Lightspeed ahead to a healthier you! April 2016 WISH challenge... all are welcome!

My Wednesday Woohoos... My new BFF Miss Google Maps guided me thru the Dallas morning traffic and I made it back to return the rental car with time to spare. The car company agreed to credit me back for the day that was ruined when I had to drive to San Antonio to exchange the car. I was able to get on an earlier flight at minimal extra cost, and was landing in Seattle at the time of my original flight was leaving Dallas. The Seattle weather is going to be great the next few days. My cats don't hate me for being gone so long. And today will be the first day in about 4 that I'll be back up to 10,000 steps. All in all it's been a good day!
I'm struggling with a woohoo for today - I think I used them up last night. Not a bad day, I'm just tired and kind of blah. So instead of woohoo, I'll make fun of myself by sharing a transcript of a conversation I had with DH tonight.

DH: (scrolling through DVR recordings) what do you want to watch?
Me: Let's finish the People v. O.J. Simpson. I think it's the last episode and I want to see what the verdict is.
DH: Um, Maggie.... You remember 1995, right?

Great news about your dress - I love people who can sew - I think they are clever - I can't lol. Sorry about your office - hopefully you didn't lose to much important work or papers.

@iheartdisney44 & @courtneybeth - so funny you are talking about loving yourself today - I had my appointment with the nurse at my doctors office today to do the paperwork for my healthcare plan so I can see a dietician and exercise physiologist. As I am new to that doctors practice she was asking me questions and checking on my state of mind really I think lol - but she also gave me some positive messages about how amazing and strong she thinks I am after she heard about some of the things I have been through and at the end of our conversation she said I needed to open myself up to love again and to most importantly love myself! Courtney I have great parents who did and still do support me but they are not 'l love you' outloud people if that makes sense, I know I am loved by them, I'm sorry you had and I know are still having a difficult time with yours. But last Friday when mum was away visiting her sick sister I could tell she was upset and ended our phone call by saying love you mum. Well my other Aunty rang me secretly the next day to tell me how emotional that had made my mum. I tell my kids lots of times in a day I love them. But where I have lost my self-esteem and think I am unlovable is from the 2 people that I had fallen in love with (not at the same time lol) .... especially the second relationship as I thought that was forever - so when they leave you, you can't help but have that affect how you feel about yourself. If you find any great books post the titles on here and I'll read along as well.

Ok I think I need a walk - thanks all you fabulous people.

It isn't in the non-fiction or self-help category, but I've been reading the Anne of Green Gables series pretty continuously for the last 30 years or so. There is nothing like a few minute with Anne to remind me that I am always lovable. And that every tomorrow is a brand new day.

Good morning! My past 7 days have been pretty good...I have been to the gym or exercised 6 of the last 7 days and I have eaten a vegetable at every meal and have not had a soda! I've tried several new recipes and have recently discovered two vegetables that I thought I didn't like that I actually do now! Does it seem a little silly that I am celebrating vegetables today? Haha :)

That's not pretty good. That's great! And vegetables are definitely worth celebrating!, Well, except for beets and lima beans.

Just checking in. Yesterday did not go as planned. I did go to the rec to work but ended up having to leave before I could do anything. I was so frustrated. The issue I had continued through the night and I had to call the doctor around 7:30 last night. Thankfully I did not need to go in then (would have been the ER) and will need to get into the doctor today. Hopefully I can finally get some answers and get this fixed.

I did eat really good yesterday and so far today. I hope to keep that up. I have packed my breakfast and lunch all week and have gone out to eat. I tried to get my husband to go out and get me something but he said no and made me dinner instead. He even cut up strawberries for me. I ate almost half of them last night and a ton this morning for breakfast.

My daughter is doing much better today and is not worked up of these stupid standardized tests. I can't wait until they are done for the year.

I'm so glad your daughter is doing better today. And I hope you get some good answers from the doctor.

My Woohoo is that I climbed a 5.10c in rock climbing at the gym on Friday. That's like a black diamond of rock climbing! It felt amazing to finish it!
ALSO... I ordered a BM dress for a wedding in October. Instead of the $295 it was going to cost, I scored it for $150 (worn once). I was fitted for a size 10 at the salon but bought it in a size 8 since I couldn't find a pre-owned size 10. It came in the mail last night and IT FITS! :worship:

I'm also getting some not so great, stress-inducing news. The program I applied to for graphic design hasn't been able to locate my electronic college transcript even though I sent it March 10th. It's almost been a month since I applied which mean my application hasn't even been looked at yet. It's past the deadline. I don't even know what this means for me but I'm so exhausted dealing with the admissions office and the transcript people not working together. It's been causing a ton of stress not knowing if I'll be quitting my job and moving to NYC or not. My boyfriend would move with me, but he also needs to let his work know. :worried:

Woohoo on the dress! Not knowing where you will be does sound very stressful. Hopefully you will have an answer soon!l.

When it rains, it pours.

First, don't judge me!!!!

Anyway, I got some tickets to see Janet Jackson this summer. My wife laughed when I bought the tickets... a lot, but I loved Janet growing up. Woke up to hear she is cancelling the rest of her tour this year. Glad to hear about her and her husband starting a family, but I was really looking forward to seeing that show.


LOL. That isn't just a sprinkle - that is a thunderstorm of bad news!

Wednsedays are my hungrier days of the week usually!

my woohoo - DH is cancer free - the scan came clear
smaller one - diet is going well, I have been tracking my calories for 10 days now, sticking to the plan 9

I'm so glad!!!!!!

I (mostly) slept through the night last night!
I've never been a very good sleeper. I used to sleep better when I went to sleep early, but lately when I go to sleep early I've been waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep for 1.5-2 hours. Last night I went to sleep on the early side, but I pretty much slept through the night (I think I woke up once, and Fitbit agrees, but I fell right back asleep).

Also ... hi Chewie!

This is probably the end of the Star Wars pictures for me ... I'm really not a Star Wars person. I probably should have paced myself more and not posted both pictures in the first week.

Vegetables are always an awesome thing to celebrate!

Yes! Focus on the good.
It sucks when you're doing everything right and the scale barely moves. There's no arguing with that. But every cloud has a silver lining, and it's important to focus on the good things!

I hope everything goes well at the doctor's!

That is insane! Stupid technology. I really hope they can get their act together and figure this out. If you submitted your materials on time, hopefully they'll still consider you even if they weren't able to locate your transcript before the deadline.

That's sad. Janet Jackson is awesome (not that I've ever seen her live (I didn't even see the super bowl halftime wardrobe malfunction), but her music is awesome and I'm guessing she puts on a great show). I hope you get to see her at some point in the future.

Those are both awesome WooHoos! Congrats on both!


Hey guys. I had a not so great day yesterday (and already had some chocolate I shouldn't have had today), but I'm trying to bounce back. It's only 9:40ish, which means that I've got another 12+ hours to make today awesome. So I'm going to disappear from here for a little bit and work on my to-do list - because for me staying on track with life is the easiest way to motivate myself to stay on track with my eating.
Have a great day, everyone!

Sleeping is such a woohoo! Why is something that should be so easy so very hard?

I had a really crappy day yesterday. Nothing major, just a lot of little things that added up and trying to derail me. My woohoo is that no matter how many times one of those little things got thrown in my path, I just pushed it out of my way and kept going. I grabbed a few slices of pineapple instead of a crappy snack and ate it while I walked. Was marching around my house past my bedtime but I got my steps in.

Great job!

I'm going to be celebrating on Sunday with a great race - so for now I'm going to post that seeing the Tinkerbell Dooney Bags for the race next month have made me happy and I'll gladly give Disney any and all of my money for one of these gorgeous bags. I've already imagined myself wearing that bag while standing on Main St watching the Paint the Night parade.

Funny thing is - I don't like Tinkerbell or Fairies, but there's something gorgeous about this bag.


That bag is gorgeous. And I can't stand Tink. The bag is like something out of a Midsummer Night's Dream though. I will now commence coveting it. Hopefully something else will distract me soon. Just like this pushed the Kate Slade Minnie Mouse clutch almost out of my head....

Just dropping in quickly to share some information:

Today is National Walking Day!
For those who have not already done so, I encourage you to take some time out of your day and go for a walk! I got in a 20 minute (about 1.1 mile) walk before lunch, and I'm excited to read about everyone else's walking adventures!

That's really cool! I did get in an extra walk with the pup today but I didn't know it was in honor of National Walking Day! I thought it was just because she wouldn't leave me alone. :)

Yesterday's QOTD - we eat a ton of broccoli and green beans, plus romaine lettuce and spinach in salad form (DH will eat spinach in any form but I can't handle the texture of cooked spinach unless it's in queso or something, haha). Did you know green beans have more vitamin C than an orange?

Today's QOTD - Woohoo Wednesday! Yay! I love the positivity in the thread right now. I don't have any woohoos for today. I spent the last few days working around the clock getting caught up on some orders and I'm just flat exhausted right now... I was up til 3am packaging up some orders last night. TTotM is also really taking a toll on my energy levels this week. Plus, because I've been working and tired and DH has been working and tired, we didn't do any meal prep this weekend and now we're paying for it with lots of snacking on whatever we can find and lots of junk. I think this week may end up being a wash exercise-wise, too, which is super disappointing considering how awesome last week was. I'm just so tired. I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to catch up on sleep and have high hopes for hitting the treadmill hard tomorrow and Friday.

I hope you got all rested up. And that you sleep some more tonight. And tomorrow night.......


My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.

I love how these challenges continue and get better and better. :love: Back to lurkdom. :tiptoe:

@pjlla I am pretty sure that I might have chatted with you on Click to Chat on your first day. I had a question about where to find the weight chart for goal on WW. It's hard to see those little pictures or I would have said something then. I ended up chatting with my leader last week. LOL

Woohoo!!! You look amazing! Congratulations!!!

I have a brand new Woo Hoo that just happened! I got an email from my castmember friend and the day we are going to Magic Kingdom is NOT blocked out! Last year the entire month of June was blocked for MK. As a result, our Disney ticket costs for this trip just decreased by almost $400 -- Woo Hoo!

That bag is gorgeous. And I can't stand Tink. The bag is like something out of a Midsummer Night's Dream though. I will now commence coveting it. Hopefully something else will distract me soon. Just like this pushed the Kate Slade Minnie Mouse clutch almost out of my head....

I cannot stand Tink either and I am in love with this bag. What I'm going to do is see it in person at the race expo when I pick up my 10K race number and then decide right there if it's worth getting. Plus I can use my AP discount and not pay active fees.
OK, I was trying to think of a WooHoo and decided on a seemingly trivial thing I did today, that just 7 weeks ago I definitely wouldn't have done.

I took DS to baseball practice tonight and had to go pick something up in the next town over. I had about 40 minutes or so to kill until it was time to go pick him up. Before tracking everything in MyFitnessPal, I know that I would have gone to Panera for a bowl of soup (even thought I'd already had dinner with my family), but instead I went to Walgreens to see if I could find any good deals.

Not that I didn't want to go to Panera or that I didn't think about going, but I didn't. Nothing huge, but still an accomplishment of some sort.

It's been fun reading everyone's WooHoos! We are a great group!!
Good morning everyone!!

I am at the office very early because I had a 7:30am appointment at my doctor to get my blood tested for my thyroid hormome levels. Hopefully the current dosage I am taking is fine, I will know tomorrow. So I ended up with having breakfast at the office, but decided to use that time to check up on the DIS!! Not a healthy breakfast, but I was not allowed to take my pill until after the blood was taken and then I needed to wait 30 minutes before I could eat something. Anyway, this gives me the opportunity to chat with you a bit! :goodvibes

Today's QOTD - Woohoo Wednesday! Yay! I love the positivity in the thread right now. I don't have any woohoos for today. I spent the last few days working around the clock getting caught up on some orders and I'm just flat exhausted right now... I was up til 3am packaging up some orders last night. TTotM is also really taking a toll on my energy levels this week. Plus, because I've been working and tired and DH has been working and tired, we didn't do any meal prep this weekend and now we're paying for it with lots of snacking on whatever we can find and lots of junk. I think this week may end up being a wash exercise-wise, too, which is super disappointing considering how awesome last week was. I'm just so tired. I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to catch up on sleep and have high hopes for hitting the treadmill hard tomorrow and Friday.

Yes, I love the positivity in this thread at the moment as well!! It really gives me a boost in motivation everytime I get on and read!!

Sorry about your sleep! I have been struggling the last weeks, too. Not as bad as you though. But the last few nights started to get better and I can feel how much more energy I have. Hopefully you will be able to sleep better soon!

Asparagus and sweet potatoes! I guess it never hurts to try again all those things we think we hate!

Your post really made me think that I need to try some "new" vegetables again for myself to see if I like them! I love asparagus and sweet potatoes. But I think I ought to experiment with fennel and leek a little bit...


My woo hoo for Wednesday is that I received my 50 pounds lost award at WW this week. Some of those pounds were lost while I was still active in these challenges so I thought I would share. Using every single tool WW offers, including personal coaching, has made a big difference in my success.

I love how these challenges continue and get better and better. :love: Back to lurkdom. :tiptoe:

Lisa!!!!! :banana::banana::banana: So happy to see you (yes, dancing banana happy!!!)! The picture of you is amazing! You look really great and what a success! Congratulations. I know that be have often been in a similar position of things not moving like we thought they should and I am so happy to see that you were finally able to get such a great success!

I hope your recovery from the accident will continue well!! And I agree with Pam that we would love to have you around more regularly!!

HEY!!! Wait a minute! I KNOW YOU!! When the heck did you join us!!?? How did I miss this!!

OH MY GOSH!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO>>>> no more lurking! I have MISSED YOU!! HUGE congrats on hitting the 50 pounds GONE FOREVER!

My most sincere apology if you were one of my first calls! I promise I've gotten better since then! And I do not have my picture posted there yet.... just waiting for the right moment to take a good one!

Anyhow.... after all of that "shouting" I just want to say that you have been missed.... truly, truly missed. I'm delighted you hit 50 pounds.... you are, without a doubt, the PICTURE of NEVER GIVING UP! So proud of you. Please don't disappear for so long next time! ........P

I had to laugh at your post because I was thinking exactly the same when I saw Lisa's post!!

Ok off to make myself a little late but healthy breakfast - I haven't been tracking on MFP for a few days now need to get back in the habbit.

Yes, back to MFP is a good plan!! I am always amazed how easy it is to totally miscalculate I am eating if I stop tracking!

And I also wanted to say with regard what you posted earlier on the thread that I agree with the nurse: From everything you have shared with us, I am amazed at what you have accomplished for yourself and for your family!

I have a brand new Woo Hoo that just happened! I got an email from my castmember friend and the day we are going to Magic Kingdom is NOT blocked out! Last year the entire month of June was blocked for MK. As a result, our Disney ticket costs for this trip just decreased by almost $400 -- Woo Hoo!

:cheer2: Aren't CM friends quite wonderful. I am very lucky that we know a few CMs and thanks to them we were able to share some great benefits (like the Wild Africa Trek with a 50% discount).

One 12 minute interval bike workout this week. I need to get in another today. I didn't do it this morning so there's tonight. And I'll do some strength too. I must take the time to read and catch up. Been busy with lots of projects lately. And I have endless housekeeping stuff to do too. I just got the iron supplements and B complex going again because I've felt sooooo drained lately.

Hope the supplements help you to have more energy! Body chemistry is so difficult and it can affect you so much!

My Wednesday Woohoos... My new BFF Miss Google Maps guided me thru the Dallas morning traffic and I made it back to return the rental car with time to spare. The car company agreed to credit me back for the day that was ruined when I had to drive to San Antonio to exchange the car. I was able to get on an earlier flight at minimal extra cost, and was landing in Seattle at the time of my original flight was leaving Dallas. The Seattle weather is going to be great the next few days. My cats don't hate me for being gone so long. And today will be the first day in about 4 that I'll be back up to 10,000 steps. All in all it's been a good day!

I love travelling, but I also always love getting home. It is just so comforting to be in my own place. So, what was the verdict on Texas? Didn't you mention that you were considering relocating there?

DH: (scrolling through DVR recordings) what do you want to watch?
Me: Let's finish the People v. O.J. Simpson. I think it's the last episode and I want to see what the verdict is.
DH: Um, Maggie.... You remember 1995, right?


I also wanted to say that I am so sorry that all those mishaps still keep coming! The fire in the office just sounds so horrible!! I guess I now understand why my office has such strict rules about which electric appliances you are allowed to bring in and how all of them need to be unplugged when you leave the office.

I cannot stand Tink either and I am in love with this bag. What I'm going to do is see it in person at the race expo when I pick up my 10K race number and then decide right there if it's worth getting. Plus I can use my AP discount and not pay active fees.

I am not a fan of the D&B bags, but this one is really cute!! Hope you can get it at the expo!

I took DS to baseball practice tonight and had to go pick something up in the next town over. I had about 40 minutes or so to kill until it was time to go pick him up. Before tracking everything in MyFitnessPal, I know that I would have gone to Panera for a bowl of soup (even thought I'd already had dinner with my family), but instead I went to Walgreens to see if I could find any good deals.

Not that I didn't want to go to Panera or that I didn't think about going, but I didn't. Nothing huge, but still an accomplishment of some sort.

Actually I think it is huge! It is far more difficult to not do something that you want to do. So, making a conscious decision if you want to have a treat or not is a great acchievement! And the next time when you maybe go there and then feel bad about it, you can remember that there was a time when you were able to resist. For me that is always a great motivation to not give up and try to be better again the next time. I know that I will never be someone who will not eat a single treat. So, the thing to learn for me is to plan my treats and not just let them happen.
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Good morning and welcome to your QOTD for Thursday, April 7, 2016:

For those of you who are familiar with Facebook, often Thursdays are referred to as THROWBACK THURSDAY #throwbackthursday #TBT

So let's go into the "way back" machine and see an original bit of Disney Star Wars..... remember this??


Anyone here ever been to a Star Wars weekend?

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

the only.jpg

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P
Good morning all! Almost the end of the week for probably most of you, but getting ready to start my "work week" tomorrow and only slightly dreading it ;) What have I learned? Where do I start? Mostly I have learned that my mind is a liar! It tells me to eat when I am not hungry, it tells me that I can't run at this weight, it tells me that everyone is looking at and judging me, it tells me to "eat that delicious treat" and then beats me up for it when I do, telling me that I'll never change. My mind is my biggest challenge in that I need to constantly put it in it's place during this journey and not believe the old lies that have kept me in this cycle of failure for so long. It takes a lot of work to reprogram my thinking! Now I wake up and tell myself that I can do this and that I will be successful! For me, this change in my thinking is just as important as my healthy food choices and I am so happy I have finally learned this!
And I also wanted to say with regard what you posted earlier on the thread that I agree with the nurse: From everything you have shared with us, I am amazed at what you have accomplished for yourself and for your family!


Body chemistry is so difficult and it can affect you so much!

Yes - I have been feeling the effects of this a lot lately the fatigue from low B12 and iron and now that I am getting some B12 injections I have been experiencing some headaches, nausea and dizziness this week. I need to start on the iron as well but will start that on the weekend. Hope your supplements work for you @zoesmamma03.

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

Yes - for a couple of different stages/times in my life 16- 22 when I was thin, looking forward to what was to come, and looked good in anything haha, most of my 22-29 for the happiest time in my love life and becoming a mum for the first time, September 2014 for the 3 weeks the kids and I spent in LA/Disneyland. I don't think I am that good at learning from the past - although I am slowly making progress in that area and trying to see things for what they are/were rather than what I wanted/or thought it to be at the time. Some of that was due to lies told to me by someone I should have been able to trust and I suppose partly due to the denial/lies I told myself to cope.

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I have learnt to try and see people for who they really are when they show it to you (as there are always signs in retrospect that we may have dismissed or thought we could live with/change) e.g. trust that inner voice about people, that even if I don't log a chocolate or 2 it still counts and will show on the scales! lol, the mirror lies to me - it makes me look better than I really do, having an active lifestyle is important - being naturally thin in my early years with no effort at all set me up for difficulty later in life/post kids when I had not developed the skills I needed to maintain a healthy weight, whilst getting of the rails with your health might be easy - there is no easy fix it takes planning, motivation, support and determination, I am stronger than I think most of the time, I can get up early for exercise after all lol.

No I have not been to a Star Wars weekend.
I have learned that small changes have a positive impact on my health in ways I wasn't anticipating. I didn't have "health" problems associated with my eating habits (no high blood pressure etc) so it went against my logical mind that I should have to switch to more wholesome food - after all - a calorie is a calorie, right; it shouldn't matter if I eat 140 calories of chips or 140 calories of fruit, but when completely substituted fruit and vegetables for my standby lunch sides (chips, crackers, cookies), I noticed fairly quickly that my hair became healthier - shinier and much less fall out/breakage. I can only attribute it to my diet since my hair care routine has stayed the same.
What have I learned? I think the biggest thing for me was finding the right head space and getting out of my own way. No fancy diet, work out program, cheerleaders etc. will make it work until I work it. I had to learn to DO FOR ME and nobody else. I've learned it's okay to put myself first and put work into ME. That saying, "If Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" is absolutely true. It sounds selfish but it's absolutely the best thing I've done for myself and my family. That drive has to come from within, you have to own it and once you do, success will follow.
But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I really try not to look back. I lost my mother very young and I used to watch old home movies of us together and I would cry boatloads and really longed for that time when I was young. When my mom passed, she was living abroad and had been battling cancer for 5 years (my parents divorced amidst her cancer battle - she was stronger than I even realized to be honest) and a few days prior, I happened to be at WDW (it was my 2nd and last time, actually). I was a teenager and was trying to get off the phone with her so I could go to a park. I had no idea it would be the last time I ever spoke to her. Out of that tragedy came a LOT of learning. I used to be riddled with guilt knowing I was rushing to get off the phone with her all for a dumb day at a park (sorry, no offense to WDW or anything). I have learned to never take anyone or anything for granted but to also enjoy small moments.

It ties into my weight loss journey. Every little victory is a step in the right direction. I so appreciate the fact that my life is relatively good and healthy. Anything else good in my weight loss journey is just icing on the cake for me at this point. Do I want to lose a bit more weight? Yes of course. But my body image is so much more important than a number on a scale.
I really try not to look back. I lost my mother very young and I used to watch old home movies of us together and I would cry boatloads and really longed for that time when I was young. When my mom passed, she was living abroad and had been battling cancer for 5 years (my parents divorced amidst her cancer battle - she was stronger than I even realized to be honest) and a few days prior, I happened to be at WDW (it was my 2nd and last time, actually). I was a teenager and was trying to get off the phone with her so I could go to a park. I had no idea it would be the last time I ever spoke to her. Out of that tragedy came a LOT of learning. I used to be riddled with guilt knowing I was rushing to get off the phone with her all for a dumb day at a park (sorry, no offense to WDW or anything). I have learned to never take anyone or anything for granted but to also enjoy small moments.

It ties into my weight loss journey. Every little victory is a step in the right direction. I so appreciate the fact that my life is relatively good and healthy. Anything else good in my weight loss journey is just icing on the cake for me at this point. Do I want to lose a bit more weight? Yes of course. But my body image is so much more important than a number on a scale.

Thank you for sharing that painful personal story - I am so sorry for your loss :hug: - we have all been 'that teenager' at some stage but understand why you would struggle with that. It is great that you are focused on a positive body image rather than obsessing about a number on a scale :-)
Good morning and welcome to your QOTD for Thursday, April 7, 2016:

For those of you who are familiar with Facebook, often Thursdays are referred to as THROWBACK THURSDAY #throwbackthursday #TBT

So let's go into the "way back" machine and see an original bit of Disney Star Wars..... remember this??

View attachment 160736

Anyone here ever been to a Star Wars weekend?

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

View attachment 160737

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

Star Wars weekend almost canceled or trip this year. We were going to go or Star Wars weekends and then they canceled it. It was the only reason why my husband wanted to go in June. So we held off making a decision on if we were going until last week.

I long to be back in my late teens early twenties. I felt I could do anything I wanted to do. I just had to put my mind to it. Unfortunately I did not do this. I always wanted to be a nurse. Especially a labor and delivery nurse. I did 1 year of college in nursing and decided to stop because it was to much work. I ended up getting a degree in Office admin (I went to school to be a secretary). It was the easiest degree to get. Looking back I wish that I would have not been so lazy. I have learned that you need to work at what you want. Nothing is every easy. You need to work hard to achieve your goals.

This is true for getting healthy. Everything is a choice. Make a healthy dinner or take the easy way out and get fast food. Workout or sit and watch T.V. I struggle with this. I have gotten better at not eating out and trying to plan my lunch and breakfast so I do not eat out. Dinner is tougher but we have not eaten out this week so far and I have packed my lunch and breakfast all week. Working is a challenge. By the time I can work some nights I am just too tired. Lat night I didn't get home until 8:30. I just didn't want to do anything. I am going to put a plan together for workouts for next week and really try to stick to it.

Tonight we are getting Chipolte for dinner. It is my son's choice for his birthday. He also wants an ice cream cake. I will have a piece but I will won't eat as much as I normally do. Kids will be in bed by like 8 so tonight I will get a workout in from our Xbox. It has been really crappy outside lately. Really winter had it's chance and failed. It really needs to go away now. It has been cold, rainy and snowing since Saturday. I have even heard we are supposed to a significant snow storm this weekend. Hopefully it will go away soon and get nice out again. It was nice going for walks with my husband while the kids rode their bikes.

I am really going to try and not feed my emotions today. I have been very emotional lately and can start crying at the drop of a hat. I am pretty sure this is all coming from my son turning 10. I had tears dropping him off at schools today. It was like when I dropped him off at Kindergarten. This is also his last year at this school. He moves up to a school that is set more like middle/high school. He is only going to be in 5th grade. Lots of emotions over this for the next few months. He is an awesome kid. He is very smart and sensitive and very patient with people. He loves helping his sister with homework and is very good at teaching her and not just giving her the answers. I can see him following in his Nana's shoes and being a teacher.

Sorry for the long sappy message. Tomorrow I will be back to normal, I hope. I hope everyone takes the full advantage of the day and make the right choices for you today!
How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I learned I like eating bad food... and eating a lot of it.

I watch the weight loss shows or hear others talk about how something in their past has led to them weighing as much as they do... and I'm not disagreeing with them... but for me, none of that applies. I like eating burgers, doughnuts, cake, pizza, cookies... it really isn't anything more than that. And when you add that to sitting behind a desk or on the couch all day, you get the results that I got. I learned that I got to get my butt up and moving each day, get at least 30 min of a sweat going, and stay away from all the junk, and I'll be just fine.
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But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?[/COLOR][/SIZE]

No - I do not look back and long for things in the past because they have made me into the person that I am today. It may sound funny but if I hadn't been depressed, weighed 215 pounds and unsatisfied with my job situation three years ago --- I wouldn't have gone back to school, progressed forward into the job I have today, and I wouldn't be running half marathons and lost 70 pounds. Because of who I was back then, it's made me into the person I am right now. I wouldn't change any of that for the world.

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I have learned that everything I put into my body affects it - positively and negatively. Exercising and eating right are positives; not exercising and eating an abundance of sweets are negatives. I've learned to log everything that goes into my mouth - even if it puts me over the calorie count for the day. It helps me stay on top of what I need and should be doing and provides an opportunity for me to say "Hmm.... is it worth it" before I eat something.
I have been very emotional lately and can start crying at the drop of a hat. I am pretty sure this is all coming from my son turning 10. I had tears dropping him off at schools today. It was like when I dropped him off at Kindergarten. This is also his last year at this school. He moves up to a school that is set more like middle/high school. He is only going to be in 5th grade. Lots of emotions over this for the next few months. He is an awesome kid.

I've been like this too. Our oldest DD went off to college last year and I handled it really well - she was excited about it and ready to go. I could remember feeling that way when I went off to college too, so I was excited for her! Our middle DD finishes up high school this year and I'm also excited for her, but it seems different this time. Oldest DD is at school about 3.5 hours away and middle DD will be 6 hours away, but they are in opposite directions, so they are about 9 hours apart. Not that I think they'll go visit each other much or anything, but the option would not hardly be there even if they wanted. I also think about DS. He'll be in 9th grade next year and basically he's going to be like an only child at home. He's also very kind and patient and I think it will be strange for him to go from being the youngest at home to being the only one at home. I'm actually tearing up just writing about it.

One happy thing though is last night middle DD and oldest DD met in the middle for dinner. First time they've done that since oldest DD moved to college. I was very surprised about it and honestly thought they were kidding me, but they did and had a good even together I guess! Happy mom moment - they actually wanted to see each other! :love:

I watch the weight loss shows or hear others talk about how something in their past has led to them weighing as much as they do... and I'm not disagreeing with them... but for me, none of that applies. I like eating burgers, doughnuts, cake, pizza, cookies... it really isn't anything more than that.

I'm like this too - I used to watch Oprah all the time and she always said, there's a reason everyone is overweight and you need to deal with that first. I really don't think I'm hiding from anything, I never had anything terrible happen to me, I just like to eat and I obviously wasn't good at telling myself "NO"!

To answer the QOTD for myself, I'd have to say one thing I've learned since logging everything is that there are a lot of "good" choices that aren't necessarily the "best" choices. Right now, I'm just doing MFP and logging everything - basically just trying to stay below my calories every day. Well, I've found that even though Fazoli's isn't the best option, I can still go there and eat what I want to eat if I just eat more reasonable the rest of the day; or only eat half of the order of pasta (which is more than enough anyway). Or, if DS picks Steak and Shake for dinner, when you look up the calories on MFP, they aren't always as bad and you would think and you can fit it into your day. I've learned that planning really pays off!
For me, this change in my thinking is just as important as my healthy food choices and I am so happy I have finally learned this!

This was so hard for me - to change my thinking over all and I struggled with it for the first 6-9 months of my weight loss program. I lost 25 pounds but it was hard to say "oh, I shouldn't have that cheeseburger" because I justified it with the fact I had walked 10,000 steps. When you finally see the calorie counts you're like "oh snap!" and change your mind. I began to love myself and the journey once I saw results and I understood the process.

No I have not been to a Star Wars weekend.

I haven't either! UGH. The May trip was suppose to have this - we wanted to have Breakfast with Boba Fett and Darth Vader. But no - the one time we try to redeem Hollywood Studios... cancelled. Sorry @JacknSally - Park doesn't exist and sucks. :D

it shouldn't matter if I eat 140 calories of chips or 140 calories of fruit, but when completely substituted fruit and vegetables for my standby lunch sides (chips, crackers, cookies), I noticed fairly quickly that my hair became healthier - shinier and much less fall out/breakage. I can only attribute it to my diet since my hair care routine has stayed the same.

I need to try this. I'll see next week what I find out!

I had to learn to DO FOR ME and nobody else. I've learned it's okay to put myself first and put work into ME.

This mindset was hard for me to wrap around at first, but I've adopted this thinking over the last year and it has changed everything for the better!!!

I have learned to never take anyone or anything for granted but to also enjoy small moment

::hugs you:: Oh sweetie. :(

Star Wars weekend almost canceled or trip this year. We were going to go or Star Wars weekends and then they canceled it. It was the only reason why my husband wanted to go in June. So we held off making a decision on if we were going until last week.

Same. We were so bummed that the May trip wouldn't have this - but we opted to go anyway. :sigh:

I learned I like eating bad food... and eating a lot of it.

Me too! I miss the days of eating donuts, cheeseburgers and drinking milkshakes. Yummy!
Anyhow.... after all of that "shouting" I just want to say that you have been missed.... truly, truly missed. I'm delighted you hit 50 pounds.... you are, without a doubt, the PICTURE of NEVER GIVING UP! So proud of you. Please don't disappear for so long next time! ........P

Thanks so much for your kind words, Pamela! :flower3:

If it was you who helped me on click to chat, you did a good job. The click to chat folks are excellent. I think sometimes though that they don't have the tools that are needed to access the information that we are requesting. Click to chat is a great feature of WW for those sudden nagging questions or a help me thing.

Lisa!!!!! :banana::banana::banana: So happy to see you (yes, dancing banana happy!!!)! The picture of you is amazing! You look really great and what a success! Congratulations. I know that be have often been in a similar position of things not moving like we thought they should and I am so happy to see that you were finally able to get such a great success!

Thanks so much to you, too, Magdalene! :flower3: I have missed you all, too.

Hope that your blood work comes out well. Thyroid is a tricky thing to get the dosage right and it's not too fun when you are the guinea pig while they figure it out. It sounds like they have found the right dosage for you.

@courtneybeth that Tinkerbell bag is da bomb! :tinker: Hope that you are able to snag one.

@piglet1979 enjoy celebrating with your son today. :cake: My son will be a senior next year and these times go by fast.

Anyone here ever been to a Star Wars weekend?

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past? How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I have never been to Star Wars Week-end but I did get to do the Star Wars Light Side 5k and 10k in January at DL and experience the Season of The Force. :darth: Darth Vader was quite intimidating at the meet and greet but Chewie was a lot of fun. :chewy:

One of the most important things I've learned, and this is thanks to my new WW leader, is that the only way to make a true lifestyle change is to flip your negative thinking into positive thinking and start doing what you want to do. Eat really delicious food that you will really enjoy, not something that is just so so. Find an activity that you truly love to do -- whatever that may be. Make your choices and own them. Have fun every single day. Use the time and effort you used to spend beating yourself up or regretting your choices to continue to craft your healthy lifestyle. It is so much easier to say yes to yourself over and over than it is to say no to yourself over and over. :hippie:
QOTD: I've got almost 60 years of learning behind me, so it hard to identify a few specifics. Right now I'm working on self worth, as in you are enough right now, not when you lose the weight, etc etc etc. I also have pretty negative self talk that I'm trying to undo. As already mentioned, I've been reading Brene Brown's books and really getting a lot out of them. This is turning out to be a very transformative time for me.

I had intended to not get on the scale this morning, thinking I'd like to get a good day in before I weighted in tomorrow, but decided to go ahead and face the music so I knew what I was working with. I was down .4 lbs, wait, what? I'm down? How in the world did that happen with a week and a half of BBQ and sitting in a car? I'm feeling like I may actually make my April goal after all. I had my first Pilates session this morning and it seems like exactly what I need, so I'm pretty excited.

I'm headed out to get a iPad so I'm
Not doing everything on my phone, and to check out the Apple streaming product. And we've got a warm and sunny day in front of us, so there will be yard work!


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