"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

Wow, you're only three hours from me. I live RIGHT on the border of OH/WVa. I actually might be going with my friend to Canton soon to go to Flower Factory... thats really close to you!!
We're hitting IKEA in Pittsburgh next week so I can buy some nursery furniture. :banana:

I didn't get an e-mail about it. Maybe because my WVa. district isn't doing it- but the one across the river in Ohio is. I'll be going to visit my old co-workers and taking advantage tomorrow! :banana: I've been a printing/clipping fool all morning.

stlmommy.com has some great printables/match ups listed. I just printed $1.50/off Huggies swim diapers-- will need a LOT of those this summer and you can't beat $3 off!! :yay:


May 1st for anyone who is close to me!!!!!:goodvibes
Ah! I completely forgot, I came over to put up Easter pictures! :)

His basket from us:
sbell, How is Cathy doing?

Did you get a due date? I can't remember if you had one yet or not. Sorry. Mommy brain!
Advice needed please!!!

DS has recently started having bad gas. Causing him to fart and cry alot. He is only calm when I am constantly patting his back after a meal but it isn't after every meal. I started adding mylicon to his bottles and that seems to help but I don't want to to have to do that forever. That is alot of medicine everyday and I'm afraid it may affected him negitively though it says safe for every feeding. I'm not sure if he doesn't like his formula (Nestle Good Start Gentle Plus) I have been using anymore or the bottles. I have tried changing the bottles. I have used madela, playtex ventair, evenflow glass bottles, Nuke Orthropedic, and smoothies bottles. Is there a way to find out if he is sensitive to the formula or that he just is sucking down too much air with his bottles? I think he is just sucking down to much air from the side of his mouth by passing the air vents as he eats cause he was not having any problems with the formula before. So it doesn't matter what bottle he eats from if he still is getting air but I still don't want to rule out that it may be the formula. How do I figure out how to stop his gas.

Should I try the soy version of Good Start?
Should I just add the mylicon to every bottle to help keep his gas under control? He is happier with those bottles.

Well I tried using the mylicon in his bottles but that only worked so well. So I got some of the soy version of Good Start and he seems to be doing alot better on that. He hasn't had any bad gas but he also hasn't pooped much. He has only pooped once a day for the past 3 days and he has yet to poop today. Should I be concerned? I read that at some point he may go without pooping for a bit. Is that at the age he is now? I think if he doesn't poop by tomorrow I'm going to call the pediatrician.

I also noticed the soy formula is how can I describe it. Slimier I guess. I noticed it leaves a slippery film in the bottles when I go to clean them. Caught me off gaurd but he seems to feel better with this formula. :goodvibes
Formula fed babies can go 3 days w/o pooping before a pediatrician is really concerned (or at least, that is what mine said when I called :rotfl:)

She said after 3 days to give him sugar water and if that didn't make him poop within 24 hours they'd want to see him to check things over.

It might be some constipation from the new formula. DS is on soy- that stuff STINKS!
sbell, How is Cathy doing?

Did you get a due date? I can't remember if you had one yet or not. Sorry. Mommy brain!
Cathy's doing well, but she seems more nauseated than she was last year.

Our guestimated due date is November 19th. Watch it be the 11th, again.
wish me luck...I'm going to introduce soy milk to CJ tonight! I have some silk to try w/him. I'm glad it comes in different flavors if he ends up having to stay on it. Let's hope he doesn't puke!! He had soy when milk as a newborn when we were in the nicu and didn't do well, then we changed him to premie formula and puked...so we thought reflux, his formula now is corn based.

On an aggravating note...I caught his conjutivitis!! My left eye is killing me and I had to go to dr's and it was so swollen I could barely see out of my eye! But I went to dr's to have her look at my eye and yesterday I felt like I was getting UTI, then I was ok this am, before I headed to see NP, I was feeling like it again. I asked to check my urine..yup UTI. So, UTI, conjitivitis, new inhaler (one I keep in my purse expired), nasal spray (she checked my nose and asked me if I wanted my new prescription yet), she asked if I wanted my allegra, told her, not yet, I tried zyrtec and just started it a few days ago, want to give it a chance. So this visit is my first of the year (shocking, I'm a klutz) it will hit my deductible, I already spent $30 on the zyrtec at bj's and walked out w/$100 in copays for my meds!!!

I at least got to rest and spend the day on the couch. Tomorrow I'm suppose to go to a meeting about 2 hours away, but if my eye is still swollen, there is no way I can drive! I had a hard enough time driving 2 towns over to see NP.

Thank goodness this is all happening this week and not next week when we're heading to WDW...10 days, 7 hours and 40ish minutes til we leave!!!!:banana::banana:
wish me luck...I'm going to introduce soy milk to CJ tonight! I have some silk to try w/him. I'm glad it comes in different flavors if he ends up having to stay on it. Let's hope he doesn't puke!! He had soy when milk as a newborn when we were in the nicu and didn't do well, then we changed him to premie formula and puked...so we thought reflux, his formula now is corn based.

On an aggravating note...I caught his conjutivitis!! My left eye is killing me and I had to go to dr's and it was so swollen I could barely see out of my eye! But I went to dr's to have her look at my eye and yesterday I felt like I was getting UTI, then I was ok this am, before I headed to see NP, I was feeling like it again. I asked to check my urine..yup UTI. So, UTI, conjitivitis, new inhaler (one I keep in my purse expired), nasal spray (she checked my nose and asked me if I wanted my new prescription yet), she asked if I wanted my allegra, told her, not yet, I tried zyrtec and just started it a few days ago, want to give it a chance. So this visit is my first of the year (shocking, I'm a klutz) it will hit my deductible, I already spent $30 on the zyrtec at bj's and walked out w/$100 in copays for my meds!!!

I at least got to rest and spend the day on the couch. Tomorrow I'm suppose to go to a meeting about 2 hours away, but if my eye is still swollen, there is no way I can drive! I had a hard enough time driving 2 towns over to see NP.

Thank goodness this is all happening this week and not next week when we're heading to WDW...10 days, 7 hours and 40ish minutes til we leave!!!!:banana::banana:

If it doesn't work let me suggest almond milk. One of my midwives ssid it was great with her twins once they were off breast milk they had all sorts of issues. It worked well for them, maybe it would be good for CJ??

ETA feel better soon!! Hope you are feeling 100% next week :)
If it doesn't work let me suggest almond milk. One of my midwives ssid it was great with her twins once they were off breast milk they had all sorts of issues. It worked well for them, maybe it would be good for CJ??

ETA feel better soon!! Hope you are feeling 100% next week :)

One of his teachers had suggested goat milk too. Almond milk I'd have to do in allergist office, as we don't know if he's allergic to any types of nuts or not and he is likely to have issues w/allergens. He has been having issues w/milk products (yogurt, ice cream, cheese) so we're going to do milk challenge in the office w/the NP at allergist...and we'll see if he pukes all over their floor :)

Thank you....keep your fingers crossed my other 2 stay healthy too. I have 3 kids, oldest is 8.5 and this is first time I've caught conjuntivitis from them. Pretty good...of course my allergies just kicked up this weekend, so that probalby had something to do w/it.
One of his teachers had suggested goat milk too. Almond milk I'd have to do in allergist office, as we don't know if he's allergic to any types of nuts or not and he is likely to have issues w/allergens. He has been having issues w/milk products (yogurt, ice cream, cheese) so we're going to do milk challenge in the office w/the NP at allergist...and we'll see if he pukes all over their floor :)

Thank you....keep your fingers crossed my other 2 stay healthy too. I have 3 kids, oldest is 8.5 and this is first time I've caught conjuntivitis from them. Pretty good...of course my allergies just kicked up this weekend, so that probalby had something to do w/it.

Luca just started on EleCare formula for kids with lactose intolerance a couple of weeks ago. It's like he's a completely different kid...so happy now. No more puking or diarreah all the time. It's really expensive, but luckily we're able to get WIC for the next 6 months to cover it.

Stinking Kmart! I picked up a bunch of things, had them rung up, gave her my coupons and then they tell me our store isn't doubling them. What?! Our store always doubles. Apparently, not anymore. So I go to Giant Eagle to get the diapers, so I can at least get fuel perks....get home and realize that I forgot the toliet paper...which was my main reason for going out...because we are completely out.:scared1: I will have to hold it as DH has to leave for school.:lmao:
Well I tried using the mylicon in his bottles but that only worked so well. So I got some of the soy version of Good Start and he seems to be doing alot better on that. He hasn't had any bad gas but he also hasn't pooped much. He has only pooped once a day for the past 3 days and he has yet to poop today. Should I be concerned? I read that at some point he may go without pooping for a bit. Is that at the age he is now? I think if he doesn't poop by tomorrow I'm going to call the pediatrician.

I also noticed the soy formula is how can I describe it. Slimier I guess. I noticed it leaves a slippery film in the bottles when I go to clean them. Caught me off gaurd but he seems to feel better with this formula. :goodvibes

DD only poops every 3 days. And when she does - phew watch out! :laughing: The pediatrician told me that a lot of babies don't poop every day but if it gets to a week then there is cause for concern. She told me prune juice or pear juice can help them go. I use the Mylicon drops for gas but I give them to her with the dropper before a feeding. I feel like it is helping her get gas out. As I wrote that she just tooted! :laughing:

I've been curious about the soy formulas. How are they different? If you switched from one to the other what did you notice?
I'm halfway between Pittsburgh and Cleveland, right on the PA/OH border by Youngstown.

Close to me too!
There is a consignment sale this Saturday in Chapel Hill that I'll be at. Not sure about Sarah though...she might still be deciding.

Easter went well. Alex had his first "road trip"....8 hours to the InLaws. Slept some, played some, cried some. The 8 hours ended up taking 10 with the stops we made. So now I know! :rotfl:
Well Evan had brown rice cereal that I made last night for breakfast this morning and did pretty well with it. Use his fingers to get a lot of it in his mouth. I used this site... www.wholesomebabyfood.com to make it. My grinder wasn't working properly so I ended up making with the whole grain and then pureeing it. I think the site has been posted here before. It was really easy to make it myself and I think I'll continue doing it. Were also planning on having him try the oatmeal and barley sometime in the up coming weeks.

sbell- the 19th is a wonderful day! that's Evan's birthday! Though having two born on the same day could be cool!
Glad to hear it was east for you, Kristen. We will be doing this in a few weeks, although, if Elliott keeps eating like he has the last few days (5 ounces every 2 and a half hours!), it will be sooner rather than later!
I'm so glad that he did as well as he did...Although we did stop midway through and he drank his bottle, but then he finished the bowl. I used about 2 tablespoons of the cooked and mashed rice and then added the formula. Evan has been drinking so much formula (8oz at 7am, 11am, 3am, and 7pm) that I was so happy when the doctor gave us the go ahead. We go through a 34oz container in less than a week! Evan is lower in the percentiles too so I'm hoping this helps him gain a little weight and length, the doctor didn't seem too concerned though since I'm only 5'1" and DFiance is 5'8", she said Evan will probably be on the smaller side.
Close to me too!
There is a consignment sale this Saturday in Chapel Hill that I'll be at. Not sure about Sarah though...she might still be deciding.

Easter went well. Alex had his first "road trip"....8 hours to the InLaws. Slept some, played some, cried some. The 8 hours ended up taking 10 with the stops we made. So now I know! :rotfl:

Where do you live? I got my big red box today :yay:! I am soooo excited to have my party! I wish everyone could come!!! It's too bad that it's only 10 adults, 10 kids (gift bags)...I could do a heck of a lot more than that! :rotfl:
Luca just started on EleCare formula for kids with lactose intolerance a couple of weeks ago. It's like he's a completely different kid...so happy now. No more puking or diarreah all the time. It's really expensive, but luckily we're able to get WIC for the next 6 months to cover it.

You're lucky! I just got back from my WIC appt and they said that they will only give checks/vouchers for Enfamil. We are using Similac right now so I will talk to the doctor about switching I guess.
You're lucky! I just got back from my WIC appt and they said that they will only give checks/vouchers for Enfamil. We are using Similac right now so I will talk to the doctor about switching I guess.

That's weird! They had no problem with giving us EleCare...we just needed a prescription from our Dr. They ordered it for me yesterday and I already got the call that I can pick it up today! They also said from now on, they will ship it directly to our house!!:banana:

So here's the weird part...we finally went today for Luca's 1 year appt. (2 months late, because of his lactose intolerance issues) and the pedi. said "Did we prescribe EleCare?" (saw the other dr. in the practice last time). I said yeah and he's a completely different baby now...so happy and obviously not puking and having diarreah all the time anymore. He said he's perplexed, but that he hates to stop something when it's obviously working.

I can't figure out why he may not want him on it?! He said we'll re-evaluate at the next appt. Hey, as long as it's paid for and the boy is happy, so am I! It was so funny too....he called it "liquid gold"...because it's so expensive! Darn right...$160/case! So Luca is totally healthy and growing good. :goodvibes
You should know that when I whine about TMI that I'm really just kidding. I'm a big boy. Of course, if we ever meet, you are going to know that I have all kinds of knowledge of your personal, private bidniss.



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