Screw In the Light Bulb-All New x 13 4/25!!

The One With Chefs de France

We arrived at Chefs de France hot, tired, and a little cranky. Luckily we were let to our table almost immediately and greeted by our server Pauline quickly.

The restaurant is decorated in creams and golds with brass railings and comfortable banquettes. The dining room was not busy, so it was a lovely and quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of World Showcase. We were seated in the main dining area near a server station. It wasn’t ideal, but in all my years dining out I’ve never seen a server station so quiet. It did not detract from our experience at all.

Pauline graciously brought us water (I’m looking at you Joe from CRT) along with soft drinks and took our orders quickly.

For starters Bryan chose the Bisque de homard - Lobster bisque $8.99. 10 months later he didn’t even remember that he’d ordered it. Luckily I took photos. I’m guessing the non-memory means that it was fine, not outstanding or terrible.

I chose the Plateau de fromages de France - French imported cheese board with raisin and walnut bread $14.50. It was good, not as good as the one I’d ordered at the Yachtsman (and my favorite was still to come), but tasty. I loved the walnut bread. It was moist and light. The presentation was fantastic. Overall I was really pleased.

Maddie “chose” Friand au Fromage - Cheese puff pastry $5.50. She was being a bit bratty and didn’t want the cheese puff pastry or the salad that were offered. Bryan and I were very interested in the cheese pastry, so that’s what she ordered. It was very good, and we were quite glad she did.

For my entrée I’d had my heart set on one thing for months. The Croque monsieur et sa salade verte - the classic French toasted ham and cheese sandwich served with a green salad $14.99. It was AMAZING. I loved it. Bryan had a bite and thought it was outstanding as well. The béchamel was light-not overwhelming and the bread was perfectly toasted. It cut the saltiness of the ham perfectly. The sandwich was perfect, and the “boring” green salad was the perfect counterpart to the rich sandwich.

Bryan selected the Plat de Cote de boeuf au cabernet avec pates - beef short ribs briased in cabernet with pasta, pearl onions and mushrooms $28.99. He liked it very much. The meat was fork tender and the sauce had a great depth of flavor. The pasta was a nice addition to the plate, cutting the richness of the sauce. As much as he liked it, he agreed that my sandwich was the star of the show.

Maddie chose Croquette de Boeuf en Broiche - Ground beef steak on a brioche bun, served with French fries $9.50-a hamburger, but was served Blanc de Poulet aux Nouilles - Breaded chicken strips served with pasta $8.50. Maddie doesn’t really love chicken strips but does love buttered noodles. Her mood improved immediately. Pauline was very apologetic, but she needn’t have been. Maddie was most pleased with her meal.

I’m sure we ordered dessert, probably crème brulee, but have no photos or recollection of it.

I do know that by the end of the meal I was becoming a little disappointed that our little surprise for Maddie wasn’t going to happen, but right around the time that our plates were cleared this guy appeared

I am beyond disappointed that Remy is no longer appearing at Chefs. The presentation was great. The gentleman that accompanied Remy was as much a show as Remy. He portrayed amused disapproval and had a hilariously dry sense of humor. In my opinion it’s a real shame that they’ve removed Chef Remy from the restaurant.

Maddie was delighted at her surprise. She asked Remy if he’d cooked her food to which he answered in the affirmative, and she asked if he’d served her the noodles because he thought she’d enjoy them more than the burger. Yes again. After a bit of chatting he moved on, but Maddie talked about Remy changing her order for the rest of the trip.

Chefs de France

Food – 4 the not-so-memorable bisque and desserts keep this from being a 5

Service – 4 She was pleasant, prompt and quick with the refills-a must in July

Would we return – Yes indeed. It was the top of Maddie’s list until she found out that Remy is no longer appearing. We were going to book it for May, but in the end decided to try somewhere new instead. I won’t hesitate to make an ADR here in the future though.

The One Where I Hablo Espanol and We Hit Our Second Park​

After lunch Maddie declared it to be pool time. We agreed and decided that we’d come back to Epcot the next afternoon. We hadn’t made any lunch ADR for that day, so as we walked along I pulled up MDE and snagged a late lunch ressie at Via Napoli for the next day.

We had only gotten as far as the bridge between France and the UK when the skies opened up. We donned our ponchos and slogged along, but the storm passed quickly and had stopped by the time we passed Canada.

We decided to go ahead and use our TT FP on our way out of the park, but since the ride had gone down when it rained the FP return line was backed up almost as far as the standby line. Maddie still wanted to ride, so we browsed Mousegears and waited for it to recede.

After about 30 minutes of window shopping we returned to TT and used our FP. The line had gone down considerably, and we only waited about 10 minutes. This time I remembered to pull my hair back,and Maddie was brave enough to put her hands up!

On our way out of the park we stopped for some PP. Maddie asked the photographer if she could do the Tink or balloons pictures, but the photog said that they were having some trouble with the software and we should check with the photographers at the front of the park.

We continued toward the turnstiles, but had to stop to use the ladies room. We were near one of the Innovations buildings so we stopped there. While waiting in the requisite line I watched a little boy of about 3 slam in and out the restroom door. I was a little worried about him smashing his fingers in the door, but figured his mom was watching and it wasn’t my business.

The lady behind me and I were both pretty mesmerized watching him, and eventually she couldn’t take it anymore. She stopped him and asked where his mom was. He answered in Spanish. She looked a little panicked and sort of frantically asked all of those in line if we knew Spanish.

Using my best mom voice and digging deep to pull out the best of my high school and restaurant Spanish speaking skills I managed to ask where his mom was. He assured me that she was in that bathroom. I managed to figure out what stall she was in, and parked him at that door with instructions to stay put. I think the mom voice worked because he looked a little scared and was still there once I’d finished my business and was leaving.

We paused long enough at the front of the park to get some more PP pics (Epcot had the most photographers of any park this trip. Overall I was disappointed in the number of them at the other parks), and then made our way back to POR.

I was tired so Bryan and Maddie went to the pool without me. I took a nap and Maddie went down the pool slide “one thousand times”.

By 6:00 we were showered, rested, refreshed, and ready to hit another park. We didn’t wait long and were on our way to MK by 6:10.

Our plans were to meet Tiana (again) and maybe sneak in a ride or two before our late dinner reservation. On the way down Main Street Bryan decided that he wanted some ice cream so Maddie and I got some pics taken while we waited.

We’d missed the cutoff for the 7 o’clock M&G with Tiana, so Bryan got in line for the next set while Maddie and I ran to Frontierland to grab BTMRR FPs for after dinner. Maddie also talked me into one of those silly painted umbrellas for her and her doll as well as some popcorn. Must not have been a pretzel cart nearby.

We enjoyed our time with Tiana, and Maddie got all of her thoughts out. Tiana is a can’t-miss M&G in my opinion.

The One With Be Our Guest-Dinner

We approached Be Our Guest and checked in at the foot of the bridge. Maddie was becoming increasingly nervous that we’d be seated in the very scary West Wing, so I asked the CMs there if it was possible that we not be seated there. They made note on our reservation and said that if for some reason the CMs inside tried to put us there, just to repeat our request. I didn’t get the feeling that you could request what room you want to sit in, but they’d do their best to accommodate someone in our position.

We waited on the bridge for about 15 minutes before being called in for dinner. Obviously we had to be scary like the gargoyles.

Eventually we were called in and taken to our table-in the main ballroom very near where we’d sat at lunch. We were on an aisle quite near the windows.

Our server, Jaqueline, arrived promptly at our tables and took our drink orders. She was lovely.

For appetizers Bryan selected the Mussels Provencal - with white wine, tomato, garlic, onion, basil and butter $12.99. He thought they were okay. They had a good texture, but the broth didn’t have as much flavor as he’d hoped.

I chose the French Onion Soup - Topped with crouton and gruyere cheese $7.49. Jaqueline had warned me that it’s a vegetarian soup, but I ordered it anyway. Sadly, I was disappointed. Most French onion soups get their full, rich flavor from beef stock and sherry. This tasted like a fairly bland vegetable soup base-it just wasn't good. There was a lot of yummy melted cheese though.

Maddie surprised no one by picking the Fruit Cup for her starter. She seemed to enjoy it, though she was so excited to be there that she didn’t eat much.

For our entrees Bry and I both went with the Grilled Strip Steak - with garlic-herb butter and pommes frites $32.99. I knew not to expect a great quality steak from Be Our Guest, and was somewhat pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t great quality, but it was tasty and cooked properly. The fries were awesome again.

Maddie had the Kids' Grilled Steak - served with Seasoned Vegetables. $10.59, and was allowed to sub fries for the scary vegetables. She liked it, but said that she preferred the steak at the Yachtsman.

During the meal the Beast would be introduced as he made his way through the dining rooms to much fanfare. This never ceased to thrill Maddie.

We all decided to forgo dessert after dinner, and as we paid Jaqueline made sure to remind us to visit “The Master” on our way out.

You didn’t have to tell us twice-one of us had chosen her outfit precisely with this photo-op in mind.
The line to meet the Beast wasn’t long, and I was pleased that the attendant didn’t rush us along. I’d also heard stories of PP photographers that would only allow one photo per family, but our photographer took several. The Beast himself was lovely. He danced with and bowed to the little princess before posing for photos.

Be Our Guest—Dinner

Food – 3 It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either. Much like character meals, at BoG the food is secondary to the atmosphere.

Service – 4 Jaqueline was lovely. She was friendly and attentive and the CM checking us in was great as well.

Would We Return – You all know by now that Miss Maddie’s opinions count for a lot in our house. We’ll be returning, and we’re excited for MiL to see it for the first time in May

The One with the End of Night​

After dinner we went to Frontierland by way of the Rapunzel bathrooms to use our BTMRR Fastpasses.

We got into line right at 10, and watched Wishes from the line and the ride. It was a new and cool perspective! We also found out the we LOVE riding BTMRR in the dark.

After the ride I offered to take Maddie on Splash since there was absolutely no ride, but she declined lest she get her gown wet. Instead we made our way back to Liberty Square where we picked up the personalized umbrellas before making our way to the front of the park.

The Wishes crowds hadn’t quite cleared out so we did wait a while for a bus. We were back at POR at 11:15, and having fallen asleep on the bus Maddie was out for good by 11:30

Up Next: Our First Disney Water Park
I just love reading your updates! throw as many at us as you like!!

all the meet and greets and maddie in all her princess dresses--love them! our maddie was looking at pictures as I was reading. she thought maddie looked so pretty and laughed at the picture of her and tiana making a funny face. everytime a new picture would scroll up, she'd say "hi, maddie!" of course, now she wants to take her princess dresses on our September trip....we're gonna need another suitcase!

i'm so jealous you got to see remy! we were going to go in January just to see him, but his visits ended before we got a chance to. I heard his friend was hilarious.

Rapunzel bathrooms look so pretty all lit up! and we love riding BTMR in the dark! I pretty much love all the rides at night, though, when they're all lit up or you can see the lights all over the parks.

can't wait for more updates and the next trip is getting so close, too!
Great updates Shannon! Love all your details and Maddie is beautiful as always!

I just booked a Royal Room at POR for our July softball trip at ESPN Zone. It's just us girls and will be the ast trip for DD before college so treating her like a princess seemed like a good idea!
I swear Shannon, I will never tire of the patented "Hands over mouth" Maddie laugh. Honestly it's the most adorable thing. :cutie:

Haha I've noticed in TT ride photos that the back row really seems to get more of the wind swept look.

What a great idea for World Showcase. A question for each country. Love it!

OMG that first Tink Magic Shot is precious!!
Good golly, you are an updating machine! I read all of the posts but then promptly forgot almost everything that I wanted to comment on. ;) First off, thanks for the shout-out on Lacey's shirts. I thought that she did a great job on them too. Speaking of great jobs, your latest projects are fantastic and I'm sure that you're making a killing. My Disney backsack sales are steadily coming in and that's what I'm using for our "extra" Disney money.

Awww, Poor Maddie. She wanted to ride EE but was afraid of the Yeti. One day, she'll realize that Mama really does know what she's talking about. At least, she came off the ride doing her little victory dance.

The pictures of Maddie and Pocohontas are super cute! (as if all of Maddie's pictures aren't :laughing:)

Let's see...what else?....Lots of great food pictures and it sounds like most of your dining experiences have been pretty good so far. Maddie's expressions always crack me up and make me smile. The hand over the mouth ones are my favorites.

I know that there were more comments that I wanted to make but I simply can't think of them now. But, I am caught up!
I'm showing DD your pictures with the Beast and trying to convince her he's not scary. We have an ADR at BOG and I so want her picture with him in her Belle dress!
Fully agree with you about Akershus - we find the food to be good/very good but not great, but a great alternative to CRT (though we are hitting up CRT of the 1st time our next trip!)

Those are great pictures of Maddie with Snow White - especially the one after she got her kiss - she just seems so happy with the world!

great idea with the game of having her ask a CM in each pavilion a question to get her interested in WS ... plus I bet the CMs enjoyed it too!

Now having Crayola washables is definitely a good move ... now just one more step so they can have Duffy/Perry Color Wonders!

Maddies face upon seeing Remy is great!

The family pic in front of EPCOT with the sort-of Broadway style hands is a nice one

Fully agree with you about Tianna being a "can't miss" M&G - was the best one of our last trip

Maddie does seem quite excited about BOG :goodvibes

Cute picture of Maddie staring up at pantless Prince Adam ;)

BTMRR at night is soooo cool, and such a different ride than during the day!
Fantastic updates! I can't even remember what I wanted to comment on, there were so many! I love Maddie's face in the picture's where she's laughing with her hands over her mouth. You can tell her laughter is so genuine!

Love your Test Track photos. I can't wait to ride that one! I haven't been on it since 2001 and both kids are tall enough!

I didn't know Chefs du France didn't have Remy anymore. That's too bad. I wonder why they stopped him.

Oh, and you asked if I got all my ADR's for September? Yes, yes I did! :) But we also didn't have BOG on our list. Don't know if we would have gotten that one.
I am in update Heaven!! Woohoo! Maddie is just too cute. Your updates are making my wait for my trip a bit more tolerable. We leave in 15 days!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
Reading about your CRT experience made me so sad. I agree with you completely-- when you go to Disney, you're not paying top dollar prices for gourmet food. You're paying for the experience and I expect it and don't complain too much. But then you deserve an amazing experience, or at the very least an acceptable one. That's just not even ok.

I'm SO glad you guys had an amazing experience with Tiana and Naveen! We still haven't met them once, I don't even know how it's possible! :confused3 How sweet of the girls in front of you to let Maddie and Annie go ahead of them!

I can't believe it's almost time for your next trip! That's so exciting! :dance3:

Those shirts are all gorgeous! I especially love the partners statue one!

Glad to hear the plans for the upcoming trip are pretty much in place! It sounds like you guys have a lot of fun experiences planned & I can't wait to hear about it! And even better that you can FP Anna and Elsa! The wait times I was hearing were horrendous!

oh no the picture of Maddie waiting for the bus to AK-- she looks SO grown-up!

Tusker house remains one of our favorite restaurants in WDW! Glad you guys enjoy it too!

I can't help but laugh a little at the recount of the story of getting Maddie on EE for the first time! I feel like that's definitely one of those stories that'll be really fun to tease her with when she gets older!

AH WPE mac and cheese my love! I wish I had some right now!

As I'm reading your review of Fulton's, I just have to comment on how great of an eater Maddie is! Like I can't get over how many different things she tries-- good for her! :thumbsup2

So glad you posted so many updates ! It was lovely to come back to so many gorgeous princess photos! :goodvibes
Still catching up, but...

I've never seen the movies? Does he do that? Is he able to harm people with just his hands? He doesn't even need a light saber?

It's a classic scene in which Darth shows his displeasure by merely holding up his hand in a choking position and the underling starts to choke.

My old lady knees can not handle the dancing. A good thing because I'm a terrible dancer :rotfl:

That's okay. I'm a white, male. By definition, that means I can't dance.

Nope, laughed right at her. I think she knew she was being ridiculous.

Great updates!

I met that same Tiana, and she was such a sweetheart. It was actually one of our best meet and greets! Her and Naveen asked lots of questions about where we were from and what local restaurants we liked ::yes::
I know I've gotten behind on your TR but your updates were fantastic! I just love all the pictures of Maddie. She is so photogenic and looks beautiful in her pictures with the princesses.

I am sad they took Remy away too! It was so cute and enjoyable. I guess they have to change things up a bit, but I thought it was really fun!

What a nice day a Epcot. You did great in the July heat.

Your BOG meals look really good. Interesting about the french onion soup. That cheese on top did look really good.

You must be excited for your trip in 27 days! :cool1: I hope you have a great time. I am going back in about 37 days. Can't wait!
I am so excited that your going back in just a few short weeks, and even more excited that there is another one of your fabulous TR's on the horizon for us! Until August, I will be living vicariously thru you my friend:hug:

I cannot get enough of that little face! You guys always look like you're having the time of your lives and I love it! Shanleigh and I read your report together because she just thinks Maddie is the "cutest little thing ever" and well, so do I!!!

It's been a few years since we've done a princess breakfast, 2008 to be exact. It doesn't seem that long ago, but then I look at my youngest niece and she was just turning 4 that trip now she turning 10 this year....:rolleyes1

Looking forward to the next update!
Great updates. Maddie looks so pretty in all of her princess dresses! Now I have a question for a character dining expert. Would you do Chef Mickeys, Cape May or Tusker House for breakfast? I'm trying to convince DH into a February 2015 trip. I have 3 character earls planned: H & V breakfast, 1900 Park Faire,and one more with Mickey and the Gang. Which do you like the best? I lean toward Tusker or Cape May because of price, but they are each missing some characters. Thoughts?
Awesome updates!! I feel like I would be SO FULL if I ate all those meals lol!!

We returned to Akershus in Feb for breakfast and really enjoyed it, I'd definitely go back, glad you guys had fun. I totally also thought of you when I picked up some salami off the buffet lol!

Yay for Mulan! And keeping occupied in WS, always a problem for me!

We liked Chefs, but again, the hit for us was Remy! Tyler liked the food most I think, Tanessa and I were all about the cute waiters and Remy…surprise…bahaha!

Ahahah, that's the perfect summary of Florida rain, like, of course it would only last from the France bridge to Canada, like, not long at all lol.

BOG! Yay! I figured that's what was coming when Maddie was wearing that dress! Glad you guys liked it and the food, Beast is usually a good time to visit after the meal too!

Glad you got back to see Tiana!! I've managed to see that friend of Naveen's in real life on Thurs, but not in the parks, he keeps getting pulled to float drive for MSEP, so that's a sad fact lol, hopefully you'll get to see him in May! Tell him I say hi lol!


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