2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!

woohoo Wed ...hmmmmm.....well I took care of a couple paperwork/phone call issues that I've been procrastinating on. I'm not usually a procrastinator but when it comes to insurance boy do I drag my feet. I got three things accomplished out of that stack today! woo hoo!!

Pamela -- glad you are jumping on the 10 days OP with me! I just found out that next Wed, DD now has another visit to her college of choice for an interview and tour for Honors College...so whoa! that means three meals out on the road for us! eek!!! I will stick it out with you!

Welcome to your Think-about-it-Thursday!

As of this weekend, February is half over!! Are you happy with your progress? If so, what are you going to do to keep up the good work? If not, what can you do to double-down on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle?

No time to chat. TTYL.........................P
Welcome to your Think-about-it-Thursday!

As of this weekend, February is half over!! Are you happy with your progress? If so, what are you going to do to keep up the good work? If not, what can you do to double-down on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle?

Funny - I was just thinking about this this morning. I am not happy where I am at the moment. My weight has slightly creeped up this week. Not sure why. I once read that often the result on the scale of one week is truly caused by the previous week, so maybe it is that. However, I know that I have been moving less in January and February than I usually do. I really need to try to restart running regularly. Currently I am still battling with the rest of a cold and I really don't want to subject my lungs to masses of cold air. So running is kind of out of the question. So as an alternative I have decided to try to up my daily goal of steps to 15000. More walking is better than less walking, even if it is not as good as running. I also need to try to get in some other exercise... Maybe I need to write an exercise plan, just like my meal plan?
Welcome to your Think-about-it-Thursday!

As of this weekend, February is half over!! Are you happy with your progress? If so, what are you going to do to keep up the good work? If not, what can you do to double-down on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle?

I am incredibly disappointed - my February has not been going well. I'm eating way too much!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it - and I'm going on vacation soon, so it won't be easy to stick to plan on vacation, especially because cooking will not be an option.
I usually spend most of my day on the computer in front of the TV ... which is not that far from the kitchen. I do that because the TV is good background noise (which I need when I'm working)

Maybe I need to write an exercise plan, just like my meal plan?

That's a good idea!
I do my to-do list, meal plan, and exercise plan all in one place - it's a table in a word document with 7 columns (one for each day) and 3 rows- to do list, then meal plan, then exercise plan. It helps me figure out how much I have going on in one day so that I know how much time I will have for exercise/cooking, and it also helps me plan my day out well.
I forgot to mention this in my last post ...
I said last week that I was going to re-try avocado as my "new" food. I had avocado with my quinoa today. It's certainly not my favorite fruit, but I don't hate it. I don't think I'll start having it all the time, but maybe occasionally.

Also, it looks like I might be allergic to quinoa :(. I'm not entirely sure, but I've been getting stomach pain the last few times I ate it, no matter how well I washed it (I washed pre-washed quinoa 3 times today). From what I've read on the internet ... this could be a quinoa allergy. I think I will try to stay away from quinoa for a few months ... which is sad because I love quinoa. I guess I'll have to find a new grain to love!
Welcome to your Think-about-it-Thursday!

As of this weekend, February is half over!! Are you happy with your progress? If so, what are you going to do to keep up the good work? If not, what can you do to double-down on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle?

I'm really happy--I'm down 9 pounds since I started and my biggest pair of pants are getting loose lol. Just have to keep doing the non food reward thing. Yesterday I watched a documentary about a documentary made during the tail end of the holocaust when they were liberating camps. Something interesting I didn't know or just really think about was how these camps were in densely populated areas absolutely surrounded by cities and towns. You think of Auschwitz as being in a remote location y'know-- not the truth. Something very satisfying to see was when they made townspeople of surrounding communities walk through the death camps to see what they were supporting, cheering and parading for. That's something I hadn't seen before. It was Alfred Hitchcock that came up with the idea to show the cities on maps surrounding the camps.

Lol--yesterday was Not my Friday--got a phone call about 4:15 asking me if I forgot I worked--yep. Had dinner in the crockpot and was making a glaze for the carrots which I asked him to finish and he burned the crap out of it...got to work about 20 till and was just all out of wack--not to mention having not bathed. On my days off I just skip showering until after I work out. My laptop died as I was cooking too and I'm using a new one I got my husband for xmas he doesn't use so he said just keep it lol. So I'm ironing out the kinks of a new laptop today. I hope I'm able to get the pictures off the old one...back up a pound today probably from not eating all night until I got home from work then eating too much. Well gonna go continue to work on laptop..
I have decided to try to up my daily goal of steps to 15000. More walking is better than less walking, even if it is not as good as running. I also need to try to get in some other exercise... Maybe I need to write an exercise plan, just like my meal plan?

:worship: 15k daily! WOW! you go girl!! I need to friend you on fitbit I think you would really encourage me...but you might invite me to a challenge which you would trample all over me! I think an exercise plan is a great one, I have my routine by default of the classes I attend..but having that routine takes thinking out of the equation for me and I just do it

I'm really happy--I'm down 9 pounds since I started and my biggest pair of pants are getting loose lol. Just have to keep doing the non food reward thing. Yesterday I watched a documentary about a documentary made during the tail end of the holocaust when they were liberating camps. Something interesting I didn't know or just really think about was how these camps were in densely populated areas absolutely surrounded by cities and towns. You think of Auschwitz as being in a remote location y'know-- not the truth. Something very satisfying to see was when they made townspeople of surrounding communities walk through the death camps to see what they were supporting, cheering and parading for. That's something I hadn't seen before. It was Alfred Hitchcock that came up with the idea to show the cities on maps surrounding the camps.

Lol--yesterday was Not my Friday--got a phone call about 4:15 asking me if I forgot I worked--yep. ..

great job on losing 9 lbs!!!!! :jumping1: sidebar -- was that documentary on Netflix? if so, what was it called sounds very interesting. I'm a bit of a documentary junkie..love to put them on when I'm crafting. and oops on work!

think on it Thursday -- Pamela you have kept me on my toes this week with your questions, thank you! I think I am both....I am happy beyond words that my clothes are getting bigger on me, nervous to dig out the spring clothes but think I'm going to start that process tonight. I'm almost packed for my crop weekend, I'm making our Fish Extender gifts for our cruise this summer so I don't have to take ALL my stuff :teeth: so I'm concerned about eating this weekend at the crop. I know Friday night is taco salad and with it being one meal I can plan for that, even worse case counting b/c I know it will not be lean meat, etc. I hope there is beans so I can skip the meat. Anyhow, Saturday all I know is pulled BBQ pork from a local restaurant and the fixins; and baked potato bar Sunday will be brunch that will include donuts :faint: and egg casserole loaded with cheese and sausage. ugh...it sounds both greasy and heavenly. I know the menu b/c I spent last Saturday cropping with the gal that organizes it. Also, for raffle tickets everyone brings in a snack to share. so, yea there will be a table full of sugar, carbs, and crap that will be draw me in everytime I walk by :( I sorta want to indulge a little, I've done so well the past six weeks. better than I did last year in fact! I've gotten more exercise in, in fact today I walked 5.25 miles on the dreadmill :banana: but even so, I'm scared to step on the scale tomorrow b/c I laxed a few times this week and I'm so afraid i'll slip into my self-sabotaging habits and gain back. I know this is mental. I'm rambling...but one more thing...for example, last night we had our twice a month church life group, always a snack. I had no wiggle room b/c I made my crop snack and ate a little of it. So of course for snack there is homemade apple cake with homemade carmel sauce, rolo candies (love rolo), and some other chocolate divine looking goodie. well....I said to my DH, I'm passing on the 'stale and moldy' snacks....and he backed me up with 'yea, this is horrible, don't have any'. well then I felt like, ok now I really can't! so I didn't....and what I noticed was 15 minutes later the moment had passed, everyone's plates were empty and instead of feeling guilty for eating more than I should've for the day, I felt proud that I didn't eat it. It was like 9 p.m and I didn't have the calories left for it, and I stuck to it! I didn't melt, I didn't get stink eyes from the hostess, and best of all I didn't get a stomach ache from eating too much sugar in one day (which yes, sadly truly happens, my GI is sensitive thanks to all it's been through)

I may not have the chance to jump on our thread this weekend....please send me all your extra pixie dust to ignore the crappy junk food that's not worth it! and what I eat, may I eat slowly and not mindlessly!
Funny - I was just thinking about this this morning. I am not happy where I am at the moment. My weight has slightly creeped up this week. Not sure why. I once read that often the result on the scale of one week is truly caused by the previous week, so maybe it is that. However, I know that I have been moving less in January and February than I usually do. I really need to try to restart running regularly. Currently I am still battling with the rest of a cold and I really don't want to subject my lungs to masses of cold air. So running is kind of out of the question. So as an alternative I have decided to try to up my daily goal of steps to 15000. More walking is better than less walking, even if it is not as good as running. I also need to try to get in some other exercise... Maybe I need to write an exercise plan, just like my meal plan?

That statement of yours that I bolded and underlined REALLY gave me food for thought! I've never considered it, but in hindsight there have definitely been times when it makes sense!

I'm with you on needing a WRITTEN exercise plan.... especially with this weather being absolutely FOUL lately!

I am incredibly disappointed - my February has not been going well. I'm eating way too much!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it - and I'm going on vacation soon, so it won't be easy to stick to plan on vacation, especially because cooking will not be an option.
I usually spend most of my day on the computer in front of the TV ... which is not that far from the kitchen. I do that because the TV is good background noise (which I need when I'm working)

Vacations are definitely tough! Make a plan to have two OP meals and one "splurge" meal every day maybe? Extra walking?? Lots of extra fruits and veggies??

That's a good idea!
I do my to-do list, meal plan, and exercise plan all in one place - it's a table in a word document with 7 columns (one for each day) and 3 rows- to do list, then meal plan, then exercise plan. It helps me figure out how much I have going on in one day so that I know how much time I will have for exercise/cooking, and it also helps me plan my day out well.

I love how organized that sounds!!

I forgot to mention this in my last post ...
I said last week that I was going to re-try avocado as my "new" food. I had avocado with my quinoa today. It's certainly not my favorite fruit, but I don't hate it. I don't think I'll start having it all the time, but maybe occasionally.

Also, it looks like I might be allergic to quinoa :(. I'm not entirely sure, but I've been getting stomach pain the last few times I ate it, no matter how well I washed it (I washed pre-washed quinoa 3 times today). From what I've read on the internet ... this could be a quinoa allergy. I think I will try to stay away from quinoa for a few months ... which is sad because I love quinoa. I guess I'll have to find a new grain to love!

Thaaaankkk you SO MUCH for reminding me to rinse my quinoa. I am LITERALLY sitting here waiting for my soup to boil so I can add the quinoa but I'm preoccupied and I just KNOW I would have forgotten to rinse it!! Sorry you might be allergic.... but there are lots of other healthy seeds/grains, etc to try!!

I'm really happy--I'm down 9 pounds since I started and my biggest pair of pants are getting loose lol. Just have to keep doing the non food reward thing. Yesterday I watched a documentary about a documentary made during the tail end of the holocaust when they were liberating camps. Something interesting I didn't know or just really think about was how these camps were in densely populated areas absolutely surrounded by cities and towns. You think of Auschwitz as being in a remote location y'know-- not the truth. Something very satisfying to see was when they made townspeople of surrounding communities walk through the death camps to see what they were supporting, cheering and parading for. That's something I hadn't seen before. It was Alfred Hitchcock that came up with the idea to show the cities on maps surrounding the camps.

'Name of the documentary please??!! I LOVE documentaries!! (Yup, I"m a nerd!)

Lol--yesterday was Not my Friday--got a phone call about 4:15 asking me if I forgot I worked--yep. Had dinner in the crockpot and was making a glaze for the carrots which I asked him to finish and he burned the crap out of it...got to work about 20 till and was just all out of wack--not to mention having not bathed. On my days off I just skip showering until after I work out. My laptop died as I was cooking too and I'm using a new one I got my husband for xmas he doesn't use so he said just keep it lol. So I'm ironing out the kinks of a new laptop today. I hope I'm able to get the pictures off the old one...back up a pound today probably from not eating all night until I got home from work then eating too much. Well gonna go continue to work on laptop..

I've had a few days like that and it really throws EVERYTHING out of whack, so I understand. Hope things improve now!

think on it Thursday -- Pamela you have kept me on my toes this week with your questions, thank you! I think I am both....I am happy beyond words that my clothes are getting bigger on me, nervous to dig out the spring clothes but think I'm going to start that process tonight. I'm almost packed for my crop weekend, I'm making our Fish Extender gifts for our cruise this summer so I don't have to take ALL my stuff :teeth: so I'm concerned about eating this weekend at the crop. I know Friday night is taco salad and with it being one meal I can plan for that, even worse case counting b/c I know it will not be lean meat, etc. I hope there is beans so I can skip the meat. Anyhow, Saturday all I know is pulled BBQ pork from a local restaurant and the fixins; and baked potato bar Sunday will be brunch that will include donuts :faint: and egg casserole loaded with cheese and sausage. ugh...it sounds both greasy and heavenly. I know the menu b/c I spent last Saturday cropping with the gal that organizes it. Also, for raffle tickets everyone brings in a snack to share. so, yea there will be a table full of sugar, carbs, and crap that will be draw me in everytime I walk by :( I sorta want to indulge a little, I've done so well the past six weeks. better than I did last year in fact! I've gotten more exercise in, in fact today I walked 5.25 miles on the dreadmill :banana: but even so, I'm scared to step on the scale tomorrow b/c I laxed a few times this week and I'm so afraid i'll slip into my self-sabotaging habits and gain back. I know this is mental. I'm rambling...but one more thing...for example, last night we had our twice a month church life group, always a snack. I had no wiggle room b/c I made my crop snack and ate a little of it. So of course for snack there is homemade apple cake with homemade carmel sauce, rolo candies (love rolo), and some other chocolate divine looking goodie. well....I said to my DH, I'm passing on the 'stale and moldy' snacks....and he backed me up with 'yea, this is horrible, don't have any'. well then I felt like, ok now I really can't! so I didn't....and what I noticed was 15 minutes later the moment had passed, everyone's plates were empty and instead of feeling guilty for eating more than I should've for the day, I felt proud that I didn't eat it. It was like 9 p.m and I didn't have the calories left for it, and I stuck to it! I didn't melt, I didn't get stink eyes from the hostess, and best of all I didn't get a stomach ache from eating too much sugar in one day (which yes, sadly truly happens, my GI is sensitive thanks to all it's been through)

I may not have the chance to jump on our thread this weekend....please send me all your extra pixie dust to ignore the crappy junk food that's not worth it! and what I eat, may I eat slowly and not mindlessly!

SO PROUD OF YOU for sticking to a smarter choice !! Chocolate and other yummies are SO HARD to pass up, especially in the evening! You must have felt absolutely VICTORIOUS!! And you should!

Crop food sounds like bit of a minefield! You are going to have to try hard to make the best choices possible. Try to think about SETTING AN EXAMPLE to other folks there. I'm sure they look at you, so slim and pretty and athletic and wonder how you do it.... so show them you do it by making GOOD CHOICES even in a bad situation. You do it by sipping water between glasses of wine. You do it by getting up and walking around the room or down the hall 5 minutes every hour, just to keep your blood pumping and your metabolism working. You do it by saying NO to things that JUST AREN'T worth it!!

How about bringing a small bag of healthy stuff to fill in around the edges if you get hungry.... apples, bananas, light cheese, celery and hummus, stuff like that.

Have a great time at the crop! I'm super jealous!


Evening all! Mother Nature blessed us with a fresh coating of snow today.... just enough to make driving tough and enough to force the snowblower into action once again. And it looks like we are due to be WALLOPPPPEEEDD again on Saturday night! :(

After school tomorrow I head south to pick up DD for a long weekend at home, so as long as the snow doesn't interfere with that, I won't complain (too much). I'll be on in the morning for our FUN FRIDAY post and then probably won't make it online again until Saturday morning!

REMEMBER THAT TOMORROW IS WEIGH-IN DAY!!! I'll be looking for my PM box to be filled up! TTY TOMORROW...................P
Welcome to your WOOHOO Wednesday for February 11, 2015!!

Please share a recent accomplishment from your personal or work life! It is important to focus on our WHOLE LIVES and not just the "weight loss journey" portion of them! Got a new job? A new degree? Maybe you finally got your toddler potty-trained or your kitty to use the litter box! It doesn't matter how big or how small.... if it made you said WOOHOO, then it is worth sharing!!

I missed Wed, but wanted to share my woohoo anyways! Its something little, but today I was doing a set on the chest press machine, and I could feel my ABS engaging! Do you have any idea how long it has been since THAT happened?!? It means my core exercises are actually working, under all that flab! Also, the standard gym towel ALMOST fit all the way around me without gaping. So close!

Edit - Oh, and I found out I am a LOT stronger than I thought I was! I did sets of 110lb on the leg press, 40lb on the chest press, and 60lb on the lat pulldown! (I may be in pain tomorrow...)

Welcome to your Think-about-it-Thursday!

As of this weekend, February is half over!! Are you happy with your progress? If so, what are you going to do to keep up the good work? If not, what can you do to double-down on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle?

Despite my above post, I am not happy with Feb right now. I have been good at hitting the gym, but the diet portion, not so much. Since I'm working out all the time, I feel really hungry, and when I'm hungry I get crabby. :( Any food suggestions that will keep me feeling full without as many calories/fat? No allergies to foods here...
GOOD MORNING! Welcome to......


And today's FUN FRIDAY QOTD is..........

What Disney character do you identify with the most? Why?

Don't forget to send in your weights and percentages today! Gotta dash to work!......................P
Drat! I'm up .6! I guess that's a reality check before I go to the crop today. I need to be on point big time to make my goal this month now ...........
Good Morning WISHers!

I'm baaaack! I just returned from my first Adventures By Disney (ABD) to Costa Rica!!! It was absolutely spectacular!!! If you are considering an ABD I am happy to answer any questions about it :)

So, I departed on the 30th of January and I was down 10 pounds for the month...waaahooo....and then I went into vacation mode....and I have yet to get back into eating healthy mode :( The roomie and I have brunch plans for VDAY tomorrow and it looks like its going to be crazy cold for the weekend so I'm thinking of restarting my healthy eating with some veggie soup and chicken soup making....and I promise to step on the scale to see how much damage I did. EEKKK!

My Disney character is Belle...the bookworm with an independent spirit who falls in love with the inside of her prince as well as the outside. Although I have yet to find my "Beast", I have hope that he is out there somewhere :)

Still catching up here at work so I will reply to everyone over the weekend! Wishing everyone an OP day!
As per request the documentary is Night Will Fall it's an HBO doc--I'm not sure if the actual doc is in circulation http://www.hbo.com/documentaries/night-will-fall/synopsis.html#/
Am the same again this week, having been down a pound all week until yesterday kind of makes me mad but I am extremely motivated. Want to get to the gym early today so I can do some cleaning tonight we have coming to stay with us for awhile and I want to put up some of my winter clothes so I can clear out a few drawers in the room he will be in. I really need to stay on top of more frequent eating this week--I'm not good at snacking during the day and will go long periods of time without eating--then making up for it later. I'm gonna start packing almonds in my gym bag again to have the protein after the workout--that'll help, plus I put some special k protein type bars in my car so I have something in case I run out of time to eat before work or I'm running around shopping and need to eat. I refuse to buy stuff to eat while I'm out-- I'm That cheap. Have a great day everyone and don't forget to pm your weight.

**Just found out when I pm'd my weight I was actually down a pound this week!
Last edited:
Morning all! Welcome back to KAREN! Sounds like a terrific ABD trip! Glad you are back with us!

Just a reminder to send in your weights and percentages for this week if you haven't already. I am here at home with DD enjoying some time together before I prepare for our family Valentine's day dinner. Today is my "day off " of posting a QOTD so I will just say hi and good-bye! I'll try to pop on again later today to chat!................P
Good morning all! I feel like a broken record saying this, but we are here, digging out from yet ANOTHER winter storm! I would say we easily got another foot of snow between late yesterday and overnight. But the snow has stopped falling and now it is just cold and windy.

I am ready to post today's SUPER SUNDAY post! Hope you all are safe and warm today...................P
Hi and welcome to


Today we are going to BUILD ON last week's idea/suggestion of using Sunday to prepare for an successful week ahead. So if you didn't see last week's Super Sunday, here is a link.....
<a href="http://www.disboards.com/threads/20...-all-are-welcome.3375871/page-3#post-53039406">2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!</a>

And today's thoughts on Super Sunday....

I would like you each to take a moment to think about 10 BLESSINGS in your life.... 10 things you are grateful for, 10 things that perhaps you don't appreciate as often as you should. Get into the mindset of how WONDERFUL your life is and how very BLESSED you are and take time to recognize EACH AND EVERY asset, benefit, advantage that you have ! That positive energy can really translate into wonderful week ahead!! Feel free to share those blessings here if you would like!! We would LOVE to hear about the positive things in your life!!

I'll BBL to check on you all!...............P
I'll be the first to share 10 blessings, to get the ball rolling.....

1. MY physical and mental HEALTH! I am super healthy... partially due to luck and good genes, partially because I take care of myself!!

2. FAMILY HEALTH! My parents, DH, and children are all healthy (same reasons as above!).

3. I am blessed that I live in a FREE COUNTRY and I thank the Vets and active military who make that possible for me EVERY DAY!

4. My children.... I love them both more than I would have ever thought it was possible to love ANYTHING in this world.

5. A reliable roof over my head and food in my fridge.... something I take for granted far too often.

6. A wonderful in-law family..... I married a great guy with a wonderful bunch of siblings (and their spouses!).

7. A SUPER FLEXIBLE job that allows me a great deal of freedom to pursue other things in life as needed.

8. My faith (won't go into detail so that I say within board boundaries).

9. LACK OF DEBT. I sometimes forget in this day and age that is something rare. Other than a mortgage we have no debt and that allows me to sleep MUCH BETTER at night!

10. Safety.... again, something I thank our military for.... I don't worry about my safety at home.... ever.

YOUR TURN!! ........................P
And today's FUN FRIDAY QOTD is..........

What Disney character do you identify with the most? Why?

Interesting question... The one that came up instantly is Mulan. But then I never wanted to be a boy or a soldier. But I remember watching that movie and for the first time feeling like this is a princess I can relate to.

And today's thoughts on Super Sunday....

I would like you each to take a moment to think about 10 BLESSINGS in your life.... 10 things you are grateful for, 10 things that perhaps you don't appreciate as often as you should. Get into the mindset of how WONDERFUL your life is and how very BLESSED you are and take time to recognize EACH AND EVERY asset, benefit, advantage that you have ! That positive energy can really translate into wonderful week ahead!! Feel free to share those blessings here if you would like!! We would LOVE to hear about the positive things in your life!!

  1. My boyfriend Michael
  2. Modern technology that lets us manage a long distance relationship between two continents. I have no idea how we would have been able to do it without email!
  3. My parents and my wonderful sister
  4. My lovely appartment that is a great home
  5. My job - I love what I do, it gives me a purpose and it has fantastic job security
  6. Being free from financial worries
  7. My wonderful friends - whether they live close or far away
  8. That I have been able to travel to so many different and interesting places
  9. My naturally curly hair (even though I somtimes hate it!)
  10. Having access to clean tap water (I know that we take it so much for granted, but if you think how life would be without clean water, it is such a huge thing!!)

I used the new numbering feature for this and it worked great!!


Happy Monday everyone! I hope you have a great start into the week!

I ended up with being the same this week as the last one. Which is better than expected. Of course yesterday I went out with friends and had a huge treat meal. But I tracked it (50 points in one day!!!). And now will move on. I will need to eat a little less the rest of the week as there are not that many weekly extra points left over, but it was worth it and I planned for it beforehand! We will see what the scale tells me next weekend.

I have been good about my steps. Only Friday did I fall short of my new 15.000 steps goal. It really is not too difficult for me to hit that many steps as I walk to and from work anyway and that is already nearly 10.000 steps. I feel that I am building up stamina though and am getting faster. I am trying to speed up a little and by that get more "active minutes" on the fitbit. Looks good so far!
Hey all! Sorry I didn't pop on again last night..... our internet was going in and out for some reason (probably storm related). But here I am now!



Feeling like you've made little progress so far this year? Or ready for a day to make a fresh change? Here it is..... a fresh, bright, shining MONDAY!! What new thing are you going to do/try this week to make it super successful??


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