Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Southernmiss....congrats on the future pharmacist. My daughter graduated in 2014 with her doctorate from MCPHS in Boston and she works in retail pharmacy. She manages a store for a major chain in Virginia. She would work summers and school breaks at a small family pharmacy in Pennsylvania and really got hands on training from the owner who oversaw everything that she was doing and offered suggestions. She actually was offered a job at the pharmacy at the port in St. Thomas while we were on a Disney cruise...we happened to be in there buying something else and there was a woman there who was having difficulty deciding which cold medicine to buy with her high blood pressure. My DD gave her advice and the owner came over and asked her how she knew this information and they got in a conversation and he offered her a job at graduation. Would have been nice to have someone living on St. Thomas to vacation but Virginia is just as good (LOL!). I will admit that retail pharmacy is tough...I can't believe some of the stories that she tells me!
That [Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, founded in 1823] is a popular school in these parts! For Nursing, too.
It is truly a great experience for him! Yes, he is in his 6th year of pharmacy school. The hospital he works in is not affiliated with the medical school. This is a part time job for him. But the hospital hires students in pharmacy school for these positions.

He loves it. It has been so good for him to get a 'taste' of his profession while finishing school.

Next year he will do rotations in a variety of settings around our state. And will graduate with a doctorate in pharmacy. He is hoping to get a pharmacy residency after graduation.

He has so enjoyed working in the hospital that he would love to be a hospital pharmacist after he graduates.
A very good friend is the head Hospital pharmacist fir our city’s main hospital ( in Germany- sorry can’t hook you up 😀) but from my observation it’s a great career. He is very happy and admits himself his stress levels are a fraction of his medical counterparts at management level. Trying to get son to go the Pharma / chemical route ( with a touch data science). That’s the future.
I think that MCPHS is the second oldest pharmacy school in the country (the first being Philadelphia College of Pharmacy)--I think that it was originally called Boston College of Pharmacy (or something like that)--we actually have a Pharmacy school not 20 miles from us (Wilkes) but she wanted to go away to college. She got in all of the schools that she applied to (Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Northeastern and MCPHS) but she fell in love with Boston and had a good 6 years there (and has the student loans to prove it!!). She would have loved to stay in that area but the cost of living is just so high there that she would have had to live on the outskirts and commute every day into the city and she could probably never own her own home. She lives in Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains and it certainly took her a long time to get adjusted to rural life (coming from 24/7 Boston) but she was able to buy a home and now considers that area home. I think that they renamed the college to MCPHS University after she graduated. The coolest thing for us was that she graduated from Gillette stadium (and they told us at the time that they were the first school to ever do this...supposed the president of MCPHS, Charles Monahan is a friend of Robert Kraft (who I think owns the Patriots?) We had never been to a Major League football stadium before.
Meanwhile, in my fair city:

Maybe we should all start loitering in drug stores on the off chance they have a few spare doses laying around.
I'm not above that. I've heard that's how a number of people are getting them in other settings.

As I was checking in yesterday morning, a man walked in and tried to check in next to me. He said, “I’m 82 years old and I heard that you have vaccines and you might have some extra.” The volunteer who was handing out paperwork looked at the hospital employee who was looking up my insurance info in the computer and he told her to go ask. As I was exiting the conference room he was heading in so I observed one 82 year old talk his way into a shot yesterday.
As I was checking in yesterday morning, a man walked in and tried to check in next to me. He said, “I’m 82 years old and I heard that you have vaccines and you might have some extra.” The volunteer who was handing out paperwork looked at the hospital employee who was looking up my insurance info in the computer and he told her to go ask. As I was exiting the conference room he was heading in so I observed one 82 year old talk his way into a shot yesterday.

Happy for him, but it really ticks me off. They're slow-rolling vaccine administration, and apparently you can talk your way into a shot or you can run down to the local Walgreens if you're lucky enough to have a friend text you. Meanwhile, my brother, sister and BIL with multiple health issues have all tested positive in the last week and are really struggling with it. To say I'm frustrated is a huge understatement.
We really don't know if anyone has underlying conditions. If someone can get the vaccine and wants it, they should be able to get it.

Our 23 year old son is a hospital pharmacy tech. He was #29 at his hospital to get an appointment for his vaccine.

To many here, he probably should have been further back in line. However, in his hospital he does see patients in their room to explain medications and side effects. He does deliver extra meds and is present in the room for cardiac episodes ( he has been in the room with the med cart as 2 cardiac patients died).

From the outside, he looks very healthy. But he does have asthma, lung fibrosing from an odd fungal infection 3 years ago, and a congenital heart issue, that to date has been a non issue.

I am grateful that through lucky circumstances for him, he was in the front of the line.

Kid had so many recent years of bad luck, that it was time for some good luck.
So glad he was able to be vaccinated!
Happy for him, but it really ticks me off. They're slow-rolling vaccine administration, and apparently you can talk your way into a shot or you can run down to the local Walgreens if you're lucky enough to have a friend text you. Meanwhile, my brother, sister and BIL with multiple health issues have all tested positive in the last week and are really struggling with it. To say I'm frustrated is a huge understatement.

I share your frustration. I was happy to get it and I qualify and I’ve been teaching in person since August BUT I still question that it was “my turn” already. I honestly would have preferred for my mom to have gotten it so that she wouldn’t remain trapped at home. I get it though, she can stay home and I can’t.
I share your frustration. I was happy to get it and I qualify and I’ve been teaching in person since August BUT I still question that it was “my turn” already. I honestly would have preferred for my mom to have gotten it so that she wouldn’t remain trapped at home. I get it though, she can stay home and I can’t.
As much as I want our older at risk population to get it yesterday, I also whole heartedly support teachers being at or near the front of the line. I'm kind of shocked that's not the case for so many states after the way education has suffered for the past year. As anxious as I am to get it, I would give my spot to anybody teaching in person.
As much as I want our older at risk population to get it yesterday, I also whole heartedly support teachers being at or near the front of the line. I'm kind of shocked that's not the case for so many states after the way education has suffered for the past year. As anxious as I am to get it, I would give my spot to anybody teaching in person.
I'm wondering if most places that have teachers as a subgroup if they will get all of them or separate out the ones that are remote teaching and don't come into the schools sorta like how some hospitals have been using customer facing or high risk COVID interaction related vs not.

The basic premise of a teacher getting covid and unable to teach is still the same regardless but there's been enough posters concerned that the spread is happening from student to teacher with in-person or with the teachers in-person passing it to each other that I don't know if there should or should not be a subgroup within a subgroup if that makes sense.
I'm wondering if most places that have teachers as a subgroup if they will get all of them or separate out the ones that are remote teaching and don't come into the schools sorta like how some hospitals have been using customer facing or high risk COVID interaction related vs not.

The basic premise of a teacher getting covid and unable to teach is still the same regardless but there's been enough posters concerned that the spread is happening from student to teacher with in-person or with the teachers in-person passing it to each other that I don't know if there should or should not be a subgroup within a subgroup if that makes sense.
Except someone teaching online from home is in control of their exposure. The ones in classrooms have so much out of their control.
Except someone teaching online from home is in control of their exposure. The ones in classrooms have so much out of their control.
Oh I know that's why I was wondering actually because the exposure is different for teachers that do not come in contact with other teachers or students. A lot of people here have been talking about blanket recommendations like all people of X subgroup it's why I wondered if the places that have teachers as an actual called out group are separating them out or just having them all get it. That would go into my strategy comment I made earlier I suppose.
Near closing time!
Ours is 24/7 but I think the pharmacy is business hours. They are actually our “quick care” for our insurance with nurses/PAs at some. It’s more like a triage type of thing. My DH sliced his hand open (so bad he wouldn’t even let me look at it) and had to go there to get sent to the ER.
I have 2 Walgreens and 1 CVS within 4 miles of me. Maybe DH and I need to divide and conquer!I also received an email from Albertson’s that they will being giving Covid vaccinations. Soon. One stop shopping, get vaccinated and then get ingredients for the dinner all during the same trip.

Switching gears, I was dismayed to hear a report that seniors in Florida (not sure what city) waited for hours and even overnight in line to get a vaccine at a local pharmacy. I would think this would be done via online appointment, like I did for my flu and shingles shots this past fall, but maybe not?
I have 2 Walgreens and 1 CVS within 4 miles of me. Maybe DH and I need to divide and conquer!I also received an email from Albertson’s that they will being giving Covid vaccinations. Soon. One stop shopping, get vaccinated and then get ingredients for the dinner all during the same trip.

Switching gears, I was dismayed to hear a report that seniors in Florida (not sure what city) waited for hours and even overnight in line to get a vaccine at a local pharmacy. I would think this would be done via online appointment, like I did for my flu and shingles shots this past fall, but maybe not?
I don't know whether to like your post for the first part or sad face for the second part. I believe the line part was caused by the announcement of first come first serve no appointment necessary in those areas from what I was reading. Places in FL def. do have online appointments and scheduling done it appears not all required that hence the line.
Same. Mine was like Fort Knox.

Same here. Two nurses were in line in front of me and told the people doing check-in that they didn't have appointments until the following week but thought they could "sneak in" then. They were promptly turned away and asked to leave.
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