A YOU Worth Fighting For | January 2016 Weight Loss & Better Living Challenge

OK, guys! The posts on page 1 are up-to-date with the participants and the MFP names so far! If there's anyone I missed, please let me know! Also, if you want to share your MFP name or your Instagram name, just post it and I will get it added!

We are off to tackle Walmart and Kroger... in the middle of the day... on a holiday... when everyone else in the country is ALSO starting a new diet. :duck: wish us luck!! We'd intended to get up early this morning and do it, but the 2am bedtime wasn't kind to us. I would put it off until tomorrow morning, but our cupboards are bare other than the candy bowl, which I meant to empty into the trash last night before bed but didn't, and now I don't have the will-power to do it, haha.

Question - what are some of your favorite/go-to healthy SNACKS? I can find healthy meals all day but snacks always elude me. We don't like nuts which seems to cancel out 95% of the snack ideas I've found online, haha.

If I survive our shopping endeavor, I'll be back afterward to catch up on the chatter and check out everyone's January goals!

for snacks I like eating like a kid LOL at Target they have these little snack trays that look like Mickey Mouse ears with characters on them. They have either apples or carrots with pretzels or grapes and a few cubes of cheese. Celery sticks are good, can dip them in hummus or homemade ranch dip (fat free sour cream and ranch packet). Just look for kid snack ideas. Most avoid nuts since some kids allergic.
Happy New Year!!!! I'm awake! I'm only slightly hungover! And for the second day in a row, I'm at 196.6! Starting the year in Onederland put a HUGE smile on my face!!!

Part One - January 2016 Goals

Goal: Lose 6.8 pounds. A normal person would just round up to 7, but I'll consider the month a 100% success as soon as I leave the 190s in the dust!!

Plan: Fully committing to giving WW SmartPoints/Beyond the Scale a fair shot for the month. Not even going to double track in MFP because that just leads to me whining about how I'm not eating enough calories. The FitBit is also sticking with my and I'm shooting for 341,000 steps.

Speed Bumps: New job starts Monday. Bar exam is less than two months away (and law school and my first bar exam was a long, long time ago). I'm a stress eater. The good news is that it is not a big event month. Primarily just daily eating challenges....

Part Two - 2016 Goals

1. My dream weight is a mere 57.6 pounds away. I'm not sure that I can achieve 139 pounds at my advanc(ing) age but I'm going to do everything in my power to make it happen.

2. The real goal is to lose the 29.6 pounds necessary to put me back in the healthy weight category. And I'd like it to happen before I set foot on the plane to Orlando in April 25. I want to look like a million dollars for that Victoria and Albert's reservation.

3. Get around to telling DH that we have said V&A reservation before he asks why I am putting his suit and dress shoes in his park bag on the day of our reservation. Or why I packed a suit for him to take to WDW at all. I blame his parents for dragging him and his sisters there when he was 12. He hated it and starts whining like a traumatized 12 year old forced to abandon Space Mountain for a suit and fancy dinner whenever I bring up trying to get reservations. Sigh.

These are great goals! Achievable and you have a solid plan for making it happen! I'm looking forward to cheering you on!!!

You are absolutely worth it!!!

You can do it!!!

great job being in Onderland!!! I want to definitely go there and stay LOL thanks for the encouragement :)
My name is Sabrina and this my first time joining a W.I.S.H forum. Since returning home from Disney back in September I quit exercising and eating healthier. Enough is enough and today I am getting back on the right track. Before September while I was getting ready for Disney I was using MFP and riding my stationary bike 45 minutes at least 4 times per week.

Today I stepped on the scale and weighed 210 pounds. That was hard to type. From this point on that number is only allowed to get smaller!

Part 1
Goal - Lose 8 pounds. I really want to get back under the 200.
Plan - Use MFP, exercise 3x weekly, increase water intake, make better choices.

Part 2
Goal - goal weight 180, that could change.
Lose weight! Get healthy! Stay committed!

Hi Sabrina :wave: brave you typing number. I am not that brave. I like your attitude of only get smaller. Definitely stay committed!!!
OK, guys! The posts on page 1 are up-to-date with the participants and the MFP names so far! If there's anyone I missed, please let me know! Also, if you want to share your MFP name or your Instagram name, just post it and I will get it added!

We are off to tackle Walmart and Kroger... in the middle of the day... on a holiday... when everyone else in the country is ALSO starting a new diet. :duck: wish us luck!! We'd intended to get up early this morning and do it, but the 2am bedtime wasn't kind to us. I would put it off until tomorrow morning, but our cupboards are bare other than the candy bowl, which I meant to empty into the trash last night before bed but didn't, and now I don't have the will-power to do it, haha.

Question - what are some of your favorite/go-to healthy SNACKS? I can find healthy meals all day but snacks always elude me. We don't like nuts which seems to cancel out 95% of the snack ideas I've found online, haha.

No stores open in Ontario today so I bought a few things yesterday to get through today healthy. I like alot of things to do with nuts or nut butters but bananas are always easy and filling. I am going to make a few hard boiled eggs in the fridge so they are ready in a hurry. Pita and hummus is good but have to watch portions with that or baby carrots and hummus which is better for calories.

It is OFFICIALLY 2016, and we are coming IN with a BANG!

QOTD for January 1, 2016!

Part 1 - What is your goal just for this month? How will you accomplish that? What speed bumps lie in your path this month?
Part 2 - What is your goal for the entire year?

Your goals can be ANYTHING that you want to achieve/accomplish over the month or the year. Losing a specific amount of weight, running a mile in a specific amount of time, building a savings account, learning how to meal prep, spending more quality time with your family, getting rid of all of the clothes you don't wear anymore - ANYTHING! Anything that you feel will make your life better.

Hello, I'm Megan, and I'm super excited to join you all for this month's challenge! I've done the challenge for the past few months, and they have been great! I am 26 years old and live in Wisconsin, very close to Minneapolis/St Paul.

Part 1: My goal this month is to lose 5 pounds. I plan on doing this by increasing my physical activity consistently, not drinking any soda, and decreasing the amount of sweets I eat. My big speed bump is that it is cold outside and I don't like the cold!

Part 2: My weight-loss goal for the year is to get down to a size 16. My other goals include decluttering my life in general, saving money, and keeping my apartment clean (it has a tendency to get out of hand quickly).
QOTD for January 1, 2016!

Part 1 - What is your goal just for this month? How will you accomplish that? What speed bumps lie in your path this month?
Part 2 - What is your goal for the entire year?

Your goals can be ANYTHING that you want to achieve/accomplish over the month or the year. Losing a specific amount of weight, running a mile in a specific amount of time, building a savings account, learning how to meal prep, spending more quality time with your family, getting rid of all of the clothes you don't wear anymore - ANYTHING! Anything that you feel will make your life better.

Part 1: Goal for the month
  • I'm used to losing, so it seems weird to just see the number on the scale not move. As long as I am between 148-150 I will consider that as 100% of my goal. If I am +1 or -1 of that number or more, I'll be at 0% of my goal.

Part 2: Goal for the Year

  • I have copious amounts of free time, so my goal is to cook 1 meal per week and try something new. I burn water, so this really will get me out of my comfort zone.

I'm on the quest to find two dresses this weekend: Graduation and Victoria and Albert's. I know I still have five months to go, but ... it's time!
Goal #2 - I plan to use the savings method of $1 for week 1, $2 for week 2, $3 for week 3, $4 for week 4, etc., from now until the end of the year. This will put an additional $1300 in our savings account without making us feel like we are really, really hurting for money. We want to go to Disney World again in 2017, and that will definitely cover tickets for the two of us, plus a little extra, barring a ridiculous price increase lol. Hopefully I will be able to find a job soon that will help with that even more. Fingers crossed!

That is an amazing idea... I actually kind of want to borrow and modify this to where I make sure I can put aside $250 per month so that Hubs and I can buy our Disney passes in November. If I can put aside $125 per paycheck, then that covers both of us. :)

Goal #1 - By December 31, 2016, I want to be 55-lbs lighter than I am now, weighing in at 160-lbs. I won't be FIRM on this number, however, if I (for example) have increased my muscle to the point where I might be 180-lbs but wearing a size 8 or 10. I think the clothing size and how I feel is more important to me than the number on the scale. 55-lbs in 12 months averages out to losing 4.5-lbs a month, which sounds completely doable. I'm going to shoot for a 4-lb loss this month and hopefully I'll be able to exceed that and really start out on the right foot.

This is definitely do-able. I lost 65 pounds in just 12 months, the bulk of that (40 pounds) from July to December. You can do this. Stick to the program and log everything that goes into your mouth. Even the bad days! :)

2. The real goal is to lose the 29.6 pounds necessary to put me back in the healthy weight category. And I'd like it to happen before I set foot on the plane to Orlando in April 25. I want to look like a million dollars for that Victoria and Albert's reservation.

SAME. OMG SAME. Have you figured out what style/type of dress you want to wear for your V&A reservation? I am going on the search for ballgowns starting tomorrow. After I did my wardrobe replacement at Nordstrom, I was gifted with $330 in rewards credits, going to be used for the graduation dress and now the V&A dress too.

Squee. I'm so excited you're going. You'll dine there a month ahead of me so you'll have to let me know how it is!

You can sign me up to do April! I'm gonna man up and volunteer.

One of us! One of us!

My goal for this month is to stop being so hard on myself. I seem to be constantly my worst critic. I need to start viewing myself in a positive light. I need to do things nice for me, which includes exercising and eating right to take care of me. Speed bumps are me and my inner dialogue. Instead of telling myself this is impossible, I need to tell myself I am worth it enough to go for it.

My goal for this year is feel awesome before moving to Orlando area in December. This means I want to lose a significant chunk of me (through better diet and exercise), grow my Disney savings account (for annual passes for whole family), and get all my ducks in a row before moving (job, house, schools). That way I can just enjoy moving there.

Later in my spare time I will break them down into more specific goals and short term goals, but for first thing in the morning this will do LOL

You are SO worth it, and you now have an entire group of people to tell you it is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE!! I am so glad you mentioned this - our QOTD for Monday will be right up your alley!! I am SO glad to have you in our challenge this month!

Can I join you all this month?

Intro: I'm Roxy and I have been active on the exercise challenge and have a Wish journal about running. I started running in 2015 and my goals were all related to being active and running and just getting out there and doing it. I only weighed myself twice last year.
This year now that I know I am capable of exercising (I had a lot of self doubt about it prior to last year) I'd like to try to make better diet decisions and take the 10 lbs off that my doctor suggested. I'm about 5 lbs over the healthy weight range per my doc.
I start today at 163.2 lbs per my new fancy scale. My hubby is along for the ride with me as he trains for a sprint triathlon in the Clysdedale category (guys over 250 lbs)

My big goals for 2016 are to run an 8k, a 10k, and eventually a 15k in November. I know it will be easier if my body is running on good things. Fast food is my weakness because it easy. My daughter is 3 now and it's easier to cook while she plays so that will help. I also really need to drink more water.

I will be at Disney for the first weekend of January and will be eating Disney food but also running at marathon weekend for the 5k. So I don't expect to really have results right away.

My goal will be to go below 160 in Jan, would be first time since before my pregnancy in 2012 but I'm soooo close.

Welcome, welcome, welcome!! How great that you have a 24/7 support system with your DH tackling this with you - that will make a huge difference, I know it! I love that we have so many runners in here this month. You guys are seriously an inspiration, and I really want to do a race with all of you! Haha. Good luck to you in your race - can't wait to hear about it!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends! I'm here.... and I cannot believe this thread is already on page FOUR! I hope you saved me a seat! I'm heading over to close out the December thread and post our final results, so you have maybe an HOUR if you want your information updated! ..........................P

So glad to see you jumping in this month! Thank you again for the amazing December thread! I'm excited to see your goals for the month and what the new year has in store for you!

Happy New Year!!!! I'm awake! I'm only slightly hungover! And for the second day in a row, I'm at 196.6! Starting the year in Onederland put a HUGE smile on my face!!!

Part One - January 2016 Goals

Goal: Lose 6.8 pounds. A normal person would just round up to 7, but I'll consider the month a 100% success as soon as I leave the 190s in the dust!!

Plan: Fully committing to giving WW SmartPoints/Beyond the Scale a fair shot for the month. Not even going to double track in MFP because that just leads to me whining about how I'm not eating enough calories. The FitBit is also sticking with my and I'm shooting for 341,000 steps.

Speed Bumps: New job starts Monday. Bar exam is less than two months away (and law school and my first bar exam was a long, long time ago). I'm a stress eater. The good news is that it is not a big event month. Primarily just daily eating challenges....

Part Two - 2016 Goals

1. My dream weight is a mere 57.6 pounds away. I'm not sure that I can achieve 139 pounds at my advanc(ing) age but I'm going to do everything in my power to make it happen.

2. The real goal is to lose the 29.6 pounds necessary to put me back in the healthy weight category. And I'd like it to happen before I set foot on the plane to Orlando in April 25. I want to look like a million dollars for that Victoria and Albert's reservation.

3. Get around to telling DH that we have said V&A reservation before he asks why I am putting his suit and dress shoes in his park bag on the day of our reservation. Or why I packed a suit for him to take to WDW at all. I blame his parents for dragging him and his sisters there when he was 12. He hated it and starts whining like a traumatized 12 year old forced to abandon Space Mountain for a suit and fancy dinner whenever I bring up trying to get reservations. Sigh.


Congratulations to you on your new job, and best wishes to you on Monday!! Are you excited?? Nervous?

Your V&A predicament is so funny! I can see my DH doing the same thing. The food is so good, though (so I've heard, never eaten there myself!) - surely he can give you a couple of hours full of yummy food. Tell him he can ride his favorite a 2nd time if he clears his plate without whining. ;):rotfl:

Part #1 January 2016 goals!

Goal: I will meet my calorie and step goals 5 out of 7 days per week!

Plan: I will begin being accountable and logging my foods with MFP daily. I will start with 5,000 steps per day and work my way up to 10,000 steps as my goal by the end of the month. I will take evening walks around my neighborhood and walks during my lunch at work.

Potential Barriers: If I do not meal plan and plan for snacks I feel that I will fall into the trap of snacking on what is available. I am inherently lazy :rotfl2: so I will need some super motivation to get off my butt and get those steps in!

Part #2 2016 Year Goals!

Goal: I will be a more active and more fit person. I will get back to a weight that I feel healthier and more functional at!

Plan: I will make small and sustainable lifestyle changes over time, concentrating on how I feel, NOT what the scale says.

Potential Barriers: I need to give up on my "all or nothing" mentality. I need to not give up because it I've had a small setback, or because it is easier than keeping on keeping on. I need to not just work on losing weight for an event but to work towards an ultimate goal of overall health and wellbeing!

You have totally AWESOME and ACHIEVABLE goals for the month! I can't wait to cheer you on as you blow them out of the water!

This is a great idea! I've always wanted to do it, but in reverse, $52 on week 1, $51 on week 2, ect because I feel like that pattern would easier for us given that my daughter's birthday and Christmas and everything are right at the end of the year...

That is my plan for 2017, since our Disney trip would most likely be that fall. Right now our money is tight, tight so we're much less likely to miss $1 in the checking account than $52, but next year I'm going to try it in reverse (assuming we're successful with it this year!)

Part 1 Jan goal:
lose 4 lbs and post an NSV with each check in.

I would love to lose just 4 lbs this month because that would get me under 200! I've been flirting with getting there since thanksgiving but the holidays prevented me from losing a lot of weight. I'm very happy with the outcome but now that January is here I'm ready to see some major headway. Also, I love NSVs because they keep me mentally healthy during this journey.

Plan- I will be following WW for another month. I also have a training plan that I started last week for running. It's actually a 5k intermediate Hal Higdon plan but it bumps up the mileage quite a bit so I'm thinking that increasing my workouts by quite a bit will really bump up the weight loss.

Speed bumps- hunger. Ever since I started this new WW plan with smart points I've been starving. So I'm going to have to find new ways to attack the hunger because the late night snacks are killer.

Goals for 2016:

I have a couple. I would like to reach my initial goal weight of 170 by October. That's 35 lbs in between now and then which I definitely think is doable. I say this is my initial goal weight because I'm not sure where exactly I want to land on the scale. I just want a sustainable weight so that might be more or less.

I would also like to read 50 books this year. I love reading and writing and I like to think of myself as a binge reader. So I'll read like 5 books in 2 weeks and then stop reading for a period of time. But I love reading and want to do it more consistently. So 50 books this year for me!

I LOVE your NSV throw-in! It's so important to remember that the numbers on the scale may not reflect your hard work, but so many other things will! It definitely helps prevent discouragement and a lack of motivation. You got this!!

And a reading goal!! :love: I love to read and I can't tell you the last time I actually did - I always feel like I never have time. Good for you for making it a priority!!

My name is Sabrina and this my first time joining a W.I.S.H forum. Since returning home from Disney back in September I quit exercising and eating healthier. Enough is enough and today I am getting back on the right track. Before September while I was getting ready for Disney I was using MFP and riding my stationary bike 45 minutes at least 4 times per week.

Today I stepped on the scale and weighed 210 pounds. That was hard to type. From this point on that number is only allowed to get smaller!

Part 1
Goal - Lose 8 pounds. I really want to get back under the 200.
Plan - Use MFP, exercise 3x weekly, increase water intake, make better choices.

Part 2
Goal - goal weight 180, that could change.
Lose weight! Get healthy! Stay committed!

WELCOME, Sabrina!! We're thrilled to have you! Feel free to share your MFP and add us all as friends for added motivation - I love going through and "liking" everyone's activity! You can totally make it to Onederland this month, I know it!

You can sign me up to do April! I'm gonna man up and volunteer.

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Hello, I'm Megan, and I'm super excited to join you all for this month's challenge! I've done the challenge for the past few months, and they have been great! I am 26 years old and live in Wisconsin, very close to Minneapolis/St Paul.

Part 1: My goal this month is to lose 5 pounds. I plan on doing this by increasing my physical activity consistently, not drinking any soda, and decreasing the amount of sweets I eat. My big speed bump is that it is cold outside and I don't like the cold!

Part 2: My weight-loss goal for the year is to get down to a size 16. My other goals include decluttering my life in general, saving money, and keeping my apartment clean (it has a tendency to get out of hand quickly).

Yay, you're back for another month!!! Welcome to 2016! You are going to blow that 5-lbs out of the water!!

Part 1: Goal for the month
  • I'm used to losing, so it seems weird to just see the number on the scale not move. As long as I am between 148-150 I will consider that as 100% of my goal. If I am +1 or -1 of that number or more, I'll be at 0% of my goal.

Part 2: Goal for the Year

  • I have copious amounts of free time, so my goal is to cook 1 meal per week and try something new. I burn water, so this really will get me out of my comfort zone.

I'm on the quest to find two dresses this weekend: Graduation and Victoria and Albert's. I know I still have five months to go, but ... it's time!

That is an amazing idea... I actually kind of want to borrow and modify this to where I make sure I can put aside $250 per month so that Hubs and I can buy our Disney passes in November. If I can put aside $125 per paycheck, then that covers both of us. :)

This is definitely do-able. I lost 65 pounds in just 12 months, the bulk of that (40 pounds) from July to December. You can do this. Stick to the program and log everything that goes into your mouth. Even the bad days! :)

SAME. OMG SAME. Have you figured out what style/type of dress you want to wear for your V&A reservation? I am going on the search for ballgowns starting tomorrow. After I did my wardrobe replacement at Nordstrom, I was gifted with $330 in rewards credits, going to be used for the graduation dress and now the V&A dress too.

You have come SO far, and I know 2016 is going to hold big, amazing things for you! I'm so excited to watch it happen! I have absolutely 0 doubt that you will maintain your weight loss AND save that $250 a month. I can't wait to see what you guys end up with for V&A - is it really a ballgown restaurant?!

Right? It happened. And I have a theme planned.

:cheer2::cheer2: Show off! Haha, just kidding. I can't wait to be a part of your challenge!
Hey, friends! We survived Walmart & Kroger with only a few scrapes and bruises, haha. I picked up some popcorn, grapes, apples, and bananas to snack on... I'll make up some almond butter this weekend, hardboil a few eggs for the week, and mix up some tuna, too, for lunches. Since I'm home all day at the moment, I had to tweak my shopping a little - I don't have to think in terms of "will this fit in my lunchbox", "can I eat this at my desk without making a mess or a ton of noise", "I won't be able to heat this up", "I need to keep this refrigerated until I eat it", etc. - which I didn't even think about until we were in the store! I also need to re-learn that it's ok to snack throughout the day - I've fallen back into old bad habits of NOT eating all day and then gorging at dinner time. January definitely won't be an easy month for me and my weight loss, but I'm ready!

This weekend I need to make a point to go through MFP and log all of my food. For today I'm just picking things that are loaded already so I can have something on the books - for example, we had a serving of DFIL's home made lasagna for lunch, but I'm not sure exactly what was in it, so I went through all of the "lasagna" that is already loaded into MFP and picked one that seemed reasonable. Not at all accurate, I know, but better than nothing, and I need to train myself to stop and log my foods again - I've been out of that habit for months now.
Right? It happened. And I have a theme planned.

Same here, for February. It's going to be... WRECK IT RALPH :D Still working out the logistics and going on a quest for screencaps and gifs. I have 30 days.

I can't wait to see what you guys end up with for V&A - is it really a ballgown restaurant?!

It's the finest dining restaurant in all of WDW. I've seen fancy cocktail dresses to more dressy attire. B wants to go in a fancy suit and I'm thinking some sort of floor length formal gown will suffice. Nothing like Belle or Ariel wears on a daily basis, but something pretty you'd wear to a formal event. To me the place seems too elegant to show any leg -- we're also sitting in the Queen Victoria room so there's only four tables.

I'm home all day at the moment, I had to tweak my shopping a little -

Wow. That's a challenge all on its own. How do you not graze all day!? I couldn't do it!
Same here, for February. It's going to be... WRECK IT RALPH :D Still working out the logistics and going on a quest for screencaps and gifs. I have 30 days.

It's the finest dining restaurant in all of WDW. I've seen fancy cocktail dresses to more dressy attire. B wants to go in a fancy suit and I'm thinking some sort of floor length formal gown will suffice. Nothing like Belle or Ariel wears on a daily basis, but something pretty you'd wear to a formal event. To me the place seems too elegant to show any leg -- we're also sitting in the Queen Victoria room so there's only four tables.

Wow. That's a challenge all on its own. How do you not graze all day!? I couldn't do it!

Haha, OK. I was definitely picturing Belle's yellow ballgown or Cinderella's ballgown, which is why I was surprised, as I always thought you could get away with a floor length formal dress or something along those lines.

Oh, trust me, there are days where ALL. I. DO. IS. EAT. and it's always just junk because that's what's in the house that doesn't require a ton of prepping and cooking.

It is OFFICIALLY 2016, and we are coming IN with a BANG!

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I am SO excited for and proud of everyone so far for even taking the time and making the effort to sign up for this month's challenge. You are already farther ahead on your journey than you were even a week ago!

So let's go ahead and dive right into those QOTD's! I know that several people have already given their goals for the month, but it's kind of the requisite "First Day" question, so I've also added a little twist this time so that everyone can participate even if they've already said their January goal! So without further adieu...

QOTD for January 1, 2016!

Part 1 - What is your goal just for this month? How will you accomplish that? What speed bumps lie in your path this month?
Part 2 - What is your goal for the entire year?

Your goals can be ANYTHING that you want to achieve/accomplish over the month or the year. Losing a specific amount of weight, running a mile in a specific amount of time, building a savings account, learning how to meal prep, spending more quality time with your family, getting rid of all of the clothes you don't wear anymore - ANYTHING! Anything that you feel will make your life better.

My goal for now: Weight loss. I don't care as long as the number is going down. I'm building muscle along the way (seriously when did my calves become rocks?) so the weight loss number might not be as high but the body change will be. I'd like to lose some inches and start to notice a real difference in my pants by the end of the month.

Speed bumps: Honestly my head is in it, so the weather. January in Mass is cold and icy and there is snow/slush around. I have to keep it from killing my motivation to train because I like to train outside.

My Goal for the year: Um... get through it. I'm one of those awful people that don't think far into the future. I have race goals. I want to run the three 10k races that I failed last year and a few other half marathons and a 10 miler. I want a promotion at work, and I just kind of want to live happy and healthy. Every single day doesn't need to be amazing that's not realistic but I want to look back and think that it was a good year.

Same here, for February. It's going to be... WRECK IT RALPH :D Still working out the logistics and going on a quest for screencaps and gifs. I have 30 days.

Phew that was not my plan. I'm now intimidated though*. I need to come up with some amazing stuff now to motivate and support!

*Edited because I don't know my months...
Hi everyone! I'm in again for January, after totally failing to keep up here in December.

I'm looking into some diet changes for the new year - namely, trying a little lower carb here and there. Cutting them out completely doesn't work, but I tend to lean on sandwiches, pasta, etc. for cheap and easy food when I know I need more veggies, protein, and other deliciousness in my life!

I'm also starting Couch to 5k for like the third time. I'm on week 4 currently (I think - my schedule got super off over the holidays) and am actually enjoying it. Not totally sure I'll run any races, but it's a good and quick workout that is pretty simple. The rest of the time I do a lot of walking :)

I'm still tracking on Loseit, which is a great help as well.

In general, I would love to eventually be in the 120 lb range - I'm only 5'2", so that would be a pretty healthy weight for me I believe. I'm currently at 144, so I definitely have a bit to go! I'm interested in doing this for my health (got told my cholesterol was super high recently, so that's an issue in addition to family history of diabetes, etc.) and also so that I look better in pictures :P I would love to get my husband involved, but he tends to talk about losing weight and is not as great at followthrough. I love him just the same, though!

On with the goals:

Part 1: Goal for the month

I'm going to start the year off easy - 2 lb is my goal. We've got a Disney trip at the very end of the month (literally the last weekend) where we're eating at Cape May :P Also, I'm not actually sure I'll have a scale at Disney, so I may have to weigh in before/after. I'm hopeful that my new eating efforts and exercise will result in more lost, but I don't want to push too hard and end up giving up. Any progress is good progress!

Part 2: Goal for the Year
  • I don't really have one so far - I mostly just want to enjoy a year of staying in the same place and not having a wedding and a move to plan :) My husband and I got married in July and moved to a different state (and moved in together for the first time) in August - so I'm still so happy to not be that frantic :P I'd love to cook a new recipe a week, but I think that might be a stretch once work starts up again. I'll think on a year-long goal :)
Good morning, beautiful people! Welcome to our first QOTW for 2016! Since weekends are usually so busy for everyone, I'll just post one (fun!) question on Saturdays that will count for both Saturday and Sunday - but by all means, feel free to chat away all weekend long!

QOTW - January 2 & 3, 2016

Cri-Kee was included in the movie Mulan because in China, crickets are considered "good luck".

Do you have a good luck charm (object or person or pet) to help you on your journey?
Good morning, beautiful people! Welcome to our first QOTW for 2016! Since weekends are usually so busy for everyone, I'll just post one (fun!) question on Saturdays that will count for both Saturday and Sunday - but by all means, feel free to chat away all weekend long!

QOTW - January 2 & 3, 2016

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Cri-Kee was included in the movie Mulan because in China, crickets are considered "good luck".

Do you have a good luck charm (object or person or pet) to help you on your journey?

I have a special weight loss charm bracelet that I've been updating as my journey progresses. I don't wear it (it is really pretty hideous) but it usually lives in my bag. If I'm having an eating attack and I remember it, taking it out almost immediately gets me back on track. The bracelet itself is a child's ID bracelet with my starting weight and date engraved on the name plate. The "charms" are laser engraved pet tags that I've been special ordering off of an Internet site for milestones (5 pounds lost, 5%, moving to overweight BMI, Onederland, etc.). I have the guy engrave the event on the front (stars for weight milestones and ovals for other things) and the new weight/date on the back I just realized that it is time to order 10%!! I'd take a photo but I'm at my parent's cabin and it is unfortunately at home.


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