed in my pajamas all day (I'm just tired and a little cranky), but I knew I would regret it, so I got up and started going through my day, even though I'd rather be in bed.

I use Google Now, which isn't so person-like, so I don't always (although occasionally I do). When I use Siri on my sister's phone I sometimes say please and thank you, but Siri is mean to me sometimes and sometimes I want to be mean back.

I hope you continued to power through your day! And yes, Siri is a little mean. And quick to call you on anything mean you say in response.

Goal: Lose 5 pounds. I recently rejoined WW; the point system and tracking have worked well for me in the past. The first week, I lost 2.6 and the second week 1.2 following the program faithfully, not using any weekly or activity points. I guess this is my "new normal"- now that I'm in my 50's, the weight will come off slowly.

Plan: track intake, taking in 26 points daily. Exercise 20-40 minutes 5 days/week.

Obstacles: vacation next week
Working the night shift - so hungry when I leave work at 7am
Plan for obstacles - check out menus online and choose healthy options while on vacation/ take half portion home.
- have banana after work, get some sleep.

Great goal and plan! I really like your plan to pick your meals in advance.

My GOAL for September is to lose 6 pounds. That will put me just a HAIR below my WW maintenance range and put my waistline back in its "happy place". It may sound like very little to some folks, but since I am so close to my maintenance range, it will take some hard work to lose those pounds.

My PLAN for achieving that goal is DEDICATION to my WW lifestyle..... back to "week one" mentality of weighing and measuring EVERYTHING, tracking EVERYTHING, and NO CHEATS! No little bites, licks, nibbles!! That will also mean being more diligent with the recipes I use when I make dinner for the family. Some of my recipes I've never taken the time to figure out exactly the PointsPlus values or the serving size.... I've just guesstimated over the years (I'm actually pretty good at it)...... but time to BUCKLE DOWN and figure them out. Also need to reduce my coffee/caffeine and increase my water and green tea. And the evening eating needs to end before 7pm (I've been much better about that in the past few months, but have slacked off a bit recently).

Exercise..... my "achilles heel" if you will..... hate it, loathe it, find every excuse to avoid it. I'm made multitudes of promises to you all and to myself this year and have kept up with exactly ZERO of them. Not sure what to do regarding that.

THANKS TO ALL for the warm welcome back! I have missed this group! I had a bunch of replies ready to go, but we have been having computer troubles here and they poofed away. It is weird problem with the mouse actually..... both of our cordless mice stopped working properly so we plugged in a corded mouse and the "click" doesn't work right..... sometimes it is a double click (even when you just quickly click once) and sometimes it doesn't click at all and sometimes it clicks, highlights, and deletes all at once!! ARRRGGHHH.... not sure how to fix it since it seem to be a mouse-related issue. Gotta call tech support if my men don't figure it out soon!

Anyhooo..... off to be productive on my FIRST DAY OFF of the season!! (BTW, that is my WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!) TTY all soon....................P

I hope you enjoyed your day off! And that your mouse problems get resolved.

I too loathe exercise. I'm looking forward everyone's tips on how to make it palatable.

Boy, can I relate to the exercise feelings you are having. Have had them all my life...ugh! I did join the gym and am figuring out how to increase my joy....LOL. So far, it's good, but it's only month two and thinking of this as a life time commitment is monumental. I'll try to share how I make my work-out's more pleasurable as I go along. Perhaps this will help others and it will help me to be mindful about how to keep increasing my joy (I hope!)

LOVE the idea of exercise being joyful. I welcome your insights!

Today begins move-in day - we pick up our keys after work!:cool1:

We packed up the cars last night with the kitchen and bathroom things we wanted to bring over. Super excited to see our new place today.:jumping1:

Woohoo! I hope the big move goes smoothly!!

My WOOHOO of the day: Making it through the check out line at Wegmans with out getting any treats! I forgot a post-workout snack for after the gym. Usually when this happens I would talk myself into how I "needed" a candy bar or the like, but today, I left without buying anything. In full disclosure, I did not starve myself. I had stopped on the way in at Sturbucks, but I only got a latte with nonfat milk. I figured the milk would provide some carbs and protein. Usually I would have gotten the coffee and the candy bar, so this was an improvement! I guess the fact that I did finally get my butt to the gym is another WOOHOO, but skipping the candy bar feels bigger to me.

Bonus QOTD: I always say thank you to Siri, but not usually please ;)

That is a huge woohoo!

I wrote yesterday of my best friend and our friendly challenges.......what I didn't write was that we live 700 miles apart! But I visit her monthly and at least twice a year she and I leave her old, grumpy husband home and take a 2 week vacation together..........which is Orlando in just 20 days........NOT that I am counting.

Something that we did after we started using our Fitbit on a cruise in August 2013 was we pay $5.00 per day for every day we meet our step goal, one month she pays, one month I pay! We have a joint savings account we call our Vacation Fund that we contribute $100 every paycheck (biweekly) plus the "step money".........needless to say we have done 10 days in Nashville, 11 days in Vegas, and have 14 days in Orlando (coming up) .......all of which is 100% paid for before we arrive at our location :) It also allows us to take weekend trips to Lancaster, PA every 3 months or so. So we walk/ride/workout/pool walk etc to make ourselves healthier then we play really hard and have a great time! I would have never thought I would find my best friend 15 years ago on a cruise (again, nursing education) out on the West Coast - and find out we live just 700 miles apart! Our lives have been so similar with family, jobs etc we just laugh about it. We have been there thru thick and thin, some surgeries , the death of both of her parents and we have our own physical issues but every day we both wake up, put our feet on the floor no matter how much we hurt and say a prayer to God to thank him for waking us up that day, in our jobs that is not always the case!

This made me tear up a bit. You and your best friend are awesome!!


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