October Exercise Challenge --FINAL TOTALS ADDED SEE POST#1!

I got 150 minutes today
30 min WATP
60 min walk at lunch
60 min walk after work

total 1775/2000
40 minutes of weights and stretching.

Side note - since I have been back to using weights I think I must be "toning-redistributing" I have had some comments on "you're losing again or how much have you lost" and I haven't really seen the scale number go down but I will take the comments as my "yes- the weights are working". so if you aren't using weights - might think about adding them to your routine :-)


Have a good weekend my excersing - getting healthier - FRIENDS !!!!!
I'm at 720/1000 as of Friday morning. Keep up all the good work
30 minutes walking the dog last night :dog2: and 10 minutes of abs this morning! :cool1:
turtle51 said:
sign me up for 500 mins

Welcome aboard! We are having a great month getting in lots of exercise minutes! Be sure to come back and post often and let me know the updates on your numbers! :teeth:
Yesterday I did 40 minutes of walking (30 + 10) and a Cardio Sculpt DVD for 45 minutes.

1000/1200 :banana: I'm almost there!!!!! :cool1:
Good Morning Everyone!

I got in 35 minutes today bringing my total to 370/1000.

thanks keener for doing this month -- i'm sure it's ALOT to do

today I did 60 mins total of WATP, strength training and streching -- 1015/1500
I only got 15 minutes of walking in. I bruised my heel (darn shoes) and it hurts to walk so I'm not pushing it.

Add 60 mintues for me. Did an hour on the elliptical today.


ohMom said:
thanks keener for doing this month -- i'm sure it's ALOT to do

My pleasure! I am so proud of how many minutes everyone is putting in!

I got in my 30 minutes cross training, bringing me to 545/900. Minutes will really start to rack up tomorrow with a 4 mile walk/jog and then increased minutes on everything next week!

Keep up the great work this weekend, everyone!
I'm happy to report that I got my buns in gear and did 90 minutes (6 miles) on tm and then 10 minutes of stretching for 100 today............... thank you fellow exercisers for being motivation to keep going toward the goal :goodvibes

1050/1500 total

Not sure I'll get to my goal this month, but whatever number I end up with is better than "sitting on the couch" munching chips :earseek:
I'm with you Grammy! So glad to have my time in for the day. 70 minutes of stretching, 4 mile walk/jog, and then cool down. 615/900 :cool1:
310 minutes for me from Tues. to today

Hi All,

I did not get to water aerobics yesterday due to work emergencies but I got some walking in. Just went for a walk now two. So that is 60min total for the past two days, which I think puts me at 905/1000.

Happy exercising all!
Today I did 30 minutes WATP
Then we walked the zoo for 3.5 hours which equals 210 minutes

So I am now at 2030/2000

ETA: WHOA!!!! I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I reached my halfway point upped the goal wondered if I'd get there, Then today it didn't even dawn on me till I hit submit that I had gotten to my new goal and I still have a week to go. YEAH!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!

Thank you so much for this challenge I can't even express what a motivation it has been to have a time challenge to shoot for. Hmmm need to start thinking about next month and what I should shoot for then.


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