Looking to Lose Ladies

Cheryl, my husband was diagnosed with the same last winter. He buckled down, lost 15 pounds, and started exercising. It worked, his sugar levels went down within acceptable levels.

You can do it.
Thanks for the encouragement, maybe this is why I'm struggling to lose weight :confused3 Hoping to get a good plan of action from the doctor tomorrow! I certainly don't want to have to deal with finger sticks & shots like I did when I was pregnant with DD1.
Thanks for the encouragement, maybe this is why I'm struggling to lose weight :confused3 Hoping to get a good plan of action from the doctor tomorrow! I certainly don't want to have to deal with finger sticks & shots like I did when I was pregnant with DD1.

Honey, if your doc is like MY doc, dream on! And the ADA diet is next to useless, in my view. They want you to eat WAY too many carbs.


You can read my story in post 21 on page 1 of this thread. After that, if you have questions, I'll be happy to help you. I've lost a total of 57 pounds over 18 months and my A1c was 5.9 in August.

Today - average for the week - 210.
Linda--the first thing I did was re-read your story, such inspiration for me :)

The doc was practically useless. Started me on medformin and told me to check my glucose levels once a day. Well duh, that's not gonna help. I went to Sparkpeople (thanks to whoever suggested that) and have been tracking everyting I eat. The website is very helpful because it calculates carbs, etc for me.

My girls were so helpful in taking "trigger" foods to the outside pantry and tossing some things all together. DH not so much (What's wrong with just taking insulin? Do you want to go out for ice cream? Only 150 carbs per day, I think you can have 250 and still be fine!) all direct quotes :eek:

Anyhow, I've started the journey and I hope to have better news to report soon. Thanks for letting me vent about DH, he really is a wonderful man and he totally spoils me, I just think he doesn't get the seriousness of the diagnosis. :headache:
Could it be he believes you are infalliable and nothing will ever happen to you? :lovestruc
I suppose, however, I think it's more that he doesn't want me to miss out on things I love to eat ;) I'll adjust and I'm sure he will too!
Also men have a different attitude to health - apparently men are more likely to die earlier because they don't go and see doctors enough! There was a bloke on the news who collapsed with an angina attack and waited 3 days before going to see his doctor:confused::eek: There's also evidence men are more likely to be ill through lifestyle choices - eating, drinking, smoking - and to think they are not "supposed" to get ill.

Stick with it (and listen to aunty Linda, she knows what she's talking about;) ):hug:
Husbands are a problem, sometimes. Mine was. When I started to get up for the gym on a regular basis and told him he needed to either fix his own breakfast (which he had done successfully all while we worked) or wait until I got home to eat, he pitched a fit. We nipped THAT little behavior right in the bud!

They are afraid "our" change will become their change and men aren't so into change. Well, guess what? It did to an extent. We eat more veggies, more salad, and less carbs overall than we used to. He got used to it, eventually. He still gets a big bowl of ice cream now and then - but he's learned to just bring me a bite - yes one single bite. Tastes wonderful - not sufficient to shoot the sugar skyward.

You *will* ultimately be able to have stuff - but it the beginning, it's easier to just be really religious until you get the hang of it - the first year is the hardest.

Tell him the downsides of your NOT behaving - you don't have to preach, but if he understands what long term implications there are for diabetics, he should be more supportive. Say "I need" to . . . or I need you to . . . . whatever. Guys seem to respond well to "I need" -

Good luck!

My number yesterday at the Dr was 5. Less than the last time I saw him, but still too big.

I'm starting again, and you all are such great support! I mentioned it on the Daily Grind, but I have the "pre"diabeties now too. Honestly, I was happy with all my lab numbers. My Dr, not so much...

So, he told me Weight Watchers, and watch the refined carbies... and told me to have DH read South Beach. DH has perfect lab numbers all around and a great BP, it's genetic with him, and people on his mom's side of the fam live into their 90s. So the Dr tells him he needs to lose weight, not for his numbers, but because he is going to need knee, and hip replacements, nice huh? So we both have to change our habits...
We're getting back into the swing also. I need to get healthy. I'm trying to not make it about the "number" but about the health benefits. Including to the 10 year old.
I dug out my "slim and salsacise" DVD and I'm going to do one workout (only 20 mins) every day I'm not in the office (as those days I walk a brisk 18 mins each way). except this Friday as we're going Christmas shopping and that's enough exercise for anyone!:rolleyes1:rotfl:
DD2 and I are supposed to staart "sweating to the oldies" this afternoon :) It will be good for both of us.
My weekly weigh in this week was 2. Acceptable in the downward trend considering all that is going on this week.
Still stuck at 211. My girlfriend gave me some tough love. Your body is used to what you're doing - you need to change it up - work harder! NOT what I wanted to hear, but she's right! I've gotten comfortable.

Today, i'm going for a walk on the bike path as soon as it warms up.
Boy, I would have loved to walk with you there. :goodvibes
Anyone else doing WW points? New diet rolls out today I think. Anyone have any other news?
I read WW was revamping their points program, will be interesting to see how it changes.

I got right back on the scale today after the Thanksgiving weekend. It wasn't too bad, but it was good to take accountability and be mindful of today.
208 FINALLY. I've been trying to get off 211 for MONTHS.

Cheryl? Deb? How are you doing on your new eating plans??
Linda, that is amazing! Good for you!:goodvibes
Anyone ever eat at Cheesecake factory?

If you do, maybe you shouldn't order this:

The Worst Food in America
Cheesecake Factory’s Bistro Shrimp Pasta2,730 calories
78 g saturated fat
919 mg sodium
141 g carbohydrates

No restaurant chain exemplifies America's portion problem more than Cheesecake Factory, where the average sandwich contains nearly 1,400 calories—more than three full meals. But the Factory doesn't stop at elephantine portion sizes; combine that with heavy-handed application of cheap cooking fats and the result are dishes like the 2,580-calorie Chicken and Biscuits and the 2,460-calorie French Toast Napoleon. However, it’s this relatively healthy-sounding plate of shrimp pasta that earns this year's Worst Food in America crown from Eat This, Not That!, delivering to your system more saturated fat than you’d find in three packages of Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon and as many carbs as you’d slurp down from 1½ cases of Amstel Light. Gross.

Eat This Instead!
Fresh Grilled Mahi Mahi
240 calories
1 g saturated fat
364 mg sodium
2 g carbohydrates


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