Solo: A Star Wars Story

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I almost fell asleep in the theater I didn’t think there was anything interesting or compelling about this movie, at all. I’m a huge Star Wars fan too and I went into it thinking it would be ok.
we Need a Jar Jar backstory.

We know he got banished... but why? Have other gungans been banished? How did the underwater cities get built?

Meesa wants to know more, okey day?
Yeah. Don't get me wrong, not all of Clone Wars is good, some of it is downright bad. But as a source of cannon? And an exploration of the actual Jedi and their powers and society at the time of the fall? Massive.

First several seasons of clone wars, near impossible to watch. Last two seasons, masterpieces.
we Need a Jar Jar backstory.

We know he got banished... but why? Have other gungans been banished? How did the underwater cities get built?

Meesa wants to know more, okey day?

Wasn't he "out for a briskin morning, munchin, then you'd say boomdegasser, then crash on the boss's head lever, then banished." I don't know if I want to know more about that!
Wasn't he "out for a briskin morning, munchin, then you'd say boomdegasser, then crash on the boss's head lever, then banished." I don't know if I want to know more about that!
And this is why I only watch the fan edit of phantom Menace on YouTube that pretty much nixs his presence in the film
Not exactly true. Boba Fett shows up in Clone Wars quite a few times as a whiny kid who is somehow leading a band of loyal mercenaries. He gets embarrassed every time he shows up but somehow keeps staying important. His time in Clone Wars is kind of why I don't have a lot of interest in his story.

Sadly you just described the lone remaining bad guy/villain for IX.
Had to quote both of you because both of you brought up reasons why I'm not planning on seeing this movie in the theaters. I'm a newer Star Wars fan and was pretty excited for TLJ, which I ended up not liking at all after REALLY liking Rogue One (the first Star Wars movie I saw in a theater - granted it was on a DCL ship but that still counts, right? ;)). So after being disappointed by TLJ, and not super interested in Han Solo's origin story, this movie wasn't a must-see for me. If I didn't participate in this board, I'm not sure I would have even remembered it was coming out. I'm good with waiting for this one to come to Netflix or whatever. :confused3 I really like Donald Glover though, knowing he's in the movie is probably the biggest draw for me!

I'm not into Marvel OR Deadpool - like, at all - but I forget that they are even technically in the same universe. I've seen one Marvel movie and part of Deadpool (couldn't finish it) and the tones of both were wildly different to me, so I could see how the fatigue wouldn't be there.

I actually really liked TLJ. With the exception of the Leia playing the part of Superman scene. I was not going to see Solo in the theaters, but Yahoo kept putting up spoilers, so I decided to go. My kids wanted to see it anyway, and seeing how it was miserably hot this past weekend, it was a good reason to go.

I enjoyed it. I'll probably buy it on Blu Ray. Not sure I'll watch it a ton though. Rogue One is still the first movie of the new ones I can watch over and over.
Sadly you just described the lone remaining bad guy/villain for IX.

well, I think they positioned him to be more than that at the end of episode VIII and like the idea of him taking over and having a new vision for this rather than just what the Sith before him did. ... though continuing to build him up properly as a legit "bad guy" in episode IX I think will be important
The only back story character I'd have interest in is Yoda. With 900 years of experiences, I think there can be plenty of story lines for multiple movies.
well, I think they positioned him to be more than that at the end of episode VIII and like the idea of him taking over and having a new vision for this rather than just what the Sith before him did. ... though continuing to build him up properly as a legit "bad guy" in episode IX I think will be important

I agree, though I really feel like they set things up to be more than just one final movie. If there were two more movies left in the series I think everything COULD be developed and worked out for an amazing conclusion. But in 150 min give or take.......I don't know, feels like it is a tough ask.

I don't hate TLJ like many do, but I also admit it probably missed the boat in so many ways: 1. Leia (or Ackbar) should have definitely been the captain who made the sacrifice 2. Snokes ending was pretty weak 3. Kylo needed more development as the big bad to be believable 4. Rey could have received more training from Luke (certainly could have cut out the telepathic chat scenes and cave scene for this) 5. Canto Bight was cool but whole thing seemed forced to deliver us a message

If there was another movie before the conclusion SOME of these could be rectified. So good luck JJo_O
The only back story character I'd have interest in is Yoda. With 900 years of experiences, I think there can be plenty of story lines for multiple movies.

That is definitely someone they can create more of a backstory for, etc. - I mean, we don't even know the name of the species he is, so going to his homeworld or something would be interesting (definitely would want them to go waaaaay before Episode I time period)

personally rather than just being "Yoda: A Star Wars Story", I'd rather it be a larger story set in that time period where one aspect of it is exploring Yoda's past
Some of the best characters like Ventress and Ahsoka Tano are defined by these shows. Dooku actual becomes a real character and Grevious gets his time to shine. Lando in Rebels is fantastic and sets the tone for Lando in Solo.

I agree 100% with this. My daughter fell in love with Ahsoka and she is definitely her favorite character with Rex being a close second. Having so many episodes gives the Jedi plenty of chances to fail and show the real struggle. It also gives much more depth to the characters. Hard to do that in a couple hour movie.
though continuing to build him up properly as a legit "bad guy" in episode IX I think will be important

Here's hoping.

I gotta say when he came off the ship in FA with the mask and voice, and also stopped that blaster in mid air for 5 minutes (something I could have seen Luke do in person at the end of TLD then send it all back at the AT-M6's)-I was more than happy with the new Villain. Then Snoke helped take it up a notch as well as that gave some mystery to the relationship.

Just currently that has lost all anticipation for me anyway.
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I gotta say when he came off the ship in FA with the mask and voice, and also stopped that blaster in mid air for 5 minutes (something I could have seen Luke do in person at the end of TLD then send it all back at the AT-M6's)

If you ever want to see what that looks like, that is the ending that "How It Should Have Ended" created for The Last Jedi
I enjoyed the movie. I haven't watched Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, but now I want to - the movie made me interested in other parts of the Star Wars Universe outside of the how are the "common folk" if you will experiencing life in the galaxy. You see bits of it in Solo and bits of it in TLJ. I haven't read any books or comics, but may check those out as well.

Sounds like Jon Favreau's upcoming series will give you more of that, featuring all new-characters and set in a period that has not been explored too deeply in SW canon yet.
Count me as someone burned out of both SW and MU. I'm done with both for a while. Times like this I miss John Hughes.....
Finally saw it last night with my son. It was a fun popcorn movie that didn't do much to excite me for whats next until the last 2 twists...and both of those had nothing to do with Solo.
I almost fell asleep in the theater I didn’t think there was anything interesting or compelling about this movie, at all. I’m a huge Star Wars fan too and I went into it thinking it would be ok.

Funny you should say that, I actually fell asleep during the movie for maybe 20 minutes or so. I was super tired going in as it was already past my bedtime. I don't really feel I can give it a legit review since I didn't see the entire thing, but from what I did see it was just a big "meh." And it was actually TFA that made me disillusioned with the franchise, not TLJ.

My biggest issue with this movie, as it was with Rogue One, is that they don't use the SW title crawl. It's as if the people at Lucasfilm forgot that for the last 30 years they've had the crawl in nearly every SW video game. It has nothing to with the continuity of the main story line or whatever excuse they use. Its absence is jarring. That coupled with the non-John Williams-esque music really takes me out of the universe right from the beginning. Sorry Disney, Star Wars movies have John Williams (or someone that emulates him) and a title crawl.

I might skip the next ASWS movie. A few years ago that would have been unthinkable for me as a SW fan.
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