Lightspeed ahead to a healthier you! April 2016 WISH challenge... all are welcome!

I had a really crappy day yesterday. Nothing major, just a lot of little things that added up and trying to derail me. My woohoo is that no matter how many times one of those little things got thrown in my path, I just pushed it out of my way and kept going. I grabbed a few slices of pineapple instead of a crappy snack and ate it while I walked. Was marching around my house past my bedtime but I got my steps in.
Good morning friends!

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"What's that you say Chewie? What's today?? For those of you who do not speak Wookie, let me translate...

Welcome to one of the HAPPIEST days of the week! That's right... it is WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!!"

Today is your opportunity to share something "woohoo"worthy that has happened in the last 7 days..... a NSV (non-scale victory), a new recipe success, an exercise milestone, a new PR.... or just plain old GOOD NEWS that happened in your life!!

My WooHoo for today is I got to go to a new class at my gym done by my favorite teacher. It is in a new functional fitness section my gym just built, so it has things like weighted sleds you push, medicine balls you throw at the wall and catch, box jumps, and heavy tires you flip or lift tons of other stuff. The class was 30 minutes of high intensity, I burned 300 calories in that 30 minutes, and that was after a 4 mile run! I was totally WOOHOOING when I was flipping a 132 pound tire (just a few pounds lighter than me) alternating that with standing in the middle and picking it up. I never thought I'd be able to do it, but I did. I felt like the Hulk:) Maybe I'll wear my raw threads hulk shirt next week to class;)

No woohoo's for me today. Actually, the last 7 days have been pretty crappy for me on the scale as I've only lost 3/4 of a pound and I've eaten clean and exercised every day (on my weeks prior I would have lost at least 3 lbs with what I've ate and my workouts). I think the most frustrating thing was that I didn't eat any garbage at my conference last week and my son's birthday was yesterday and I didn't eat any junk there either... if I knew I was only going to lose 3/4 after all that I would have said it wasn't worth it and I would have had some cake or pizza. Super frustrated today. I know that these things happen and the scale can be super strange at times... but it’s still frustrating. The only good thing is frustration tends to lead to some good workouts.

My 50 lb goal has been dangling right in front of me for it seems like 2 weeks and I just can't get there!!!

This is so frustrating I totally get it. We allot plateaus sometimes. When I lost major weight 6 years ago, I remember having a few weeks where nothing happened, and feeling so down about it. But I think sometimes our bodies just need a little time to adjust to our new normal. Don't dwell on it. Tell yourself it is part of the process and change will come again. The only other tip I have, is if you have been doing the same types of workouts over and over, try mixing things up to confuse your body. Like running speed intervals on the treadmill or faster walking intervals. Just a few can not only ramp up the calories for that workout, but also make you burn more calories even once you are done. Or adding weights or upping what you are already using. Don't sweat it, the scale will move again!
As I am new to that doctors practice she was asking me questions and checking on my state of mind really I think lol - but she also gave me some positive messages about how amazing and strong she thinks I am after she heard about some of the things I have been through and at the end of our conversation she said I needed to open myself up to love again and to most importantly love myself!

It's funny how we all ended up on the same topic and now we're all going to change into the power of positive thinking. Loving yourself is so hard - but I think together we can make great strides towards it!

Good morning! My past 7 days have been pretty good...I have been to the gym or exercised 6 of the last 7 days and I have eaten a vegetable at every meal and have not had a soda! I've tried several new recipes and have recently discovered two vegetables that I thought I didn't like that I actually do now! Does it seem a little silly that I am celebrating vegetables today? Haha :)

Keep up the great work - creating new habits and traditions takes time but soon it'll be second nature!

We finally decided to go to Disney that we booked a bounce back offer on back in September.

YEAH! Go and enjoy - even without ROL it'll be an amazing time and you'll still have fun :)

now that these things happen and the scale can be super strange at times... but it’s still frustrating. The only good thing is frustration tends to lead to some good workouts.

Some weeks you will hit the plateau and it sucks majorly. You will need to shock the body or your system to wake it up - whether it's eating something new/different or changing up the exercise routine. You will make it happen and you will get there. Just know it's only temporary.

My 50 lb goal has been dangling right in front of me for it seems like 2 weeks and I just can't get there!!!

And this is also the worst feeling. You're so close. You will get there! Push yourself but don't beat yourself up. Power of positive thinking - you will do whatever you can to make it. It's possible you're building muscle and the fat just hasn't dissolved away yet.
"What's that you say Chewie? What's today?? For those of you who do not speak Wookie, let me translate...

Welcome to one of the HAPPIEST days of the week! That's right... it is WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!!"

I'm going to be celebrating on Sunday with a great race - so for now I'm going to post that seeing the Tinkerbell Dooney Bags for the race next month have made me happy and I'll gladly give Disney any and all of my money for one of these gorgeous bags. I've already imagined myself wearing that bag while standing on Main St watching the Paint the Night parade.

Funny thing is - I don't like Tinkerbell or Fairies, but there's something gorgeous about this bag.

My WooHoo for today is that I am not sneezing or have my nose running like it did yesterday. I went through a half a box of tissues just yesterday afternoon. But since I had to take some allergy medication I feel a little off today.

Dh has to work late today so I am trying a sparkpeople recipe for black bean soup. It should be enough for tonight and tomorrow night when he also works late.

Last night I had fun with a couple of friends. A local theater company is doing Little Mermaid at the end of the month. They are renting the costumes but the director hated the mermaid costumes. So my friend bought some mermaid type skirts and we are jazzing them up. We had to finish the edge of chiffon fabric so that it doesn't ravel. To do that you have to run the edge of the fabric through a lit candle to lightly burn the edges. The other two people had never done it. It was fun to teach them a new skill. Our only problem was that I brought candles but forgot a lighter. We had to send someone out to buy out since they couldn't find one in the place.

Off to write a test for tomorrow.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Just dropping in quickly to share some information:

Today is National Walking Day!
For those who have not already done so, I encourage you to take some time out of your day and go for a walk! I got in a 20 minute (about 1.1 mile) walk before lunch, and I'm excited to read about everyone else's walking adventures!
My woohoo for the day is that even though I canceled my run this morning (it was the only time my boyfriend and I were able to schedule a chat and we hadn't talked in quite a while) I went out after dinner and had a great 5km run!! And afterwards I even went through my stretching program too! So, now I feel great and should head to bed soon as I need to get up very early tomorrow for a doctors appointment...
Now that I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I've managed to come up with a few woohoo's:

- Today I'm wearing a new shirt/pants to work. The shirt is one size lower and the pants are two sizes lower than I wore 3 months ago.

- Today I am also going to kill a 10% incline walk/jog that I had scheduled a few days ago thanks to these boards. Now I'm mapping out all my workouts for the week.
Yesterday's QOTD - we eat a ton of broccoli and green beans, plus romaine lettuce and spinach in salad form (DH will eat spinach in any form but I can't handle the texture of cooked spinach unless it's in queso or something, haha). Did you know green beans have more vitamin C than an orange?

Today's QOTD - Woohoo Wednesday! Yay! I love the positivity in the thread right now. I don't have any woohoos for today. I spent the last few days working around the clock getting caught up on some orders and I'm just flat exhausted right now... I was up til 3am packaging up some orders last night. TTotM is also really taking a toll on my energy levels this week. Plus, because I've been working and tired and DH has been working and tired, we didn't do any meal prep this weekend and now we're paying for it with lots of snacking on whatever we can find and lots of junk. I think this week may end up being a wash exercise-wise, too, which is super disappointing considering how awesome last week was. I'm just so tired. I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to catch up on sleep and have high hopes for hitting the treadmill hard tomorrow and Friday.

My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.

I love how these challenges continue and get better and better. :love: Back to lurkdom. :tiptoe:

@pjlla I am pretty sure that I might have chatted with you on Click to Chat on your first day. I had a question about where to find the weight chart for goal on WW. It's hard to see those little pictures or I would have said something then. I ended up chatting with my leader last week. LOL
My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.


(What race distance are you running now?)

(What race distance are you running now?)

That was 10k I did this past week-end where I got an 18 second PR. LOL It was almost nine minutes faster than the Star Wars 10k in January. I am slowly working back up to a half -- I'm still recovering from being injured in a bicycle/runner accident in October.

Congrats on your MBA graduation! :flower3:
I had a really crappy day yesterday. Nothing major, just a lot of little things that added up and trying to derail me. My woohoo is that no matter how many times one of those little things got thrown in my path, I just pushed it out of my way and kept going. I grabbed a few slices of pineapple instead of a crappy snack and ate it while I walked. Was marching around my house past my bedtime but I got my steps in.

SUPER proud of you!! I wish I had joined you in that "march around the house". I forgot to check my steps before heading to bed and ended the day just 79 short of my daily goal... GRRR!

My WooHoo for today is I got to go to a new class at my gym done by my favorite teacher. It is in a new functional fitness section my gym just built, so it has things like weighted sleds you push, medicine balls you throw at the wall and catch, box jumps, and heavy tires you flip or lift tons of other stuff. The class was 30 minutes of high intensity, I burned 300 calories in that 30 minutes, and that was after a 4 mile run! I was totally WOOHOOING when I was flipping a 132 pound tire (just a few pounds lighter than me) alternating that with standing in the middle and picking it up. I never thought I'd be able to do it, but I did. I felt like the Hulk:) Maybe I'll wear my raw threads hulk shirt next week to class;)

This workout sounds AMAZING! I'll be honest... I think I'd like that! I need to find something like that to do around here! Truly a WOOHOO for yo

This is so frustrating I totally get it. We allot plateaus sometimes. When I lost major weight 6 years ago, I remember having a few weeks where nothing happened, and feeling so down about it. But I think sometimes our bodies just need a little time to adjust to our new normal. Don't dwell on it. Tell yourself it is part of the process and change will come again. The only other tip I have, is if you have been doing the same types of workouts over and over, try mixing things up to confuse your body. Like running speed intervals on the treadmill or faster walking intervals. Just a few can not only ramp up the calories for that workout, but also make you burn more calories even once you are done. Or adding weights or upping what you are already using. Don't sweat it, the scale will move again!

Great advise!

I'm going to be celebrating on Sunday with a great race - so for now I'm going to post that seeing the Tinkerbell Dooney Bags for the race next month have made me happy and I'll gladly give Disney any and all of my money for one of these gorgeous bags. I've already imagined myself wearing that bag while standing on Main St watching the Paint the Night parade.

Funny thing is - I don't like Tinkerbell or Fairies, but there's something gorgeous about this bag.

I agree... I'm not into Tink, but that bag is beautiful.... kind of like a monet watercolor done in darker colors!

My WooHoo for today is that I am not sneezing or have my nose running like it did yesterday. I went through a half a box of tissues just yesterday afternoon. But since I had to take some allergy medication I feel a little off today.

Dh has to work late today so I am trying a sparkpeople recipe for black bean soup. It should be enough for tonight and tomorrow night when he also works late.

Last night I had fun with a couple of friends. A local theater company is doing Little Mermaid at the end of the month. They are renting the costumes but the director hated the mermaid costumes. So my friend bought some mermaid type skirts and we are jazzing them up. We had to finish the edge of chiffon fabric so that it doesn't ravel. To do that you have to run the edge of the fabric through a lit candle to lightly burn the edges. The other two people had never done it. It was fun to teach them a new skill. Our only problem was that I brought candles but forgot a lighter. We had to send someone out to buy out since they couldn't find one in the place.

Off to write a test for tomorrow.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Laughing about the lighter.... sounds like something I would do! And how nice to be able to teach a new skill.... although since you ARE a teacher, I suppose it isn't anything new for you!

Just dropping in quickly to share some information:

Today is National Walking Day!
For those who have not already done so, I encourage you to take some time out of your day and go for a walk! I got in a 20 minute (about 1.1 mile) walk before lunch, and I'm excited to read about everyone else's walking adventures!

I saw that on the news this morning but totally forgot to mention it in my rush out the door this morning! Thanks for mentioning it!

My woohoo for the day is that even though I canceled my run this morning (it was the only time my boyfriend and I were able to schedule a chat and we hadn't talked in quite a while) I went out after dinner and had a great 5km run!! And afterwards I even went through my stretching program too! So, now I feel great and should head to bed soon as I need to get up very early tomorrow for a doctors appointment...

Wooohoo for the run AND for the boyfriend time!!

Now that I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I've managed to come up with a few woohoo's:

- Today I'm wearing a new shirt/pants to work. The shirt is one size lower and the pants are two sizes lower than I wore 3 months ago.

- Today I am also going to kill a 10% incline walk/jog that I had scheduled a few days ago thanks to these boards. Now I'm mapping out all my workouts for the week.

I am so pleased that you took a moment to think and find two things worthy of a WOOHOO!

Yesterday's QOTD - we eat a ton of broccoli and green beans, plus romaine lettuce and spinach in salad form (DH will eat spinach in any form but I can't handle the texture of cooked spinach unless it's in queso or something, haha). Did you know green beans have more vitamin C than an orange?

Today's QOTD - Woohoo Wednesday! Yay! I love the positivity in the thread right now. I don't have any woohoos for today. I spent the last few days working around the clock getting caught up on some orders and I'm just flat exhausted right now... I was up til 3am packaging up some orders last night. TTotM is also really taking a toll on my energy levels this week. Plus, because I've been working and tired and DH has been working and tired, we didn't do any meal prep this weekend and now we're paying for it with lots of snacking on whatever we can find and lots of junk. I think this week may end up being a wash exercise-wise, too, which is super disappointing considering how awesome last week was. I'm just so tired. I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to catch up on sleep and have high hopes for hitting the treadmill hard tomorrow and Friday.

Yup.... DD mentioned that you emailed her at 3 am recently! Makes me want to go all "MOM" on you and call you and tell you to GET TO BED!!

Thanks for the tidbit about the vitamin C.... I love green beans, but rarely eat an orange and never drink juice (well... on Christmas morning in a mimosa!).

I don't know you, but I am celebrating with you! Great news!

Asparagus and sweet potatoes! I guess it never hurts to try again all those things we think we hate!

Love them both.... glad you tried them again!


Hey friends! So glad I was able to pop on during the day today because I've been super busy tonight and all of those replies would have been difficult!

I was able to toss together some dinner between calls, so that was good. Two MSF veggie burgers on low carb flatbread with baby spinach, a side of steamed broccoli, and some pickles! So worth 5 SmartPoints!

Okay.... I'll say good-bye for now so that I can concentrate on the call that just came in! I'll be back in the morning!....................P
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My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.

I love how these challenges continue and get better and better. :love: Back to lurkdom. :tiptoe:

@pjlla I am pretty sure that I might have chatted with you on Click to Chat on your first day. I had a question about where to find the weight chart for goal on WW. It's hard to see those little pictures or I would have said something then. I ended up chatting with my leader last week. LOL

HEY!!! Wait a minute! I KNOW YOU!! When the heck did you join us!!?? How did I miss this!!

OH MY GOSH!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO>>>> no more lurking! I have MISSED YOU!! HUGE congrats on hitting the 50 pounds GONE FOREVER!

My most sincere apology if you were one of my first calls! I promise I've gotten better since then! And I do not have my picture posted there yet.... just waiting for the right moment to take a good one!

Anyhow.... after all of that "shouting" I just want to say that you have been missed.... truly, truly missed. I'm delighted you hit 50 pounds.... you are, without a doubt, the PICTURE of NEVER GIVING UP! So proud of you. Please don't disappear for so long next time! ........P
We had my son's family birthday party on Saturday and it went really good. His birthday is tomorrow and he will be 10. It is woohoo because it is his birthday and he is a great kid but I am kind of sad too. I am having a little issue with him know being in the double digits. I really miss my cuddly baby. I might have a few tears tomorrow but it will still be awesome.

Glad he had a good day. I totally know how you feel - I was like that when each of my kids hit 10 - luckily mine still like a cuddle even my 15 year old still snuggles up for a cuddle (maybe not as often - but he still does). Mum tears are perfectly fine have them proudly :hug:

My 50 lb goal has been dangling right in front of me for it seems like 2 weeks and I just can't get there!!!

How frustrating - I can't wait for your celebration post when you get there and you will don't give up :thumbsup2

My Woohoo is that I climbed a 5.10c in rock climbing at the gym on Friday. That's like a black diamond of rock climbing! It felt amazing to finish it!
ALSO... I ordered a BM dress for a wedding in October. Instead of the $295 it was going to cost, I scored it for $150 (worn once). I was fitted for a size 10 at the salon but bought it in a size 8 since I couldn't find a pre-owned size 10. It came in the mail last night and IT FITS! :worship:

I'm also getting some not so great, stress-inducing news. The program I applied to for graphic design hasn't been able to locate my electronic college transcript even though I sent it March 10th. It's almost been a month since I applied which mean my application hasn't even been looked at yet. It's past the deadline. I don't even know what this means for me but I'm so exhausted dealing with the admissions office and the transcript people not working together. It's been causing a ton of stress not knowing if I'll be quitting my job and moving to NYC or not. My boyfriend would move with me, but he also needs to let his work know. :worried:

Wow to you for the rock climbing! Always time to celebrate when you get a bargain on a dress and you fit in a smaller size :banana: . Sorry to hear about the difficulties with your course application - wow a possible move to NYC both exciting and stressful for you - fingers crossed that it works out for you.

When it rains, it pours.

First, don't judge me!!!!

Anyway, I got some tickets to see Janet Jackson this summer. My wife laughed when I bought the tickets... a lot, but I loved Janet growing up. Woke up to hear she is cancelling the rest of her tour this year. Glad to hear about her and her husband starting a family, but I was really looking forward to seeing that show.

lol no judgement - its fun to re-experience concerts/singers from our earlier years - I love going to concerts you can just get lost in the crowd and lose yourself in the music . Sorry you don't get to go after all.

Wednsedays are my hungrier days of the week usually!

my woohoo - DH is cancer free - the scan came clear
smaller one - diet is going well, I have been tracking my calories for 10 days now, sticking to the plan 9

:jumping1: so happy for the good news for your family.

Good morning, everyone. Having a little struggle this morning as I have been feeling like I've been catching the croup. I have been taking my Airborne and drinking a mixture I fondly call "Drink ya juice, Shelby" :rotfl:(any Steel Magnolia fans other than me?!) which is really just a potion of garlic, ginger, honey, spinach, carrots, apple, strawberry, lemon, and a splash of orange juice all blended into a juice like smoothie. I think the sugar in that caught up with me though because last night I was restless and my heart-rate was higher than usual. I'm feeling better sick wise, but man I'm tired! I swear this always happens before my big trips (starting to think it's stress induced!). I REFUSE to get sick before this trip!

:wave: Steel Magnolia fan right here - it was on TV only a few weeks ago and watched it again - still cry and laugh when I watch it. Your 'potion' sounds yummy - hope you feel better in time for your trip.

I had a really crappy day yesterday. Nothing major, just a lot of little things that added up and trying to derail me. My woohoo is that no matter how many times one of those little things got thrown in my path, I just pushed it out of my way and kept going. I grabbed a few slices of pineapple instead of a crappy snack and ate it while I walked. Was marching around my house past my bedtime but I got my steps in.

:thumbsup2 well done for staying on track with the pineapple snack - I love how many of you are so motivated with your steps that you walk around the house or march on the spot at bedtime to get them all in.

My WooHoo for today is I got to go to a new class at my gym done by my favorite teacher. It is in a new functional fitness section my gym just built, so it has things like weighted sleds you push, medicine balls you throw at the wall and catch, box jumps, and heavy tires you flip or lift tons of other stuff. The class was 30 minutes of high intensity, I burned 300 calories in that 30 minutes, and that was after a 4 mile run! I was totally WOOHOOING when I was flipping a 132 pound tire (just a few pounds lighter than me) alternating that with standing in the middle and picking it up. I never thought I'd be able to do it, but I did. I felt like the Hulk:) Maybe I'll wear my raw threads hulk shirt next week to class;)

Sounds like fun - definitely wear the hulk shirt that is hilarious :tongue:.

Now that I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I've managed to come up with a few woohoo's:

- Today I'm wearing a new shirt/pants to work. The shirt is one size lower and the pants are two sizes lower than I wore 3 months ago.

That is awesome - so even the scales are messing with you - you are seeing some good changes and its great you are dropping clothing sizes :cool1:

My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.

Congratulations - I'm glad you came out of lurking to share you good news :cheer2:

Seems I was in an emoji mood today haha

Ok off to make myself a little late but healthy breakfast - I haven't been tracking on MFP for a few days now need to get back in the habbit.
I have a brand new Woo Hoo that just happened! I got an email from my castmember friend and the day we are going to Magic Kingdom is NOT blocked out! Last year the entire month of June was blocked for MK. As a result, our Disney ticket costs for this trip just decreased by almost $400 -- Woo Hoo!
One 12 minute interval bike workout this week. I need to get in another today. I didn't do it this morning so there's tonight. And I'll do some strength too. I must take the time to read and catch up. Been busy with lots of projects lately. And I have endless housekeeping stuff to do too. I just got the iron supplements and B complex going again because I've felt sooooo drained lately.


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