The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 28

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Morning everyone--i didnt get to bed til late, so i just woke up--t felt great !!!

My mom, dad, brother, and I are headed down to the shore to vist my grandparents and were probably going to stay not looking forward to it--its going to be packed and crazy down there--so im planning on bringing my computer, some books and some movies and relaxing there

so im sure ill be on all day haha
What race?

ETA: Oh, Nascar.

You're not from the south, are you? :rotfl2: :car:

The Richmond race is always in May and Sept. I double checked to be sure. Just in case you want to watch it. ;)

09/08/07 Chevy Rock & Roll 400 Richmond International Raceway ABC/7 p.m. MRN/-- Tickets
In my best impression of a dental professional I filed the sharpest edge off of the crown with a nail file. Now I am off to Target.

Kim - I am sure you will begin receiving whomping dividend checks in no time!;)
You're not from the south, are you? :rotfl2: :car:

The Richmond race is always in May and Sept. I double checked to be sure. Just in case you want to watch it. ;)

09/08/07 Chevy Rock & Roll 400 Richmond International Raceway ABC/7 p.m. MRN/-- Tickets
Thanks, but no. I got rid of Nascar when I got rid of my husband. :lmao:
So who else is serious about a beach week next summer?

Me!!! I've already told them that I don't plan on being at Girl Scout camp. I think this was my last year for a while. I love working with the girls but need a week off for myself.
I'm sneaking back on, because I definitely wanted to address Steffy's issue.

Steffy, your grandkids are so blessed that you live nearby. You're only one person, and you're not going to be able to attend every event in their lifetimes. Just don't miss graduations and weddings. ;) In this case, you could let your granddaughter tuck a special token from you into her uniform, so she knows you are thinking of her. :goodvibes

Thanks for the well-wishes for my kiddos!

Elizabeth, be sure to buy a new nail file at Target! Congratulations on mastering the art of dentistry! :teeth:
I'm sneaking back on, because I definitely wanted to address Steffy's issue.

Steffy, your grandkids are so blessed that you live nearby. You're only one person, and you're not going to be able to attend every event in their lifetimes. Just don't miss graduations and weddings. ;) In this case, you could let your granddaughter tuck a special token from you into her uniform, so she knows you are thinking of her. :goodvibes

Thanks for the well-wishes for my kiddos!

Elizabeth, be sure to buy a new nail file at Target! Congratulations on mastering the art of dentistry! :teeth:

I agree with this as well Stephanie. Sometimes things come up and though it's tough, kids will understand. My mother had to miss one of my most important track meets (U.P. State Finals) when I was in High School. She put a note in my letter jacket (without me knowing it) which I found the day of the meet. I missed her at the meet but the note really made me feel her presence and know that she wanted to be there. I knew she was thinking of me which was the most important thing to me.
Chuck & I weren't sure we were going to be able to go to Disney in March due to all the recent car, camera, etc. issues that we've been dealing with. Yesterday, I found out that some of the extra hours I'm putting in qualifies for overtime. Normally my level is exempt from overtime but they put in a special exception. It is possible that there will now be money for Disney in March. Woohoo!!! :woohoo:
It looks like I missed everyone last night and this morning. I have lots of stuff to get done today. I got home safe & sound on Friday. It was a good week in Lansing. My friends had a baby girl on Monday and I got to see her on Tuesday. These are the friends that lost their son unexpectedly last year (he died in his mothers arms after they took him to the doctor in the morning). The new baby girl is being tested and if she has the same problem it is easily corrected. I'm so happy for them. They are a great young couple.
I am 25 miles North of Allentown. I have family in Easton.

My dad grew up in Phillipsburg, NJ and my mom in Washington (or Wershington as she still says :confused3 ), NJ. When we were 3, they moved us to SC where I grew up. But, my entire family except for my parents are still in that area and we visited often. We'd go through Allentown on the way to visit. My uncle lives in Bath, PA and my cousin in the Poconos somewhere. I have another uncle who lives in Nazareth, PA. I've done a lot of family research and both sides go way back in that area. Wouldn't that be weird if we were related? ;)
Hello all! We're home.

Sounds like a great trip!! Can't wait to see pics

Robyn, Lucy's pictures are adorable!

Thanks Tom!

Poor Leighanna was so wiped out after a week of school!

She loves it, so I guess that is all that matters!

She has contracted a cold of some kind. That kid can't look at a germ sideways without it affecting her someway.:scared:

Better to have it now, I guess. She at least has time to get it out of her system so that we can be "cold free" for Disney!

27 more days people! 27 more days!

:wizard: that she feels better fast!

Robyn - I am sorry about your MIL drama. :hug: She is a snot, isn't she? Anyway, try not to dwell on her. Molly will use the potty when she feels like it. They all do. My favorite parent educator says the most important thing to remember is that you can not control what goes in or what comes out. You can not force a child to eat and you can not force them to use the potty. Molly will get there.:thumbsup2
The pics are fabulous! Lucy is so sweet!
I hope if Baba does decide to come back she can go about it gracefully. I do hope the girls get to see her because I think that's important to them.

Snot doesn't even begin to cover it! ;)

I've made peace with Molly, now if everyone else that comes in contact with her would just stop mentioning it I'd be fine :headache: It drives me crazy! I know they think they are helping but I think it fuels Molly's determination to not do it!

Stephanie - How many days are in your weekend?:confused: :rotfl2: You made me tired reading about it!


Great slideshow Robyn!! I don't know what to say about your mil. :grouphug:

Thanks Steffy!!

Forgot to mention, change my bedding from the summer Mickey to the fall Mickey. Clean off my dresser, send in my rebates, put pictures in my DISNEY frame and hang it up!!! :smickey: file and analysis my bills, box up and mail the guidebook I got for my almost grandson.:goodvibes

More :faint:

Robyn the slide show of Lucy is perfect :goodvibes

Thanks Janet

Looks like you've got a new job. ;)

Try to gauge where the majority of people are from and then look for a beach nearest to them and one that has a near by airport(s). Then, book it for off-season rates. We always go in October but you could do it in the Spring. We usually start looking for the house (or book the one that we really liked before) around January and then send in the deposit. We have food committees (usually the gals who work in the food industry) who will figure out what we have and what we need to bring and will assign each person something (like a thing of soap, coffee, paper towels, paper plates, etc.) Everyone brings their own beer or wine. We do SC because that is where the majority of people live nearest.

Can I borrow some of those food committee girls! My 2 girlfriends and I are planning a New Year's weekend with our DH's and kids. There are 8 kids so 14 total. We are trying to agree on a dinner menu and can't :headache: My one girlfriend's DH is very picky, he doesn't even like spaghetti. I have a feeling this will be our first and last vacation together!!

We will be going out tomorrow to get new flooring for the full bath. The caulking started to come away from the tub, and water got under the floor.

Sounds like a fun project!

Robyn, your slideshow is fantastic. I can't believe how good her ultrasound pics were! And, where do you find the time? :goodvibes Sorry about your monster-in-law. :mad:
Good Morning, DDA! :sunny:

Thanks Kim. I think the ultrasound pics are pretty good too but I don't think they look like Lucy!

loved them!

:hug: for you and

:grouphug: for the girls and Eric.

That is just nasty all around. Sounds to me like your MIL is just a manipulative b!tch!! :-)eek: did I really just say that?!?!) ::yes::

Thanks Elin. It seems trivial but it just wipes me out emotionally. Well it's better than the evil smiley :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Good morning, DDA! And happy September!

My September is not off to a great start! 2 more pieces chipped off of my crown this morning and now it is SHARP!:scared: I tried to stick some of DS's orthodontic wax on it but it didn't work.

Yikes Elizabeth.
Very precious, Robyn!

:grouphug: I'm sorry Robyn. :grouphug:

Thanks Tammi

Oh oh Fairfax! That is right near us!

Just remember Stephanie, you are going to have to divide your time between all of your grandchildren. You can't be everywhere at once and will have to miss some things. They will learn to understand. :grouphug:

Well said Tammi.

Marci & Robyn - I remembered that I can't do Monday the 9th for dinner. Religious Ed. starts that night at 6:30 and I volunteered to be an assistant this year.

It looks like that it may not work out for me either. Lucy has her dr. appointment Monday. I know I can't do Tuesday as Emma has soccer practice and since Eric is the assistant I have the other 2 girls.

I might possibly be able to do Sunday evening. We have a birthday party at 11:30am and then Emma's soccer game at 2pm. The earliest I could get on the road would be about 4pm. Need to check with Eric!

Morning DDA!

Morning Chanon! I may be calling you this week;)

Happy Saturday DDA!

I don't think I've posted since Tuesday, the day Alyssa woke up from her nap with a fever and my SIL called and said she had strep throat...

Kevin stayed home Wednesday morning, just in case I had to take Alyssa to the doctor, but she woke up with no fever. He went to work, and by lunchtime, her temp was creeping up again. So I called the nurse and she said to come in Thursday if she still had it. Alyssa still had the fever Thursday morning, so we went to the doctor and they did a strep swab too. The doctor said they were seeing a lot of kids this week with fevers and no other symptoms. :confused3 Nice $20 co-pay diagnosis! :rolleyes: We won't know the results of the swab until today, but she didn't have a fever all day Friday or this morning.

However, Matthew woke up with a 102 temp after his nap yesterday. Grrrrrrr!!!! He was totally happy all night though, so I guess it's the same thing. He still has a fever this morning, but he's one happy boy. :confused3

I wish we actually knew what was causing their fevers and it would have been really nice if this had run concurrently, but I guess I need to be grateful they're happy! :upsidedow

Don't you just love those!! :wizard: that Matthew's fever is just that.

I want to go to WDW next month.:guilty:

Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. I need to get off my butt and go to Target.

Me too!!

Debbie, sending lots of prayers to that family! Just last week, a local high school principal did the same thing...left her sleeping 2-year-old in her car while she went to a 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. school meeting. Her car windows were tinted, so no one noticed the little girl until that afternoon. I can't imagine how that poor child suffered on that 100 degree day. It hasn't been decided if the mother will be prosecuted, but there have been tons of editorials, on both sides of the issue. Awful. :guilty:

Speaking of awful, Robyn, UGH! Your MIL is a piece of work. :mad: Lucy's slideshows are BEAUTIFUL! :cloud9: Thank goodness you have a wonderful husband and adorable children to counteract that witch!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thanks Amy. I keep telling myself the same thing over and over again when it gets to be too much.

I have, since Lucy was born, this insane fear that I am leaving her behind somewhere. I have it every single time we leave the house. I can't even begin to imagine if I actually left her behind. I never had it with the other 2.

Morning everyone--i didnt get to bed til late, so i just woke up--t felt great !!!

My mom, dad, brother, and I are headed down to the shore to vist my grandparents and were probably going to stay not looking forward to it--its going to be packed and crazy down there--so im planning on bringing my computer, some books and some movies and relaxing there

so im sure ill be on all day haha

Have fun being a :beach: bum!
Tammi, the tickers should be back soon. The owner needs to secure bandwidth again.
Can I borrow some of those food committee girls! My 2 girlfriends and I are planning a New Year's weekend with our DH's and kids. There are 8 kids so 14 total. We are trying to agree on a dinner menu and can't :headache: My one girlfriend's DH is very picky, he doesn't even like spaghetti. I have a feeling this will be our first and last vacation together!!

The best thing to do is to pick a theme for your dinner and plan around it. One year, we did Mexican. Then we did Italian. And we had a Frogmoor Stew night. Then we plan the menu, drinks and theming things around it. (Music, decorations, etc.)

Since it's NY eve, you could do an appetizer-type night. Surely your friend's DH could find something to eat. I'd tell that DH to fend for himself. You shouldn't have to plan a menu around him. :mad: If Ken and I go away with another family, we have to both be in agreement that we like the husband, the wife and the kids or else it just won't work.
In my best impression of a dental professional I filed the sharpest edge off of the crown with a nail file. Now I am off to Target.

Double Yikes!:scared1:

Thanks, but no. I got rid of Nascar when I got rid of my husband. :lmao:

:rotfl2: :lmao:

Eric just got into Nascar this year as his driver switched from Formula One. I despise Nascar. My dad watches it religiously and has since I was little. :headache: What is so entertaining about driving around in a circle hours on end?

I agree with this as well Stephanie. Sometimes things come up and though it's tough, kids will understand. My mother had to miss one of my most important track meets (U.P. State Finals) when I was in High School. She put a note in my letter jacket (without me knowing it) which I found the day of the meet. I missed her at the meet but the note really made me feel her presence and know that she wanted to be there. I knew she was thinking of me which was the most important thing to me.

What a great thing your mom did. I'm filing that away! It's good to see you Vicki!!

Chuck & I weren't sure we were going to be able to go to Disney in March due to all the recent car, camera, etc. issues that we've been dealing with. Yesterday, I found out that some of the extra hours I'm putting in qualifies for overtime. Normally my level is exempt from overtime but they put in a special exception. It is possible that there will now be money for Disney in March. Woohoo!!! :woohoo:

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I am 25 miles North of Allentown. I have family in Easton.

I'll remember that when I go to visit my cousin who lives in Allentown!

It looks like I missed everyone last night and this morning. I have lots of stuff to get done today. I got home safe & sound on Friday. It was a good week in Lansing. My friends had a baby girl on Monday and I got to see her on Tuesday. These are the friends that lost their son unexpectedly last year (he died in his mothers arms after they took him to the doctor in the morning). The new baby girl is being tested and if she has the same problem it is easily corrected. I'm so happy for them. They are a great young couple.

How wonderful for them! :goodvibes
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