Vaccine- Autism link proven to be a FRAUD!

I just don't get it. I could never, ever risk polio, diptheria, tetanus, TB, smallpox, meningitis, etc. These diseases are killers. And if they don't kill, they leave the victim scarred for life. I lived during an era when polio and TB were rampant. Is the fear of the vaccine worse than the disease itself?

I can understand selectively vaccinating. I can understand delayed vaccinating. I can understand not vaccinating based on previous reactions or family history. But for the life of me, I cannot understand not vaccinating because there is a possibility, unproven, of perhaps a problem with vaccine that no one has been able to document based on someone's gut instinct.

I think many of you have not lived with childhood diseases, fatal diseases that could be prevented by vaccinating. You haven't seen what polio can do to a community, how smallpox scars, the isolation of tuberculosis, or the pain of meningitis.

My uncle spent 7 years flat on his back in an Arizona sanitarium. My grandfather died from it. And my mother is a carrier who was shunned in school because she was considered dangerous and possibly contagious. That is what tuberculosis is.
No offfense but there are people out there that have dedicated there lives to studying vaccines and would disagree with you. I would not discount a parents reporting of symptoms or gut feelings. Nobody knows their child better than a parent. Its arrogant to think otherwise. I don't care how many degrees you have. Tell a parent whose child stopped talking that the day after they recieved the mmr that the vaccine did not have something to do with it. I am not saying that vaccinnes cause adverse reactions in all people. Any medication on the market will have adverse reactions in a certain percentage of people. Some of those will be severe some mild. I am not saying don't vaccinate, but the risks of getting the disease better be greater than the risk of taking the vaccine. The amount of vaccines we give our kids now is insane. Getting a flu shot every year is plain ridiculous. To say there is no risk in vaccines is intellectually dishonest.
Gut feelings and anectotal evidence do not make solid science and anyone relying on them for a secientific study is just plain wrong. Sorry, but it is the truth. No one is saying thatr vaccines don't cause adverse reactions. I specifically noted that they DO, in individuals with allergies to components or autoimmune conditions that make them succeptable. There is no proof that they cause adverse reactions in other segments of the population. There are simply too many other factors at work for a parent's anecdotal "my kid stopped talking when he got the MMR" to be considered valid scientific evidence. The first dose of MMR is given at about 1 year of age, the point in time many of the symptoms of autism begin to surface, with out without the vaccine. Subsequent doses coencide with other developmental milestones, any of which can be the point at which autism begins to be evident. Parents cane see a causal link when none exists just because of the timing. There is simply NO solid science to prove causation.
I just don't get it. I could never, ever risk polio, diptheria, tetanus, TB, smallpox, meningitis, etc. These diseases are killers. And if they don't kill, they leave the victim scarred for life. I lived during an era when polio and TB were rampant. Is the fear of the vaccine worse than the disease itself?

I can understand selectively vaccinating. I can understand delayed vaccinating. I can understand not vaccinating based on previous reactions or family history. But for the life of me, I cannot understand not vaccinating because there is a possibility, unproven, of perhaps a problem with vaccine that no one has been able to document based on someone's gut instinct.

I think many of you have not lived with childhood diseases, fatal diseases that could be prevented by vaccinating. You haven't seen what polio can do to a community, how smallpox scars, the isolation of tuberculosis, or the pain of meningitis.

My uncle spent 7 years flat on his back in an Arizona sanitarium. My grandfather died from it. And my mother is a carrier who was shunned in school because she was considered dangerous and possibly contagious. That is what tuberculosis is.

To many of this younger generation just don't believe this diseases are killers. They think it's like a little stomach bug.
So get and exemption. If you really want to fight it. Legally they can not make you vaccinate your child. The way this country is turning into a police state I am sure it is not far off. There are always other options like homeschooling or private schools.

Most private schools aren't going to accept kids who aren't vaccinated. Ditto summer camps.

And you are very right....the more people encourage other parents not to vaccinate, the more they risk their very own exemptions, which will disappear when public health is threatened.
It should be pointed out that there aren't any vaccines for TB or smallpox on the current schedules for adults or children.

It should also be pointed out that smallpox has largely been eradicated due to vaccination. TB is treated using antibiotics and prior to WWII was treated via prolonged bedrest in a warm, dry climate.
Yes, there is one, BCG, though it is not widely used in the US. With the rise of TB in developing countries and the ease of travel internationally, more and more countries are concerned about TB because it preys on AIDs patients and, therefore, has become more prevalent in the US as well as Europe.
I'm pretty sure that there never has been a TB vaccine.

There is, my son (who was born in South Korea) is vaccinated against TB.

We don't commonly vaccinate against TB here.

Smallpox has been declared officially eradicated. There is a huge worry that someone will turn the smallpox virus into a biological weapon because people a few years younger than I am have no immunity and no exposure at all.
Autism is rampant in my DW's mother's family. There are aunts with multiple autistic children and cousins with multiple autistic children, both high and low functioning. When our DS was born we chose not to allow him to have any vaccine with thiomersal. We vaccinate against every disease for which we can obtain a thiomersal-free vaccine; if none are available, he goes without that vaccine. Most childhood vaccinations are available without thiomersal, you just have to ask. Thiomersal contains mercury. Mercury is a poison. We saw no compelling reason to risk knowingly injecting our DS with poison.

Despite there being no statistical evidence of a thimerosal link to autism, thimerosal was removed from all vaccines in 2001.

Thimerosal was made with ethyl mercury, which is safe. Not methyl mercury, which is toxic and can cause brain damage.

In chemistry, small alignments of atoms are a big deal.
There is, my son (who was born in South Korea) is vaccinated against TB.

We don't commonly vaccinate against TB here.

Smallpox has been declared officially eradicated. There is a huge worry that someone will turn the smallpox virus into a biological weapon because people a few years younger than I am have no immunity and no exposure at all.

The smallpox vaccine was given to the military and those designated as first responders after the bioterrorism scare after 9/11. It is not recommended to the general public because in addition to serious side effects, the vaccine contains a "live" virus that sheds and then can infect those around the vaccinated individual.

Currently the military still gives it, but first responders haven't had the vaccine since 2003 due to the side effects.
Gut feelings and anectotal evidence do not make solid science and anyone relying on them for a secientific study is just plain wrong. Sorry, but it is the truth. No one is saying thatr vaccines don't cause adverse reactions. I specifically noted that they DO, in individuals with allergies to components or autoimmune conditions that make them succeptable. There is no proof that they cause adverse reactions in other segments of the population. There are simply too many other factors at work for a parent's anecdotal "my kid stopped talking when he got the MMR" to be considered valid scientific evidence. The first dose of MMR is given at about 1 year of age, the point in time many of the symptoms of autism begin to surface, with out without the vaccine. Subsequent doses coencide with other developmental milestones, any of which can be the point at which autism begins to be evident. Parents cane see a causal link when none exists just because of the timing. There is simply NO solid science to prove causation.

There is also no absolute scientific evidence that vaccines are not linked to autism. It goes both ways. There seems to be too many parents seeing a timing pattern to be just happenstance. I don't believe in happenstances. I also know how much money is invloved in vaccines, who is behind it, and where the money goes. You are obviously very passionate about your view. It pays your bills. You may get some kickbacks out of it. I still say disregarding parents point of view is very arrogant. I wish you luck. I hope some day you will expand your research and open your mind to the other side. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of grey areas.
There is also no absolute scientific evidence that vaccines are not linked to autism. It goes both ways. There seems to be too many parents seeing a timing pattern to be just happenstance. I don't believe in happenstances. I also know how much money is invloved in vaccines, who is behind it, and where the money goes. You are obviously very passionate about your view. It pays your bills. You may get some kickbacks out of it. I still say disregarding parents point of view is very arrogant. I wish you luck. I hope some day you will expand your research and open your mind to the other side. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of grey areas.


Completely wrong and uncalled for.
To many of this younger generation just don't believe this diseases are killers. They think it's like a little stomach bug.

Amen to that. They have no idea. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
There is no money to be made with vaccines. That is why the business is all going overseas and American drug companies are getting out of the business. That is one of the reasons it took so long for the swine flu vaccine to get adequate quantities. very few companies will make vaccines.
There is no money to be made with vaccines. That is why the business is all going overseas and American drug companies are getting out of the business. That is one of the reasons it took so long for the swine flu vaccine to get adequate quantities. very few companies will make vaccines.

But this totally blows their Big Pharma conspiracy theme right out of the water, so you'll never get them to admit that.

Also curious is that medicines...very lucrative medicines at that...are pulled off the market when they are deemed unsafe. Vioxx and Phen-fen come to mind.
There is also no absolute scientific evidence that vaccines are not linked to autism. It goes both ways. There seems to be too many parents seeing a timing pattern to be just happenstance. I don't believe in happenstances. I also know how much money is invloved in vaccines, who is behind it, and where the money goes. You are obviously very passionate about your view. It pays your bills. You may get some kickbacks out of it. I still say disregarding parents point of view is very arrogant. I wish you luck. I hope some day you will expand your research and open your mind to the other side. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of grey areas.
Wow, just wow. Actually, I was never paid for my work. Everything I did was part of my studies, and you don't get paid for that. Sorry, to smash your conspiracy theory, but I have no economic stake in this. FYI the is NO money in vaccines. The profit margin is razor thin. Iti s difficult to impossible to get ANY research money out of vaccine companies for anything becuase they simply don't have it. There was no money to pay any undergrads or graduates on any of the studies I worked. Others were getting paid $20-$30 an hour to work stuides for plastics companies, oil companies ect.

No one is advocating ignoring what parents are saying, but taking it a scientifc fact is just as irresponsible. BTW, there is NO way to prove a negative, such as vaccines don't cause autism. All we can do is present the statistics. They number of helthy children vaccinated on schedule vastly outweighs that number who have had some problem, and we are seeing more and more children with autism who were never vaccianted as the anti-vaccine snowball builds.
My partner (DD's birth mom) is allergic to penicillin, erythromycin, & sulfa drugs. Her reaction to penicillin is anaphylaxis. You can bet we will be so scared the first time we have to give her penicillin, and to be honest will probably try to get an alternative prescription so we don't have to take the chance.

This was my reaction as well. I had one doctor tell me I could grow out of it and recommend one day to try it and there is no way that will ever happen. Thankfully my kids are not allergic to it at all. It sucks trying to find a medicine that works without the possibility of a reaction.

My friend's daughter has the same allergy but only gets hives and if not treated with benedryl quick enough it can go worse. She was given a medicine once that said something about if you have an allergy to penicillin. Her doctor reassured her mom it was okay and low and behold she reacted to that. We were at dinner when it happened but I had just been to Sams Club and had bought a new container of Benedryl (not name brand though) so she had to take that. She was fine but it was quite scary and the doctor and the pharmacy were made aware. A couple of months later a different doctor called in a prescription for that same med she reacted to and the same pharmacay (Walgreens) filled it even though they were previously aware of the reaction. Her dad picked up the prescription and is worthless when it comes to knowing anything on the kids. He did not give it to her and my friend caught it before it was given to her. She went back to Walgreens and called the doctor's office again.


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