October Exercise Challenge --FINAL TOTALS ADDED SEE POST#1!

Hi all!

Did water aerobics again this morning. Add another 75 min to my total. Puts me at 805/1000 :)

Have a great day all!
Mike :goodvibes
I got in 55 minutes today bringing my total to 335/1000.
trying to make up some lost time -- i did 40 mins pilates early this morning than went to yoga for a double-duty-day. adding 100 mins. bringing me to 895/1500
I added 30 minutes with an upper body weights workout. Hoping to get a walk in sometime today, too. :goodvibes

I did my 30 min cross training yesterday and today was a rest day. I'll be back on the TM in the morning. I am at 325/1000. Don't know if I'll make the challenge, but I'm not giving up on it.
Hey, guys! Guess what!?!?!?! 23 out of 51 challengers have reached or exceeded 50% of their exercise goal for the month, as of right now. I am sure there are many more minutes out there that have not yet made it to the list on post #1. If your number is not up to date, please post a note here or send me a PM and I will be sure to fix it!
30 minutes of weights


Tammy NC - you keep plugging along - even if you don't quite make the number just think WHAT YOU WILL HAVE DONE !!!! and that goes for all the rest of us exercisers, too !!!!!
OK, I know I need to get back on track here. I'm up to 605 minutes on the month. WAAAAAY off pace. Federal jury duty --14 days' worth -- away from home will do that to you. So while I doubt I'll hit goal this month, I'm going to recommit and give the next 11 days all I can.
Keep up the good work, everyone!
I got 90 minutes in today
30 min AM
30 min lunch
30 min walk/jog tonight

new total 1625
840/1600 minutes..........halfway point!!!

I'm alittle late, but I made it this far! :teeth:
I'm at 675/1000 as of this morning.

Keep up the hard work everyone. 11 days to go.
I did 45 minutes of wogging last night, including 10 minutes of speed/form drills -- 515/900
jlawall said:
840/1600 minutes..........halfway point!!!

I'm alittle late, but I made it this far! :teeth:

Awesome job, JoAnn -- now we have 24 challengers who have hit their 50%!

Keep up the great work, everyone! :cool1:
Got in my 40 minutes of walking yesterday. I wanted to go to the gym, but life just got in the way! :goodvibes

915/1200 :Pinkbounc
Thursday - ALREADY ????? - well let's see I got 50 minutes of tming and 10 of stretching

Please add 90 minutes for me... Cleaning out two cars, the garage, and several trips walking to my parent's house. Whew!



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