Continue to be shocked by the rude bully we encountered :(

Instead of commenting on the 'bully'- who was rude, but not a bully- perhaps looking at what could have been done to eliminate the issue is warranted. When we are watching parades, fireworks, live entertainment, etc- we are always very aware of our surroundings and 'pockets' of empty space ahead of us. If there is a pocket- we move into it, because if we don't- someone else will- thus blocking the view and creating the situation we are reading about. You cannot expect people to behave the way you want them to. You can, however, change your behavior to minimize this situation from occurring. If the OP would have moved into the spot, then this other family would have had no choice but to scoot in somewhere behind them. Pretty easy fix. Of course, most of us have to experience something like this before we learn to move forward when possible- which then prevents this from happening again. That's one of the great things about the boards- people can learn little tips and tricks to improve their experience, using someone else's 'learning curve' to their benefit.
I always like to go to Casey's prior to the parade and get a nice chili dog. Then, if anyone moves in front of me WATCH OUT!
I think it's also worth looking at it from the other side, if only to soothe your own angry feelings.

Imagine someone asked you to let their kid stand in front of you. You say, "no, I'm not going to do that." Then they ask you again, probably more insistent or loud or firm, the same question.

What are the odds that you would turn, make eye contact and in a more insistent or loud or firm voice say, "NO, I'm not going to do that!" and that when you did, the other person (making what they consider a totally valid request) would feel like you were rude?

Everyone has different ideas about what's the polite thing to do, so even when everyone is being polite, they still may clash. Once she told you no, she probably thinks you were rude to ask again when she'd already answered you. She may feel you were aggressive or even trying to bully her into doing something unreasonable. Not everyone can sit on the ground, let alone wants to. You may find you feel better about the interaction if you can see a possible different motive than her just being a bully.
Some started calling for everyone to sit down. WHY? The show is *up above*. If we're all standing, we can see. So stand.
It's ridiculous that people sit during fireworks.
Do you really not understand why people sit? I'm not saying that your argument in favor of standing is wrong, but this reads as though you're saying that people shouldn't have any reason to sit.

I like to sit with my legs stretched out in front of me, or put my backpack on the ground in front of my crossed legs. That way I don't have to be breathing down the necks of the people in front of me, but there also isn't room for anyone to squeeze in between us.
If you were behind me, and I were to lean back unaware, I'd much rather bump into your knees that the soles of your shoes or feet. Either way, your head would be sufficient distance away that you wouldn't literally be breathing down my neck.

I get that different people have different ideas of how much space is needed for personal space. I think it's inevitable that people who are used to being in dense crowds are going to win in these scenarios, while people who take up more space than physically necessary to avoid repeatedly contacting strangers are going to be criticized.
Depends on where you were sitting. Most of the time, CMs will tell guests that they need to stand up....I know that when we were in the FP+ area for Wishes, the CMs told everyone that sitting down wasn't a good idea!!! Of course,, there was that one woman who decided to jump over the fence behind me....I told her I was standing there...No, I was there was her comeback. Hardly....I had been there for over 40 mins, with my dd and her friend, leaning up against the railing that runs along the walkway by Casey's. She argued with me, I told her that this was a reserved section and she wasn't entitled to be there.....she ran off, into the crowd, with a CM trying to find her.
Or the time my dd and I had followed CM instructions, and stood along the parade route down in FrontierLand. We were told to stand in a specific spot...where the roping goes up, along our side, to allow for a walkway to the restrooms. So, there we stood...until about 10 mins prior to the parade. A woman with a stroller came along and asked us to please sit down...her child, in the stroller, couldn't see the parade. I told her we were not sitting down, that we had been there for about 30 mins and had followed a CMs instructions. She whined and complained to a different CM, who then proceeded to ask if my dd and I would mind sitting down so that the family behind us could see. So, down we sat....I'm 5'8'', dd is 5'10'', both have really long legs. That woman had pushed up so close behind us that we had about a 2 sq foot area to sit in...without our legs going past the roping. It was miserable. And that child in the stroller? Slept the entire time. I actually overheard the woman say to her friend...'See, you don't have to get here early to get a good spot. The CMs will always try to make you just complain about those in front!!!' Seriously.
Or the time my dd and I were in front of the Emporium, watching the afternoon parade. There was, again, an open space for walkers to get through. This was the parade that had CMs on bikes, drawing stuff and handing the drawings out to guests along the route. Dd and were right up along the rope, one of the artist CMs pointed to dd, rode over and handed her the drawing. BUT...the woman behind us swooped into the empty spot for walkers, grabbed the drawing and scampered away!
There is a ton of rudeness any time you get a large group of people in one spot. I count on karma making it back around at some point for each of those rude people.
I always feel like if you manage to get an unobstructed view of the castle during the shows you've performed a small miracle. I go in there knowing I'm probably going to have an 8 foot person in front of me, or some idiot who holds their cell phone 2 feet in the air so I have the joy of watching the whole show through their crappy cell screen. (It's called YouTube people, there's a million videos of wishes of you want to see it that bad!)

I know that as wishes starts people come out of NOWHERE and try to wrestle their way to the front. The only thing you can do is snuggle close to the people in front of you to let them know "There is NO WAY I'm allowing you to get in front of me." It's almost like defensive driving. You have to be very situationally aware.

After I have defended my right to have a space and the show starts the invasion doesn't stop. One time I had a spot where I could see the castle fine but one step to my right was obstructed my some scaffolding. Well of course there was a guy standing one step to my right who wanted to get video of the castle so what does he do? He tries to hold his camera in front of my face!! I shoot him some dirty looks so he backed off but if he had decided not to back off I had my plan in place to ruin his video by continuously repeating words associated with male private parts.

I've also mastered the art of gleeking. I pity people who push their way in front of me. Bahaha!!!
I agree that this was very rude. I wouldn't say "bully" but that if just my opinion. IMHO the crowds have gotten so out of control at Disney that people are acting more and more rude. This is exactly why we don't do parades anymore. Just not worth it.
I probably wouldn't do this, but I'd have fantasies of standing up really close behind them and breathing in their ears in a creepy way just to freak them out. We'll see who wants to stand in front of the close standing creepy ear breathing guy. :P
I think they were rude getting in your face but quite honestly I think it's kind of rude to ask them to sit, etc.
I don't like to sit during parades, fireworks etc.
If I was sitting and someone stood in front of me then I would just stand up. Kind of like at the old 80s concerts, LOL
We were at MK in September and trying to find a space to watch the fireworks. It was a CM that encouraged us to stand in the area designated for viewing as she said it was not designed as a sitting area but as a standing area. They can fit so many more people in these areas when they are standing. I understand sitting if that is your choice but people also have the right to stand if they wish, especially where there is not enough room for them to sit down.

Sorry they stood in front of you but standing was an easy way to resolve the situation.
I try to avoid standing in front of people who are sitting, but sometimes the only open space is in front of them. There is no requirement to sit down. If I am sitting waiting for something such as a parade and the people in front of me stand up, then I stand up also. I don't expect to control the behavior of others.
I was at wishes a few weeks ago right in front of the castle. Some people were sitting just in front of the street, most were standing (on the other side of the street). The ones sitting starting chanting "Sit Down!" to everyone across the street. There was NO way that was happening. Too many people were crammed in that one area. I'm with some of the other posters....look UP in the air at the fireworks. If you sat down you were sure to get some dude's fanny cheeks right in your face. :crazy2: Once it became darker, majority ruled and pretty much everyone was standing. If you were sitting I'm sure you'd get trampled in the mass exodus after it ended. I know I was getting nudged and shoved by people trying to get out. I was amazed at the amount of bodies in one place!
I am the original poster -- lots of interesting replies. It is mind blowing to me how some people can think it is no problem for a family to approach a large space of people sitting down on the ground, people obviously waiting for a show to begin, people who were there first, and make their way into that group by stepping over others, then proceed to stand right in front of the people who have been sitting there, blocking many people's view, and refuse to sit down like everyone else when the show begins. Wow. Just wow.
I am the original poster -- lots of interesting replies. It is mind blowing to me how some people can think it is no problem for a family to approach a large space of people sitting down on the ground, people obviously waiting for a show to begin, people who were there first, and make their way into that group by stepping over others, then proceed to stand right in front of the people who have been sitting there, blocking many people's view, and refuse to sit down like everyone else when the show begins. Wow. Just wow.
So were you sitting down at a show? I'm confused or on the ground? Because they are two very different things. IMO
1) There is no requirement for them to sit and no requirement for you to stand. Everyone gets to pick what they want to do.

2) Were they maybe a bit rude? Yea... but I think being so pushy about them sitting was also a bit rude. Again, see number 1.

3) People sit for parades and fireworks at Disney? We have always stood. *shrug*

4) This is SO far from bullying it's hilarious. Please stop using that word all the dang time when something does not match the definition. That poor word is being way over used and incorrectly used!
This is why we don't go to the fireworks and night parades anymore without a FP+ (at least not in the Hub). We just try to catch things from different places even if it's not optimal viewing. It's too bad things get like this. The overwhelming crowds at the MK every night must have something to do with it. I think people are just stressed out in general, not condoning the behavior.


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