Hold on folks, 'cause this is the wildest trip on the DISboards! July 2012 *NEW 9/9*

I'm loving your trip report! You seem to have such a fun family. And I really like your writing style too. Can't wait for more updates! :thumbsup2

Thank you!:goodvibes

Youre trip report is great so far! It sounds like you had so much fun! Youre family seems really funny and ummmm, interesting! Like my family!!!! Do you know where youre cousin got her tank top? I love it!

Haha thanks! Yes my family is veeerryy interesting folk!;)
I'm not really certain where Isabella got her tanktop, though, sorry. I think she might have told me at some point, but forgetful me does not remember:headache:
Great report! I love to see Disney for other perspectives. Thanks for taking the time! Your report is so easy to read! :thumbsup2
Your trip report just keeps getting better and better!! It sounds like you are all having a fantastic time! I love the fact that your Dad just jumps in feet first, whether it's dancing, trying on hats, intervening with Brazilian tour groups, etc.

Looking forward to more!
Great report! I love to see Disney for other perspectives. Thanks for taking the time! Your report is so easy to read! :thumbsup2


Your trip report just keeps getting better and better!! It sounds like you are all having a fantastic time! I love the fact that your Dad just jumps in feet first, whether it's dancing, trying on hats, intervening with Brazilian tour groups, etc.

Looking forward to more!

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!:thumbsup2
I love how your dad yelled at the tour group to pick up their trash. He seems like so much fun. How lucky for you and your sister to have those memories !! Loving your TR !! Looking forward to more !!
jecskc said:
I love how your dad yelled at the tour group to pick up their trash. He seems like so much fun. How lucky for you and your sister to have those memories !! Loving your TR !! Looking forward to more !!

Same. I applauded!
Illuminations and Nighttime Swimming

When I last left off it was me and Mom left at Epcot. It was around 8 pm, so we sat down and saved a seat while Uncle Matt and Dad watched the British show with beers.

We had a pretty good spot between the store and Canada, even though there was a little bit of obstruction with the trees. It really wasn't that bothersome though, and by 8 almost all the spots were taken anyways. I got bored and walked down to the store while Mom saved the spot, then made my way back. Mom ate her caramel popcorn, and some duck friends came over to us. They are just SUCH horrible beggars, that they remind me of my beagles at home!

Pretty soon Uncle Matt and Dad came over, and Illuminations began.
I love that show SO much! Here's a couple pictures I got during the show:



After it ended, we joined the massive throngs that were making their way to the bus stop. Dad was swerving this way and that as we all tried to keep up with him, which wasn't really working out. Dad seems to have this special skill of getting through crowds.

The Epcot ball was all lit up.


We hopped right on an empty bus that would sitting right in the bus stop, but had to wait about 10 minutes for people.

Once we got back to the WLV, we got changed and went down to swim in the DVC pool with Auntie Cathie, Bella, Grace, and Dominic. We hadn't tried the DVC pool yet, which I really wanted to. It had these bubbles in the middle of the pool, like hot springs, which really went with the theming. Apparantly the big pool had been closed down for no reason again, which is why they were in the DVC pool.

On our way down I saw this really cute tree frog on the window. I saw a ton of these!


There were tons of loud frogs at the pool area, which I also gave it that naturey atmosphere. We all swam around in the pool and the hot tub, then headed upstairs around 11pm, and went straight to bed.

Coming up Next...a Rockin Rollercoaster newbie falls in love
Day 5: July 15th, 2012

Hooray for Hollywood!

We woke up the next morning for our 5th day at Disney. We were planning on going to the one park we hadn't gone to yet, Hollywood Studios!

I got up at 7 am as usual, got coffees, dressed, and met Auntie Cathie and Uncle Matt's family down at the bus stop for 8. It was the usual morning routine by now! God, I would just LOVE to live at Disney!:goodvibes

We rode a quick bus ride over to DHS. Reflecting on the trip so far, we had had pretty great bus service at the WL!:thumbsup2

Once we arrived at DHS, by the time we were through the turnstiles the park was open. Our plan was for me, Dad, Grace, Matt, Cathie, and Dominic to head to Rockin Rollercoaster. Meanwhile, Mom and Bella who do not care to go again, were going to ride TSM and then get FPs for all of us. Perfect!

It was only 8:45, so when we got to the ride we had to wait 15 minutes for 9. Dominic was SO excited because on all our past Disney trips he had been too short, and he was finally able to go on! I was a bit uncertain of RnR, because I hadn't been on in a couple trips, and I used to hate the takeoff. Auntie Cathie was in my boat, but I was going to see how I felt when I got up there.

Dominic was ready for this!


Grace and him were getting into the Aerosmith mood.


We walked really fast through the whole line, and were soon up at the loading area. Auntie Cathie and I both decided just to do it. If little Dominic was going on, I would do it! I ended up LOVING it! The ride felt much tamer to me, which is probably because I am older since I last went on. It was awesome, and Dominic LOVED it! It was by far his favorite ride of the trip, and the whole rest of the day he sang "Walk this Way," except he thought it was "Rock this way." He's just hilarious!

Mom and Bella met us in the gift shop, the guys got FP's again, and we were making our way from RnR.


Now it was time to tackle this monster. YAY!


Auntie Cathie took Dominic and Bella to Little Mermaid since they hate ToT, while the rest of us went on. We went in the standby and the line was very short, which was of course fantastic!

I love the theming on this ride, and especially in the line. I got a couple pictures of it while we waited.


Sorry, they came out really dark!



ToT was great. I even got the picture of us on it! We are in the last two rows on the end on the right hand side.


Uncle Matt grabbed an espresso and pastry for Dominic and Isabella outside of the gift shop, while I grabbed a picture in front of the sign. Unfortunately that was the only time we got on the ToT this trip!


We met up with Bella, Dominic, and Auntie Cathie. It was now time to use our FP's for TSM! Yipee!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the theming in Pixar Place. Just wish they could add another ride to it!



We brushed right through the line, and everyone was VERY excited! This ride is just SO cute.



I sat with Dad this time around. He ALWAYS beats me, but for the first couple rounds we were pretttttyyy close I though. Of course in the end he pummeled me!:mad:

I can't recall my score, but I do know Dad got best in vehicle...big surprise there!:rolleyes:

Everyone got off all excited and exchanging scores. Well, Uncle Matt got the second highest score, but at least I got 3rd. Sounds good to me!:cool1:

Now it was time to find something to do, and off we headed....

Stay Tuned....sick on Star Tours and the American Idol Experience!
Sick on Star Tours

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this TR! I know I have been doing a ton of updates, but I will be starting school soon, so I am trying to get as much of this TR done before I go. Alright, well enjoy the next update, and please keep the comments coming!:goodvibes

When I last left off, we were all heading away from TSM. It was still only the morning, and now itw was time to do MY favorite thing in DHS. Animation Acadamy!:cool1: I LOVE to draw, so this is something I could just do over and over again, plus it is a great experience with one of Disney's animators!

We've learned over experience not to go in and watch the movie through the entrance, because we've seen it so many times. Instead we go in the back way through the gift shop.

This was the animation sign in front of the gift shop, that I never even noticed!


We only had to wait a few minutes for the next show to begin. It was very hot out, and these guys were feeling a little loopy...


We were ushered into the studio. I love the little spiel the animator gives you before you draw, it's so funny!:rotfl2:

Here's Mom, getting ready to draw!


This time we drew Goofy which was actually pretty hard! Dominic gets SO frustrated in here, because he has no patience whatsoever. A couple years ago he sobbed because he couldn't draw a circle right! I looked over this whole time, just waiting for a pencil to be thrown, but no, he was very calm! Surprise, surprise!

At the end, the guy asked his usual question for someone to win his drawing. It was, "what was Goofy's previous name?" Dad told me to say Dippy Dog, but I thought he was trying to trick me, knowing Dad! So he shouted it out, and sure enough he won the drawing, which he ALWAYS does! URGH darn!:headache:

Well here are all of our fantastic masterpieces:


Dad had his awesome prize, lucky!


Back in the gift shop, I made another vinylmation trade. I traded my chewbacca for this:


I actually REALLY liked this one, so I kept it and didn't trade! Score! It was actually one I had thought about buying in August.

Meanwhile, Bella and Dominic both bought vinylmations to trade throughout the trip, which later became their obsession. Dominic actually traded for the chewy I had! Bella got a Minnie Mouse in HORRIBLE condition.

After our great trades, Grace and I were starving! We stopped at the cart and each got a yummy, warm pretzel. Everyone really wanted to go see Indiana Jones, which I hadn't seen in years! We got good seats, and the show was very good! Although there was some problem with moving the sets, so it took a lot longer. I got a couple pictures of the show.




After the show, Uncle Matt, Dad, Dominic, and Auntie Cathie wanted to go use their RnR FP's. Grace and I didn't really want to go on again, so we went with Mom and Bella to see the American Idol Experience, which I love!


American Idol was fun, but the others still weren't off the ride, and were going on a couple times. Grace REALLY wanted to see Lights Camera Action Stuntshow, but me and Bella really had no desire to. Mom wanted us to make our way there anyways.

We dawddled around, and had fun in the muppet area, and other places.


Cold in July? No way!


We would not be making it in time for the Stunt show, so that would be a no go today. We decided that we would meet them at Star Tours. I was excited to see Isabella and Dominic's reaction to this ride, because they had only been on the older version. I knew they would love this one!

We waited, and soon were reunited with our group. Uncle Matt went over and got FP's, and then we all hopped in the stand by line, because that was very short. I saw some of the storm troopers waiting to go on stage for the jedi show, and waved to them. This is what I got for a reply:


Thanks guys!

We walked right on, and now is where I come to the reason of this chapter title. Uncle Matt gets motion sickness on many rides, but we all thought he would do fine on this one. Not the case. He stumbled off making this whole dramatic show of it(SUCH a drama queen), and decided we MUST go get lunch right away and he will NEVER go on it again! Everyone else loved it though!

We stopped for a picture of this thing outside Tattooine Traders. Not really sure what this thing is though.


We headed to lunch at our usual DHS place, the Backlot Express. Grace and I got the chicken strips to share again, while I believe everyone else got sandwiches, salads, and burgers. The usual fare. It was all good though. Except for Uncle Matt's whining of how sick he felt the ENTIRE lunch!:rolleyes:

I felt some need to take this picture of the sign, not sure why I did though...:rolleyes1


Before we left, Dad REALLY wanted his picture with this guy!


We wanted to do Star Tours again with our Fp's, so Dad and Uncle Matt waited for us in the gift shop. I think we had a better course this ride, because we got to go underwater:thumbsup2!

Then we got off, and it began to rain! It was time to head somewhere else, and the most logical thing to me was the Great Movie Ride!

Shopping in DHS, and back to the WL!
"Anything can happen in the movies!" and a night in MK

When I had last left off, it had begun to pour, so we made our way under the cover of the Great Movie Ride. I noticed that they had completely changed up the line. As we waited a few minutes we came to notice that the line was VERY long. Everyone wanted to get out, but I would not think of it! I LOVE this ride, it is a must! I am really into all types of movies, even the old ones, so I have always enjoyed this.

We must have seen the previews of those movies about 5 times each, and went back and forth back and forth in those zig-zagging lines. Then FINALLY we were on the ride! I got the very front seat too, ya!:cool1: That makes it ALL the better!

By the time we got off, we threw on our rain coats because it was still raining. Now, before we went back to the hotel, it was time to shop, my favorite! The kids bought and traded a couple vinylmations, but I don't think anyone really bought anything.

Mom and her new car...jk!;)


The lights on the street:


After shopping, we made our way down to the bus stop, and got straight on a bus. When we got back to WLV we rested in the room for a little bit, and I went down with Mom while she did her laundry to read my book.

Now we had to decide what to do tonight. It was getting to be later in the day, and it was going to be 6 pm soon. Mom, Grace, and Auntie Cathie wanted to stay, swim in the pool, and eat at Roaring Forks for the night. On the other hand me, Dad, Uncle Matt, Bella, and Dominic wanted to go to MK and see the MSEP and fireworks show, because Uncle Matt hadn't seen MM&Y yet! WHAT!? That is a must!

We all decided to part ways with the ladies, and my group all hopped on the bus to MK. It was EMH there that night, but we didn't want to stay too late.

Bella and I were excited to be going to MK for the night!


Ah, and there's the lovely GF that is my dream hotel. Well maybe the dream could come true now that they are putting in a DVC area!


When we pulled in I spotted the Avengers monorail.


When we walked in through the turnstiles I saw this girl in front of Main Street Railroad.


There were a bunch of people taking her picture, and WOW she was dressed up! By the look of her dress, I'm thinking maybe it was her quincenara?

It was now time to part ways. Uncle Matt and his kids were going to do a few rides. Dad and I were going to be having a different sort of dinner...and it would be at the Main Street Bakery. Definitely not the healthier family, I'll give you that.

We waited in line, and both chose chocolate chip cookie sandwiches which have been a favorite since our first ever trip, and we MUST have at least once a trip!

I mean look at these babies, their GIGANTIC!


Not to mention that those cookies are like biting into heaven. YUMM. Dad and I ate those right up, and then went over to Main Street to meet up with Uncle Matt and the kids. We went into the Emporium, looked around, and traded vinylmations. I got one from the new Cutester series, and LOVED it! That was a keeper!


Uncle Matt ran off to grab Splash Mtn FP's, and we went over to POTC where there was basically NO LINE to wait for him.

I made Dominic go stand with the CM and get a picture!


Uncle Matt FINALLY emerged, and we got on POTC, which was amazing as usual.

Then it was time to use our Splash Mtn FP's! Already? Wow!

Gosh, what a bunch of maniacs..:sad2:


Their ready to ride Splash!


Dominic, Bella, and I all squished into to one seat, and yes it was VERY uncomfortable!

We didn't get hardly wet at all, which was good, and began to make our way out of Frontierland.

Watch out for us!


Uncle Matt and the kids were now starving and headed off to go eat at Pinnochio haus, their favorite. It was already 8 pm, so Dad and I went and saved a spot at the beginning of Liberty Square, right in front of Ye Olde Xmas Shoppe. It was actually really good, because I could sit and work on my trip report notes.

We had a great view of the castle from our spot, but it wasn't quite dark yet.


Coming up Next....pushing and shoving on Main Street!
Loving the pictures and the report. I love how your family is so crazy and not afraid to show it. It really makes me smile!! ;)

Can't wait to read more!!
I starting reading this trip report today and LOVE IT! I am excited for updates :yay:
Hi everyone! I just recently made a Disney video of our trip on my Mac that goes day by day but it is 38 minutes long! Soo, I decided to make a short version that has just the highlights and has mostly video, a little bit of pictures. If you haven't seen it already it is on my very first post of this TR at the bottom, or you can link this link below to see it:

Enjoy it!:thumbsup2

Fighting and Pushing on Main Street

Okay, so when I last left off, Dad and I were saving a spot for Uncle Matt, Dominic, and Bella for the 9 pm MSEP!

We were trying to save a spot, at least, but our attempts were ruined when a family said they were just going to go under the rope, so we moved over to let them pass, and then they stood there and took the spot! UGH EVIL PEOPLE!:furious:

Right after Uncle Matt and the kids returned and we really had to squish together. By now it was getting dark and the show would be beginning!


I love when the castle changes colors!


The parade finally came our way, and I got a couple pictures of it.





The parade was great, but of course I REALLY wish it had been Spectromagic:(.

It was time to go get places for MM&Y! Uncle Matt and the kids had never seen it, so I was excited to see their expressions when they saw how utterly amazing it was! We got prime spots, the same ones we had had the other night, on the left hand side in front of the castle. We only waited a few minutes, and the show began. The kids were of course in awe, like I thought they would be! Then a problem began to arise. As I was standing in MY spot enjoying the show, and woman comes up, pushes me aside, and stands DIRECTLY infront of me, blocking my view. Not only that, she hoists up one kid on each side. Now Dad was FUMING. He walked right up said excuse me this is her spot, but the lady ignored him, clearly not speaking English. So, the only thing Dad could do was push her out of the way! Well at least that got rid of her!

After that show, Wishes began. Sorry guys, no pictures, I only took videos of this! Soon enough, our second problem began. During the show, another woman was pushing a carriage(with no one in it mind you) and was using it as a battering ram to get through the people! Now we wouldn't have minded, but then she came upon us. She ran over Isabella's foot, then goes charging through us. She goes, "sorry I'm doing the best I can!" Dad yelled right back at her, "Oh, I'm sure!." This got the lady SO mad, and she turns to Dad and goes, "EXCUSE ME?" Dad then just ignored her and she just went and ran over some other people. Well, it was QUITE an experience, and I was surprised Dad took charge like that...very unlike him. I'm sorry, but I just despise when people ram right through people while they are standing there enjoying the show. Ok, well sorry for that little rant, and back to the TR!

After Wishes we decided to not go running out of the park with the millions of other people, and we would wait for the crowds to slim down. Therefore we went back over the bridge and made our way around to Fantasyland. When we got to Winnie the Pooh Dad really wanted to go on, but Uncle Matt and the kids were done and decided to leave. Dad and I enjoyed the ride, and then headed down to the boat around 11 pm. We took a seat in the back of the boat, and guess who was there? Uncle Matt, Bella, and Dominic!


It turned out that they had had to wait a little while for the boat.

We were soon back at the hotel, and were all VERY tired, we were dragging! When we got back to the room, we fell right to sleep!

Stay Tuned...for a VERY interesting gorilla experience....
Day 6: July 16th, 2012

A Gorilla Experience like No Other

On the morning of the sixth day, we decided to sleep in later and go to Animal Kingdom after opening, because we were not intending on doing any of the big wait rides. We simply wanted to see the things we had missed our first day there, and stay as long as we wanted, since we were going there later.

So, that morning I woke up at 8 am. Yes, I know, VERY late. Well, I mean it is for Disney! Everyone else in my family was still fast asleep, so I slipped out on the balcony and read. It was SO peaceful, because all I could hear was the sounds of nature, because our balcony overlooked some boggy area.

At about 9 am, everyone woke up, and Mom and I went down to get coffees. I spotted in the glass case many delicious breakfast pastries, and I REALLY wanted one. I was dead set on it.

Therefore, when I returned to the room, I was able to persuade Grace to come with me and we could both get something, since Mom and Dad wanted to stay in the room and weren't hungry. I got a chocolate crouissant which was HEAVENLY and Grace got her Mickey waffles she adores. We sat at a table and ate, then made our way back up to the room, showered, and dressed.

Once we were all ready, Mom and Auntie Cathie went down to the desk to get and ADR at Via Napoli, or at least try, for tomorrow. Yeah they didn't get one. Meanwhile, me, Bella, and Dominic went to go trade Vinylmations in the gift shop. They only take out the big numbered box at certain times of the day, and this was one of them! I don't recall what Bella and Dominic got, but I got another one that I kept!

I got the chip and dale one from have a laugh series. That is a series that I am trying to get all of them, so I was VERY happy!

Here it is!


We waited over at the bus stop for a bus to AK. The two guys BOTH had fanny packs...don't they both look so good!:thumbsup2


The entire vacation Dad just RAVED about his fanny pack, which I thought was quite funny.

Soon, we were in AK, one of my favorite parks. YAY!:cool1:


We grabbed Safari FP's first, hoping to get a better Safari than last time's, then headed over to the Pangani Trail. Here was where Dad's LOVE awaited him. GORILLAS. In past trips he has had a tendency to take a MILLION pictures of gorilla butts. No gorilla butts this year, though, but there will be something else!

First we took a look at the okapi, which didn't really seem to be doing all that much. HEY I bet you didn't know that an okapi is the giraffe's only living relative, huh!? Oh, you did? Well they DO tell you EVERY single time on that safari, so you should know!

Isabella was enjoying this rather interesting skull.


Alright, well not much to see here, SO time to move along! We came upon the bird with their cool houses that Mom is crazy obsessed with.


And here is me being a fool and sticking my head INSIDE of the skull. Pretty cool.


Now we came upon the gorilla area. Now read carefully as I narrate to you this story that completely amazed my entire family, and was most likely Isabella's favorite moment of the trip. Here we go!

It all began with this guy. Hello there big guy!


Now the Big Guy decided to come over and do this:


No, that is not a pile of rocks underneath him. That IS in fact a pile of poop, which we watched him do in fascination. Throughout everyone's oohing and aahing, this Lady Gorilla was watching Big Guy do his business intently from over here:


Once Big Guy has finished, he gets up and moves away, and Lady Gorilla suddenly decides this is her chance.

She has disappeared from her spot and is now suddenly here:


Lady Gorilla has now decided to pick up Big Guy's large poop, sniff it, and proceeds to eat it like it is a nice tasty chocolate snack. Except it's not, it's poop.

By now everyone is in shock. I quickly grabbed out my video camera, Auntie Cathie ran away gagging, and Dad and Isabella stood there in complete happiness. YES that is my family for you. Mind you we were NOT the only guests excited though, everyone was pushing at the glass going beserk!

We decided to give some other lucky family a front row seat of Lady Gorilla eating poop, and hightailed it out of there. Of course not before getting this photo opp first, though.


The rest of the trail could not compare to the whole gorilla incident, and soon after we decided to go use our safari FP's. Everyone took a bathroom break, while Mom, Grace and I waited at the FP entrance. As we wait we watch as a herd of people come up with a stack as thick as a hamburg of FP's. OH GOD. IT IS THE TOUR GROUPS. There were, no lie, over a hundred people streaming up to this line. Mom and I our cursing the rest of the group for going to the bathroom at this time. When our group finally comes over, they see the tragedy. Dad got VERY angry and talked to the CM, who said he could just use his FP later and she would let us through. THANK YOU!:worship:

Now what would we do until the FP line cleared out? Oh yes, Rafiki's Planet Watch.

We only waited a few minutes for a train to arrive. Here we are beside teh nice poacher sign. The theming is SO amazing at AK!


When we got off the train , I made Isabella stand next to the cool elephant statue. I mean, how could I miss such a perfect photo opportunity!


Off to the Planet Watch!


I was excited to see how Isabella would like this, because our last trip the Planet Watch had been a HUGE problem for her. For some reason, she'd had in her mind that there were going to be spiders crawling around in there, and REFUSED to go in. Like kicking screaming crying. So this time, we hoped we would at least be able to get her in the building.

She walked in VERY timidly, looking about, cautious as can be. She soon found there was nothing to fear, there were fun tigers to take pictures with!


We basically breezed through that building. There was supposed to be a surgery you could watch later, but we didn't want to wait that long. We went out to the petting area and I saw the CUTEST piggy. It was just laying there all cute. I remember in January when they were just piglets! AW!


The pig reminded me SO much of our beagle, Charlotte, the way it just lazed about like she did. And wouldn't you know, the pig's name was Charlotte!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!? I better tell my dog I found her long lost pig twin...if she could talk, at least.

After the petting area, we decided it was time to hop back on the train, and were soon going to be using our FP's on the Safari!

Coming up Next...will we make it on the Safari, or will the tour groups still be there??
Hi Lauren! (Cool name you got there! ;) ) I just found your trip report and read the whole thing through this morning. Your family seems like a blast!


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