Angels Around The World..Glendale,AZ..Nice Place To Visit/Wouldn't Want To Lose There Part 3

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My answers to the questions:

On Christmas Eve after eating something for dinner, we normally go to the IL's for snack type things. Joe's cousins come over to exchange gifts.

Santa does wrap everything (have to make sure it's not the same wrapping paper!) except the big gifts.

We leave out milk and cookies for Santa (Shannon wants to do chocolate milk this year) and spread out an oatmeal mixture on the lawn for the reindeer.

Christmas Day will hopefully be at my house this year so we don't have to travel. Will probably have ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes on pineapple rings, and a couple of veggies.

Donna - probably around noonish.

Gail - I'll e-mail you!!

Gotta go get ready for work!
Lars624 said:
No labels the note left with the cookie crumbs (Santa's messy) he tells each child what color paper their gifts are wrapped in......Megan=red.......Matthew=green.....Dylan=blue

ooh goodness...we do that too...cept Santa changes the color of the bows.
A tad off topic, but give me your best advise................... We got 2 cards from SMIL yesterday, one was a standard Christmas card and the other was a card for our new house. She included a check for $500.00. Pete doesn't want to take the money, but he knows she will be very upset if we don't, and I think it would be rude to tell her we don't need it. (She can well afford it, that isn't the issue). I told him that he should thank her profusely and then just set the check aside and never cash it. His father used to send us money for our BDs and I would do that, he never asked if we were going to cash the checks. Do you all think that it's OK to do that, or should he tell her he isn't going to use it?
Good morning everyone! For the first time in a very long time, I actually totally slept through the night... kind of nice to wake up and feel somewhat rested :)

Lou, I loved reading the story... I'll have to listen to the music when I get home tonight and have sound that works on my computer ;)

Christmas traditions? I'll have to admit something... a lot of them have changed over time. My mom was the driving force with the traditions and over time (and probably due to the pain of the anniversary of her death falling 10 days before Christmas) the traditions kind of have gone by the way side. Sort of trying to bring some of them back this year.

As a kid though, we opened Christmas presents on Christmas Eve. My parents claimed we were special to get a visit from Santa while we went to evening mass, but it was just easier on them since we always had somewhere to go on Christmas Day. Later on, I sort of changed it so "Santa gifts" were opened Christmas Eve and family gifts were done on Christmas Day. Not sure if that will fly this year or not ;)
Santa always did and probably always will wrap gifts (still does to this day ;)). Never thought to do it another way until I heard differently this year. Actually this is how I found out about no Santa... one year my mom made the mistake of wrapping family gifts and Santa gifts with the same paper... oops :p
Honestly no traditional meals in our house. Usually something very similar to Thanksgiving dinner. Always on Christmas day though. Now on NYE, we always have to have Chinese for dinner. This is the first year I will be away from civilization, so I need to find a way to make something Chinese for dinner... and have ham for Luis too. Also, we'd have bratwurst & sauerkraut as well on NYE (which I happen to hate, so none of that in my house ;))
We did used to do a ton of baking of cookies around Christmas. I can't say we've done that for about 7 years or so now.
Santa would get really good cookies and milk. A few times carrots and celery for the reindeer. My parents really got goooood stuff though ;) I haven't set out anything for Santa since I moved out.
Most of our traditions were mostly revolved around the spirit of Christmas... trees, decorations, church related activities... all that. One of my favorite that Luis thought was strange at first, was with our nativity scene, Jesus never appears in the manger until Christmas Eve. At that time (after we returned from Mass) we would get out the Bible and read from one of the gospels aobut the birth of Jesus. And at the right moment, one of the kids would finally place him in the manger. And yes, even at our house right now, the nativity scene is set up, with baby Jesus sitting behind, just waiting :)
That's it for traditions here :)

Lars, good luck at work today!!!!

Gail, I'd e-mail you, but no work e-mails makes it hard for me as well ;) I have a feeling it is going to be another *really* slow day for me!
Marsha, honestly I think if you aren't going to cash the check, you should just tell them that. I know my family (well everyone but me) are pretty good about balancing accounts and would definitely know if you don't cash that check. Used to tick my Dad off when someone didn't cash it w/in a month because it would mess him up. In my family there are some you take the money from, even if you don't like it... just some you know saying "no" to would hurt more than anything else. Depending on who gave it to me, I might offer to give it back, knowing full well that I will wind up cashing the check. I do know part of the joy of giving is just that... giving... so if you think it might be a problem, I would probably say that it was so much, don't need it, offer it back, and if they say take it then graciously do. Maybe some day in the future you can be on the giving end in return for such a amazing gift :)
When we were little, we used to have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas and sing "Happy Birthday". We were never allowed to see the tree until Christmas Day. My mom would keep the door to the living room closed, and we'd have to get blindfolded for each meal so we could be led through the living room and into the dining room!

SB and I would cheat sometimes and go outside and look in the front window to see the tree! :blush:

Presents from Santa are always wrapped. With our kids, we would just wrap everything but not label them from Santa or us. They never really asked who gave them the gifts.

Christmas Eve we just hang out at home until it's time for church. Lenny's family usually fasts on Christmas Eve (no meat, cheese, dairy products, etc.). When church is done, we used to go to the IL's to eat and open presents. When the kids were little, this went on too late so we stopped doing it. Now we go home after mass and open all of the presents on Christmas Day.

Christmas Day dinner is usually at the IL's. Traditional ham dinner. My mom will have all of my side of the family over on another day.

New Year's dinner is always pork and sauerkraut. Yum!
Marsha, if money isn't the issue why not take it then? Not cashing it is the same as sending it back and you don't want to do that because you're concerned about offending her. So if she gave it to you she wants you to have it. Sounds like that is what she wanted to do and that is what would make her happy. (Bet you thought I was going to say send it to me.) (PS I'm in the Angel Directory)

E! we used to do that with our nativity scene too. As a matter of fact the sheperds would appear gradually after Christmas and the wise men on January 6th. This was how it was done at my church growing up and it just made so much sense to me. I had every nativity figure you can imagine from Woolworth's when I was a kid and my sister got rid of them after I got married and replaced them with a new set (she said they had just about fallen apart). So this year I got the bug to recreate my past. They used to sell for 39 cents and just last night one figure alone from this set went for $20 on ebay!!!!! I have managed to get a good deal of the set so far at a reasonable price (about a $1.50 a figure) but this will take some time at these prices.
The LK 4 said:
When we were little My mom would keep the door to the living room closed, and we'd have to get blindfolded for each meal so we could be led through the living room and into the dining room!
Parents would get arrested for doing that these days....:(
On the fourth day of Christmas the Angels gave to me,
Four loads of laundry (dedicated to Gail and Carol who always give such expert laundry advice!) ;)
Three Riddle Goddesses (not mistresses, PITAs or any of the other fine suggestions each of you sent me)
Two Sooner Boomers :cheer2::cheer2: and
Alan's weird chicken in a pear tree. :eek:
mickeyfan1 said:
A tad off topic, but give me your best advise................... We got 2 cards from SMIL yesterday, one was a standard Christmas card and the other was a card for our new house. She included a check for $500.00. Pete doesn't want to take the money, but he knows she will be very upset if we don't, and I think it would be rude to tell her we don't need it. (She can well afford it, that isn't the issue). I told him that he should thank her profusely and then just set the check aside and never cash it. His father used to send us money for our BDs and I would do that, he never asked if we were going to cash the checks. Do you all think that it's OK to do that, or should he tell her he isn't going to use it?

I think you should send it to me.....:rotfl:
seriously, I think your plan is a good one. Just thank her, and don't cash the check...
Well, it is official. The databases that I need to use for my job are toast. We are waiting for them to fix them all. In the mean time I am finishing up a trip report for a friend (I haven't written one out since our honeymoon over 4 years ago! that was 2000 for you Lou ;)) But I sort of represented her, and I know she'll appreciate hearing all I (and she via a small Minnie) did.

Lou, I love it that the shepherds and wise men come in later. I remember suggesting it to my sister one year and she looked at me like I was nuts. I think that year I started moving them closer and closer every day... she was about to kill me for being so "silly"

LK, I really like the birthday cake idea! I always have... wonder if I could start doing that when the kids come along. But not seeing the tree? Wow!! That is the total opposite of ours... we were the ones who decorated the tree while our parents watched :p

Nice new verse Lou :teeth:
I was like wrap santa stuff omg I never thought of that
.it never occurred to me not to wrap the stuff! Of course it does require a little handwriting change on the labels
Obviously if it is something that cant be wrapped (bike, toy box, etc) it doesnt get wrapped. But for now all of Sam's gifts are in some sort of wrapping paper he has never seen before. This year it is a very pretty Santa print. Other years it has been solid red & green, Mickey Mouse (for the year he was afraid of Santa sneaking in the house so I called Santa ot see if he could ask MM to deliver), or other Santa paper.
To me it doesnt seem as festive to just have all the stuff sitting there under the tree when we get up. I like seeing the stacks of pretty wrapped gifts and I love watching Sam open everything wondering what it is.
We haven't labeled any gifts from us yet, but this will probably be the last year that everything comes from Santa.

OK, gotta get Sam up and me ready for work. Have a good day
Good morning everyone.

Um thanks, lou, for the 4th day of Christmas. :rolleyes:

The concert last night was nice. Typical high school Christmas concert. The choir sings the same songs ever year. Kind of gets to be a joke.

Now for our Chirstmas traditions. We always go to church Christmas Eve. Which service depends on who is serving or singing at which service. Sarah tries for a hat trick. So, Christmas eve dinner is usually something quick and easy. Often Jack and I have had to work until 3 then church at 5 and 9. And like Elaine, Jesus isn't placed in the manger until Christmas. Good idea about saving the Wise Men until later. I never thought of that.

Gifts are always opened Christmas morning. Santa always wraps his gifts in special Santa paper and the labels would have to be written in another hand writing. Sometimes someone in Jack's office or sometimes a neighbor. We would always open the stockings and one gift then have coffee or breakfast then back to the tree.

Santa always gets milk and cookies. Christmas dinner is usually at my in laws but has been here a couple of times and will be at SIL's this year. We always have turkey with people bringing side dishes and desserts. New Years eve varies. Sometimes home with just us, or home with my brother and his family, or sometimes we travel to his house.

Jack has a dentist appt this AM and took the day off. I have 2 pateints to see, them we are going Christmas shopping. And we will try to get a tree today too. Should keep us busy.
Loubon said:
Elaine is in the manger???? Is she wrapped in swaddling clothes???? :hyper:
Careful there Lou... that is one step away from dangerous waters to tred on ;)
helenabear said:
Careful there Lou... that is one step away from dangerous waters to tred on ;)
Wait, wait, wait....................Lou can tread ON water???????

Hmm, lots of interesting advise. I think that this is what Pete will do, he will call his step mother, he will say she didn't need to do it, he doesn't want the money. They will talk a bit and then he will say, OK, we will use it for the house (as she intended). Then he will agonnize over what to buy. For weeks! His mother gave us a check for the refridgerator, he didn't want to take that either, but since it was his mother, he felt guilty. With his step mother, he feels differently. BTW, he has known Voula since he was very young, the two families were stationed together at Maguire AFB, and had always kept in touch for the last 40 or so years. MIL never liked SMIL, and really disliked her when FIL married her. Family soap opera, gotta love it!

The S/D thread is getting funny. Poor kteacher!

Time to get in the shower and get moving. I forgot AGAIN to get MP yesterday, I need to see if she is still available at 1st day release price. I may also get the Star Wars DVD set, we have the first 3 on VHS, but the VHS player has not been used in a long time.
helenabear said:
Careful there Lou... that is one step away from dangerous waters to tred on ;)
From a religous perspective or an Elaine in swadling clothes perspective?

I don't want to offend anyone's religous beliefs. Beyond that anything is fair game....:p
Loubon said:
From a religous perspective or an Elaine in swadling clothes perspective?

I don't want to offend anyone's religous beliefs. Beyond that anything is fair game....:p

In... on... the I is right next to the O... cut a lady some slack there :p

and quit it with the swaddling clothes... although Luis might like that idea :o

However, I'm going to be offended only because I think you are implying I am the only one short enough to play that roll of a baby... or I am also the "baby" that regularly checks in so that fits me as well. either way I am mad :mad:

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