How many Dis'ers homeschool?

My good friend just moved to Wasilla Alaska and she has discovered a school named Raven School it is in conjunction with the public school system. They allow parents to choose thier own curriculum and provide $1400.00 per student a year to purchase supplies, they can also use the funds to pay for sports, music and other extra curricular activities. I looked at thier website and they have lots of activities like drama and organized sports. This sounds to good to be true!! Has anyone heard of any other charter or virtual schools that operate with this much freedom? Just curious, I might be interested if there was one with open boundries on participation, currently Raven School only allows enrollment for Alaska residents. :wave:
My dd is 4 and she will be homeschooled, she is special needs (long list, ask if interested) I am a bit nervous because pretty soon I am going to have to start thinking about IEP's etc. I live locally in Altamonte PSrings, FL and we go to WDW almost every weekend, with some Sea World sprinkled in. I am planning on unschooling and seeing how many unit studies/lessons I can create around WDW.

Off to read the whole thread now!
I'm in Alaska, also. There a quite a few homeschool programs here. The local school district has even got its own homeschool program going. A long time ago, there were so many kids who lived too far away to access the local schools that they developed 'long-distance' learning programs. As homeschooling became more popular, they already had the 'infra-structure,' so to speak, in place, so they started to include homeschool students, and it has just ballooned from there. It has not been all smooth sailing, however. For example, there have been new restrictions placed on how much of your allotment can go towards different areas. All in all, though, we've been happy with our program, and it's been 9 years now.
mirlow said:
I do know that PA has some of the strictest homeschooling laws.

I've heard that. We are in NJ and we have very little in the way of restrictions and requirements. We have friends who lived in PA and "hopped" across the river just to get away from the PA homeschooling rules and regulations.
Another homeschooling family here...and not just my ds (future homeschooler)! My brother and niece have also been homeschooled. Brother is "graduating" from an Orlando-area homeschool co-op this year, woohoo!
Lizardbeth61 said:
. . . she has what's called a "Non-verbal" learning difference (disability, but that's not always PC) which means if it's not spoken, she doesn't get it.

Lizardbeth61, if you are still following this thread, I would appreciate any tips, (websites, books, organizations, etc.) that you can tell me about. My friend is in her first year homeschooling her dd12 who is also Non-verbal learning "challenged" (that is what she calls it, another PC term). If you can PM or email me with any info from your experiences, I would love to pass them on to her. Thanks!

So glad to say that my two daughters are now done with school! They are graduated as of the other day! My oldest came over and hugged me and said we did it Mom! I have homeschooled them through it all and wouldn't have missed a single thing. We had our rough years full of tears and tantrums and the years where it ran sooo smooth it was scary. I still have my son for a couple more years to school but it will seem strange that the girls will not be art of the school settingm anymore. Anybody who is thinking about doing it, know it is a commitment but well worth it if you are willing. I am so blessed to say that I like each of my children as people not just as my children. Homeschooling has given me time to know my kids and to share in their growing up and watch their thinking process first hand.

okay done puffing up the tail feathers! :rotfl:
I'm considering pulling my boys out of PS--they're in 5th and 6th grades. I've been thinking about it for a year now and have almost convinced myself that I can do it, lol. I'm in PA, and have researched the laws, though I didn't realize they were 'tough' until I read this thread, lol. I'm okay with what is required. I can do that part of's the 'rest' I'm worried about. It's overwhelming and more than a bit scary! (exciting, too, though)

It's nice to know that there are so many of you here to support each other...and me if/when I need it! :goodvibes

My boys just aren't thriving in PS and haven't been for quite some time. My younger DS is a smart boy, but almost failing 5th grade. He has attention problems and the teachers revoke his priviledges for rule infractions...he has no recess for the rest of the year and they are now taking away field trips and programs, fun day, etc. That only makes things worse for him. He's very down on school and I'm having a tough time getting him motivated to do anything at all. He thinks he's stupid and can't do it, but that's not true. I think he just has too many distractions at school and not enough time studying things that interest him. (NCLB has made sure of that.) I also don't think he recieves enough encouragement at school...can you believe one teacher actually split the class into two groups--the smart group and the stupid group!? DS was in the stupid group...isn't that nice? (Parents complained, of course, and the teacher was supposedly reprimanded, but shouldn't have happened in the first place.) My older DS is shy, though a good student. He's in junior high this year and constantly asking to stay home from school, complaining of stomachaches, headaches, etc. He has been bringing home untouched lunchboxes, and finally admitted to me that he isn't eating anymore in school because other kids want to take his food. I'm afraid that kids are teasing him, though he says they aren't, because lately he's been upset often, sometimes even crying, not wanting to go to school, etc. He's showing a lot of interest now in science, history and art, and I'd like him to be able to focus more on those subjects.

My boys do participate in non-PS-sponsored sports and other activities outside of school. There are plenty of other children for them to play with. I think I'd also like to get them into some community service activities that we can all do together as a family. :goodvibes
jcemom said:
I'm considering pulling my boys out of PS--they're in 5th and 6th grades. I've been thinking about it for a year now and have almost convinced myself that I can do it, lol. I'm in PA, and have researched the laws, though I didn't realize they were 'tough' until I read this thread, lol. I'm okay with what is required. I can do that part of's the 'rest' I'm worried about. It's overwhelming and more than a bit scary! (exciting, too, though)

It's nice to know that there are so many of you here to support each other...and me if/when I need it! :goodvibes

My boys just aren't thriving in PS and haven't been for quite some time. My younger DS is a smart boy, but almost failing 5th grade. He has attention problems and the teachers revoke his priviledges for rule infractions...he has no recess for the rest of the year and they are now taking away field trips and programs, fun day, etc. That only makes things worse for him. He's very down on school and I'm having a tough time getting him motivated to do anything at all. He thinks he's stupid and can't do it, but that's not true. I think he just has too many distractions at school and not enough time studying things that interest him. (NCLB has made sure of that.) I also don't think he recieves enough encouragement at school...can you believe one teacher actually split the class into two groups--the smart group and the stupid group!? DS was in the stupid group...isn't that nice? (Parents complained, of course, and the teacher was supposedly reprimanded, but shouldn't have happened in the first place.) My older DS is shy, though a good student. He's in junior high this year and constantly asking to stay home from school, complaining of stomachaches, headaches, etc. He has been bringing home untouched lunchboxes, and finally admitted to me that he isn't eating anymore in school because other kids want to take his food. I'm afraid that kids are teasing him, though he says they aren't, because lately he's been upset often, sometimes even crying, not wanting to go to school, etc. He's showing a lot of interest now in science, history and art, and I'd like him to be able to focus more on those subjects.

My boys do participate in non-PS-sponsored sports and other activities outside of school. There are plenty of other children for them to play with. I think I'd also like to get them into some community service activities that we can all do together as a family. :goodvibes
You are a brave and courageous mother!!! I think your DKS will thrive!! We are here to support you! :grouphug:
I just started HS my DS (14) last week. I guess you could say we unschool. We do use some books but will use most anything that helps him learn. Since he's all over the map grade wise in subjects, using a specific curriculum just doesn't work. He was in 8th grade, but I don't think anything he did was 8th grade material. He ranges from 4-7 grade. He's been in sp.ed. since starting school. As of now we plan on doing this through high school.

Does anyone here know of any HS groups near N.E. Ohio? I've done searches on the web and can't seem to find any.
jcemom said:
I'm considering pulling my boys out of PS--they're in 5th and 6th grades. I've been thinking about it for a year now and have almost convinced myself that I can do it, lol. I'm in PA, and have researched the laws, though I didn't realize they were 'tough' until I read this thread, lol. I'm okay with what is required. I can do that part of's the 'rest' I'm worried about. It's overwhelming and more than a bit scary! (exciting, too, though)

I sent you a PM!
For support groups, you can try searching on Yahoo Groups, that's how I found my local support groups.
TinkerbellMama said:
Another homeschooling family here...and not just my ds (future homeschooler)! My brother and niece have also been homeschooled. Brother is "graduating" from an Orlando-area homeschool co-op this year, woohoo!

I'd be interested in hearing more about this group Kristina!
We homeschool! :) For four years and going strong...we use a classical christian approach using a Charlotte Mason style! :) How's that for eclectic? If you're just starting out, one of the best books I liked was by Debra Bell...I think it's called the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling or something along those lines...just read all you can on the different styles/approaches and you're sure to find a style that fits your personality and children.

I don't have time to read all the past postings but if would be willing to answer questions or help anyone that is starting out. I've been there and know how nice it can be to have some websites/books to seek out.

Some of my favorites are:

Honey for a Child's Heart- Hunt
For the Children's Sake- Macauley
Books Children Love- Wilson
The Well Trained Mind- Bauer
Books that Build Character- ?

A Charlotte Mason Education- Andreola
We also combine Charlotte Mason and Classical, but wihtout the Christian content.
We follow most of the recomendations of

May 21 DS has the homeschool prom. Have to go this week and arrange for his tux.
We are so luckly that there are so many HS activities in our area.
lmhall2000 said:
We homeschool! :) For four years and going strong...we use a classical christian approach using a Charlotte Mason style! :) How's that for eclectic? If you're just starting out, one of the best books I liked was by Debra Bell...I think it's called the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling or something along those lines...just read all you can on the different styles/approaches and you're sure to find a style that fits your personality and children.

I don't have time to read all the past postings but if would be willing to answer questions or help anyone that is starting out. I've been there and know how nice it can be to have some websites/books to seek out.

Some of my favorites are:

Honey for a Child's Heart- Hunt
For the Children's Sake- Macauley
Books Children Love- Wilson
The Well Trained Mind- Bauer
Books that Build Character- ?

A Charlotte Mason Education- Andreola
These are some of my faves as well, especially "The Well-Trained Mind" It's nice to meet all the homeschoolers! This year has been the hardest ever! Since DS #4, I feel so unorganized! I'm trying to regroup to start up again in July after a month off in June. I've had a hard time meeting homeschoolers in our area, it's nice to have other hs kids for mine to associate with, then they don't feel like they are the only ones. :grouphug:
This is our 4th yr homeschooling and it has taken this long to find/form close knit groups that the kids are involved with often. Was in a very large group for awhile, but it was so large and spread out that it was hard to form close friendships. DD's closest HS friend is less than a mile away. We end up getting together 2-3 times a week with both the younger group for DD and the older group for DS. The kids social life is keeping me going that is for certain.
It's so cool that alot of you homeschool! It's not that prominent around where I live. I plan on homeschooling my daughter and when I mention it to people they think I'm nuts!

I've been thinking about HS for my DD10 next year. She currently attends a parochial school and the tuition is getting outrageous. Next year, DD4 will be attending kindergarten. Also, the school district where we live national test scores from 6-12 are not great. I hate the idea of paying taxes on a school district that I can't send my children due to test scores. DH and I have been thinking about this for quite sometime. I'm work only weekends so I can be at home during the week. Does anyone from the St. Louis area recommend any support groups? Thanks for the great thread!
We started homeschooling at the beginning of April. My DS, 8, was one of a very few minority students (5 out of 750 students) and was being teased and bullied because of this. We informed the school of the situation over 20 times since Jan 05. They did not seem to think it was a big deal. As it was only a very select group of students (3-4), it would have been rather easy to address. It just became too much for DS to deal with, he would cry before school, and before bed, he started to get very agressive at home, and would always say he was sick. We started taking him to counseling and pulled him out of school. Needless to say there has been a tremendous improvement in his behavior. We will finish this school year by homeschooling. Next fall he will start at a virtual charter school.

The sad thing is, had I not recently been forced to resign from my job in Jan (pregnancy complications), I probably would not have noticed the little things which made question his behavior as something other than typical boy behavior. As far as the school issue goes, I have filed a complaint with the Dept of Ed, but they want my son to return to school after the investigation and remedy are finished. We're not too sure about sending him back though, so we may end up dropping the complaint.


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