August 2022 W.I.S.H. - Accountable August

Happy Happy Friday Everyone!!! We made it!!! It was nice to read about everyone’s weekends that they have planned!!

Scale was down 1.2 lbs today which is quite a bit for me in a week and also my first loss in months. I started some fitness vitamins/supplements a week ago and it’s either just a coincidence or they are helping…only time will tell!

I walked at the SPCA today and then DD and I had hair appointments. DD got her back to school cut and highlights and she is delighted with how it turned out so I am excited for her!!

DD is sleeping over at my in-laws this evening so her and my MIL can go to a yard sale tomorrow morning that they go to every year together. I need to take my car down to my son tomorrow for a inspection and oil change and other than that I have no plans except church Sunday! Looking forward to a laid back weekend for sure but I am certain it will fly by!
Because I am an insane person, I am going to use fabric paint to stencil “BE KIND” on 24 orange t-shirts for my students so that when we have “Kindness Fridays,” my students will have orange shirts to wear since the majority don’t have anything orange…plus it’s cute to have everyone match. Michael’s had t-shirts for only $3.33, so I couldn’t resist.

Later today, I plan on soaking up summer and swimming in my pool.
It's 8:30am and I've already been out to water and pick up the trimmings from my clean up yesterday... it is predicted to be up in to the 90s over the weekend, so that sort of thing needs to be done early. Aside from a hair appointment a little later this morning it is a free do-what-ever day.

That surprise pound was gone this morning, thankfully. I had a really good day exercise and calorie day yesterday, altho I certainly could have gotten more nutrition out of those calories. I've started taking turkey tail mushroom supplements for added immune support and I'm wondering if they are helping with energy levels, because I seem to have perked up quite a bit.
@Summer2018 you are absolutely wonderful! Your students are so lucky to have you!

Today was a cloudy day for most of the day and sunny later this afternoon. Had a hard time getting going this morning but forced myself to do some yoga for my aching back (fixed it 100%) and did a 30 minute HITT clas with weights…all on YouTube.

I took DD to buy some things at target that she had been eyeing and dropped my car off to DS for inspection and oil change. Luckily it needed nothing-HOORAY!! Got all my cleaning and laundry done this afternoon and prepped chicken in a homemade marinade to grill tomorrow for dinner. Also going to try these Parmesan garlic crusted potatoes I saw on TikTok for dinner tomorrow…going to try and cook them on the grill so I will report back on my results LOL!
Today was a birthday party x3. I do a family party for all the kids I usually try to get closer to the middle of their birthdays on June but that didn't happen this year. DS7 got confused and though he was turning 8! DD has the cold back and the post nasal drip made her stick to her stomach...really hoping she shakes it soon since vaca starts next Saturday! She is cool as a cucumber and in a good mood so those are good signs. Might keep her home from pool day tomorrow to get some rest we'll see.
Lazy weekend here. As soon as I got off work Friday we headed over to DS2's place to babysit his stepson. Went to bed as soon as we got home and aside from vacuuming and laundry have done very, very little today! I have caught up on my Saturday morning youtube videos I watch. Took a long time because I was only home the first Saturday in July!

My brother sent me a picture of the beach and said it misses me. Pretty sure DH and I miss it more!!!
Another hot lazy summer day, my last day of vacation so boohoo, except I feel like I've been off for a long time so that's a good sign.

Still heading to the airport in the morning as I haven't gotten a flight cancelation notice, but haven't gotten an advance check-in email either. Hmmm... the flight is still listed on the schedule so there's that. Almost finished packing and just a few more things to do around the house. I'm actually looking forward to the trip, so let's not cancel it OK?

Will get plenty of walking in the next few days.
I love that Happy Monday photo!

Will definitely be taking care of myself today, getting back into routines and getting some rest after the busy flea market weekend.

It's sunny and too hot yet, so I'm out "walking" one of the cats, then I have some errands later, and putting away stuff from yesterday.
It’s only 83 now, but the air quality is very unhealthy. The glass for the shower is being delivered around 11:00. This morning, I went to Target for my prescription so I wouldn’t have to go out this afternoon and then dropped DD off at the train station so she didn’t have to walk to the station. The temperatures will continue to be in the 90’s until Friday even though we are getting thunderstorms. If it weren’t for my asthma, I would go in the pool, but I just can’t breathe outside right now.
Low-Fat Ham & Cheese Quiche

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

5 eggs (I prefer organic Eggland’s Best)
1/2 cup 1% low-fat milk
1 cup low-fat grated cheddar cheese
5 slices ham cut into small pieces (I use Applegate uncured ham)
Frozen pie crust

1. Bake pie crust for 5 minutes at 400 degrees.
2. Combine ingredients in large bowl.
3. Remove pie crust from oven and turn down to 375 degrees.
4. Pour ingredients into pie crust.
5. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until fully cooked.
6. Remove from oven and let it rest for 15 minutes.

1/8th of quiche = 253 calories

*Extras: I like to add baby spinach. You can try onions and other veggies.

Bon Appetit!
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Love the Monday post!!!! I certain agree with all of that!!

@Summer2018 bathroom is gorgeous!!

@Oneanne you are so close to me! About 45 minutes south!!

Great topic Tuesday!! I will paste my favorite recipe below and will say that I add crumbled goat cheese to the top and pop it under the broiler for a few minutes! I serve it over whole grain pasta!!

Zucchini skillet

  • 1 lb lean ground turkey, Can use lean ground beef if preferred.
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced


  • 1 1/2 tbsp olive or avocado oil
  • 2 medium zucchini, cubed
  • 1 bell pepper, any color, cut into 3/4 inch pieces (close to same size as zucchini)
  • 1/2 white or yellow onion, cut into 3/4 inch pieces (close to same size as zucchini)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tbsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 5 oz fresh baby spinach

Add your ground turkey (or beef) to a large skillet on the stovetop. Use a spatula to crumble the meat. Cook on medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until browned.

  • Stir in salt, pepper, chili powder, oregano, paprika, and minced garlic. Saute for one more minute so garlic is golden in color. Remove turkey and garlic from pan and set aside.
  • Reduce heat to medium. Add the oil to skillet with the zucchini, onion, and bell pepper. Sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, basil, paprika, and pepper. Stir. Sauté, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent and peppers and zucchini are close to tender, about 5 to 10 minutes.
    • Return the cooked ground turkey and garlic to the skillet. Add the water, tomato paste, and fresh spinach. Stir. Cover and simmer everything for 5 to 10 minutes or until it's all warmed through and spinach is wilted.
It's been...a few days. Got hit by a stomach thing so been laying low. Put my vaca prep way behind...

Going to follow up @PAsFab5 on the zucchini train...not super low cal but yummy and veggie packed

Zucchini/summer squash corn skillet

2 zucchinies (or 1 zucchini and 1 summer squash
2 ears fresh corn
A couple handfuls Shredded cheese (your favorite type)
Olive oil
Salt, pepped, paprika
Optional: 6 or so slices bacon

If using bacon cook and crumble and set aside, saving 1 tablespoon grease. If going vegetarian simply skip this step
Dice zucchini and squash, remove corn from cob
Heat skillet on medium/high and add 2 or so tablespoons of olive oil (or 1 tablespoon of oil and the bacon grease)
Sautee zucchini and squash until the edges start to brown
Add corn until that cooks through and starts to brown
Add salt, pepper and paprika to taste
Turn skillet to low, add a few handfuls of cheese and toss until it starts to melt
If using bacon add it back in and heat through

Serve over noodles for a full meal or serve as a side dish with anything off the grill


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