"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

You're lucky! I just got back from my WIC appt and they said that they will only give checks/vouchers for Enfamil. We are using Similac right now so I will talk to the doctor about switching I guess.

It depends on the state. WV WIC is Similac instead of Enfamil... I've heard some states even do Good Start.
Well Evan had brown rice cereal that I made last night for breakfast this morning and did pretty well with it. Use his fingers to get a lot of it in his mouth. I used this site... www.wholesomebabyfood.com to make it. My grinder wasn't working properly so I ended up making with the whole grain and then pureeing it. I think the site has been posted here before. It was really easy to make it myself and I think I'll continue doing it. Were also planning on having him try the oatmeal and barley sometime in the up coming weeks.

sbell- the 19th is a wonderful day! that's Evan's birthday! Though having two born on the same day could be cool!

Thanks so much for the link! That website is awesome!! :thumbsup2 I know I still have a little ways before Emma can eat solids, but I can't wait to try and make my own baby food! (am I a total dork cause I think that will be fun? :rolleyes: )
Does anyone know if they have Lactose free milk at Pop? It looks like I will be able to find soy milk, but I dont really want to be switching them up on vacation.
Thanks so much for the link! That website is awesome!! :thumbsup2 I know I still have a little ways before Emma can eat solids, but I can't wait to try and make my own baby food! (am I a total dork cause I think that will be fun? :rolleyes: )

No you're not a dork! I'm totally excited to make the food myself! It's doesn't seem to difficult to make the foods. I can't wait till Evan is able to move on to fruits and veggies. I'm excited for this new stage in his life, but sad that my little boy is growing up so fast!

Question for you all. I know that you can lose your hair after having a baby, but is it normal to start losing your hair 4 months after you've had the baby? I didn't breastfeed that much (only a month due to my milk not really coming in) but I didn't lose any hair up until March and it's a lot of hair. Just wondering if this is normal.
No you're not a dork! I'm totally excited to make the food myself! It's doesn't seem to difficult to make the foods. I can't wait till Evan is able to move on to fruits and veggies. I'm excited for this new stage in his life, but sad that my little boy is growing up so fast!

Question for you all. I know that you can lose your hair after having a baby, but is it normal to start losing your hair 4 months after you've had the baby? I didn't breastfeed that much (only a month due to my milk not really coming in) but I didn't lose any hair up until March and it's a lot of hair. Just wondering if this is normal.

I didn't lose mine until months later. It's coming back now... probably the prenatals! :rotfl:

I remember all the moms on here talking about it and I was like "Oh thank goodness that didn't happen to me" then WHAM my hair started falling out. :headache:
Question for you all. I know that you can lose your hair after having a baby, but is it normal to start losing your hair 4 months after you've had the baby? I didn't breastfeed that much (only a month due to my milk not really coming in) but I didn't lose any hair up until March and it's a lot of hair. Just wondering if this is normal.

That would be about the right timing! I lost the most hair with this last pregnancy and I've been having the worst time with the hair coming back in. It's constantly sticking out everywhere and to top it all off, some of it isn't even my natural color!:scared1: I'm not ready for this much gray!
That would be about the right timing! I lost the most hair with this last pregnancy and I've been having the worst time with the hair coming back in. It's constantly sticking out everywhere and to top it all off, some of it isn't even my natural color!:scared1: I'm not ready for this much gray!

Me too! I have all these fine hairs in front. My bangs are below my chin, so these little inch long hairs stand out everywhere! And about half of them are white!!!!! At least you can't see my scalp anymore.:)
I have the opposite problem!! My hair is in excellent condition, but it is growing like crazy!! Seems I need to get my highlights touched up every 4 weeks!!!
Question for those of you with older kiddos.

Is it normal for them to start to HATE being dirty?

Lucas has taken to screaming (and I mean tears rolling down his face screaming at the top of his lungs) when he has a poopy diaper. He's been doing it the last few days everytime he poops but it started a few weeks back.
I stopped giving him everything but formula and cheerios, wondering if it was pain that was making him scream.
Nothing has changed-- I'm starting to think that he just doesn't want to be dirty.

I figure that is good in a sense... maybe it'll help with the potty training thing because he doesn't want to be in a dirty diaper.
i'm coming here to vent. penelope won't eat. she just won't. it's the only thing we are waiting for so that she can be released from the nicu. and she just won't do it. she purses her lips and rolls her eyes. it's been three weeks already and it's soooo frustrating. so freaking frustrating. i just want her to eat already! she missed her very first holiday because she was there. she missed opening day of baseball (a big day in our house). she's missing things because she's stuck there and she won't eat.
vent over.
i'm coming here to vent. penelope won't eat. she just won't. it's the only thing we are waiting for so that she can be released from the nicu. and she just won't do it. she purses her lips and rolls her eyes. it's been three weeks already and it's soooo frustrating. so freaking frustrating. i just want her to eat already! she missed her very first holiday because she was there. she missed opening day of baseball (a big day in our house). she's missing things because she's stuck there and she won't eat.
vent over.

Have they gotten a Speech Therapist involved yet? If not -- ASK for one. Gestationally she's old enough that the autonomic reflexes for feeding should be there. Hopefully a ST can work with her to get her back on track. If it continues to drag out, you will want the docs to diagnose the problem. Feel free to vent away. :hug::hug::hug:
Question for those of you with older kiddos.

Is it normal for them to start to HATE being dirty?

Lucas has taken to screaming (and I mean tears rolling down his face screaming at the top of his lungs) when he has a poopy diaper. He's been doing it the last few days everytime he poops but it started a few weeks back.
I stopped giving him everything but formula and cheerios, wondering if it was pain that was making him scream.
Nothing has changed-- I'm starting to think that he just doesn't want to be dirty.

I figure that is good in a sense... maybe it'll help with the potty training thing because he doesn't want to be in a dirty diaper.

Well it depends..... if it's only that he hates being in a dirty diaper & screams until he's clean, well that's not such a bad thing. IF he hates being dirty at all, won't touch things that make his hands wet, sticky dirty, etc -- then no that's not really normal & could be a red flag for other issues, like Sensory Processing Disorder or other things that that have sensory issues as symptoms.

My older son hated, I mean hated being dirty or sticky. It impacted his ability to self feed, as he wouldn't even try to feed himself. I still usually have wet wipes for him in my purse. It wasn't until he was preschool age that I used going out for ice cream frequently as OT that he got any good at self feeding (using a spoon.) He also freaked out at being in the grass as a baby & would not play in sand-- all sensory issues. In his case I knew he was neurologically unique from being a preemie.
Ive got a question about solids..

Has anyone found any baby food brands (for those of you NOT making your own)... that have more variation? Peas and Green Beans are the only two green veggies I can find. And you can only eat so much Sweet Pot, Squash, Carrots, and Mixed Vegetables for so long. Surely theres something else out there he can try. My mom said they used to have Spinach and Beets when I was a kid. What happened to that?

As for Fruit-- they have a lot of combinations out there so I dont worry about it as much...
Maggie - I know I found some that had spinach...Gerber maybe? Let me check real quick to see. (They are the plastic containers and not glass...)

ETA: http://www.gerber.com/Sitter/Products/Product_Finder.aspx

I knew it was something! Alex LOVES the spring veggies mix. I know it's not "just" spinach, but the flavor is different. I also had to go to a different store to get a different selection...walmart carries some types, but our grocery store carries different (and more) selection. I found prunes and more grain products at the grocery store.

PS: Rumor has it that a Fall Promo is coming out tomorrow...
Ive got a question about solids..

Has anyone found any baby food brands (for those of you NOT making your own)... that have more variation? Peas and Green Beans are the only two green veggies I can find. And you can only eat so much Sweet Pot, Squash, Carrots, and Mixed Vegetables for so long. Surely theres something else out there he can try. My mom said they used to have Spinach and Beets when I was a kid. What happened to that?

As for Fruit-- they have a lot of combinations out there so I dont worry about it as much...

Gerber seems to have good blends. I know they have a "Summer Harvest" (or something similar) which is a lot of the yellows, and I know they also have a "Garden Harvest" which is peas, carrots, and spinach. I believe I've found both flavors at Target and Babies R Us.
Well it depends..... if it's only that he hates being in a dirty diaper & screams until he's clean, well that's not such a bad thing. IF he hates being dirty at all, won't touch things that make his hands wet, sticky dirty, etc -- then no that's not really normal & could be a red flag for other issues, like Sensory Processing Disorder or other things that that have sensory issues as symptoms.

My older son hated, I mean hated being dirty or sticky. It impacted his ability to self feed, as he wouldn't even try to feed himself. I still usually have wet wipes for him in my purse. It wasn't until he was preschool age that I used going out for ice cream frequently as OT that he got any good at self feeding (using a spoon.) He also freaked out at being in the grass as a baby & would not play in sand-- all sensory issues. In his case I knew he was neurologically unique from being a preemie.

Oh heck no, he's not afraid of getting dirty! He plays in the dog's water bowl. I've had to move it because otherwise he'd soak himself constantly and the dog never had any water.
He crawled in the grass to get his Easter eggs on Sunday, too. So I think we're good on that front. He tries to get his hands in his food (the yogurt, cereal, baby foods, etc.) and reaches in our glasses if we're not careful.

Sounds like I just have a boy who hates the feeling of poo on his butt. He didn't use to do it EVERY time he pooped but he is now.
Oh, well. Hopefully that helps me on the potty training front here in a few years.

Lisa, that stinks that your Kmart isn't participating in the double coupons! I just ran back to Kmart today and did another round. I got...
2 Dove Deodorants (reg. $4.29 each)
Huggies Pull-Ups (reg. $9.99)
Huggies Lil Swimmers (reg. $7.85)
Huggies tub-o-wipes (reg. $2.99)
Juice Juice 8 pack (reg. $2.49)

for $15.33 :banana:
Had coupons that made the deodorant free after they doubled them, $2 off the Pull-Ups, $1 off the swimmers, .50c off the wipes and "free juicy juice when you buy $20 Huggies" :banana::banana:
I love a good deal...

okay, I know I've pimped out the hospital on here before but I'd like to do it again. Remember my trip to the ER with Lucas? Where he got taken care of by amazing people, a breathing treatment, etc... Just got the bill. $276. That is all they billed. (We owe it all, haven't hit deductible yet) but I'm freaking amazed. Thats awesome.
Lisa, that stinks that your Kmart isn't participating in the double coupons! I just ran back to Kmart today and did another round. I got...
2 Dove Deodorants (reg. $4.29 each)
Huggies Pull-Ups (reg. $9.99)
Huggies Lil Swimmers (reg. $7.85)
Huggies tub-o-wipes (reg. $2.99)
Juice Juice 8 pack (reg. $2.49)

for $15.33 :banana:
Had coupons that made the deodorant free after they doubled them, $2 off the Pull-Ups, $1 off the swimmers, .50c off the wipes and "free juicy juice when you buy $20 Huggies" :banana::banana:
I love a good deal...

okay, I know I've pimped out the hospital on here before but I'd like to do it again. Remember my trip to the ER with Lucas? Where he got taken care of by amazing people, a breathing treatment, etc... Just got the bill. $276. That is all they billed. (We owe it all, haven't hit deductible yet) but I'm freaking amazed. Thats awesome.

I'm still mad about that Kmart trip!:lmao:

Happy Birthday to you over here for those who aren't Facebook and don't know it's your birthday!:goodvibes
Patsy, that's a good deal for Kmart. Ours doesn't double either but I did find that their shoes were on clearance last weekend for 50% off the reduced price. I got a pair of gym shoes for LO for $2.99. :) And they had buy one get one 50% off but they were out of the right size for DS.

About the crying, it's probably just a phase. Since you said he's been playing and doesn't mind getting dirty otherwise. He might just be aware of that faster because he can't escape it. DS doesn't like getting dirty when he's eating but he's always been careful with his fork and spoon. I think he just hated having his clothes changed and his face and hands wiped.

Maggie, Beechnut seems to have a good variety. They also have a garden blend, and green beans, corn, with rice. Earth's Best has spinach with potatoes, green beans with rice, and peas and rice. They smell awful, but for variety we get a few.


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