Placing a picture in my signature

You can click on "preview signature" on the bottom instead of actually posting.
With their new size rules that they now have, a signature preview does not accurately display all of what your signature will actually look like when posted. It may look fine in preview but get whacked off when actually posting. A post is the only way to really see if it looks correct, trial and error.

Hi there
I've resized my pic on photobucket to thumbnail size but it still looks like this:

What am I doing wrong? :headache:

let's see if the sig works...

well, it did not work! help please, this is wrong! could it have something to do with lack of permissions? why does it say No on the edit signature page when we are supposed to be allowed to do it?? I'm a legacy from way before the board changed over in 2000, but can't you modernize these permissions to make the features usable? Thanks!

Signature Permissions
Allow Basic BB Code Yes
Allow Color BB Code Yes
Allow Size BB Code Yes
Allow Font BB Code Yes
Allow Alignment BB Code Yes
Allow List BB Code Yes
Allow Link BB Code Yes
Allow HTML No

Allow Image BB Code Yes
Allow Code BB Code No
Allow PHP BB Code No
Allow HTML BB Code No
Allow Quote BB Code Yes
Allow Smilies Yes
Can Upload Images for Signature No
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No
I don't believe it...I got it. Thanks, Webmaster Will for the tutorial and to my DIS friends.


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