Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

Pam I really enjoy your posts. You are so thoughtful, organized and usually have great well thought out suggestions for people! Thank you for that.

"have got another BIG email to send out for Relay and AGAIN I am procrastinating because I just DON"T know what to say! But I've gotta bite the bullet and just DO IT! Relay is only about 10 days away!! I'm really feeling the pressure. I tend to be an "over-planner" (like you didn't already know that ) but I'm trying to relax and just kind of make this really low key. But it is really hard for me to NOT get crazy!"

You probably do not realize that those of us who strive to be so organized REALLY appreciate when someone else is organized and does it for us! I say go for it!!!

"I'm also trying to organize a fundraiser (or two) for Robotics. That is near and dear to my heart because every dollar that we DON'T raise as a team, comes (in part) directly from my pocket!"

Do you have Market Day in your school? Three times a year they have Bonus days. You can sell Pies in Nov. Cookie DOugh in Dec adn Desserts in April. If you sell 500 you make 45% profit. The nice thing about this is that there is no risk. You roll into the Market Day program. No minimums no delivery fee etc. My 20 Cheerleaders made $2000 selling Pies in November last year.
Why no sleeping? See above advise to CC if you need it! You probably got in about 5000 more steps than me today! Work was okay, but not particularly active and I ended up having to skip the gym to attend Rainbow Girls with DD. Oh well.

Don't know why I'm not sleeping. I just go through cycles like that.

Disney Dude - that's funny!!!! I'll have to tell him when he gets home.
My computer is doing goofy things...

Anyway, I wanted to Pop in and say Hi to everyone!!

Nancy, loved your pics!

Deb -- good luck at your new job

And so many others but I keep getting kicked off here.

How and where do we sign up for the summer challenge?

Have a great Day EVERYONE!!! :love:
Why did I just eat those Hershey Drops? Oh well, I guess I'll drink lots of water now and wash them through my system. Home from work. 2 clients today. 2 on Thursday. Short day on Friday due to dentist appt.

Starz is showing Disney's A Christmas Carol!

Ash will be home shortly and we'll get her homework done and then have supper and then run over to the art show at her school. After that we'll stop at the dump, maybe and then go to dancing.

Have a great evening! Up to 15 weigh ins!

TTFN :tigger:
well, now that i'm back from vacation i'm of course starting to obsess about our next trip. we almost always have had our next trip planned before our current one ends which always helps when we have to go home. but we don't have another trip really planned now! waaaah!

i was hoping we'd be able to do a sept trip but it's looking like it might not happen. dh's new job is really anal about vacation (which i think is ridiculous as he's the director of marketing and works at least a little every day when we're on vacation anyway!) so i don't know if we'll be able to swing it.

so, i'll just have to read P's trip report over and over to get my disney fix!
Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald

Sorry to hear about your Mom. My Dad was diagnosed with dementia last April. It came on so suddenly, he was living with me at the time. He has lived in an Alzheimers unit of an Assisted Living facility for the past year. Through them we found an awesome specialist in Alzheimers/Dementia and with the right mix of medications - Dad is a lot better. Not perfect, but better. He actually has a "lady" friend there that he is very attentive to. At Christmas I asked him he wanted to buy her a present - he said "We are not that serious!!!" LOL His brothers and sisters visit at least once a week, we take him out all the time. Entertainment comes in daily, they go out to lunch, bowling, dancing. He seems to have a good time. He hates the food, too many foods that are good for you LOL - but his blood sugar has never been better.

It's a tough, tough road to travel. When he goes into the rambles about how he went to Maine the night before for dinner and to watch the whales. I just ask how many whales he saw and was the food good. He will then get very happy and animated telling his "story". My sister still has problems dealing with it. She tries to constantly bring him back to reality. It just upsets him and doesn't help at all. I hope you have family support - it means the world of difference. Any questions just send a PM

Maria: I love your catchy saying! I can't get it out of my head! :) Tomorrow will definitely be a better day. We work at the same place, but in different departments, although I can see him working from my desk, so he's not so easy to avoid. But, "When I see Mr. Wrong, I'll be strong" will definitely make things much, much easier! Love it!

P: Thanks for the great suggestions! BL/WISH is usually the last thing I do at night. I'll have to start showering slightly earlier and then getting here earlier. Then, I have to stay on only as long as I usually do. ;)

Thanks to everyone for their support! :hug: are most appreciated!

Today was an overall down day. I overate at a lunch and barely ate breakfast. I also had a donut at break. I need to give myself more than 15 minutes to get out of the house in the morning so I can pack more than an apple to eat when I get to work. (I eat in the parking lot because I can't eat at my desk.) I used to love having oatmeal, but it seems like so many points now. Any thoughts? Is it worth 4 points? :confused3

I had a med check today. I am doing great. No changes are necessary and I haven't taken either of the 2 meds I have for "as needed" since my last med check. That means I'm sleeping better and I haven't had any vertigo that I couldn't manage without meds! :banana:

My blood test results came back from my TSH test, but I wasn't home when someone (different dr's office) called with the results. I'll try reaching her tomorrow. I'm hoping that I need less of a dose actually. I'm thinking that I'm taking too much thryoid medication, but I know that stress could cause the same symptoms, so I'm could be wrong.

Thought tomorrow would be a good day for a mini-challenge between BL challenges.

Exercise for 45 minutes.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
Kathy -- I am right there with you. I finally got up and ran this morning -- 3M and it felt wonderful. I'm already planning 4M for tomorrow, I need to get myself moving back in the right direction and I don't want to wait until the next Challenge to start! I am going to make use of my summer this year and not lose track of my goals! :thumbsup2

No need to wait! Why wait to make your life better? Why wait to get healthier? I'm glad you decided not to wait until the next challenge!

Pamela -- You are counting down the days of school -- not sure how many ds has left, he gets out the 28th. We thought he'd have to go until the 30th, so it's a small blessing. I'm putting him on a plane for Missouri the 29th, he can unwind in the Ozarks. :goodvibes

What is he doing in MO?? Did I already hear about this and I am forgetting? The Ozarks are beautiful! I think we get out about the 20th or 21st maybe.

I brought 13 pts to work today -- as well as an orange, banana, and snack size bags of carrots, peppers, cherries and blueberries. I had a small portion of raspberries and hot tea before I left the house this morning. Breakfast will be coming up soon.

Okay, better get this work day going...everyone have a great day, and make a plan for Memorial Day weekend -- that's on my agenda! :idea:

Maria :upsidedow

What yummy, healthy foods you packed for work! Are the people you eat lunch with impressed? I haven't seen fresh cherries here yet. Blueberries are still really expensive and only okay... not great. I am spoiled by homegrown blueberries, warm from the sun!

Pam I really enjoy your posts. You are so thoughtful, organized and usually have great well thought out suggestions for people! Thank you for that.

"have got another BIG email to send out for Relay and AGAIN I am procrastinating because I just DON"T know what to say! But I've gotta bite the bullet and just DO IT! Relay is only about 10 days away!! I'm really feeling the pressure. I tend to be an "over-planner" (like you didn't already know that ) but I'm trying to relax and just kind of make this really low key. But it is really hard for me to NOT get crazy!"

You probably do not realize that those of us who strive to be so organized REALLY appreciate when someone else is organized and does it for us! I say go for it!!!

"I'm also trying to organize a fundraiser (or two) for Robotics. That is near and dear to my heart because every dollar that we DON'T raise as a team, comes (in part) directly from my pocket!"

Do you have Market Day in your school? Three times a year they have Bonus days. You can sell Pies in Nov. Cookie DOugh in Dec adn Desserts in April. If you sell 500 you make 45% profit. The nice thing about this is that there is no risk. You roll into the Market Day program. No minimums no delivery fee etc. My 20 Cheerleaders made $2000 selling Pies in November last year.

Thanks for your kind words. I have trouble with DELEGATING, so I tend to get a bit :crazy: when I am in charge of a project. I'm really trying to just "throw it to the world" and let go with this Relay. As long as we have walkers and chaperones and some funds raised, I will consider it a success!

I will DEFINITELY look into the Market Day. Is that the name of the company? Unfortunately I can't imagine we could raise $2k with just 4 or 5 kids selling, but any amount would be great!

I got a good email out to the swim team encouraging people to help out, even if they can't participate directly in the Relay. THe swim coach (my "silent" co-captain for Relay) really liked the email, so I guess it was okay. Just waiting to hear back.

My computer is doing goofy things...

Anyway, I wanted to Pop in and say Hi to everyone!!

Nancy, loved your pics!

Deb -- good luck at your new job

And so many others but I keep getting kicked off here.

How and where do we sign up for the summer challenge?

Have a great Day EVERYONE!!! :love:

Sorry about the computer troubles. I think that Rose plans on starting the new challenge when she gets back from Disney.

well, now that i'm back from vacation i'm of course starting to obsess about our next trip. we almost always have had our next trip planned before our current one ends which always helps when we have to go home. but we don't have another trip really planned now! waaaah!

i was hoping we'd be able to do a sept trip but it's looking like it might not happen. dh's new job is really anal about vacation (which i think is ridiculous as he's the director of marketing and works at least a little every day when we're on vacation anyway!) so i don't know if we'll be able to swing it.

so, i'll just have to read P's trip report over and over to get my disney fix!

Enjoy the trip report. I had fun writing it up and selecting the photos to use. Kind of like scrapbooking, which I haven't had much time to do lately!

Maybe you could plan a trip for a few years away.... maybe the new baby's first trip to Disney??

Sorry to hear about your Mom. My Dad was diagnosed with dementia last April. It came on so suddenly, he was living with me at the time. He has lived in an Alzheimers unit of an Assisted Living facility for the past year. Through them we found an awesome specialist in Alzheimers/Dementia and with the right mix of medications - Dad is a lot better. Not perfect, but better. He actually has a "lady" friend there that he is very attentive to. At Christmas I asked him he wanted to buy her a present - he said "We are not that serious!!!" LOL His brothers and sisters visit at least once a week, we take him out all the time. Entertainment comes in daily, they go out to lunch, bowling, dancing. He seems to have a good time. He hates the food, too many foods that are good for you LOL - but his blood sugar has never been better.

It's a tough, tough road to travel. When he goes into the rambles about how he went to Maine the night before for dinner and to watch the whales. I just ask how many whales he saw and was the food good. He will then get very happy and animated telling his "story". My sister still has problems dealing with it. She tries to constantly bring him back to reality. It just upsets him and doesn't help at all. I hope you have family support - it means the world of difference. Any questions just send a PM


How nice of you to come on and share your story to help a friend. It can be so helpful to hear what others have done when confronted with a similar situation. I'm sure it was appreciated. And good for you for keeping a positive outlook with regards to your Dad.

P: Thanks for the great suggestions! BL/WISH is usually the last thing I do at night. I'll have to start showering slightly earlier and then getting here earlier. Then, I have to stay on only as long as I usually do. ;)

I guess we are all just too stimulating that late at night!! :lmao:

Thanks to everyone for their support! :hug: are most appreciated!

Today was an overall down day. I overate at a lunch and barely ate breakfast. I also had a donut at break. I need to give myself more than 15 minutes to get out of the house in the morning so I can pack more than an apple to eat when I get to work. (I eat in the parking lot because I can't eat at my desk.) I used to love having oatmeal, but it seems like so many points now. Any thoughts? Is it worth 4 points? :confused3

I had a med check today. I am doing great. No changes are necessary and I haven't taken either of the 2 meds I have for "as needed" since my last med check. That means I'm sleeping better and I haven't had any vertigo that I couldn't manage without meds! :banana:

My blood test results came back from my TSH test, but I wasn't home when someone (different dr's office) called with the results. I'll try reaching her tomorrow. I'm hoping that I need less of a dose actually. I'm thinking that I'm taking too much thryoid medication, but I know that stress could cause the same symptoms, so I'm could be wrong.

Thought tomorrow would be a good day for a mini-challenge between BL challenges.

Exercise for 45 minutes.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

So pleased to to hear that you are able to manage life with less medication now! That is so important!

Okay... I definitely need to beef up my workouts. I've been letting them get shorter and shorter, since I've been so busy. I vow to get in AT LEAST 45 minutes tomorrow! Thanks for the challenge!

Evening all! Busy, busy day today. After my busy morning I talked about, I did more laundry (and actually got a load on the clothesline!! :sunny:), ran to the American Cancer Society office to pick up some supplies, hit the grocery store with a handful of coupons (saved $28!) and came home with lots of fresh fruits and veggies and healthy stuff.

Dinner was flounder (delicious) with roasted summer squash and cherry tomatoes.... super good! Ran DD to the Y after early dinner, ran a quick errand to Target, then back to the Y to talk to swim coach about a few Relay things and a quick sweaty workout.

Decided (while in the shower tonight) that our main fundraiser at the Relay will be selling "Tigersharks Trail Mix". It is super easy to make and bag, can be sold relatively cheaply, and can be eaten for dinner, dessert, midnight snack, and breakfast, so hopefully we will sell a LOT of it at the Relay. The most DIFFICULT part will be NOT EATING it myself! :rotfl: I love trail mix!

Well.... I'm running back and forth between tvs to see both the DWTS finale and the BL finale! Gotta to check on the Dancin'!! Talk to you all tomorrow. I'm working, but I will try to find the time to pop on!................P
Another good day for me. I'm learing a lot, just need passwords so I can start to do some things on my own. The restaurant wasn't too bad either. Made a little coin and met some nice local people. I start my new hours (4 day week) next week. Hmmm I guess that means I work a 3 day week :confused3
I promise I'll take care of the weekly results in the morning! Watching BL Finale and CNN coverage of the horrible weather in OK!!!!

Please stay safe everyone! We will be praying for you!!!!
I keep trying to catch up or post and then get distracted with everything else going on.

  • Elementary school has moved the 5th grade "graduation" to the cafeteria which is WAY too small for the amount of people so the upset and angry phone calls and emails with parents have been flying.
  • DD15 had no school today because it is state testing and they can't be at school unless they have a test. She has one tomorrow so I have to take her in at 12:00.
  • Took her for an eye exam today and she decided to get contacts. Took her 2 hours to remove them this evening.
  • Been trying to find a cruise for this summer.
  • Found a great cruise but have to convince DH that we should pay $3000 for a 7 day cruise.:eek:
  • Have to convince MYSELF that we should pay $3000 for a cruise!:guilty:
  • Taking DD15 to get the streak in her hair redyed before she goes for her test tomorrow.
  • Still trying to get some control over all the paperwork and cleaning I have been trying to do.

But I have been eating great! If we do go on this cruise then I would like to lose about 10 more pounds first. I do not intend to be on a "diet" when I cruise! It will be carbs and desserts and cream sauces all the way! So I would like to a little more buffer room. We have discovered the frozen "Steamfresh" veggies and that is really helping things. We can have good veggies quick and easy without the stress of trying to keep fresh stuff bought, preped and used. Still getting fresh but there are just so many nights that we haven't been able to get to the store, or are just too tired to wash and cut and steam and clean the steamer. And I am tired of throwing away the moldy remnants of something that was bought but never eaten.

I did get finally read the newer edition of the South Beach Diet book and am really glad I did. Some great new recipes and l really like all the information and recommendations about exercise.

Gotta run. Dh wants to discuss the cruise. Wish me luck!:cheer2:
Sarah May,

I asked the same...Our Wonderful leader Rose is at Disney this week. She will start a new thread when she returns!!

Stay tuned!!

Welcome :yay:
Good wednesday morning everyone.

I feel so much better this morning. Thanks for all the well wishes.

I can't believe that I stayed up to 10 last night. I was flipping between GLee and BL. I don't like this last show on the BL. Too noisy. The winner is not who I wanted to win but she did a great job and deserved to win. I did want Jay mainly because he and his daughter are local people.

Tonight I have to go to an awards show. It is for county high school theater productions. the local high school that I work with were nominated for best musical, best actor and several other catagories. The kids have to perform tonight so we went last night to make sure that they are ready with their costumes. It will be a fun night even if the kids don't win. It would be nice for the best actor to win. He won the same award as a freshman. I don't know if he willbut it would be nice.

Rose pm's me and told me that she would be putting up the summer challenge soon. SO look for it. It is coming.

Hi to everyone

Have a happy and healthy day.
Don't know why I'm not sleeping. I just go through cycles like that.

Disney Dude - that's funny!!!! I'll have to tell him when he gets home.

How was last night? Did you sleep better?

Another good day for me. I'm learing a lot, just need passwords so I can start to do some things on my own. The restaurant wasn't too bad either. Made a little coin and met some nice local people. I start my new hours (4 day week) next week. Hmmm I guess that means I work a 3 day week :confused3

Will you get paid for the holiday? A three day week would be great, as long as you are getting paid. GLad to hear day two was good!

I keep trying to catch up or post and then get distracted with everything else going on.

  • Elementary school has moved the 5th grade "graduation" to the cafeteria which is WAY too small for the amount of people so the upset and angry phone calls and emails with parents have been flying.

    Can't say that I blame the parents... nobody wants to miss something like that. Does the school have another venue available that they are choosing not to use for some reason??
  • DD15 had no school today because it is state testing and they can't be at school unless they have a test. She has one tomorrow so I have to take her in at 12:00.

    Kind of a PITA for the parents, don'tcha think? What if you had to work at mid-day and couldn't drive her in? Can't they just go in and stay in study hall or something?
  • Took her for an eye exam today and she decided to get contacts. Took her 2 hours to remove them this evening.

    It will get better, I promise. She just needs to get used to it.
  • Been trying to find a cruise for this summer.
  • Found a great cruise but have to convince DH that we should pay $3000 for a 7 day cruise.:eek:
  • Have to convince MYSELF that we should pay $3000 for a cruise!:guilty:

    Sounds good to me, but I don't know about cruise pricing. Is that particularly expensive?? What cruise line??
  • Taking DD15 to get the streak in her hair redyed before she goes for her test tomorrow.
  • Still trying to get some control over all the paperwork and cleaning I have been trying to do.

I know the feeling about the cleaning and paperwork.... but it NEVER ENDS!! Have you ever considered getting one of those quick scanners for your desk? Like the kind they advertise on TV? I have been thinking about it cause I am so sick of the papers everywhere! We have a big desktop scanner, but it is such a process to use it that I avoid it!

But I have been eating great! If we do go on this cruise then I would like to lose about 10 more pounds first. I do not intend to be on a "diet" when I cruise! It will be carbs and desserts and cream sauces all the way! So I would like to a little more buffer room. We have discovered the frozen "Steamfresh" veggies and that is really helping things. We can have good veggies quick and easy without the stress of trying to keep fresh stuff bought, preped and used. Still getting fresh but there are just so many nights that we haven't been able to get to the store, or are just too tired to wash and cut and steam and clean the steamer. And I am tired of throwing away the moldy remnants of something that was bought but never eaten.

I did get finally read the newer edition of the South Beach Diet book and am really glad I did. Some great new recipes and l really like all the information and recommendations about exercise.

Gotta run. Dh wants to discuss the cruise. Wish me luck!:cheer2:

WOOHOO on great eating! I am so glad to hear that you are in a good "groove" with it! What date is the newer SB book? I will have to look into it cause DD and I are about to CLIMB THE WALLS with this diet. We are kind of doing Phase 2, but still having trouble finding a variety of foods to eat.... especially stuff I can pack for DD's school lunch.

I keep frozen veggies in the freezer for "emergencies" and tend to use them more in the winter. This time year and into the summer I buy fresh whenever/whereever I can. I had a coupon for the Birds Eye while at the market yesterday, but it one a BOGO and they didn't stock the first part of the BOGO combo, so I had to skip it. ARe any particularly better than others?

Good wednesday morning everyone.

I feel so much better this morning. Thanks for all the well wishes.

So glad you feel better!!

I can't believe that I stayed up to 10 last night. I was flipping between GLee and BL. I don't like this last show on the BL. Too noisy. The winner is not who I wanted to win but she did a great job and deserved to win. I did want Jay mainly because he and his daughter are local people.

I was happy with the winner. I really liked her. The final 4 all looked fabulous.... but I wasn't overly impressed with the weight losses of some of the "at home" players. Seems like some of them still aren't totally on board with this. Some of the biggest guys had the lowest percentages. I'm sad for them, but I hope they can continue with this. I really thought Arthur would look better.

Tonight I have to go to an awards show. It is for county high school theater productions. the local high school that I work with were nominated for best musical, best actor and several other catagories. The kids have to perform tonight so we went last night to make sure that they are ready with their costumes. It will be a fun night even if the kids don't win. It would be nice for the best actor to win. He won the same award as a freshman. I don't know if he willbut it would be nice.

Hope you enjoy the evening!

Rose pm's me and told me that she would be putting up the summer challenge soon. SO look for it. It is coming.

I hope she isn't worrying about us! I hope that she is just enjoying her vacation time and her g-f treats at Disney!Hi to everyone

Have a happy and healthy day.

********Happy SUNNY Wednesday morning friends!! I cannot BELIEVE how the sun makes me feel so much better!

I'm in school today and have a TOUGH class, so I don't anticipate much time to pop on here. Maybe while they are at gym.

Thankfully we've had some hungry and thirsty teachers here lately and they've been buying the nuts, granola bars, and sodas I am selling for a Relay fundraiser! I've made $23 since Monday with very little work! In fact, the soda cooler was empty and I didn't bring much with me, so I called DH to come bring me some while the kids are at gym! Fingers crossed that today's sun will make EVERYONE thirsty for Coke/Diet Coke and hungry for granola bars and nuts!! :lmao:

Any suggestions on fun things we can add to the Tigersharks Trail Mix? I am going to kind of make it a "kitchen sink" mix and add all kinds of stuff.... so far I have granola (a few different kinds), cashews, almonds, M&Ms, peanuts, white chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips, raisins, and dried cranberries.

Kids will be here in about 5 minutes.... gotta hit the potty while I can! TTYL...........P
Morning Teams!

Heading home today from Disney :(. We had a BLAST! I can honestly say in all the trips I've taken this was the BEST and not just because of the celebration of completing college.

We spent a LOT of time at the resort just relaxing. We did 3 park days but not all day long. We'd get there in the morning, take a break, and then come back later that evening. First time I've done that and I can say I enjoyed it. Epcot was a half day thing. Then both MK days we split up with breaks in the mid afternoon.

Quick dining review and then have to finishing getting stuff packed up

1st night: Ohanas - LOVED IT!
2nd night: Coral Reef (@ Epcot) - HATED IT! I've had better service AND food at Red Lobster. I kept reading everyone was saying how loud Ohanas was. PFFT, it was quiet as a church mouse compared to Coral Reef.
3rd night: No table service
4th night: Mama Melrose - I enjoyed it; Alan didn't like it
5th night: House of Blues - It was good but can honestly say wasn't focused on food that much, was visiting with friends
6th night: Tony's (MK) - I love this place every time I go! It was Alan's first trip and he said he liked Tony's better then Mama Melrose
7th night: 1900 Park Fare (breakfast) Now after having 3 different breakfast buffets I've come to the realization I don't like the food, but love meeting and greeting with characters.
8th night: Chef Mickey (dinner) another ressie we got at the last minute because I canceled our original. I can honestly say I like the dinner better then the breakfast and with it being a later reservation (8:50pm) there weren't a lot of people there.
9th night: Ohanas (got lucky, canceled a ressie and found this one the night before online)

Oh and my favorite part of all? We had a standard view, 1 bedroom, 2nd floor @ BLT that you could see Space Mountain off in the distance. I can tell you right now that when people say "Oh you have to have a 7th floor room or higher to get a good view of fireworks" I think its a load of crap. We had an AWESOME view! Alan took video of the entire show. I can honestly say I would of rather left MK and gone back to BLT to watch the fireworks the night of EMH at MK but didn't want to leave. I personally enjoyed the fireworks better from the resort.
Another good day for me. I'm learing a lot, just need passwords so I can start to do some things on my own. The restaurant wasn't too bad either. Made a little coin and met some nice local people. I start my new hours (4 day week) next week. Hmmm I guess that means I work a 3 day week :confused3
Yay Deb! Sounds like things are going well for you at the new job :)

I keep trying to catch up or post and then get distracted with everything else going on.

But I have been eating great! If we do go on this cruise then I would like to lose about 10 more pounds first. I do not intend to be on a "diet" when I cruise! It will be carbs and desserts and cream sauces all the way! So I would like to a little more buffer room. We have discovered the frozen "Steamfresh" veggies and that is really helping things. We can have good veggies quick and easy without the stress of trying to keep fresh stuff bought, preped and used. Still getting fresh but there are just so many nights that we haven't been able to get to the store, or are just too tired to wash and cut and steam and clean the steamer. And I am tired of throwing away the moldy remnants of something that was bought but never eaten.

I did get finally read the newer edition of the South Beach Diet book and am really glad I did. Some great new recipes and l really like all the information and recommendations about exercise.

Gotta run. Dh wants to discuss the cruise. Wish me luck!
I hope you go on the cruise!!!! I would love to live vicariously through you this summer! My parents are on a cruise as we speak - RC Allure of the Seas - it looks so beautiful!
I'm a HUGE fan of Steamfresh! I usually get them a Walmart because they are so much cheaper than Stop and SHop. My Stop and Shop also has their own brand of "steamfresh" but the veggies are not as crunchy...really very wimpy but good in a pinch! Enjoy!

Good wednesday morning everyone.

I feel so much better this morning. Thanks for all the well wishes.

I can't believe that I stayed up to 10 last night. I was flipping between GLee and BL. I don't like this last show on the BL. Too noisy. The winner is not who I wanted to win but she did a great job and deserved to win. I did want Jay mainly because he and his daughter are local people.

Go Jersey people GO!

Tonight I have to go to an awards show. It is for county high school theater productions. the local high school that I work with were nominated for best musical, best actor and several other catagories. The kids have to perform tonight so we went last night to make sure that they are ready with their costumes. It will be a fun night even if the kids don't win. It would be nice for the best actor to win. He won the same award as a freshman. I don't know if he willbut it would be nice.
Good luck to the kiddies!! Hope they bring back some swag!

Rose pm's me and told me that she would be putting up the summer challenge soon. SO look for it. It is coming.

Hi to everyone

Have a happy and healthy day.

********Happy SUNNY Wednesday morning friends!! I cannot BELIEVE how the sun makes me feel so much better!

I'm in school today and have a TOUGH class, so I don't anticipate much time to pop on here. Maybe while they are at gym.

Thankfully we've had some hungry and thirsty teachers here lately and they've been buying the nuts, granola bars, and sodas I am selling for a Relay fundraiser! I've made $23 since Monday with very little work! In fact, the soda cooler was empty and I didn't bring much with me, so I called DH to come bring me some while the kids are at gym! Fingers crossed that today's sun will make EVERYONE thirsty for Coke/Diet Coke and hungry for granola bars and nuts!! :lmao:

Any suggestions on fun things we can add to the Tigersharks Trail Mix? I am going to kind of make it a "kitchen sink" mix and add all kinds of stuff.... so far I have granola (a few different kinds), cashews, almonds, M&Ms, peanuts, white chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips, raisins, and dried cranberries.

Kids will be here in about 5 minutes.... gotta hit the potty while I can! TTYL...........P
Totally agree here with the SUN!!! I was really getting cabin fever with all this rain!! The trail mix sounds so about adding pretzel nuggets? I hope today brings in a great deal of money with hungry teachers :)

Morning Teams!

Heading home today from Disney :(. We had a BLAST! I can honestly say in all the trips I've taken this was the BEST and not just because of the celebration of completing college.
AWWWW~ your trip sounds like it was just what you needed! I love Ohana too :) Can't wait to get your full trip report and some pictures!! Welcome back!

Sorry about the headache. As a frequent sufferer, I have special sympathy.

What does the hot water and lemon do? Clean out the intestines?? Or just fill the belly or what?

Have you had any trouble finding the quinoa? I have found a couple of different kinds around if you need any suggestions.

Would you believe the headache came back last night??? Grrrrr! I'm not a frequent headache person so I am ultra tired today...yuck :( The hot water and lemon is supposed to clean me out in the morning but it really hasn't been working that well. Constipation is my enemy right now....maybe the cause of my headaches? Anyway, I get my quinoa from Costco - great price and I use all of it so quickly that it works well! I've been making it in a rice cooker, which makes the clean up really simple!

Happy Hump Day to all!!
More headaches last night which caused me to miss awards night here at school and skip yet another workout. This cleanse is becoming a royal pain in the butt! If I had to do it more than a week I think I would shoot myself!! Just the preparation takes so much time at night and then I end up not enjoying the stuff I am eating. Maybe I'm just cranky due to my lack of sugar...or maybe I'm just cranky today?
Anyhoo, I only have one student today which gives me time to read my Nook for the next book club meeting on June 15th - I am finally ahead of the game on this one! I'm not sure about my weekend plans. Brian said something about taking his mom to their beach house but I am not sure if I am invited? I hate to ask since he is really getting along with his mom (who I don't really like) and maybe they want to spend time together? I don't know. I feel like I am walking on eggshells around him lately....he's been staying at his brothers apartment since he is still having problems saying goodbye but the lease is up on Tuesday so he will be back here fulltime. He leaves for California on the 2nd to do a Mud Run with his cousin and will be gone for a week. Ok, I am cranky....

Well, need to search the web for Black Disney Fitflops in a size 9 ~ they are sold out at :(

I'll stop back in later...hopefully not as cranky!
So on this last official BL weigh in day I am happy to be able to say:


I wasn't sure if I was going to make it but my weight every morning this week has been a definite 25 pound loss! I like to see the same number consistently for a few days before I feel it is "real". My personal weigh in day isn't until Sunday so I am kind of hoping that maybe I will actually be a little further down. A little birdie is telling me that if I am good today and tomorrow then it probably will be.:rolleyes1

I can not thank everyone here enough. The friendship and accountability and just having someone to share with every day has been wonderful (especially since none of my IRL friends have noticed YET!) I can't even remember the last time I was at this weight. It was probably at least 5 years ago. This summer will be the most challenging time for me so I am hoping I will be able to continue to get here every day and read and check in. That will be on my list of goals!

I still have a very long way to go, but from my highest weight ever last year I have now lost 42 pounds and 25 (maybe 26;) ) since Jan 1st. Losing 10 pounds six more times now seems really doable.

Have to run and grab a shower but will try to get back later.

Congratulations! I remember that you weren't even sure if you would make it through the challenge! I am soooo very happy for you!:goodvibes

Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald
I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling better. Don't be too embarrassed about the junk. We have all been there. Hang in there and try to take care of yourself.:hug:

Anyway now we are just relaxing and the kids are taking a much needed nap. My mom may be letting the kids have a sleepover but she wants to wait until 5pm to make sure the world is not ending first.:rotfl2: She is such a wack.:rotfl:

Otherwise nothing planned for the rest of the day.

I hope you all are doing well.
First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!:cool1:

My mom will start radiation on Monday. They can still come visit this summer. She will probably have chemo when they return to NC end of July/early August. The lesions are localized and haven't spread anywhere. They expect her to be in remission with in the year!

I got the news right after arriving at the Relay for Life last night! It made the beginning so special to me to get that promising news. It was a wonderful inspiring night! The 13 other ladies I walked with are now life long friends! They were all so concerned and caring. We all had our personal reasons for being there! I walked over 15 miles total. I walked in groups and by myself listening to music or just listening to the sounds from the highway. The weather turned out almost perfect! About 2am we had fog and mist! But with the hundreds of luminarias lit around the inside and outside of the track it was just breathtaking!

I got home at 5:30 and went to sleep for about 3 hours until Brian woke me up to get ready for the soccer games. The weather was quite warm this morning! Ashleigh scored her first goal of the season! She has improved so much this season and she's really loving the game!

We then went to the British Beer Co for lunch courtesy of Brian's work. Ash got a special drink. I had a mudslide to drink! I don't plan on eating much of anything the rest of the day!

I'm EXHUASTED and my feet and thighs are KILLING me! Going to lie on the couch and watch the Bruins game and chill. Ash just went to a friend's house and Izzie is in the back yard drawing with chalk. Brian had to go to work as they are having some electrical issues but he also did the dump run though he left a box of cardboard at the top of the stairs.

That's it for now!

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey--I'm so happy for the good news and I'm so glad you had such a wonderful experience at the walk.

Its my birthday today!! :cool1:

I should have sent in my weigh in Saturday instead of Friday, I was down another 1.3! I think I already did a little too much celebrating Saturday and Sunday though with 2 off plan meals this weekend and am not feeling as good as I usually do.

DS's kids triathlon was a blast! He did so well and we are very proud of him, especially since we didn't get outside as much as we would have liked with all the rain we've been getting. Some of those kids had some pretty expensive tri equipment and were pretty hard core. It was a great event and very inspiring. Maybe I'll do one one day!

Only 2 more days of school, swimming for both kids, a diving clinic, cub scouts crossover, and a business trip for DH to go! I hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad there is no weigh in this week! I need the extra time to get back on track! Time to have a really good day if I am going to indulge a little at dinner!
Happy belated birthday. The 23rd is also our wedding anniversary.:goodvibes

Food this week will be interesting. My doctor wants me to do a cleanse to see if I have celiac. I did this cleanse a few years ago and the results were inconclusive so here I go again! I am basically taking almost everything out of my diet and slowly reintroducing them. My breakfast is plain oatmeal made with water, snacks are veggie broth, lunch is veggies and quinoa, and dinner is veggies, quinoa and grilled chicken breast or tilapia (strawberries for dessert!). I do this for a week and slowly bring things back next week. Last time I did this I felt so much better - clearer mind, less stressed, no tummy troubles, regular!, and I had more energy. Since my celiac blood test was inconclusive, this is the best way to go! I'm writing it all down and making sure that food journaling becomes a habit this time. So far I am ok today - the lack of caffeine and sugar has given me a bit of a headache but apparently that is just the toxins leaving my system. All I can say is TOXINS BE GONE!!

By the time this week is over I will have lost weight (not real weight since my diet is so restricted), but it was a nice jumping off point for the next challenge. I'm planning to do some work at the gym tonight with a short cardio session. My ankle has been giving me problems all week so I will pass on spin tonight. I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening after my workout!

Wishing everyone a good day with great choices!
I'm pretty sure I told you this before, but my blood tests for celiac were negative, but going gluten free is the single best think I have ever done for my diet. And a negative blood test does not mean you don't have celiac diesease and or gluten intolerance. I went to a g-f fair and spoke with someone from the celiac research foundation at U of Md and she really fussed me for not getting a biopsy--which is supposed to be the accepted definitive test for c-d. You can have a negative blood test and a positive biopsy. But I have decided (along with my dr that if I feel better that is the best result). And I thought it was interesting that you felt less stressed and clearer on the cleanse. I had really bad brain fog before going g-f, along with tons of excessive anxiety, etc. My DH and DS are amazed at how much calmer I am. Anyhow, I hope you find something that works for you. It's a hard diet, but well worth it imho.:goodvibes

Lisa Happy Birthday. I hope you had an amazing day.

I survived Day 1. The morning was orientation. As part of it I had to have a TB test and blood draw :scared1: Other than that it wasn't bad. I've already learned quite a bit about a specific kind of claim form. My supervisor seems very nice (she is called my sponsor). And do you know that federal agencies don't have cheat sheets, we do however have reference materials :rotfl2: I will be working 6 AM - 4:30 PM Mon-THUR. I may need to wait 2 weeks for that to be effective, some sort of union thing:confused3
Glad it is going ok, Deb!
Well, we are home. I am having some major vacation let-down right now.:thumbsup2 It was very warm--in the 90s, but the sun was out every day and it was fabulous!

Thank you so much to Lisa and Kathy for posting questions.:goodvibes

Here's a QOTD--
Who is your favorite Winnie the Pooh character?

My favorite is Piglet.

According to wikipedia:
Despite the fact that he is a "Very Small Animal" with a stutter and a generally timid disposition, he often conquers his fears and seems to want to be brave.

And I think Piglet is a very good friend and very kind.:goodvibes

Have a great day everyone! I will get the new thread up sometime in the next couple of days. :goodvibes
Sorry, all! I took my car over and they discovered it was the brakes! UGH! I thought they were fixing them and then I saw my car. I said, is it all done? He said,"You want us to do them now?" I said, "Please!" Then I walked to the wellness center and then walked back to my house with the school bus driver. If my car is done by the time Izzie comes home at noon I will get a ride to the shop from the bus driver! At least I got a walk in this morning. This afternoon I am going to try and get the acs ready to put in the windows as it's supposed to be warm all week and into the weekend. Izzie wants to play with a neighbor when she gets home from school and then Izzie has dancing.

Going to start watching Glee. I will get to the results tonight and then the task of the FINAL RESULTS!!!!


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