Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Great, you talked me out of that one too!

I work for the DoD and am stuck in Italy. I don’t have freedom of movement or have any options really.

Frankly, I’m prepared to walk away from this job, move to the country and lock myself away from this world.
Am I you, only in Minnesota? Moving into the woods never looks so appealing.

I'm still in favor of microchip implants with our medical history. This way when I press the I've fallen and can't get up button, I can be scanned. Maybe Apple will put this into their health apps.
I am down with this!
I got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday. My arm was pretty sore a few hours afterward. I just kept moving it around, as much as it hurt to lift it over my head. I also had a dull headache for most of the day. I’ve planned to take a sick day for the second dose. I’m worried that the side effects will be worse after that one.
I’m feeling the same way about the 2nd one. Actually just moved it from a Thursday to that Sat so I’d have the extra day just in case.
24 hours since my first shot...my arm is still sore but not as sore as it was last night when I went to bed. I was really tired yesterday if I was just sitting but once I would get up and start doing something, I felt fine. Had a bit of a headache and my stomach felt a little off a couple times but didn't last long enough to be concerned about. Not sure if this has to do with the shot or not but I am soooo thirsty....I can't be dehydrated because I've been guzzling water but it's like I can't get enough. Anybody have that problem?
I was really tired yesterday if I was just sitting but once I would get up and start doing something, I felt fine.

This was how my fatigue presented also. It was so weird. I would sit down and be overcome with this heavy, tired feeling. I've never experienced anything like that. It lasted about a week, but now I'm fine at 2 weeks since my first shot.
24 hours since my first shot...my arm is still sore but not as sore as it was last night when I went to bed. I was really tired yesterday if I was just sitting but once I would get up and start doing something, I felt fine. Had a bit of a headache and my stomach felt a little off a couple times but didn't last long enough to be concerned about. Not sure if this has to do with the shot or not but I am soooo thirsty....I can't be dehydrated because I've been guzzling water but it's like I can't get enough. Anybody have that problem?

I have been super thirsty since I got the shot on Tuesday. Super cold Orange juice helps quell it better than plain water, but it doesn't last.

Headache off and on since then, but that may be because I'm sleeping on my right, and I prefer to sleep on my left....but I got the shot in my left arm, so I'm not sleeping so great and my neck is all dorked up. Tylenol works, so I just take some a couple of times a day when it starts to feel bad.
24 hours since my first shot...my arm is still sore but not as sore as it was last night when I went to bed. I was really tired yesterday if I was just sitting but once I would get up and start doing something, I felt fine. Had a bit of a headache and my stomach felt a little off a couple times but didn't last long enough to be concerned about. Not sure if this has to do with the shot or not but I am soooo thirsty....I can't be dehydrated because I've been guzzling water but it's like I can't get enough. Anybody have that problem?

This is normal for this type of vaccine (it's why they tell you to have fluids before and after the shot). I would plan some broth-based soups to help fill in some of the fluid needs, while also keeping salts up.
24 hours since my first shot...my arm is still sore but not as sore as it was last night when I went to bed. I was really tired yesterday if I was just sitting but once I would get up and start doing something, I felt fine. Had a bit of a headache and my stomach felt a little off a couple times but didn't last long enough to be concerned about. Not sure if this has to do with the shot or not but I am soooo thirsty....I can't be dehydrated because I've been guzzling water but it's like I can't get enough. Anybody have that problem?
I drank 2 bottles of Powerade Zero before my second Pfizer and 2 more after. I was really thirsty as well. I have heard from others that drinking an electrolyte type drink before and after. That being said, I still felt like garbage starting 24 hrs after by second vaccine—it lasted about a day
Got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday. No side effects except a sore arm, which is really sore. Waited 2 1/2 hours in line to get it, I've never seen a line like that. It was through the county here. I made my second dose appointment at a CVS in hopes of not having to wait that long again.
This is normal for this type of vaccine (it's why they tell you to have fluids before and after the shot). I would plan some broth-based soups to help fill in some of the fluid needs, while also keeping salts up.

I've never heard that and didn't do anything different WRT fluids.
I've never heard that and didn't do anything different WRT fluids.

It's now making the rounds, even in stupid spots like Yahoo and some magazines...fluids seems more important for this one than say, a traditional flu shot, to help (not eliminate) side effects.

I mean, this was in my email box a few days ago...when cooking pages are mentioning it:)...https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7895606/what-should-you-eat-before-and-after-getting-the-covid-vaccine-heres-what-the-experts-say/
It's now making the rounds, even in stupid spots like Yahoo and some magazines...fluids seems more important for this one than say, a traditional flu shot, to help (not eliminate) side effects.

I mean, this was in my email box a few days ago...when cooking pages are mentioning it:)...https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7895606/what-should-you-eat-before-and-after-getting-the-covid-vaccine-heres-what-the-experts-say/

Yeah, I'm seeing that too but NONE of the articles have any reason stated for doing so. A Yahoo article even linked back to the CDC website on it but when I followed the link, the CDC said nothing about it. The 5-7 articles I read just seem to want people to be hydrated so they don't faint or something. I've read online (only from people) saying that drinking lots of water with mRNA vaccines is supposed to help or something but I've never come across anything medical on it at all.
I'm not much of a fluid intaker and my only side effect was a mildly sore arm. DBF is always drinking water and he had a much sorer arm. (We had different vaccines though.) I know it's anecdotal but that's our experience. And I don't recall being told to up my fluid intake after the shot either.

I do need to increase my fluids though. Today I've had 2 cups of coffee and a 1/2 can of Sprit Zero. That's a typical day. :O
I'm not much of a fluid intaker and my only side effect was a mildly sore arm. DBF is always drinking water and he had a much sorer arm. (We had different vaccines though.) I know it's anecdotal but that's our experience. And I don't recall being told to up my fluid intake after the shot either.

I do need to increase my fluids though. Today I've had 2 cups of coffee and a 1/2 can of Sprit Zero. That's a typical day. :O

I usually drink 3 big mugs of hot tea per day and a glass of water in the morning to take my thyroid meds. That's my typical day.
It's now making the rounds, even in stupid spots like Yahoo and some magazines...fluids seems more important for this one than say, a traditional flu shot, to help (not eliminate) side effects.

I mean, this was in my email box a few days ago...when cooking pages are mentioning it:)...https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7895606/what-should-you-eat-before-and-after-getting-the-covid-vaccine-heres-what-the-experts-say/
When we got ours the nurses told us to drink a lot of fluids. I wonder if it’s preemptively to help with any fever/lack of appetite that may come? Dehydration on top of it would be dangerous.

In any case, DH and I were both extremely thirsty after the first. I’ve bought Gatorade and pedialyte in anticipation of 3 of us getting our second doses in one week. It can’t hurt, right?
I got my first dose today! Moderna, and the 2nd dose is already scheduled. It was a special event for state employees. I ended up driving a little over 1.5 hours each way to the state capital. I could have gotten one closer, but that was cutting the date too close for my personal time frame of getting fully vaccinated (including the two weeks after) by my birthday in mid(ish) May. It's worth it, in my eyes.

Also, overheard while watiing my 15 minute: "Are we still rationing bandaids?"
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