Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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And there you have it. The Taliban have responded to Harry's claims.

I knew when I saw he’d written that that it wouldn’t end well. It actually could have worse implications than he could’ve ever imagined (if he was thinking). And he was worried about his own security?? This just put a target on his back - and that of his family. And it could have international implications, especially for his family and the UK military. Just awful.
I knew when I saw he’d written that that it wouldn’t end well. It actually could have worse implications than he could’ve ever imagined (if he was thinking). And he was worried about his own security?? This just put a target on his back - and that of his family. And it could have international implications, especially for his family and the UK military. Just awful.

I don't think it was a smart thing to say, but I don't quite understand the major international security concerns that people are raising. Everyone already knows that the UK fought in Afghanistan and shot down/killed Taliban soldiers. Everyone already knew that Prince Harry was part of this (and logic says personally killed at least some number of Taliban soldiers). We even know where he fought (that media leak was a safety concern and, as I understand, led Prince Harry having to be removed).

I'm not being snarky and am probably missing something, but I don't really get it.
I don't think it was a smart thing to say, but I don't quite understand the major international security concerns that people are raising. Everyone already knows that the UK fought in Afghanistan and shot down/killed Taliban soldiers. Everyone already knew that Prince Harry was part of this (and logic says personally killed at least some number of Taliban soldiers). We even know where he fought (that media leak was a safety concern and, as I understand, led Prince Harry having to be removed).

I'm not being snarky and am probably missing something, but I don't really get it.
If you read the linked article, it says that technology today can identify exactly who he killed. I won’t say more than that due to the political nature of it, however if you read the article, there is plenty there to be worried about. Even fellow veterans are not happy with his disclosures (as it indirectly affects them, too).
More news: Meghan asked for guidance at Diana's grave
This is more why we would want to read the book. However... I find this detail incredibly private. Even more than some of the other stories that came out.

Harry described how they rowed out to the island where his mother is buried, on the 20th anniversary of her death.

After taking a moment to reflect by himself he sensed that Meghan also wanted to take a private moment.

'When I returned, she was on her knees with her eyes closed and her palms flat against the stone,' he said, adding that she'd told him she'd asked Diana for 'clarity and guidance'.
Wow. No bombshells, just a bunch of petty squabbles among the rich and entitled lol. Harry comes off SO badly, its really cringe-worthy. I almost feel sorry for him, but just can't because he is so hateful to others.

But the below quote makes me laugh. He came home to find her on the floor sobbing. I just envision her peeking through the curtains until she sees him coming up the walk, and then just as the door opens she thinks to herself "And....action!" and hits the floor 🎬
The brides maids issue

He claims he returned home to find Meghan, who had also been dealing with the stress over her father pulling out of the wedding after suffering a heart attack, on the floor sobbing.
I knew when I saw he’d written that that it wouldn’t end well. It actually could have worse implications than he could’ve ever imagined (if he was thinking). And he was worried about his own security?? This just put a target on his back - and that of his family. And it could have international implications, especially for his family and the UK military. Just awful.
I expect Meghan will say in her book that Willie made Harold write this in his book. Watch for it.
More news: Meghan asked for guidance at Diana's grave
This is more why we would want to read the book. However... I find this detail incredibly private. Even more than some of the other stories that came out.

Harry described how they rowed out to the island where his mother is buried, on the 20th anniversary of her death.

After taking a moment to reflect by himself he sensed that Meghan also wanted to take a private moment.

'When I returned, she was on her knees with her eyes closed and her palms flat against the stone,' he said, adding that she'd told him she'd asked Diana for 'clarity and guidance'.

I agree it would more interesting to read details like this, ones where he not just focused on throwing others under the bus. But if its not throwing others under the bus, it seems to be glorifying Meghan. I'll take a pass on both flavours of the book lol
Wow. No bombshells, just a bunch of petty squabbles among the rich and entitled lol. Harry comes off SO badly, its really cringe-worthy. I almost feel sorry for him, but just can't because he is so hateful to others.

But the below quote makes me laugh. He came home to find her on the floor sobbing. I just envision her peeking through the curtains until she sees him coming up the walk, and then just as the door opens she thinks to herself "And....action!" and hits the floor 🎬
Reality show material
I've just realized something.

Meghan said she was barefoot and wearing ripped jeans when meeting William and Kate for the first time. Because she didn't know the formality continued behind closed doors.

However, the first royal Meghan met was The Queen. And she had some experience by then that: yes, the formality continues.

Harry assumes that he doesn't need to explain Meghan anything about the family dynamics and the workings. Meghan apparently also didn't ask 'hey, your brother is coming over, anything I need to know?'
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Also, how do you paint yourself as some kind of saintly humanitarian and then turn around and use the phrase 'chess pieces' to dehumanize and brag about the 25 human beings you killed.

I get it, wars are sometimes necessary, and the military encourages dehumanization of the enemy to enable soldiers to do what they have to do. But he isn't a career soldier, he wants to be a philanthropist - that's how he's painting himself. I haven't read the book, but taking this angle seems like an odd choice. #compensatingforfrostbittentodger
I've reached the point of being over these two. Their quest to remain in the limelight is annoying. At this point are either better than MMs half sister Samantha in seeking attention and spreading gossip?
Please keep it coming because this is popcorn:🍿🍿: with lots of butter and salt.

Also Page Six: Charles said there was no money to also maintain Meghan. Oh and he was also jealous of Meghan's populariteit.

“Pa might have dreaded the rising cost of maintaining us, but what he really couldn’t stomach was someone new dominating the monarchy, grabbing the limelight, someone shiny and new coming in and overshadowing him,” the royal writes.
Maybe just me because it was one of my favorite shows but I visualized ...

"Pa (Charles Ingalls) couldn't afford to feed another mouth but he was willing, until everyone in town thought their hair was so much more glorious than his. The funny part was that the new person had a crew cut."

That last thing made me think, there might not be big things to hurt Charles, but it's more a thousands little cuts.
Charles didn't hug him after Diana's death, and basically lied to him that it 'all would be ok', the way Charles begged William and Harry not to fight after Phillip's funeral, his father strange habit of handstands on advice of a physical therapist for back pain, his father's teddy is pitiful. His father apologized for not getting him therapy sooner, Harry appreciated the apology but the therapist wasn't good because the therapist prescribed pills (and Harry didn't want pills).
It's all little knives in Charles' back to paint him as a weak man.

Some people aren't big huggers and I'm sure he got hugs, maybe not just for all to see as Charles was raised in a different style. But I imagine every single parent in a similar situation tells their child that everything is going to be okay ... and in H case his life wasn't going to change at all other than the loss he will have to come to terms with. How many children's parents have to tell them ~ "we have to move, you have to change schools, you have to leave your friends, we can't keep our dog ... but everything will be okay." Charles did not lie.

I'm no Charles fan but he obviously had every reason to worry these boys would argue at their grandfather's funeral. It doesn't matter if he didn't like how Pa said it, it needed to be said. What a child.

His father seems to apologize a lot to him and he seems to twist it to woe is me because he did this. Maybe Charles was going on referrals and didn't know what the options were. Maybe Harry was so defiant and not making progress so the doctor felt some medication to help with anxiety would help his progress. Medication can work with depression but sounds like he lives for his depression. Maybe Harry didn't want to get better, maybe he just wanted to stay angry.

AND now that Harry is sounding anti-therapy unless on his terms, maybe he was the one who blocked Meghan's therapy for fear folks would talk about her. Maybe he is the source of some of her issues like not telling her protocol, how to dress etc. :scratchin Maybe he wanted all this dysfunction so he had an excuse to leave.

Again, no Royal fan but the ONLY weak man I see in this scenario is Harry. With every new leak, his hole gets deeper. With every quiet day Charles and William look stronger. How badly do you think they want to respond? But they remain on the high road, that takes some strength.

Yes. I’ve known and cared for many Veterans. They don’t talk about it at all. It’s really painful for them.

I find the fact that someone supposedly so dedicated to military men would publish what he did .... this has crossed a line. >:( War is war, it is part of it BUT to "brag" about how many humans you murdered .. it's a bit sick, a detachment with reality. While I imagine 99% find it painful and difficult to even think about it, poor Harry seems to feel glee. Can't wait to hear all the medical opinions on this one.
From the Daily Mail: Harry never gave William his mother's engagement ring to give to Kate

It seems it wasn't discussed. William asked for the ring somewhere after Diana's death and had it ever since.

- he feared Kate would take Willy away from him.
(yeah, it happens, it changes)
- he had to hear about their engagement through public channels.
- he thought he would be the first to get married
- he didn't mind that after his marriage William and Kate got more and better stuff (as in cars, staff etc.), but he felt treated as an outsider and a nonperson because he was an unredeemed bachelor.
(didn't Meghan have an episode in her podcast about the word 'spinster', what a wasted opportunity for Harry to talk about the term 'unredeemed bachelor')
- he lived opposite William and Kate, but never got an invite for dinner. He thinks they felt three was a crowd.
(My opinion: Kate was pregnant / George was born, they had other things on their mind then asking brother for dinner)
- William cancelled last minute to spend time with Harry the evening of his wedding, William would spend the evening with Kate and his children.
(I understand that can hurt, but yeah, sometimes your own family comes first, Harry)
The dreadful working day is over, so now it is time for a proper recap.

Harry’s book is not officially released to the public yet. However, several news outlets obtained the English copy. And one or more stores in Spain already put it on sale, as apparently in Spain it’s custom to give books for Epiphany, an important holiday. Some report sales in Valencia, some in Madrid. This means that there can be discrepancies in exact stories as some news outlets had to use an English book translated to Spanish and then back to English.

Popcorn ready? Let’s go!

What do we know?

Harry & William

  • William was angry with Meghan, seeing red mist. She was rude and difficult. Harry told William not to listen to the media. William knocked/pushed Harry to the floor. It happened in the kitchen, Harry broke his back on a flimsy dog bowl and William had ripped off his necklace. There are rumours the necklace Harry has been wearing for a decade was the gift of a former girlfriend.
  • Harry called his therapist, not Meghan after this incident. The therapist is apparently available to Harry all hours/on speed dial.
  • Harry was the bigger person in this argument. He told William that he couldn’t talk to him like that, offered him a glass of water, he didn’t punch William back, despite he could see that’s what William wanted.
  • Harry calls William his arch nemesis.
  • They also call each other Willy and Harold. #Haroldsnecklace
  • William told Harry to shave for Harry’s wedding. Harry had agreed with his grandmother he didn’t have to, and William was jealous, because he had to shave for his own wedding.
  • Harry didn’t give William Diana’s ring to give it to Kate. William had the ring in his possession for a long time and it appears the topic wasn’t discussed.
  • When they fought in the car as kids, Charles stopped the car, to tell William to stop it. William was once banned to another car with the security guards, where Harry says that when he looked at the car, he could see William plotting revenge.
  • Harry is bitter about that Charles & William cannot fly together in the same plane, but nobody cared how he travelled.
Harry & Camilla

  • Harry feared Camilla would be a wicked stepmother. When he first met her he thought of her as if getting an injection. Close your eyes and it’s over quickly. Camilla was bored during their first meeting
  • He and William wouldn’t stand in the way of their father’s happiness, but they didn’t want him to get remarried.
  • Camilla launched a campaign to marry his father and to get the crown.
  • Harry was sad that Camilla changed his bedroom at Clarence House into a dressing room.
Harry & Charles

  • Charles begged William and Harry not to fight at Phillip’s funeral, ‘don’t make my final years misery’.
  • Charles does handstands in his underwear (bad back/neck)
  • Charles found it very funny that people thought Harry wasn’t his and would joke about it.
  • Charles still carries a teddybear with him, Harry thinks that’s pitiful.
  • Charles told Harry there wasn’t money to also maintain Meghan (while according to Harry that was the agreement and his obligation as his father, the prince)
  • Charles was jealous of Meghan’s popularity.
Harry & Diana

  • Harry consulted a medium to get in touch with his mother. The medium of course told Harry that he was doing the right thing.
  • Harry recreated the final car ride of his mother by having his chauffeur race through Paris and the tunnel at the exact same speed.
  • Harry took Meghan to his mother’s grave and when he gave her a moment by herself (she needed that he felt), Meghan was with her hands on Diana’s grave asking for clarity and guidance.
Harry (& Meghan) vs. William & Kate

  • Meghan told Kate that she had baby brain, leading up to the wedding. Kate didn’t like that, told Meghan that she wasn’t close enough to talk about her hormones. William defended his wife, wagging his finger in Meghan’s face, who didn’t like that either.
  • William & Kate LOVED watching Suits, and asked Harry many questions when he told them he was dating one of the actresses.
  • William & Kate were annoyed they didn’t get Easter gifts from the Sussexes
  • William & Kate switch place cards around at the wedding.
  • Harry & Meghan were jealous of their housing arrangements. William and Kate got it all and they had an IKEA lamp and a couch bought on a discount site with Meghan’s credit card (spite Harry getting 2 million a year from his father and Meghan had a decent actress salary)
  • The fight was about dresses.
  • Kate made Meghan cry, she apologized for it.
  • William and Kate suggested to dress up as a nazi.
  • Harry feared Kate would take William away from him. He thought he would be invited over to Kensington Palace more for dinner. They didn’t.
  • Harry kept his spirits up how the three would get along so well.
  • He was also very happy to go from three to four, but apparently William tried to slow things down to add Meghan into the mix.
  • Apparently there was an incident with lipgloss. At the beginning of it all, Meghan asked Kate to borrow her lipgloss. Kate reluctantly gave hers but was disgusted by this American custom!
Harry & Meghan

  • They thought about using one of the Spencer tiara’s, but the Queen begged them to use one of hers.
  • Everyone loved Meghan’s choice in tiara.
  • Harry & Meghan thought it wasn’t needed to have a lot of security to transport the tiara through London to get it to Meghan for her fitting (Kate recommended the fitting) and they were putting obstacles in his way.
  • He googled Meghan’s sex scenes in Suits. That was a mistake.
  • Meghan wasn’t welcome at the Queen’s bedside
  • While the Palace never responds to issues about outfits worn by the Royal Family, Harry thinks they should have told the press that the Palace approved of Meghan's ripped jeans which she wore on the first outing as a royal couple.

  • Harry did drugs. We knew that, but now we know it was coke, mushrooms and marihuana.
  • Harry felt people treated him differently after William got married. He was an unredeemed bachelor.
  • He kissed a Page 3-girl (that’s a glamour model) during his years as the Party Prince.
  • Harry expected to keep his security after stepping down as Andrew still had his.
Harry & the Army

  • Harry killed 25 Taliban on his tours in Afghanistan. With the technology he can know that number precisely. He basically has no emotions over this, no glee, no disgust.
  • During an army training he was abducted and tortured. One of the things that still haunts him is that the ‘torturers’ said that his mother was pregnant when she died and it was a muslim baby. An instructor apologized for what they had said.
  • During this training he was naked, blindfolded and they made fun of his small willy. He was also spat in the face. He was locked up with other naked colleagues in the training, forced to sit in uncomfortable positions until he struggled to breathe. No sleep for 72 hours.
  • Apparently two of his colleagues ‘went crazy’ during this training.
Things we didn’t want to know.

  • Harry lost his virginity to an older woman with a thing for horses. He mounted her quickly and she slapped his rump afterwards. It was outside a busy pub in a field. Harry was 16 or 17.
  • Harry is circumcised.
  • Harry had a frostbitten todger (willy :P ) after a trip to the Arctics. This still bothered him at William & Kate’s wedding.
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The dreadful working day is over, so now it is time for a proper recap.

Harry’s book is not officially released to the public yet. However, several news outlets obtained the English copy. And one or more stores in Spain already put it on sale, as apparently in Spain it’s custom to give books for Epiphany, an important holiday. Some report sales in Valencia, some in Madrid. This means that there can be discrepancies in exact stories as some news outlets had to use an English book translated to Spanish and then back to English.

Popcorn ready? Let’s go!

What do we know?

Harry & William

  • William was angry with Meghan, seeing red mist. She was rude and difficult. Harry told William not to listen to the media. William knocked/pushed Harry to the floor. It happened in the kitchen, Harry broke his back on a flimsy dog bowl and William had ripped off his necklace. There are rumours the necklace Harry has been wearing for a decade was the gift of a former girlfriend.
  • Harry called his therapist, not Meghan after this incident. The therapist is apparently available to Harry all hours/on speed dial.
  • Harry was the bigger person in this argument. He told William that he couldn’t talk to him like that, offered him a glass of water, he didn’t punch William back, despite he could see that’s what William wanted.
  • Harry calls William his arch nemesis.
  • They also call each other Willy and Harold. #Haroldsnecklace
  • William told Harry to shave for Harry’s wedding. Harry had agreed with his grandmother he didn’t have to, and William was jealous, because he had to shave for his own wedding.
  • Harry didn’t give William Diana’s ring to give it to Kate. William had the ring in his possession for a long time and it appears the topic wasn’t discussed.
  • When they fought in the car as kids, Charles stopped the car, to tell William to stop it. William was once banned to another car with the security guards, where Harry says that when he looked at the car, he could see William plotting revenge.
  • Harry is bitter about that Charles & William cannot fly together in the same plane, but nobody cared how he travelled.
Harry & Camilla

  • Harry feared Camilla would be a wicked stepmother. When he first met her he thought of her as if getting an injection. Close your eyes and it’s over quickly. Camilla was bored during their first meeting
  • He and William wouldn’t stand in the way of their father’s happiness, but they didn’t want him to get remarried.
  • Camilla launched a campaign to marry his father and to get the crown.
  • Harry was sad that Camilla changed his bedroom at Clarence House into a dressing room.
Harry & Charles

  • Charles begged William and Harry not to fight at Phillip’s funeral, ‘don’t make my final years misery’.
  • Charles does handstands in his underwear (bad back/neck)
  • Charles found it very funny that people thought Harry wasn’t his and would joke about it.
  • Charles still carries a teddybear with him, Harry thinks that’s pitiful.
  • Charles told Harry there wasn’t money to also maintain Meghan (while according to Harry that was the agreement and his obligation as his father, the prince)
  • Charles was jealous of Meghan’s popularity.
Harry & Diana

  • Harry consulted a medium to get in touch with his mother. The medium of course told Harry that he was doing the right thing.
  • Harry recreated the final car ride of his mother by having his chauffeur race through Paris and the tunnel at the exact same speed.
  • Harry took Meghan to his mother’s grave and when he gave her a moment by herself (she needed that he felt), Meghan was with her hands on Diana’s grave asking for clarity and guidance.
Harry (& Meghan) vs. William & Kate

  • Meghan told Kate that she had baby brain, leading up to the wedding. Kate didn’t like that, told Meghan that she wasn’t close enough to talk about her hormones. William defended his wife, wagging his finger in Meghan’s face, who didn’t like that either.
  • William & Kate LOVED watching Suits, and asked Harry many questions when he told them he was dating one of the actresses.
  • William & Kate were annoyed they didn’t get Easter gifts from the Sussexes
  • William & Kate switch place cards around at the wedding.
  • Harry & Meghan were jealous of their housing arrangements. William and Kate got it all and they had an IKEA lamp and a couch bought on a discount site with Meghan’s credit card (spite Harry getting 2 million a year from his father and Meghan had a decent actress salary)
  • The fight was about dresses.
  • Kate made Meghan cry, she apologized for it.
  • William and Kate suggested to dress up as a nazi.
  • Harry feared Kate would take William away from him. He thought he would be invited over to Kensington Palace more for dinner. They didn’t.
  • Harry kept his spirits up how the three would get along so well.
  • He was also very happy to go from three to four, but apparently William tried to slow things down to add Meghan into the mix.
  • Apparently there was an incident with lipgloss. At the beginning of it all, Meghan asked Kate to borrow her lipgloss. Kate reluctantly gave hers but was disgusted by this American custom!
Harry & Meghan

  • They thought about using one of the Spencer tiara’s, but the Queen begged them to use one of hers.
  • Everyone loved Meghan’s choice in tiara.
  • Harry & Meghan thought it wasn’t needed to have a lot of security to transport the tiara through London to get it to Meghan for her fitting (Kate recommended the fitting) and they were putting obstacles in his way.
  • He googled Meghan’s sex scenes in Suits. That was a mistake.
  • Meghan wasn’t welcome at the Queen’s bedside
  • While the Palace never responds to issues about outfits worn by the Royal Family, Harry thinks they should have told the press that the Palace approved of Meghan's ripped jeans which she wore on the first outing as a royal couple.

  • Harry did drugs. We knew that, but now we know it was coke, mushrooms and marihuana.
  • Harry felt people treated him differently after William got married. He was an unredeemed bachelor.
  • He kissed a Page 3-girl (that’s a glamour model) during his years as the Party Prince.
  • Harry expected to keep his security after stepping down as Andrew still had his.
Harry & the Army

  • Harry killed 25 Taliban on his tours in Afghanistan. With the technology he can know that number precisely. He basically has no emotions over this, no glee, no disgust.
  • During an army training he was abducted and tortured. One of the things that still haunts him is that the ‘torturers’ said that his mother was pregnant when she died and it was a muslim baby. An instructor apologized for what they had said.
  • During this training he was naked, blindfolded and they made fun of his small willy. He was also spat in the face. He was locked up with other naked colleagues in the training, forced to sit in uncomfortable positions until he struggled to breathe. No sleep for 72 hours.
  • Apparently two of his colleagues ‘went crazy’ during this training.
Things we didn’t want to know.

  • Harry lost his virginity to an older woman with a thing for horses. He mounted her quickly and she slapped his rump afterwards. It was outside a busy pub in a field. Harry was 16 or 17.
  • Harry is circumcised.
  • Harry had a frostbitten todger (willy :P ) after a trip to the Arctics. This still bothered him at William & Kate’s wedding.
Written concise makes it even more comical.

But I do hope his royal tibits are feeling better .......... :cool1:
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